His Little Wife Lie: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance

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His Little Wife Lie: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance Page 5

by Storm, Sloan

  Anyway, he didn't pick up. It was a stupid idea. The universe seemed to agree since it went to voicemail.

  It beeped. Shit. Should I leave a message?


  I hung up.

  Uh! It only took me about a second to realize how dumb that was. What is wrong with me? I acted like I was shy or something. Ridiculous. I snatched the phone and swiped it on, calling him again.

  If he didn't answer this time, I'd leave a message. If he did, it was time to find out if this was worth my time.

  Period. End of story.

  No really. That's what I was going to do.

  Half a ring later, I got my chance. "Hey Sneaks. Was wondering if I'd hear from you."

  My mind went blank. Why am I calling him again? Who's Sneaks?

  "That dick isn't bothering you again, is he?"

  Who? What dick?

  "Sneaks. Is everything okay?"

  I snapped out of it. Thank God. "Yes, everything is fine. No, Ernie's not bothering me. That's not going to be a problem anymore - thanks to you."

  His deep voice hummed. "Pleasure was all mine. Truly. So, what can I do for you?"

  "Not sure where to begin, really. Except to say you were right."

  He chuckled. "Telling me I'm right is always a good place to start. However, I'm right about so many things. You'll, um, need to be more specific."

  His arrogance burned my ear. Even so, I didn't have time to play games. I went on to tell him about everything that happened with Dillard and how I'd lost my job because of automation improvements coming to the plant.

  "Is that what he told you?"

  "Yes. Though I think it's a total crock."

  "Ernie you mean?"

  Griff understood the lie. It's strange how fast you can bond to someone over the simplest of things. Not that the shit that went down with Ernie was simple. Of all the people in the world, a guy I hardly knew was closer to me than almost anyone in that moment.

  "Anyway, I'm not trying to waste a bunch of your time. I just thought…"

  He interrupted me. "Sorry to hear about your job. I might be able to help. What did you get your degree in?"

  The never-ending degree you mean? "I'm um, working on it. It's in accounting."

  Griff sputtered a chuckle. "You're shitting me."

  I pulled the phone away from my ear for a second, scowling at it before replying. "No, I'm studying accounting. Why is that funny?"

  "I mean, a bean counter, huh? Didn't figure you for the type."

  "What do you mean? What type?"

  "I don't know. A nerd, I guess. Glasses, the whole bit." Uhhh, what's wrong with glasses?

  "Well, I do happen to wear them, thank you. I have contacts."

  He went quiet for a couple of seconds.


  "Hang on a sec. It's coming to me."

  Oh Lord. I really, really, really didn't want to know. Of course, I asked.


  The tone of his voice deepened. "I bet the frames, they're sort of a nerdy chic. The kind of thing that if you had to wear them, you'd want to make sure they were still cute. And the color. Hmm, I'm going with black."

  I shot a scowl at my nightstand. They fit his description to perfection. Fucker. He kept going, smugness dripping from every word.

  "I'm right, aren't I?"

  "No!" I snapped. "Furthermore, you are an idiot. You don't know the first thing about me. Or my glasses."

  A soft laugh sputtered from his mouth. I licked my lips thinking about it how cute it probably was. No, not cute. Stupid. I mean stupid because he was an idiot, as I've previously mentioned.

  "It's okay, Sneaks. I've kissed girls with glasses before. You've still got a chance with me."

  Uh! What exactly is the topic of this conversation again?

  "Gee, thanks."

  His flirting was inappropriate, borderline offensive. Even worse, I was starting to enjoy it. Awesome. He was probably sitting there doing something masculine and sexy like… I don't know, stroking his hot, dimpled chin!

  Griff chuckled, snapping me out of my trance. "Umm, okay, have you worked in lumber?"


  "Hmm, that could be a problem."

  I nibbled on my lip. In a town built by lumber, it was hard to believe I hadn't. I went into overdrive, selling myself to him.

  "Well, I mean, I'm a super hard worker. Very conscientious. I'll work overtime, weekends, whatever it takes to make a good impression and show them I'm right for the job. All I need is a chance."

