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Close Encounters of the Sexy Kind: In the Stars Romance

Page 5

by Abbie Zanders

  Tiberius didn’t know. Very few were gifted with foresight, and he certainly wasn’t one of them. One thing he did know, though, was that he probably wasn’t going to find the answer sitting alone in his office.

  He scanned the screens again, his lips curving into a smile when he saw his friend engaging with a fiery redhead on the dance floor, clearly having a good time. It made him wonder: when was the last time he had smiled like that?

  Tiberius sighed. Perhaps Quintus was right. Perhaps he did need to stop focusing on what was missing in his life and start focusing on what he did have: his best friend by his side, a new “family” of sorts, and a highly successful club where people came to have a good time and engage in social interaction.

  At that moment, some social interaction sounded like exactly what he needed.

  He looked again at the screen, at the way Quintus was holding the redhead close to his body, the picture of near rapture on his face ... Tiberius doubted he would find such unfettered joy among the throng, but he wouldn’t mind sitting at the bar amongst them. Observing human mating rituals was fascinating.

  No longer content to spend the rest of his evening alone in his office, watching everyone else have fun, Tiberius pressed the button that slid a carved, wooden panel over the screens, stood, and smoothed out his black silk shirt before sliding on his jacket.

  A private elevator took him down to the ground floor, where he was received by a somewhat surprised but pleased nod from James.

  James was one of the burly human males they had hired for security. He ensured that no patron stumbled into the hidden alcove and gained access to the third-floor private living and office areas.

  Tiberius moved silently toward the bar, aware of yet not openly acknowledging the appreciative glances being cast his way. Quintus said it was because their primitive instincts subliminally recognized Aequorians as superior to human males. Sugar said it had something to do with the easy, fluid grace in which they moved. Both probably held some truth.

  Tiberius took a seat in the shadows at the far end of the bar, his back to the corner where no one could approach from behind. Donny, the bartender, did a double-take when he spotted him, then immediately pulled a bottle from the topmost shelf and poured him a double.

  “Nice to see you, boss man. Come to slum with the commoners?”

  Tiberius returned his smile. It was a familiar jibe, one said more with teasing affection than hurtful intent. Donny was one of the few who knew of his origins, primarily through his association with Jay.

  Tiberius sat back and sipped his drink, content to observe. It was amusing to watch the females compete for Donny’s attention. They flirted openly, made lewd suggestions, and sometimes even managed to grope him when he got too close. None of them realized, apparently, that Donny was in a happy, committed relationship with Jay. Donny’s flirtatious behavior was nothing more than his natural, outgoing joie de vivre. The eager females would receive nothing more than a friendly smile and excellent service in exchange for their generous tips, for it was only Jay he sought out at the end of every shift.

  Tiberius was in the process of raising the glass to his lips when a voice cut through the din and rang like a crystal bell in his head. “Thanks, but no thanks. And just so you know, I’m a cop and she’s my best friend. If you so much as hurt her feelings, I will be back here, and not for a social call, get me?”

  The voice set his nerves and loins tingling. He scanned the crowd, searching for the source.

  “Everyone should have such fierce friends. She is in good hands with me, I assure you.” That was from Quintus.

  “She’d better be.”

  Tiberius stood, his heart thundering in his chest, his mind whirring at tornadic speed. There! He spotted Quintus first, tall and dark, his head bobbing above the majority of shorter humans as he moved away. And there, where he had been, a golden-haired female swathed in blue.

  As if drawn by an unseen force, he moved toward her. A fierce, possessive need washed over him. He needed to get her away from the lascivious interests of the worked-up crowd.

  Never before had he had such an instant and all-consuming reaction to the mere sight of a woman, in this realm or any other. Dare he hope that his prayers had been answered?

  The odds were astronomical, yet his soul cared not. Neither chance nor logic entered into the equation. If the gods had decided to bless him with a mate, then they would also ensure their paths crossed at a location and timing of their choosing. Why not here? Why not now?

  He stopped only a short distance away. She was looking in the other direction.

  He took a moment to rake his eyes over her. Loose waves of golden silk cascaded over curves that made his mouth water. She was smaller than he had originally thought, barely reaching his neck, even in heels.

  As if sensing his presence, she turned. Big, blue-green eyes, the perfect color of an Aequorian sea, widened as her gaze rose upward. He couldn’t help feeling pleased when her skin flushed a lovely shade of pink and her lips parted slightly. With his superior senses, he could hear her heart speed up and feel the heat radiating from her body.

  “Oh,” she said.

  Oh, indeed.

  They stared at each other for a long moment, until the spell was broken when an overexuberant patron plowed into her back, pushing her forward, right into Tiberius’s waiting arms.

  Energy coursed through his body, firing every nerve and lighting him up from the inside out.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said, righting herself.

  He wasn’t. It took every ounce of discipline he possessed not to pull her right back into his embrace.

  When another surge of the crowd threatened, he placed his hand on her lower back and firmly but gently guided her out of harm’s way. “May I purchase a beverage for you?”

  She blinked then shook her head slightly as if to clear it. “Thank you, but no. I was just leaving.”

