SAO 15 - Alicization Invading

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SAO 15 - Alicization Invading Page 27

by Reki Kawahara

  No — that’s unlikely. Even if he was the Knight Commander, there was no way that he could expect Alice to bring Kirito along. There was only one simple bedsheet set up in the tent.

  Alice softly hugged the black-haired youth’s waist, guided him to the bed, turned him around and sat him down. Suddenly, a thin noise came from the boy’s throat, and he attempted to extend his left hand.

  “Okay, wait here for just a moment.”

  Dashing to the luggage set in front of the tent entrance, Alice pulled out two black and white longswords. She returned beside the bed and placed them onto Kirito’s knees. Then, Kirito tightly hugged the swords with his only hand, and fell silent.

  Slowly caressing the bowed black head, Alice softly bit her lip and became lost in thought.

  Although she boasted to Eldrie that she was going to carry Kirito to battle, in reality, it would be a little difficult. There would be no problem if it was only a skinny Kirito, but if she were to bring along the super heavy «Night Sky Sword» and «Blue Rose Sword», her movements would definitely be restricted.

  Although she considered directly sitting on Amayori’s saddle, if the enemy had Dark Knights who could fly, there would possibly be an aerial fight.

  Although it would be very regrettable, entrusting Kirito to the supply squad after battle broke out would be the most realistic plan.

  Her old friends, the Integrity Knights would definitely go for the front line, and she didn’t know a single one from the soldiers made up of normal citizens. But now she felt uncomfortable to request Eldrie to introduce to her someone suitable for the job.


  Alice knelt down, scanning the boy’s face, and clasped his cheeks between her hands.

  She had never thought of Kirito as a burden. Once he regained his heart, this youth will become a swordsman stronger than anyone in the garrison army. She brought him to the battlefield to find all possible ways of regaining his awareness.

  Knight Commander Bercouli said before that Kirito had deflected his «Slash of Incarnation». That was because he wished to protect Alice.

  Was it really believable?

  When she first met him at the Sword Mastery Academy, he was an arrestee and a criminal. Then when they met again on the eightieth floor of the Cathedral, he was a sentenced man and a traitor. Then in the instant when they had their last conversation on the highest floor of the Cathedral, no matter how much their relationship improved, it was only in a truce.

  —You’ve clearly lost your own heart ever since that battle, so why did you still protect me from Uncle’s aggression?

  —In the end… Who am I to you?

  This question bumped into Kirito’s sightless gaze and bounced back.

  Then, how did she herself see this boy?

  If she were to use one phrase to describe the Kirito in the Cathedral, “hateful” would probably be the most appropriate. He was just a boy endlessly ranting about how Alice Synthesis Thirty was an [idiot].

  But, in the last nettle, the shadow of the Kirito confronting the Highest Minister Administrator—

  Seeing the tail of the fiercely blowing black coat and the figure with both hands gripping swords, Alice felt her heart quake. Such an intensity, but a pang as though she were stabbed.

  The feeling from then had always been throbbing faintly deep within her heart.

  —Because I am an artificial existence. A puppet existing only for battle, always occupying Alice Schuberg’s body. I am not allowed at all to revel in emotions other than belligerence.

  However. What if.

  Because I keep suppressing my own heart, I am unable to communicate my voice to you?

  If, right now, I release all of my «Incarnation» to you, will you respond to me?

  Alice inhaled a deep breath, and held it.

  The cheeks clasped between her hands were very cold. No, it was her palms that were hot.

  Slowly, slowly approaching his face. She tilted her head slightly, and her hair fell onto her face.

  From the extremely close distance, staring into the stars within his pupils, she gradually brought her face closer—

  Suddenly a bell sounded clearly with a [Riiing], and Alice recoiled in alarm.

  She frantically looked around, but there was not a soul in the tent. Then she realized that the source of the noise was the bell set onto the knocker at the tent entrance.

  A guest. Intentionally clearing her throat and pushing her hair behind her back, Alice quickly traversed the tent.

  It must be Eldrie come to convince her yet again. This time, she must make herself clear that she will not yield, no matter what he says.

  Alice peeled back one of the double layer inner curtains, slid inside, and opened the thick outer fur with her left hand.

  Then, her half-open lips stopped instantly.

  The visitor before her was not an Integrity Knight; not even a normal soldier. She couldn’t help but blink in surprise.


