Love Never Fails

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Love Never Fails Page 12

by Ginni Conquest

  “I will never give you up. You are mine Selina and no one is going to decide that for me but me. Do you understand that?”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  “Ok, so tomorrow, we will both be in the office. We won’t be seen together without someone with us. We will go to work separately and leave separately. We won’t give anyone any reason to gossip about us to anyone. Understand?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Good girl. We will have to be careful about each other’s homes too. There are security cameras in both.”

  “This is horrible, we are grown adults and trying to sneak around.”

  “I think I can ask my brother and sister for help here. Actually my sister has a separate house on her property that I’m sure she will allow us to use it.”

  “Our own Love Shack,” giggled Selina.

  “I guess you can call it that. I’ll call her tonight and explain the situation. She will have to keep her mouth shut around Dad and also my Mom, but I think it can work. Also, use your personal phone to contact me. You already have my number for my personal line. Stay off the business phone to speak to me.”

  “Ok Damien, we will try this. But if any trouble comes of this, we will have to make another decision and it’s one that I’ll make so I don’t stand in your way.”

  “Don’t say it Selina. I’m hoping if something happens, it’s after this six month mark. Now let’s get back so I can get you back to your place. It’s going to be a long tiresome six months.”

  We seem to be satisfied with the plan in place. We got back to Damien’s as I packed up my things. He called DT to come pick me up as we needed to put up the false pretenses immediately. Unfortunately, DT was his efficient self and was in front of the building in ten minutes. Kissing Damien, I held back tears that made my eyes look like topaz gems.

  “It will be fine Selina. Don’t worry.”

  Making my way down the elevator, I just leaned against the wall as I hugged my overnight bag to myself. How were we ever going to pull this off?

  Chapter 33 Game is in place

  “Good morning Dr. Harrison.” Damien reached over to grab a cup of coffee. He had Tom with him. Both of them winked at me.

  “Good morning Gentlemen.” Tom asked me how I was feeling after the ordeal I went thru this week. He reminded me that the wives are expecting me to go shopping with them on Saturday. I didn’t forget. I was looking forward to female companionship and to get advice.

  “Well, I have work to do. I’ll have that report on your desk at the end of the day Mr. Stone.”

  “Wonderful Doctor. I appreciate it.” Walking back to my desk, I saw several people looking at the three of us, trying to gage what we were speaking about. Calling Mike into my office, I had the charts laid out all over my work table.

  “Doc, how are you feeling?”

  “Very good Mike. It was incredible that this happened to me but the people are behind bars and life goes on, right?”

  “I’m glad you are ok. Now what are we going to work on?”

  For the rest of the afternoon, we finished mapping out the floor of the Gulf area in question as well as my take on the rig damage and the costs of relocating. The amount of money was staggering to do this project but compared to the disaster it could cause not to mention the incredibly negative press, the money was worth it.

  Giving Mike everything for typing up the report, he got busy to finish it up by 5pm. The thought of a long and lonely night loomed ahead of me. How would we get to know each other if we couldn’t be together to share our thoughts, dreams and ideas? God give me strength to get thru these months. I could end it all by saying yes to marriage. BUT I don’t know him. Sexually, we are very compatible. What about everything else that goes into a relationship? It isn’t all about sex.

  Hearing my text ring, I see that it’s Julia.

  Hey girl. What’s up in Houston?

  You wouldn’t believe it if I told you.

  Well, I know about the diving accident. Don’t tell me something else happened? Did you marry that gorgeous hunk of a Boss?

  No, not yet. It’s complicated. I was almost a victim of his insane ex girlfriend and spent the night having mind blowing sex with him.

  Ok, we have to Skype. You free tonight?

  Yep, bring the wine. You are going to need it.

  Will do my friend. I’ll contact you say about 8pm?

  Yes, that will work. Thank you for always being there for me.

  xx J

  What would I do without Julia? So at least I have that to look forward to.

