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His Little Wife Lie: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance

Page 2

by Storm, Sloan

  The will to survive left me again, and I looked toward my beast of a hero.

  The only time I'd seen anything like him was on the cover of my Mom's cheesy romance novels. You know, scantily clad women hanging off the arms of oiled-up muscle men, perfectly groomed for the camera.

  Only he wasn't any of those things. Except for the muscled part. The rest of him… pure wilderness, untamed and dangerous.

  Sweet Jesus.

  Oh right, I already said that.

  Seriously though, who's to say he wasn't ten times worse than Ernie? After all, what the hell's he doing out here with an ax?

  It'd been decades since the timber companies needed real lumberjacks. All the wood harvests were run by machines now - chewing up the Oregon back country with ruthless efficiency.

  It didn't make sense. No one had lived at the Foster Ranch for ages.

  A caretaker maybe? Yum, he could take care of me…


  I snapped out of it, glancing toward the ax while keeping a sharp eye on the two of them. I had to try and stand. With all my might, I shoved myself upright, wincing and hissing.


  Hobbling on my good leg, I moved toward the ax. I figured it was the only chance I had to defend myself if it came to it.

  I reached for the ax, trying to lift it from the ground, and nearly fell down again. How strong is this guy?

  The damn thing had to be almost forty pounds. Grunting, I squeezed the handle, wrapping my hands around it until my knuckles went white.

  Sucking in a huge breath, I filled my abdomen with pressure and heaved with all my might. Somehow, I pried it from the ground, but the ax was doing the swinging, not me.

  Crack! Crack! Crack! My focus shifted to the unmistakable sound of bone-on-bone.

  I glanced in the direction of the noise, watching Ernie take a rapid series of blows to the head. The dude hit the ground like he'd fallen out of a three-story window, bouncing on impact and lying motionless.

  Then, he turned and looked at me. Oh shit.

  Still trying to control the ax, I swayed from side-to-side wondering how I could land a single deadly blow if I needed it. I wasn't going down without a fight.

  'Mr. Dark and Woodsy' looked away from me and reached for an unconscious Ernie, grabbing a fistful of Ernie's shirt in his huge hand.

  Focusing, I licked my lips. Salty remnants from my run danced across the tip of my tongue while I watched him drag Ernie in my direction. He moved quick, Ernie's body bumped and bounced on the trail, kicking up tiny puffs of dust and grit.

  Groaning, I heaved the ax. "Stay back! I…"

  There was supposed to be more to my warning, but the weight of the ax threw me off balance. I hit the ground with a vicious thud. Another awkward twist of my swollen ankle sent a rush of throbbing heat through my body.

  I squeezed my eyes tight, letting go of my weapon. It was just a fraction of a second, if that. The ax!

  Desperate, I lunged for it. No chance. An immense boot stomped down on the ax, crushing the handle into the ground and making it impossible for me to grab hold.

  Oh God. Now what?

  On instinct, I scooted away, pebbles on the trail surface burning the backs of my legs.

  He showed me his open hand. It's okay. "Don't worry, Sneaks. When he wakes up, the last thing he's gonna wanna do is try anything with you. Trust me."

  Sneaks? What the hell is he talking about? I glanced at the motionless lump of humanity that was Ernie.

  "Don't hurt me. Please." I kept scooting. To where, I had no idea.

  He scoffed, closed in on me, and started to kneel. "Why would I do that?"

  His face came into full view, and I mean, wow. Oh. Wow. I'm not going to insult him by using the word 'gorgeous'. No, he was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Only the incessant thump of discomfort coming from my ankle let me know I wasn't dreaming.

  "Hey. Are you okay?" His baby blues locked on me.

  "Hmm?" Who?

  While I waged war with my libido, he reached for my ankle, taking it in his hands with a gentle caress. His calloused hands grazed my skin. A shiver raced down my spine, splintering across my body like a dangerous crack on early winter ice.

  "I… I um, can't move very well."

  My breath returned, steady and hot, while I watched him in slackjawed awe. Was this gentle giant the same one who'd handled Ernie with such ruthless animal strength?