  Leaving? No, he couldn’t allow that. Not until he knew more about her and this inexplicable pull she seemed to have on him.


  “Why unacceptable?”

  “Because I have only just found you.”

  “Does that line usually work?”

  “I do not know. You are the first woman to whom I have spoken those words.”

  Her eyes softened, then she cleared her throat. “Oh, you’re good.”

  He grinned. “Does that mean it is working?”

  She laughed, the sound filling his chest with light. “Kind of, yeah. But I really was just leaving. This”—she waved her hand around her—“isn’t really for me.”

  “Then perhaps you will allow me to suggest a quieter venue, one where we may talk and get to know each other. There is a small eatery just down the street. I have been told it is quite good.”

  She considered him for a moment then nodded. “Yeah, okay. Why not?”

  Chapter Nine

  What was she doing, agreeing to leave the club with a perfect stranger?

  Unclenching, a tiny voice answered from the recesses of her brain.

  It wasn’t a big deal, she rationalized. It wasn’t as if he had suggested a “private tour” or anything. They were going to catch a bite to eat and maybe some coffee, if she could manage to subdue the butterflies that had taken flight in her stomach, and talk, away from the noise, the crowd, and the nauseating décor.

  Besides, how often did handsome, impeccably dressed, well-spoken men come up to her and suggest doing so?

  The gorgeous man smiled, and her butterflies took chaotic flight once again.

  Tall, with broad shoulders, an athletic build, and aristocratic features, he could have been the cover model for one of her romances. Dark and mysterious with an air of intensity simmering just below the surface, he fit the character profiles of both a billionaire boss and a paranormal power broker to a T. When he spoke in that deep, soft voice, it was all she could do not to sigh.

  Ryan was not a sigher.

sp; “Excellent. Shall we?”

  His large hand rested lightly on the small of her back, sending tingles of awareness up and down her spine. It felt surprisingly ... intimate. Normally, she would protest any kind of contact from someone she had just met in a nightclub, but the warmth and strength in that simple and perfectly respectable touch felt good. Natural. As if that was exactly where his hand should be. If he moved it any farther south, though, they were going to have a problem.


  He didn’t. He was a perfect gentleman as he led her, not toward the crowded entrance, but to a quieter section around the back of the bar, exiting on the far side of the building.

  He offered her his arm in an old-fashioned gesture. After a moment of indecision, she took it, slipping her forearm beneath his and resisting the urge to explore the corded muscles hidden beneath the finely tailored jacket. Once again, her skin hummed from the contact.

  They had only taken a few steps outside when the man turned toward her. “My apologies. I have failed to properly introduce myself. I am Tiberius.”

  “Tiberius, huh? That’s unusual. Is it a family name?”

  “It is. And what is your name, beautiful lady?”

  She felt the heat rush to her cheeks. “I’m Ryan. Ryan Winslet.”

  “Ryan. That is a lovely name.” He spoke her name like a lover, sending shivers down her spine.

  Misinterpreting her reaction, Tiberius removed his jacket and thoughtfully draped it over her shoulders. She was about to protest, but the delicious, manly scent and heat from his jacket stifled that.

  “Nothing quite as grand as yours.”

  He shrugged elegantly. “I like it.”

  She liked that he liked it.

  She was also pleased to see that the twenty-four-hour diner was within a short walking distance. Inside, they found a cozy booth in the back corner. After a brief discussion, they opted for coffee and slices of pie.

  Under the much brighter lights of the diner, she could see that he was even more handsome than she had originally thought. Dark eyes of the deepest blue regarded her, framed by thick lashes, the same glossy black as his hair.

  “Tell me about yourself, Ryan.”

  She stared at him for a moment, pleasantly surprised. In her limited experience, most guys who looked and dressed like him preferred talking about themselves. “Oh, well, not much to tell, really.”

  “I highly doubt that.” He smiled, and again, her girly parts rallied.

  Should she tell him she was a cop and put an abrupt end to his unexpected interest? Or should she try to come up with something fun and flirty to make it through coffee and pie?

  She exhaled and opted for the truth. She wasn’t particularly good at pretending to be something she wasn’t. It was best to just put it right out there and let the chips fall where they may.

  “I’m a detective. I work for the Golden Beach Police Department.” That said, she discreetly held her breath, bracing for his reaction.

  Most guys were surprised or threatened by her chosen career. Some laughed and made smarmy comments about handcuffs and role playing.

  He didn’t. Instead, his eyes glistened with approval as he cocked his head slightly. “Quite impressive.”

  Ryan blinked. “That doesn’t bother you?”

  “Not in the least. Where I come from, female warriors are highly respected.”

  “And where is that?”

  “Not here,” he murmured with a slight curve of his lips.

  She let that one slide for the time being. “Most men are threatened by my job.”

  “Most men are idiots,” he scoffed. “In my opinion, there is nothing more desirable than a strong, capable woman. A woman who chooses to be with a man out of want, not necessity. That is truly a gift.”

  “Oh.” Ryan felt the area below her belly button clench and grow warm. Hearing those words passing from his lips while he stared at her with those hypnotic eyes was doing funny things to her insides.