  Hearing the buzzer on my desk phone, it was Mike.

  “Are you in for Denise?”

  “I’ll take it. Thank you Mike.” Clicking over to pick up Denise’s line, I was so happy to hear from her. It seems that Steve filled her in on everything that happened over the last 24 hours.

  “Yes, I’m doing so much better Denise. It was crazy and I feel sorry for her as she has serious problems. Thank God she didn’t do anything to me or to Damien.”

  “Therese and I are all up to speed on the guy’s version of the story. It’s incredible. I can’t believe these things are happening to the both of you. We can talk over lunch on Saturday. We are still on for shopping, right?”

  “Absolutely. I’m looking forward to it. I need to get back to normal living.” As I was saying goodnight to her, Mike came into the office with the report all set, even with a cover on it.

  “You make us look good Mike. Now do me a favor and bring it down to Anna. I’m going to pack up here and head out for the evening. You can leave too after you bring the report to her.”

  “Are you sure? I thought you might want to go over it with Mr. Stone.”

  “Not necessary,” I said to him as I put my laptop into my briefcase. If this was going to work, I would have to be actress of the year. “If he has any questions, he will email or text. Have a great weekend Mike. God knows we both need it.”

  “Good night Doc.” I caught him frowning at me as he left the room. I’m sure he thinks it strange that I didn’t go see Damien but I can’t without raising red flags all over the office. Pushing back the melancholy feeling that was creeping over me, I grabbed my computer bag and handbag, shut off the light and headed out to my car.

  Hearing my private phone buzz, I saw that a text came in from Damien.

  I just saw you leave the building. Thank you for the report. Anna just gave it to me. So professional looking.

  You can thank Mike for that. He is a wonderful employee. You are very lucky to have him.

  I’ll make sure to note that with HR and have that put in his file. Are you ok?

  As best as I can be under the circumstances. You?

  The same. But we’ll figure this out. I promise you.

  I know.

  What are you doing tonight?

  Skyping with Julia. She wants to get up to speed on everything. I’ll give her the PG version. LOL

  I appreciate that. LOL Invite her to come here, I would love to meet her.

  Let’s see how she is after we drink wine together tonight and I fill her in on things.

  She’s a good friend.

  Yes, a sister from another Mister. I’ll call you later, ok?

  Sure Princess. Drive safe.

  Putting my car in drive, I headed back to my apartment with a million thoughts going thru my head about Damien.

  Chapter 34 The Gathering

  Ok Sel. You have two ways of getting thru this. You follow the plan that Damien laid out: hopefully his sister will cooperate and lend you her cottage house for your sexy liaisons or you can pack it up and high tail it back to Jersey. The way I see it, you should take your chances of happiness and sneak around for 6 months or so, get to know each other and have that ring slammed on your finger. In the meantime, you do an amazing job at the company that those crusty old men fall in love with the idea of you and Damien in love. Really, this is an antiquated idea that they all have. So what do you think?
  I love him. I can’t give him up, that’s what my heart tells me. My head, that scientific part of me is analyzing everything. How can one analyze their feelings like I approach things? It’s not normal.

  No it’s not. Listen, you have a chance for real happiness with a great guy. Spend time with him, be careful not to be alone with him at work to throw the old geezers off the trail and just enjoy yourselves with pure hot sex and love. Geez, I hate you. Maybe I should come to Houston and find me a guy. This Jersey scene is not happening for me.

  Well, I was going to ask you to come on down, even if for a long weekend. Damien said he would love to meet you. AND just maybe he might have someone for you. What do you say?

  I don’t know if I can. My business is taking off now; I don’t want to leave it mid-stride with a few associates holding down the fort. Let me think about this and get back to you. In the meantime, don’t think about this too much and live Sel. We get one life, no regrets, OK?

  Yes Jules. Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would do without you.

  Yes you do. You will have Damien to help you with everything. Just make sure I’m your Maid of Honor when the time comes.

  Oh that’s such a given. I love you.