  Griff went silent for a couple of seconds. "Eager to please. I like that in a woman."

  Oh. My. God. Not falling for it again! Determined to keep the conversation professional, I sidestepped his comment and stayed focused on the reason for my call.

  "So, do you think you can help me?"

  "Hmm," he replied, his voice a deep-throated hum. "That's two favors you're gonna owe me, Sneaks."

  I didn't hesitate. "I know. I will repay them."

  "Yes, you will."

  I didn't take the bait.

  "Okay, let me make a few calls, see what I can do. Can't promise anything."

  "I understand. I really do appreciate it."

  I hung up, glad I'd mostly kept the conversation focused on my job prospects and not his incessant flirting.

  It hadn't even been half an hour when I got the call. A little past seven in the evening, a woman at Foster Lumber introduced herself as Kim Markell.

  "I know it's late, Lily. We have a position in the accounting department. You come highly recommended, so I wanted to see if you'd be interested in coming in for an interview."

  Wow. I'd underestimated Griff.

  I cleared my throat, thinking I might have blown my chance before I got it. "Thank you for the offer, but there's a slight problem. I don’t have a degree yet."

  Kim didn't hesitate. "That shouldn't be an issue. A piece of paper isn't as important as hiring someone who wants to be a team player. If that sounds like you, we'd love to have you come in. How does tomorrow afternoon sound?"

  "Yes. Of course, that sounds great. What time?"

  "Does one o'clock work for you?"

  "Absolutely. What do you need from me?"

  "Just your resume. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow afternoon."

  "Thank you, Kim. Thank you very much."

  Not long after, I hung up but then realized I'd gotten so excited about getting the interview, I didn't even think to ask how much the position paid. I grabbed my phone, and for a split second, I thought about calling her back but decided against it.

  If I didn't get the job, it wouldn't matter. And anyway, the last thing I could afford to do was seem pushy.

  Instead, I called Griff back to thank him. He didn't pick up, so I left a voicemail. Without really thinking about it, I told him I'd do whatever I could to repay the favor of getting me the interview.

  No sooner did I disconnect the call than I regretted the message.

  I had a good feeling the kind of payment he might want wasn't something I could afford.


  Billy Bear (Lily)

  I'm not gonna say it was rude. Or even inconsiderate. I mean, after all, he'd gotten me the interview, but since then, I hadn't heard a peep.

  No calls. No texts. Nothing.

  Kneeling down, I tied my laces. I wasn't even sure why the lack of communication bothered me. Hell, we hardly knew each other. It's just that after what we'd experienced the last time I'd come to the trail, I…

  Ugh. Stop it, Lily. Just stop. This is ridiculous.

  With a final tug, I finished tying my laces and before starting off, gave my ankle wrap another check. I'd been moving much better, but it was still a little tender. I know I should have rested it. But with the job interview coming up, not to mention Mom's freaking bombshell, I had plenty of stress to burn.

  If that weren't enough, I wasn't about to let the memory of what that dick, Ernie, pulled ruin the trail for me. I could
n't afford to start thinking that way, too much was on the line right now.

  After a final stretch of my calves, I took off.

  The ankle was a little tight on the climb at first, but I hung in there. It started to loosen up, and before long, my lungs ached with that familiar burn. Blood pumped hot and fast, clearing away the cobwebs from my mind.

  Soon, I reached the ridgeline, taking in my favorite view while I sprinted across the trail. It could never be what it once was, but thanks to Griff, it was still a place I could return to for the solace I craved.

  Breath came and went from my chest, sharp stings stabbing me like a thousand tiny daggers.

  I kept going, my mind bringing me back to the place we'd first met and replaying memories it shouldn't have. Everything happened so fast, I'd missed the little details now racing back into my mind, vivid and unfiltered. The thrill of having a protector when I needed one the most. I'd never needed anyone to literally rescue me. I never thought I would.

  Who does?

  But that experience unleashed emotions and feelings I didn't know I had. They weren't polite. Or acceptable.

  They were primal.