  "We need to wrap and ice this, get some elevation going. I've got a first aid kit in my pickup."

  Ernie twitched, his body convulsing. I'd never seen anyone knocked out before. Can't lie. It was exciting. I turned my attention to him again, my handsome hero. Had he really done that for me?

  Oh God, did I just bite my lip? If I did, he didn't notice.

  "He'll be coming to soon. Care to tell me what the hell is happening here, Sneaks?"

  Sneaks again? I tugged my leg, and he let go, his fingers falling away.

  "Why do you keep calling me that?"

  He didn't answer. Well, he chuckled. No explanation though.

  "Uuhhhnnn…" Ernie's eyes started to flicker, awareness returning to his perverted pea brain.

  With my good foot, I kicked up a cloud of dust, sending it straight for him. My savior's huge paw wrapped itself around my thigh.

  Our eyes met. His warned mine. Don't do that.

  "I'll handle this," he said.

  A grimace folded across my face followed by a hard swallow. I didn't want anyone fighting my battles, but before I could say anything, he was up and grabbing Ernie off the ground.

  "Who the fuck are you?" Ernie said as his body flopped around like a ragdoll in the man’s fearsome grip.

  Ernie balled up his hand and took a swing. Lightning fast reflexes snatched the tiny fist of fury and crushed it before he sent Ernie crashing to the ground again.

  I wanted to scream, Take that! Asshole!

  "Mother fucker, I am your worst nightmare. If you ever come near this woman again, I can promise you, I'll do a lot worse than knock your sorry ass out."

  Shaken but still trying to act tough, Ernie dug in. "What the hell do you care? She's a virgin tease! Everyone in town knows it. She's only getting what's coming to her. Anyway, fuck you! Who are you anyway?"

  'Hunk' looked at me. "Sneaks, do you wanna report this guy?"

  Ernie scoffed. "And say what? Fuck both of you! I never laid a finger on her. It's her word against mine."

  He paused and reached for his jaw. Wincing, he glared at my protector. "I should sue your ass for hitting me like that. You fucking ape."

  I couldn't believe he hadn't pounded Ernie back into darkness again. He wiped his hand down his face. Patience wore thin.

  "Yes or no, Sneaks? What's it gonna be?"

  I glanced at Ernie. Thank your lucky stars, dick.

  "No, no police."

  "Get out of here." The warning from him came with a hard shove, almost sending Ernie to the ground once more.

  Ernie staggered back but managed to keep his footing.

  "Man! Fuck.You." He glared at me. "You're gonna regret this, bitch. Wait 'til Dillard finds out."

  With that, Ernie started to turn and head off. My knight in shining in armor took a step, about to go after him.

  "No, don't." I lifted a hand at him. "It's not worth it."

  He shrugged. Have it your way.

  After, he walked toward me and looked down. "Who's Dillard?"

  Really don't want to discuss this. I rolled my eyes. "Um, he's my boss."


  I went on to explain the whole stupid thing to him. Right. I know. Why would I tell a complete stranger about it?


  Because I'm an idiot.

  I finished the story, and he nodded at me. "Guess you can kiss those hours goodbye now, right?"

  Yeah, if that's the worst of it.

  He kept going. "Listen, I know a few people around town. If things go south for you, let me see what I can d
o. Don't worry about it right now, let's get that ankle taken care of first."

  "Can you walk?" He reached for me, and his fingers slid around my forearm, closing with a reassuring firmness. "Up you go…"

  With a gentle tug, he lifted me off the ground and cradled me against his torso. Thank you, I'll stay here for a while. The good vibes didn't last long, a sharp stabbing sting returned to my ankle, and I grunted a whimper.

  "Nope. You'll never make it."

  Make it? Where am I going?

  He looked off into the distance. "I'm gonna have to carry you out. Can't get the truck back here."

  "No. I can do it. You've done enough already."

  I broke free of him and tried to take a step, but the pain raced up my leg like a lightning strike, nearly crippling me on the spot.

  "Mmm! Damn…" I knelt down again, grabbing for it.

