Book Read Free


Page 22

by Angela Verdenius


  “I’m your experiment buddy, remember?”

  Her eyelashes fluttered. “But I thought you needed a fantasy.”

  “Fantasies are over-rated when I have the real thing right here in my arms.”

  Oh yeah, really over-rated. She was his every fantasy rolled up in one sweet bundle.

  “But you’re tired and everything,” she cooed. “I couldn’t possibly put you out of your way.”

  “Baby, I’m putting myself in your way. Now I’m expecting you to take full advantage of me.” Dropping his head, he nuzzled the curve where her neck and shoulder met, making her hunch her shoulders and wriggle in ticklish delight. “Have your wicked way with me, fondle me, do all those dirty things you’ve been studying.” He pressed a hot, open-mouthed kiss to her throat, making her breath catch. “School’s in tonight.”

  “You’re not expecting me to dress up like a teacher, are you?”

  “Bring your lab coat and black stilettos.”

  “I don’t do stilettos, I told you that.”

  “I’ll settle quite happily for bare feet and those cute little girlie boxers with the matching yellow bra.” Oh, yeah.

  Leaning back in his arms, she cocked a fine eyebrow. “I thought men didn’t notice that kind of thing?”

  The woman might be pretending to be composed, but he could see those lush little nipples poking against her jumper, not to mention her husky tone.

  Jason smiled slowly. “I notice everything about you.”


  “I especially took notice of your study plan.”

  “I’m still in study mode.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be your private tutor.”

  “But then it won’t be a surprise.” She shook her head. “I couldn’t possibly spoil your surprise.”

  “I already know, so it isn’t a surprise now, is it?”

  Suddenly she laughed. Throwing her head back, the peals of merriment filled the air.

  Arms still hooked around her, his linked hands in the small of her back holding her against him, Jason shook his head in mock sternness. “Care to explain, Professor?”

  Controlling her laughter with difficulty, Izzy replied, “Do you know how desperate you sound?”

  “Desperate?” In mock outrage this time, he grabbed both her buttocks and squeezed the generous globes in two very satisfying handfuls. “I’ll give you desperate, you cheeky little imp!”

  Squealing, she tried to back-pedal only to be trapped by his arms.

  “No escape for you, Iz,” he growled, and in one move had her plastered up against him, his mouth on hers.

  He kissed her with ravenous hunger, his desire for her that always lurked beneath the surface rising. Sometimes, he thought, he loved her so much it almost hurt. Made him want to hug her close, lock her away from anything nasty, and guard her like a fire breathing dragon.

  He might not be able to do that, but he could fill himself with her - her taste, her scent, her very being. It washed through him, calming his soul, banking the embers of passion that burned for her.

  When he finally broke the kiss she clung dizzily to him, her eyes dreamy and her lips moist and slightly swollen.

  “Oh my,” she breathed. “Do we need to go to dinner?”

  Breathing slightly raggedly, Jason leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “Let’s ditch dinner.”

  “Can’t. Your Mum would be disappointed.”

  “I’ll call her, tell her the car broke down.”

  “We still have your ute.”

  “That broke down, too.”

  “Nice try. Luke would pick us up.”

  “Maybe I could just tell her we’re too hot and bothered to come.”


  At that, he opened his eyes. “What?”

  “You’d tell your mother we’re ditching dinner with the family to have sex? That’s just creepy!”

  “You’re right.” He did a mental head slap. “I’d start the sentence and get tongue-tied.”

  “Imagine how you’d feel if your mother told you she was ditching the family dinner to have sex with Jim.”

  “Oh God.” He released her. “I can’t believe you actually said that!”

  Her hand went to her mouth. “Oops.”

  “You can’t put my mother and that word in the same sentence, it’s just wrong.” He shuddered.

  “Aw, come on.” She gave his arm a light, friendly punch. “What do you think happens when she and Jim are-”

  Frowning, he laid his finger against her lips. “Don’t say one more word.”

  Eyes glinting wickedly, she licked his finger.

  Holy heck, that had strings jerking way deep down.

  “Uh-uh-uh.” She wagged her finger knowingly. “Down, boy.”