  The memory of Griff pounding Ernie into unconsciousness shouldn't have thrilled me like it did. I couldn't deny it had. At the time, I thought maybe it was just adrenaline, over stimulation getting the better of me. After a couple of days went by, I'd surely look back on it and realize how wrong it was to feel the way I had.

  But that isn't what happened. The feeling strengthened. Was it wrong? I don't know. But there it was.

  I continued running, remembering when he'd swept me up, throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me back to his pickup. More than anything, the sensation of his calloused hands on my legs reassured me. He'd get the job done. He was a man's man, rough mitts like that only come from endless hours of work, doing what men were built to do.

  At that exact instant, I'm pretty sure I made a sound - something between a grunt and a whimper. A grimper. Yes, that's what it was. Ugh, maybe it's a good thing I hadn't heard from him. If my thoughts got any nastier, I'd…


  Anyway, I stopped to check my split time. Grasping my knees, I glanced at my watch. Shit. Way slow. Oh well, that's to be expected with the bad ankle.

  Crack! Crack! Crack!

  What the hell? I stood up, hand clutching my chest. What was that sound?

  Banging? No. Chopping. Someone is chopping wood.

  Oh God. Griff.

  My slowing pulse started to race again. The sound came from the direction of the trail I'd started down when I tried to escape Ernie. Is Griff down there? I lifted my fingers to my lips, touching them while I fantasized about him - shirtless, muscles gleaming with sweat from brute effort.

  What's one little peek? Tiny Me sprung to life…

  No! Turn around now. Don't you go down there. Swear to God.

  "Why am I even talking to you? Shut up. He won't even know I'm there."

  After creeping down the trail, I was careful not to crack even the smallest twig when he came into view. With one swing after another, Griff split logs like they were toothpicks, using the same giant ax that sent me to the ground when I tried to lift it. I watched him through the branches, hiding myself away.

  His raw power hypnotized me. Deep in my lust-filled haze, I sucked in my lower lip. I didn't have to imagine his thick, muscular torso hovering over me - it was so close I could almost touch it.

  Not that I would.

  I bit down hard, visualizing my fingernails tracing every crack and crevice of his abs. Muscles upon muscles would be no match for my hungry digits, exploring every forbidden inch.

  Oh man, this is not good. What if he sees me here, creeping around like a half-crazed stalker?

  Somehow, my wits returned, and with a deep breath, I took a step back, hoping to leave the same way I'd arrived - undetected. I'd hardly started to turn when there was a noise behind me. A tree limb snapped. My eyes locked on the sound.

  An animal. And from the sound of it, a big one.

  Nerve endings lit up, and my blood ran hot, pumping a heart-stopping dose of adrenaline through my veins. With my fingers, I pulled away the webbing of branches until the source of the sound came into view.

  Holy shit.

  It was a huge black bear missing an eye. Like something out of a horror flick, the disfigured monster locked on me, easy prey in its sights.

  Letting go of the branches, I stumbled back, losing my balance and hitting the ground with a hard thud. The sound of a grunt and a beast on the move got me to my feet in a hurry. I turned and took off, running the fastest my legs could carry me.

  I wasn't even thinking. I ran with only one thing in mind - survival.

  "Griff!" I cried out, a slasher movie-worthy scream aimed in his direction. "Help me! Help!"

  In no time, I reached him, running around his backside. I don't even know why I stopped. The bear would kill us both! What was I thinking? Just then, the bear let out a huge roar, and Griff began to laugh. Yeah. Laugh. And, it wasn't a chuckle.

  Horrified, I peeked around from behind him to see the bear had slowed from a run to a waddle, heading straight toward Griff. I backed up, jumping into the open bed of his pickup and scooting away. The bear approached Griff and sat down.

  He started to pat the beast on its head while glancing over his shoulder at me. "I see you met Billy."


  Griff turned and looked at me, the entire time Billy sat there like an obedient puppy. It seemed poachers killed Billy's mother when he was a cub. Billy barely survived, losing an eye in the process. The Foster family sort of adopted him after that. He was totally harmless, that is, unless being licked to death bothered you.