  "This is ridiculous. Let me help you."

  The intense pressure coming from the swelling distracted me from giving him an answer right away. I rubbed it, closing my eyes and trying to imagine how long it would take me to hobble all the way back down the trail to my car.

  Forever was the answer.

  While I weighed the pros and cons, he stepped to the side and picked up the ax like he was handling a child's toy.

  "You got a name, Sneaks?"

  His question took my mind off my aching ankle. "Lily. Lily Weischlitz.You?"


  "Just Griff?"

  He winked at me. "For now. Let's take things slow. You ready?"

  Before I could say a word, he knelt down and swept me up, tossing me over his shoulder like I weighed next to nothing.


  Sneaks (Griff)

  Fucking finally.

  I guess I had to chalk it up to luck. With everything going on, I wouldn't have had any time to pursue her. That idiot did me a huge favor, and I was going to take full advantage.

  Right now, I was busy savoring every second. With her tight body slung over my shoulder, I dug my fingers into her perfect, round ass. A charge raced from the tips of my digits like lightning, sending fire all the way to my cock.

  "Hey! Watch where you put those hands!" She wiggled in my grasp.

  A smile came to the corner of my mouth. "Don't want you falling, Sneaks…"

  It was pure carnal satisfaction. No other way to describe it. Watching her sprint up the trail the past few days set my animal brain on full tilt. Yeah, I'd seen her before. Three times. Aside from her beauty, the bright yellow running shoes she wore caught my eye.

  "Sneaks" was born.

  Normally, you wouldn't see anyone out on these trails. Bears maybe, not people. So she had to be either a clueless tourist or a local. Either way, she was not only the most beautiful thing I'd ever laid eyes on out here but anywhere. Ever.

  Trust me, that's saying something.

  I'd been spending a fair bit of time clearing out some old brush while I waited for my future to be spelled out in legalese. I didn't get out this way often, and I wouldn't be here now if not for a good reason, the most important one of my goddamn life.

  I hadn't expected to see anything like her, though. She was everything I didn't need right now, but I wasn’t about to blow this chance.

  And the virgin thing. Damn. Doesn't get any sweeter than that, does it? There was no fucking doubt, like zero. I was going to fuck her.

  Thanks again, Ernie. You freak.

  Couldn't tell if she was a down-on-her-luck-type or just unlucky. That story about how she wound up with him had me baffled. Even so, she was feisty. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's sizing people up, and she had the instinct to fight. I had a feeling she would have battled that shithead with her last breath - if it came to it.

  I ducked underneath some branches, keeping them away from her face.

  "We'll get you wrapped up." The clearing with my pickup came into view.

  Reaching the truck, I pulled her off my shoulder and cradled her in my arms. She let out a tiny whimper, almost like the moan she would let out when I finally sunk my dick inside of her.

  Jesus fuck. I lowered her to the bed of the truck, quick to turn my back to her while my cock raged between my legs like a gathering storm.

  What the hell am I doing again?

  Right. The ankle. Shaking my head, I reached for the first aid kit.

  Sneaks broke the silence. "So do you work here at the ranch?"

  Grabbing the compression bandage, I nodded. "Sort of…"

  I turned and looked at her. She reached up and flipped a handful of that long, dark hair away from her face. Eyes the color of old growth forest reflected back at me, morning sunlight shimmering a thousand shades of green.

  What a beauty.

  "It's either yes or no, isn't it?"

  I nodded toward her ankle, wiggling my fingers for her to lift her leg. Bracing her foot against my stomach, I started wrapping.

  "Yes," I replied. "And no."

  Normally, I don't answer personal questions from women I don't know. When you’re in my position in life, you can never be too careful. Even though she wasn't a spaced out, gold-digging club whore, I didn't need to give her my life story to get my dick wet. Not that I haven't had my fair share. I'd probably fucked my way through half of the Pacific Northwest's highest class tail.

  But that's for another time.

  "I don't understand why you won't give me a straight… ow!"

  "Too tight?"

  She looked down at her ankle, wincing. "Yeah, a little."