  “You can’t play with fire and not expect to get burned, you little tease.” Hell, yeah. He reached for her with carnal anticipation.

  She started to babble. “Your mum and Jim and-”


  Yes?” Her eyes widened innocently.

  “If you think you’re going to use that against me to your benefit, you’ve got another think coming.” Scowling, he grabbed the front of her jumper and dragged her towards to him.

  Giggling, she danced forward, flung her arms around his neck and gave him a resounding kiss. When he grabbed for her, more than happy to indulge that little action, she danced back quickly out of reach. “That’s enough groping, Jason! Now, go and have a shower and clean up, and I’ll do the same.” Mischief sparkled in her eyes.

  With a sigh, Jason’s arms dropped and he looked up at the sky. “Why me? Why give me such a little tease?”

  There was no answer, but he knew it anyway. Grinning, he dropped his head forward to look at Izzy. Because he was so bloody lucky.

  She winked at him. “See you soon.”

  Amused, partially aroused, he waited until she was climbing the steps up onto her veranda before he locked the ute and entered his own home.

  Arnie greeted him like a long-lost brother, nattering at his heels and following him around as he divested himself of his dirty clothes in the laundry, toed off his boots and placed them on the back veranda, and finally while he went upstairs to shower and change, Arnie meandering in front of him the whole time.

  Looking at the shadow on his jaw, he opted for a shave. Deodorant and a slap of mild aftershave followed. Seeing as they were going to a proper restaurant, he forwent his usual outfit of long-sleeved t-shirt covered by an open flannel shirt, instead pulling on a good button-down blue shirt, black slacks, socks and shoes, and topped it off with a black jacket. He drew the line at a tie. Ties just weren’t him. Running the comb through his damp hair, he took a last critical look. Still looked rough around the edges, that he couldn’t help. He knew he wasn’t handsome, not in the classical sense, looked more bikie tough than elegant date, but shit, he couldn’t help that. Luckily Izzy didn’t seem to have a problem with his mug, and that was the main thing.

  Looks didn’t mean much to Jason, but for Izzy he’d do his best even though he knew that she thought the same as he. So shoot him for wanting to look his best for her, he didn’t care.

  Going down the stairs, he checked the contents of his wallet. Stepping into the foyer, he heard muffled voices coming from beyond the front door and cocked his head. That was Izzy’s voice, was she talking to Arnie through the window? For that matter why didn’t she come in? She had her own key to his house.

  Crossing to the wooden door, he opened it to see Izzy standing on the edge of the veranda with her back to him. One fleeting glance and he could see that she’d dressed fancier than normal in a dark blue dress that came to her knees, a shawl around her shoulders to ward off the evening chill, and on her feet a pair of medium heeled black pumps. Her hair was up in a more dignified roll, neat and tidy. Pretty.

  Unlocking the security screen, he swung it wide open. “Izzy, you look great.”

She swung around to face him, and he was immediately struck by her expression. No laughter, serious, a little wary, and decidedly concerned.

  Wondering who had her so cautious, ready to defend her with every breath in his body, Jason stepped out, his gaze searching. Spotting the man standing at the bottom of the steps, he froze.

  Jesus, it couldn’t be. Not here. Not after all these years.

  “Hey, mate,” Brand greeted him.

  Chapter 9

  His brother smiled but it wasn’t friendly. He watched Jason like a hawk. Only a couple years older than Jason, the last six years hadn’t been kind to him. His black hair was greasy and unkempt, hanging in lank strands to his rounded shoulders. Hands in his pockets, dressed in dirty, oil-stained jeans, dusty boots, and a grimy shirt. Brand’s face showed lines of hard-living, broken veins across his nose, a scar along his hairline.

  Parked on the kerb was a souped-up Holden Commodore, but it looked like it had seen better days, a few dings in the panelling, one headlight smashed.

  After the initial shock, Jason waited for something more. Oddly, he felt nothing…nothing except wariness.

  Moving up beside Izzy, he placed his hand on the back of her waist in a protective gesture.