  I love you too Sel. Good night.

  As we signed off from Skype, I sat there thinking about my friend. I counted myself a lucky girl to have Julia in my life, a girlfriend I could share everything with. I don’t know many people that have this gift. She was the best.

  Picking up the phone, I called Damien. Just hearing his voice when he picked up the phone gave me the chills.

  “Hey Princess. How was the Skype call?”

  “You don’t forget anything, do you?”

  “Not when it pertains to you, I don’t. I was reading over the report just a few minutes ago. So you think moving the rig is going to do the trick? It’s an expensive effort but if that’s your recommendation, I’ll let the Board know.”

  “I know it’s the safest and it won’t interfere with drilling. The oil is still there, quite a vast amount too. And the rig needs to be repaired too, don’t forget that.”

  “Definitely. Now onto other things. I spoke to my sister. The cottage is ours. She already fixed it up and hired a service to come in and clean it up. So what do you say about this weekend?”

  “Yes, let’s do this.”

  “Ok, I won’t be able to pick you up for the obvious reasons so let’s meet tomorrow morning at the grocery store at 9. We can pick up some things and then you can follow me. Once you know how to get to the cottage, you will just be able to go there. We’ll park behind the house too so no one will see the cars once we are there.”

  “That sounds great Damien. I can’t wait to see you.”

  Over the next hour, we talked about our families. I laughed out loud at the antics that Damien pulled with his brother on their sister. No wonder Dawn had to be tough. I talked about the digs I went on with my Dad and the competitions I went to when my brother competed with his body building. It was just nice to be able to get to know more about him besides his favorite colors. Before we knew it, an hour went by and the wine was making me sleepy. Being kept up most of the night before didn’t help either. Not being able to keep the yawns to myself, Damien wished me a good night and that he would see me in the morning. I just hugged myself after hanging up with him. This could just work. Time would tell.

  Chapter 35 The Love Shack

  It was lovely. Going down the drive, Dawn waved to both of us but gave us our privacy. I figured we would see her later on so I could thank her for helping us find a way to be together.

  Reaching into my trunk for my overnight bag and laptop, I felt arms of steel wrap themselves around me as lips caressed my neck. Dropping my bags back in the trunk, I turned myself around in his arms.

  “Hmm Mr. Stone. I like what you do to me.”

  Pulling me closer to him, his mouth ravaged mine with a hunger that I felt right down to my toes. It was almost desperate, like he was afraid that this wasn’t going to work and I would disappear. I told you I over think things. Lifting my hands thru his thick hair, I pulled myself closer to him. I needed Damien right now.

  “To Hell with the bags, they can wait. I can’t.” Slamming the trunk down, he picked me up like I weighed five pounds and pushed the door open. His sister left it unlocked for us. Thank God as he would have gone right thru the lock. As I wrapped my legs around his waist, he walked right into the bedroom and dropped me on the bed.

  “Take off your jeans and top,” ordered Damien. I liked his side of him. I’m always so in control of everything in my life, it was nice to have him be in charge of this.

  He didn’t take his eyes off of me when he took off his own jeans and top. Standing in his sexy briefs with evidence of his desire pushing against them, I couldn’t help but lick my lips when I stared at him.

  “Come here Selina.”

  He didn’t need to ask me twice as I melted into his arms. His mouth descended on my lips as his tongue danced with mine. Biting my lips, I couldn’t help but moan into his mouth.

  “You like that don’t you my baby?”

  I couldn’t even speak so I just nodded my head. He firmly pulled my hair back so my neck was tilted to the side. He placed his lips there and worked his way down my neck until he put his lips onto my nipple. I didn’t even realize when he took my bra off. Such a smooth move Mr. Stone.

  I was losing it. The sensations he was causing inside of me were building with each kiss, bite and touch. He knew what made me tick already. Hearing a tear of fabric, I realized he ripped my thong off my body. Looking up at me, he gave me a slight smile.