  With a small, timid voice, the visitor held out a covered pot held with both hands.

  “I’ve… I’ve come to deliver your dinner, Knight-sama.”

  “…Is that so.”

  Alice glanced up. Sure enough, the crimson light of the sunset was already gradually sinking below the mountains.

  “Thank you… You’ve worked hard.”

  Alice commended as she received the pot, and looked the small frame up and down again.

  She was still quite young, seeming to be a young girl of about fifteen or sixteen.

  Beautiful red hair hung below her shoulders. Her large eyes were of the same reddish leafy color. Her fair white skin and high nose signified that she was of Northern Empire lineage.

  She wore the simple light armor of a lower guard, but underneath were a gray tunic dress and skirt; it should be a school uniform.

  Taking a child like this to the battlefield… Alice knit her brows, and suddenly thought of something.

  She seemed to have seen this girl’s appearance somewhere. But the Alice living in the Cathedral then shouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet common citizens.

  At this time, another girl who seemed to hide behind the red-haired girl shyly stepped forward.

  “Th-this… is bread, and stuff to drink…”

  Alice couldn’t help but smile slightly at the barely audible voice of the girl whose tea-colored hair was close to black, and took the offered basket.

  “There’s no need to be so scared, I’m not going to eat you.”

  Just as she was saying that, Alice finally remembered.

  She had once heard this extremely nervous voice. These two are from then…?

  “May I ask… Could both of you be from… North Centoria Sword Mastery Academy…?”

  At this, the girls’ stiff expressions instantly soothed in relief. But then they immediately straightened their figures, snapped their legs together and reported their names:

  “Y-yes! I… I am of the Human Empire Garrison Army Supply Division, Novice Trainee Tiese Shtolienen!”

  “I am of the s-same division, Novice Trainee Ronye Arabel!”

  As expected, Alice thought, and reflexively saluted back.

  These are the two who came forward to beg to bid farewell to Kirito and Eugeo when I took them away from the Academy.

  No matter how lacking the Garrison Army was in terms of manpower, it would never expropriate students. Therefore, these two voluntarily left the familiarity of the Central Capital to come to the Eastern border. Why would these childlike girls do this to such a degree…?

  Her right hand holding the pot, left hand holding the basket, Alice couldn’t help but stare at the duo. Seeing this, the black-brown-haired girl called Ronye hid behind the red-haired girl’s back again. The red-haired girl called Tiese curled up tightly, but finally opened her mouth with a desperate expression:

  “I… I… K-Knight-sama… I also well know that t-this is a highly disrespectful act…”

bsp; Alice could not help but smile wryly at this extremely exaggerated wording; she squeezed out a soft smile and interrupted her:

  “Didn’t I say that there’s no need for that kind of formality? In this camp, I’m just a swordswoman gathered here to protect the Human Empire. Just call me Alice, Tiese-san, and… Ronye-san.”

  Right after her words, Tiese and Ronye who stuck her head out from behind both gaped.

  “…W-what’s the matter?”

  “Ah, no… It’s just…. Comparing from before, when we met at the Academy, our impressions of you are completely different…”


  Alice tilted her head as she thought about that. She felt nothing about it herself, but possibly, in the half-year she had spent at Rulid, she changed a bit without knowing it. The Knight Commander had also said something completely unfounded about her face getting plumper.

  But now that she thought about it, Selka’s cooking was simply too delicious, and she couldn’t deny that she did eat more than normal… But it shouldn’t be to the degree that it showed on the surface…

  A smile floating onto her slightly tightened face, Alice continued:

  “Then… Is there anything you want to talk to me about?”

  “Ah… Y-yes, there is.”

  Tiese relaxed her nervous demeanor slightly, sucked her lip and said:

  “It’s… We’ve heard tell that when Knight-sa… Alice-sama came on a dragon, you brought a young black-haired male… So we guessed… That he… Could be… Someone we know…”

  “Ah… So it’s like this, indeed.”

  Finally understanding the girls’ reason for visiting, Alice nodded.

  “You both were on good terms with Kirito in the Academy, weren’t you…?”

  Right after Alice’s words, the two instantly shined like blooming flower buds. Ronye even leaked tears slightly from her tea-colored eyes.

  “As expected… It’s Kirito-senpai…”

  Tiese held Ronye’s hand as she murmured, and shouted, full of hope:

  “Then… Eugeo-senpai also…!”