  She shoved a forkful of pie into her mouth before she said or did something stupid, like pull a Betty and proposition him. She had never been so sorely tempted, but for some reason, this guy flipped every one of her switches.

  “Tell me, Ryan,” he said, looking perfectly relaxed yet intense, “if Bait does not appeal to you, why did you come tonight?”

  “It’s my friend’s birthday,” Ryan explained, “and that’s where she wanted to go.”

  “I see. And yet, you were alone when I approached you.”

  She shrugged, sipping her coffee. “One of the owners offered her a private tour, and she took him up on it.”

  His dark eyes glistened. “Were you offered a ‘private tour,’ as well?”

  “The guy said he could arrange one for me, but I passed.”


  “Why did I pass?”

  He nodded.

  “Because, like I said, I’m not into that sort of thing. This”—she looked down at herself—“the dress, the shoes, the makeup—this isn’t me.”

  “What is you, Ryan?”

  Again, she was faced with a decision: tell the truth or prolong the fantasy. And again, she opted for the truth.

  “Comfortable clothes, shoes I’m not likely to break my neck in, and spending an evening in with high-calorie takeout and an Ancient Aliens marathon.” She smiled ruefully. “I bet you’re sorry you asked, right?”

  “On the contrary, I am more intrigued than ever.”

  So far, this guy was proving too good to be true; saying and doing all the right things. Her innate alarms should be sounding loud and clear, but they weren’t. In fact, beyond the butterflies and the case of lusty tingles she seemed to have acquired, she felt very comfortable in his presence.

  “Who are you?” she asked, shaking her head slightly.

  He cocked his head. “Tiberius. I thought we had established that.”

  She laughed softly. “No, I mean, you are unlike any man I’ve ever met.”

  “I certainly hope so.”

  Time passed far too quickly. She did most of the talking, and for some bizarre reason she couldn’t fathom, Tiberius seemed genuinely interested. He asked questions about her family, where she went to school, and her thoughts on things like politics and social issues. It was a shock when she looked at the clock and saw the time.

  “Oh, man, I’ve got to go,” she said, genuinely sorry that she did. “I have to work in the morning.” She was happy to see that he looked disappointed, too.

  Ryan tried to squeeze her feet back into the shoes she had surreptitiously slipped off under the table, wincing when they pinched. Thankfully, it was a short walk to where she’d left her car at Betty’s, because it was going to be a painful one.

  “What is wrong?” Tiberius asked the moment they stepped out into the street.

  “My shoes,” she admitted. “They are blinged-up miniature torture devices. I’m tempted to take them off and walk barefoot.”

  He frowned as if displeased by the idea. “Where is your vehicle?”

  “About two blocks that way.”

  Before she could say another word, Tiberius leaned down and lifted her smoothly into his arms.

  “Oh! I didn’t mean ... You can’t possibly carry me that far.”

  He glanced down, looking almost insulted. “I can, and I shall.”


  “I assure you, having an excuse to hold a beautiful woman in my arms is not a hardship.”

  She opened her mouth to respond, but Ryan didn’t know what to say to that. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and accepted the kindness. To his credit, he didn’t seem to strain at all as his long legs ate up the distance. In fact, she didn’t particularly want to let go when they got to her car.

  “I had a lovely evening, Ryan. May I see you again?”

  She couldn’t think of a good reason to say no, nor did she want to. The last few hours had flown by, and she had enjoyed his company. Usually by this point in an evening
she would have compiled a mental list of annoyances, but so far, she had nothing. Tiberius was kind, intelligent, funny, and seemed to share the same old-fashioned values she did. It could be an act, and appearances could be deceiving, but what if they weren’t? One thing she did know, she would regret it if she didn’t at least give him a chance.

  “I’d like that,” she said honestly then did something she rarely did. She gave him her phone number. Even rarer – she wanted him to kiss her so badly she could practically taste it.

  When he leaned down, she thought he was going to do just that. Her heart started racing, and she licked her lips in anticipation. However, he simply took her hand and brushed a light kiss over her knuckles.

  “Until we meet again, sweet Ryan.”

  She had read about swooning females in some of her romance books, and each time, she had rolled her eyes in disbelief. She wasn’t rolling them now, not since her own knees had gone weak and her head swam as if she had just pounded a couple of those Island Affairs in quick succession.

  He grinned as if he had read her thoughts, and then stepped away. He waited until she was safely fastened in behind the wheel.

  As she drove away, she kept glancing in the rearview mirror until she could no longer see him. Her smile, however, remained all the way home.

  Chapter Ten

  The exiled Aequorian prince, the one who had so easily risen to power in this new world, had been reduced to a starry-eyed fool, and he couldn’t be happier.

  He had found his mate.

  If his body’s physical reaction had not been enough to convince him, the few hours in her presence had been. Even sitting across the table from her, he had felt the intangible bond growing between them. Listening to her melodic voice, breathing in her unique fragrance was addicting. By the end of the evening, he had already begun to sense her emotions. Such was the way with fated mates. The more time they spent together, the more attuned to one another they would become. Eventually, he would be able to hear her thoughts, as well.


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