  Just then, the bear stood on its hind legs and wrapped its immense paws around Griff. Only a freaking bear could make a man like him seem small.

  Griff waved his hands in front of his face. "Okay, okay, buddy. I love you too. That's enough."

  The giant animal grunted and let go of Griff, plopping down nearby. Even though I was relieved I wasn't dead, I still wasn't comfortable. White knuckled, I clutched my fingers together in two hard fists while I sat in the bed of the pickup, splinters from logs poking me in the butt.

  "So, you wanna tell me what you're doing, Sneaks?" Griff sauntered over, gesturing around the property. "You're umm, trespassing you know."

  Huh? I only half-listened, still eyeballing the bear.

  "Boy, I sure picked the right pet name for you. Didn't I, Sneaks?"

  Pet name?

  My awareness returned, and I focused on him. "Wait. No. No, no. I only came by to thank you in person since you didn't return any of my calls or texts."

  Griff took a step closer, stroking his chin. I didn't like the looks of it. Well, I did. But I didn't. If you know what I mean.

  "Stalking me now, are you?" he said. "Look, if you want to go out with me, just ask. I might even say 'yes'."

  Unbelievable. I nearly die, well, of fright, and of course the only thing he can think about is getting in my pants. On the other hand, I couldn't deny he had a point. It's not like I made a habit out of lurking around trying to catch glimpses of half-naked men I hardly knew.

  Well, at least I didn't used to.

  With a casual flick of his wrist, Griff let me off the hook, leaning against the bed of the truck. "I'm only fucking with you." He seemed to enjoy doing that.

  Smug son of a… I grimaced at him. I couldn't believe I was here. Couldn't just run the trail and go back to the car right? Shoulda just listened to Tiny Me for once. Great self-control, Lily!

  After making his point, Griff leaned away with a satisfied look on his face, changing subjects. "So, the interview… How are you feeling about your chances?"

  So, there it was. Clearly he'd listened to the voicemails or read the text messages. Whatever. I tried not to let my frustration show.

  "Umm, pretty good. I had
a nice talk with the woman who set up the interview. I think I have a decent shot."

  "I do, too," he replied, clapping his hands together, a small cloud of dirt puffed from between them.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Hmm? Oh, it's nothing. Nevermind."

  I climbed out of the pickup, brushing myself off. I'd made enough of a fool of myself for one day.

  "Well, I should get going. Just wanted to say thanks again for everything you've done."

  Without a word, he stepped close to me, the meaty middle of his rock-hard torso inches from my hungry lips.

  I would so lick every drop of sweat off this man.

  I mean… Look up, look up. Look up!

  Just in time, my eyes met his only to see a wry smile form at the corner of his mouth. "My pleasure. Happy to help. How about a kiss for good luck?"

  God yes. I meant no. Absolutely no.

  "No. What? A kiss? I…" My words sputtered like gunfire, shooting nonsense in every direction. He didn't waste the chance. Griff grabbed me and pressed his lips hard into mine.

  Oh man, oh wow.

  It was no good luck kiss either, that's for sure. Griff invaded my mouth with his tongue, the sweet silky feel of it, giving my body the satisfaction it had been craving. I melted into him for several seconds too long. Somehow my wits returned, saving me from the inevitable doom of a smoldering-hot, panty-melting makeout in the back of his pickup.

  "Griff," I gasped, breaking free and putting a palm against his chest.

  He never moved, didn't give me an inch or say a word. If I wanted to leave, he wasn't going to stop me, but he wasn't going to help me either. The first few steps were wobbly, there was no pretending. Somehow, I managed not to turn into a puddle before staggering by Billy.

  The huge beast lifted his head to look at me but didn't bother to move.

  I walked backwards, my eyes never leaving Griff's. He leaned against the pickup, hooking his thumbs in the belt loops of his jeans.

  "Knock 'em dead, Sneaks."

  Fifteen minutes later, I slammed the door to my beater shut and blew out a huge breath. Then and there, I made myself a promise. That was the last time I'd have any interaction with the mysterious Griff.


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