  Hearing this name, Alice sharply inhaled a breath of cold air.

  These two naturally don’t know. The night-and-day fight and ending that unfolded in the Cathedral. They had no way of knowing. Everything, including the death of the Highest Minister Administrator who died inside, was known only by the Integrity Knights.

  Seeing Alice not utter a sound, the two revealed strange expressions. Alice looked from Tiese’s and Ronye’s eyes for a few seconds, and slowly looked down.

  Everything has gone this far; she couldn’t hide anything now.

  Besides, these two have the right to know. Perhaps they volunteered to become Garrison soldiers and come here to see Kirito and Eugeo again…

  Alice lifted her head decidedly and slowly opened her mouth:

  “To both of you, this may be too cruel of a reality… But I believe, as the underclassmen of Kirito and Eugeo, you will definitely accept this.”

  Then she stepped back, lifted the fur drapery, and urged the two inside the tent.

  Contradictory to Alice’s expectations deep down, Kirito saw Tiese and Ronye, but displayed not a flutter in reaction.

  Enduring her disappointment, Alice stood on the side of the tent, gazing at the tragic scene in front of her.

  Dropping to her knees in front of Kirito sitting on the bed, Ronye took Kirito’s left hand in both of her own small hands as tears slid down her cheeks.

  But what was more painful was Tiese, who fell onto the fur carpet, staring at the Blue Rose Sword. Her paper-white face lost all expression as she received the news of Eugeo’s death. Wordlessly, she turned her eyes to the blade, which was snapped in the middle.

  Alice had nearly no opportunity to directly speak with the young man called Eugeo.

  When she took him into the Cathedral and locked him into the dungeon, and when she engaged them on the eightieth floor of the Tower, leaving only when she fought alongside with him in the final battle on the highest floor against Administrator.

  Not only winning against Knight Commander Bercouli, he had transformed his own body into a sword, destroyed the Sword Golem and sliced off one of the Highest Minister’s arms; Alice felt deep respect for his willpower from the bottom of her heart, but his personal disposition was something she had heard mostly about from Selka.

  According to Selka, Eugeo was a mature yet thoughtful young man. He was often forcefully dragged along by his childhood friend Alice Schuberg on all different kinds of adventures. That kind of personality must be a good partner to Kirito.

  Kirito and Eugeo must have created a lot of disturbances in the Academy as well. Yet these two girls were drawn to them, and deeply affected. Just like how Alice was.

  —Therefore, please, I beg you both to endure this pain. Kirito and Eugeo fought for many important things, and were injured and lost their souls and lives.

  Alice prayed within her heart as she gazed towards the two.

  When they are subjected to an overly great frightening or melancholy psychological impact, the people living in the Human Empire often develop mental diseases since they cannot bear it. Some time ago, Rulid, invaded by the Dark Army, also produced a few villagers who had no physical injury yet were confined to their beds.

  Tiese must love Eugeo deeply.

  At such a young age, having to endure the immense impact of the death of a loved one was absolutely no easy task.

  In front of Alice’s sight, Tiese, sitting paralyzed on the ground, twitched her finger, inching towards the blade of the Blue Rose Sword.

  Alice anxiously watched Tiese’s every move. Although the Blue Rose Sword was snapped in half, it was ultimately a Divine Instrument of the highest level. Although she did not think that girl would be able to wield it, overly deep despair and pain could possibly lead to unexpected strength. No one knows what will happen.

  Tiese extended a trembling finger, finally touching the light blue blade. She gently traced not the blade itself, but the side, which was ground to a smooth surface.

  Then, in that instant—

  Red light that shot into the tent via the skylight spread around; Alice saw a weak, but surely flashing blue light emanating from the broken blade.

  At the same time, Tiese’s entire body shook violently.

  Feeling something, Ronye turned to look at her friend. In the nervous air, large droplets appeared in Tiese’s eyes and fell soundlessly.

  “… Just now…”

  A whisper came from her lightly colored lips.

  “… I heard it… Eugeo-senpai’s… voice… He said, don’t cry… Because I’m… always… here… He said that…”

  As the pooling tears became more and more, suddenly, Tiese laid her face onto the sword and began sobbing loudly like a child. Ronye laid onto Kirito’s knees, wailing.


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