  It wasn’t lost on Brand. His lip lifted slightly as he looked from Jason to Izzy. “Got a woman, huh?”

  “This is Izzy,” Jason replied levelly.

  “Done well for yourself.” He looked at the house. “Girlfriend, house, job. This must’ve taken some money to buy. Double-story, huh? Aiming big, mate.”

  “It’s a work-in-progress.”

  Izzy’s hand slid behind Jason’s back, shifted under his jacket, her fingers hooking into the waistband of his slacks in silent support. The warmth of her fingers seeped through his shirt. He gave her back a small rub, just a minute circle of his palm.

  Brand looked back at Jason. “Going to invite me in for a beer?”

  “Why are you here?”

  “Hey, is that any way to greet your brother after six years?”

  Jason shrugged.

  Brand’s eyes hardened. “Too good for me now, huh?”

  “How’s life been treating you?” Jason countered.

  “How do you think? Kicking me in the balls every step of the way.”

  “Got a job?”

  “Got the farm, haven’t I? Or at least I will have when the old man kicks the bucket.”

  Jason could just imagine what it was like at the old farm. Run down, his father and Brand drinking, fighting, abusing each other.

  “Ever think of moving to the city, getting a job?” he asked quietly.

  “Turn into a city-slicker like you, you mean?” Brand gave a bark of laughter. “Not bloody likely. I got my mates, Jason. But they’re not going to believe me when I tell them what a ladies’ man you’ve turned into.” Brand looked at Izzy. “He tell you he had the hots for a sheila back in Gully’s Fall? Jason and I were close, but that bitch broke our closeness.”

  “Is that so?” Izzy said quietly.

  “Don’t blame others, Brand,” Jason said coldly. “Your actions are what broke our closeness.”

  “You deserted me, Jason.” Brand’s lip twisted in contempt. “I ended up in gaol, you wouldn’t post the bail I needed. Left me to rot, you did.” Hooking his thumbs in his pockets, he rocked back on his heels. “Did you know that, Izzy? Your boyfriend deserted his own brother in his hour of need.”

  Izzy didn’t reply, her thumb gently rubbing Jason’s spine in unspoken support as she leaned lightly into him.

  Jason refused to rise to his brother’s bait. “You were into dog fighting rings, you chose your path, you pay the consequences.”

  “Oh, listen to Mr High and Mighty standing in judgement of us lesser people.” Brand sneered. “When did you get to thinking you knew better, Jason?”

  “When I realised you were an abusive bastard like Dad.” A faint sadness slid through Jason, a dim memory of how close they’d been as children. But that was a long time ago. “Dad might have raised his hand to Mum, but you didn’t have to follow.”

  “Ah.” Brand hawked, spat in disgust. “We’re products of our childhood, don’t you know that?”

  “That shit doesn’t wash with me.” Jason’s mouth tightened, a flicker of anger in his belly. “I climbed out of that self-destructive pit and you could have, too. You still can.”

  “And what?” Brand spread his arms. “Become a sanctimonious prick like you?”

  Jason felt Izzy shift, the tension straightening her, knew she was going to say something. Not wanting her to get involved, he gave her back a warning pat.

  She subsided, but Brand didn’t miss the glower on her face. “Oh, darlin’, you don’t like hearing the truth about your lover-boy? Well, listen up. Family don’t desert family.” He pointed at Jason. “He deserted family. My mother deserted family-”

  “You lost any right to her the day you hit her,” Jason growled.

  “Oh, I know what she’s doing now, keeping company with another bloke, living in that big house with her Bible-bashing brother. And here you are, big fancy house, too, thinking you’re cock-of-the-walk. I can see I made a big mistake coming here offering you the hand of brotherhood again, mate. Big mistake.”

  Jason looked him right in the eye. “Biggest mistake you ever made.”

  “Well, I reckon I know when I’m not welcome. I’ll leave, take myself back to my mates who know more about loyalty than you.” Brand looked at Izzy. “Might want to ensure you have a back-up plan, girlie. Once he’s shagged you, he’ll leave you on the side of the road while he goes off looking for someone else-”

  Anger boiled up inside Jason. “Leave her out of this.”