  “I saved myself some time. I’ll buy you a dozen.”

  I couldn’t help but giggle until I felt him part my folds with his fingers and put his mouth right onto my clit.

  “Jesus Damien, what you do to me!”

  “We are just getting started sweetheart.”

  I was glad he was holding me up as I would have fallen down. Damien moved his tongue between my folds as he pushed his fingers inside of me. Hearing sounds in the room, I realized it was me. As he moved his fingers, he found the spot that sent me over the edge.

  “Damien, please, faster,” I cried as I pulled his head closer into me. I was on fire. Screaming his name, I fell over the edge as Damien watched me in my passion.

  “You are so beautiful Selina. Come for me baby.” As the waves of desire kept coming, I was overcome with the beauty of it that I started collapsing on top of him.

  “Hang on baby. We aren’t done yet.”

  Picking me up, Damien fell on top of me in the bed and impaled me with one movement. I arched my back up to him from how sensitive I was. Moving fast inside of me, Damien held my head and looked deep into my eyes.

  “Look at me Selina, I want to watch you come again in my arms.”

  I don’t know how this would be possible but I felt the familiar build up happening again. He knew exactly what I needed and how to get me there. Staring into those blue eyes, I was lost and totally in love with this man.

  “You feel so good baby. I can’t get enough of you.”

  I couldn’t help but close my eyes to the feelings that were building inside of me.

  “Eyes. On. Me!” Demanded Damien.

  Moving faster inside of me, I knew he was near. The desperation to share this together was reaching its peak.

  “Damien, I’m going to come.”

  I grabbed his strong arms as his fingers pulled at my nipples.

  “Yes, Damien.” I knew I was gripping his cock from the magnitude of my orgasm. Pushing himself harder, he joined me, locking eyes with mine and sharing all of his love with me. Crashing his lips on mine, I wrapped my legs around his waist and milked everything out of him. Hearing him groan into my mouth gave me a sense of satisfaction that I pleased my man. There is nothing like that feeling, especially if he’s the man that you love. Wiping his forehead while moving his hair off his fore
head, he gave me that high wattage smile while he put his forehead onto mine.

  “God Princess, you are incredible.” Placing kisses all over his face, he lovingly touched my cheek and softly kissed my mouth. Pulling out of me left such an empty feeling. I hated this but knew there would be more where this came from. Cradling me in his arms, he kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer to him.

  “You know I’m going to owe my sister big time.”

  I just started laughing, thinking of the same thing.

  “Yes, you are. But anything is worth it to be here with you.”

  “I’m going to so enjoy this weekend with you.” And so we did. We spent the time getting to know each other, enjoyed more time in bed together and just called his sister instead of going to see her. We didn’t want to share any precious time that we had this weekend with anyone else. Until we got past that part of the relationship, we kept to ourselves and hid our relationship from everyone. Weeks turned into months and so far so good. It seemed like the heat was off of us. No one saw us together by ourselves. We always had Tom or Steve with us. I would spend some time with Denise and Therese and enjoyed my shopping sprees with them. One time, I ended up buying a dozen pairs of thongs. Denise had given me an eyebrow raise as to question why so many pairs. “I don’t want to know,” she laughed at the checkout register.

  It was just going well. The rig was moved successfully and the drilling commenced. Stone Oil was a pioneer in the practices of drilling that other companies were now following suit. I was being paid for my consulting work with the other companies too. Damien encouraged that process and knew that I was valuable not just to Stone Industries but to any other Houston company that wanted to step up to set higher standards. It was a dream come true for me to make a difference. We were getting closer in our relationship, stealing away on the weekends to our “love shack”. We got to really know each other, what our dreams were and that we wanted to share a life together. I love Damien; I had no doubt about that. I just didn’t know what we were going to do about it. Damien hadn’t said anything else about our future so maybe he was happy with things the way there were. I was for the time being but knew that I would definitely want something more permanent in my life. I only hoped he felt the same way.


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