  "Well, that'll keep the swelling in check until you can get home and ice it." I stepped back, admiring my handiwork. Not to mention her long legs. Christ. "You drive a manual or automatic?"

  "Manual. The transmission's about to go on it. It's a five speed, but I can only get it in fourth. Also, it's…"

  I nodded. "Gotcha. Crappy car. No worries. I'll follow you home. If you can't make it, we'll switch cars, and I'll take the truck from there."

  Her posture stiffened. She planted her palms flat like she might try and jump out of the truck bed. She wasn't going anywhere.

  "No really, you don't have to do that."

  "It's not optional." I finished packing up the first aid kit. "Now, I will take you home or follow you there. Your choice."

  Five minutes later, we were in my pickup, taking a back road from the property down to the parking lot.

  "Just so you know, the trail gets a little bumpy, so you may want to hold on."

  She shifted position in her seat, reaching for the door handle. Too late.

  "Big hole!" I warned.

  Her head smacked the window. "Ah! Damn it! Watch it, will ya?"

  "Sorry about that."

  I glanced in her direction. While rubbing her head, she shot me a dirty look, almost like I'd done it on purpose. The sting of hitting the window wasn't enough to get her mind off of me though. She started up with the questions again.

  "How long have you worked and not worked there?"


  "The ranch," she said, turning her attention to the road ahead in case another hole appeared. "The town's not that big. I would have remembered seeing you around it."

  "Oh yeah, why's that?" I stole a quick peek at her curves bouncing up and down with each turn of the truck's wheels. My gaze wandered to her face while I imagined her bouncing up and down on something else. Our eyes connected, and Sneaks forced a swallow down her throat.

  "I… I just would, that's all." Her skin flushed a compromising shade of crimson. Bingo.

  "Mmm, hmm." I kind of leaned toward her, the worn leather seat squeaking beneath me. "You always ask this many questions? Or only when you're interested in someone?"

  "Uh! I am not interested in you." She snapped her head at me for an instant before looking away. "I'm just trying to make polite conversation. That's all. I mean, after what you did, helping me back there, don't you think it's natural I'd want to know more about you?"

  I leaned away again, giving
her a shrug. "Fair enough. I guess I hadn't considered that. I'm only here temporarily. Handling a matter for Mr. Foster."

  "I see," she sounded dejected or something. "I didn't mean to pry."

  The trailhead parking lot came into view. We emerged from the canopy of trees covering the trail and into the sunlight. I pulled up next to the only car in the lot and killed the engine. She started to get out of the truck, but I wrapped my fingers around her arm.

  "Now that I've answered your questions, how about answering one for me?"

  "What?" she replied, her eyebrow forming a skeptical arch.

  "Why is someone as beautiful as you still a virgin?"


  First Name Basis (Lily)

  Seriously? Did he really just ask me that? He did. The hero status was about to get knocked down a few pegs.

  Griff sat there, unblinking, waiting for an answer. Cocky son of a…

  I cleared my throat. "Well, that's a very personal question. I mean, I don't even know you. I'd really rather not…"

  He cut me off, giving me a casual flick of his hand. "I'm just fucking with you. You're right, it's none of my business. One sec, I'll come and help you out of the truck."

  With that, he climbed out of the driver's side and started walking around the front. Frowning, I chewed the inside of my lip, following him with my eyes. I still knew nothing about him aside from his first name. That should have been enough of a clue. Just one name. I mean, seriously?

  Well, that and his I-am-God's-gift smugness were like a giant sexy warning sign, blinking freaking red capital letters.

  Keep back! Danger ahead! Turn around! Do not enter!


  The passenger door popped open with a creak, and he offered me a hand. "Go slow."

  I didn't have to do any work until my feet touched the gravel. He'd done a good job wrapping the ankle, but the injury was still fresh. A tremor of heat raced up my leg, and I hobbled at first, trying to get comfortable enough to drive. It wouldn't be easy.

  Griff hovered nearby, ready to catch me. "Well? Whatd'ya think? You look a little wobbly."

  Bracing myself against the hood of my junker, I made a few small circles with my foot trying to loosen it up.


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