  Expression ugly, Brand looked from Izzy to Jason. “She must be a mighty fine lay for you to leap to her defence like that.”

  The disrespect and utter crudeness had Jason’s blood up. He stepped forward, Izzy’s hand tightening in his waistband pulling him to a halt.

  “Jason, don’t,” Izzy whispered.

  “Yeah, Jason, do what the little lady tells you.” When Jason glared, his teeth clenched, Brand laughed. “God, you must sex right up, girlie. You’ve got him tied in knots, doing what you say. You ever tire of this loser, you come looking for me. I’ll show you how a real man-urk!”

  Furious, Jason leaped off the veranda, landing right in front of Brand to twist his hands in the grimy shirt and haul his brother up onto his tip toes.

  “You ever come near Izzy, or even ring her, write her a letter, and I will pound you into the dust. You hear me?” He shook Brand.

  Brand grabbed his wrists. “Let go, you stupid bastard!”

  Brand was older, but Jason was stronger. The years had made a lot of difference, hard work piling muscle on Jason’s lean frame, whereas a life of drinking and laziness had done nothing for Brand.

  “Goddamn idiot!” Brand flailed out at Jason. “She’s just a stupid female!”

  “You don’t get it, do you?” Practically breathing fire, Jason lowered his head to glare into his brother’s eyes. “You never hurt a woman, you never hit a woman. You don’t abuse those weaker than yourself, and that includes children, animals, females, elderly people. Now, you get in your car and you get the hell away from my family!” With that, he shoved hard.

  Brand stumbled back, slipped and fell. Hands braced on the ground, he glared up at Jason. “You’re a dim-witted bastard, Jason.”

  “Maybe I am.” Jason’s fists tightened. “But I have a life, a woman, a family, a job, respect. You want respect, Brand, you gotta give it first. Now get the hell away from us and don’t come back. Ever.”

  Swearing, Brand scrambled to his knees and stalked off to his car.

  Breathing hard, anger boiling, Jason watched. God, he wanted to hit him, lash out at his brother, punch him fair in the mouth for what he’d said about Izzy, about women. His hands actually trembled, knuckles white as he clenched his fists so tight his short nails actually started to
dig into his palm.

  Then, small fingers slid around his, easing his hand open, the warmth of Izzy’s palm against the back of his hand, her body pressed to his side. Her touch had his hand relaxed, allowing her smaller one to slide inside to grip his reassuringly. Their fingers entwined, her presence edging into his anger, her warmth slipping beneath the burn of fury.

  He glanced down, got caught in those big, pale green eyes.

  “Jason,” she said softly. “It’s all right.”

  “No, it’s not. He can’t say those things-”

  “They’re words, Jason. Just words.”

  “He’d no right, regardless. No one has a right to hurt others.”

  “I know. But people do. We can’t always escape it.” She leaned her cheek against his arm as she continued to hold his gaze. “They can say what they want, but it’s how we deal with it that matters.”

  The roar of the Commodore’s engine split the air, the squeal of tyres as Brand pulled away from the kerb to disappear down the street, the stench of burning rubber from the tyres filling the air.

  Turning, Jason cradled her cheeks in his palm. “I’m sorry, Izzy.”

  “For what?” Her eyebrows arched. “For your idiot brother? Have you forgotten so soon that I have a less than sterling sister?”

  “That’s beside the point.”

  “Shall we compare notes?”

  He sighed. “What he said about you, it’s far from the truth. You’re not just a…”

  “Fine lay? Sexed up?”

  He winced.

  “Really?” Her eyes widened. “I shouldn’t believe that jerk? I should believe you, who has been nothing but kind and respectful? Who treats me like a queen, who lets my cat take over his house without complaining? I should believe you when you showed such trust in me and didn’t hold my family’s actions against me? Why on earth would I do that?”

  He laughed, he couldn’t help it. Gathering her to him, he rested his cheek on top of her head. “Thank God for you, Iz.”

  “Yeah. I’d have kicked his arse if you’d let me at him the first time.”

  Remembering her shift forward, Jason grinned.

  “You’re not laughing at me, are you?”



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