Forbidden Three

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Forbidden Three Page 7

by Kira Blakely

  “I don’t understand how this happened,” I say and drop my hands.

  He offers me one of his, and I actually take it. Why does it feel so natural with him?

  Even now, when he should be a stranger to me, he isn’t. He’s not strange, he’s familiar, but not in the same way Holden is familiar. It’s like my body understands what happened even while my brain reels to catch up.

  Joey sits me up then takes the seat next to me, still holding my hand. My robe is open, my pussy still wet with my juices, throbbing with aftershocks. “How?”

  “I invited you here,” he says.


  “Yes,” he replies. “For Holden. I knew he was obsessed with you but that he’d never act on it, but when I saw you down on the beach, I couldn’t resist. Something about you called to me, Dani. Something in the way you move, how sweet you looked in your white cotton dress.”

  “So, it was you on the beach,” I say.

  “Yes. It was me. I claimed you that first day as mine. I still feel that way. You belong with me.”

  “Belong with you?” I swallow. This is too much.

  I’ve loved Holden since I met him, and I definitely don’t know a thing about Joey. Certainly, not enough to claim I love him. Have I loved every second of being with him? Yes, because I’ve loved everything about this past day and night, apart from crying.

  The real Holden was probably the one who told me he couldn’t do this anymore. The one who saved me on the boat then abandoned me.

  The cold Holden.

  The hot Joey.

  I’ve liked the time I’ve spent with both of them equally but hated the confusion. Now, everything’s clearing.

  “You should’ve told me,” I say and focus on Joey again. “You—you tricked me.”

  “I know,” he replies. “Trust me, I’m not big on lying, but fucking you was… it was like I couldn’t stop. And when I wanted to tell you, I found you crying because of something Holden had said.”

  Last night, he was the one who came and took me down to the sand. He walked with me and wanted to know more. He cared.

  “I wanted to tell you now,” he says. “That’s why I came to the villa. I was here this morning but you were already gone. I went to the docks to find you, but it was too late.” Joey brushes my hair behind my ear and holds my lobe for a second, then releases it. “You, uh, you distracted me with the fruit.”

  I glance at the abandoned syrup and cream, the strawberries, pineapple, and raspberries. “Sorry,” I say.

  “What? No.” He laughs. “Listen, I’m not big on apologies, but if anyone owes one, it’s me. If I hadn’t led with my dick, none of this shit would’ve happened. Or maybe, I’d have told you sooner.” Joey holds my hand, and I pick out the differences between him and his brother. A mole beside his nose, more of a beauty spot, small and covered by the mask this entire time, and the warmth in his eyes.

  He’s more relaxed than Holden.

  Stop. This is wrong. You can’t betray Holden like that.

  If anything, the confusion is way worse.

  Two brothers. Both on the island, and both of them have made me orgasm.

  “What do I do?” I whisper and shake my head. “This is a disaster. What do I do?”

  “You don’t have to do anything,” Joey replies, then lifts my hand and brushes his lips across the backs of my knuckles.

  Heat surges through me. God, my core tightens for him all over again. This is ridiculous. I should feel violated, but it’s like he’s my oldest friend, like we’ve known each other forever.

  “I do,” I say. “I have to speak to Holden about this. I—I’m sorry, Joey, but I came here for him. As much as I’ve enjoyed being with you, this isn’t fair. I—a”

  “No.” He squeezes my fingers. “No. None of this is your fault. I’ll handle Holden.”

  “Handle Holden?” The voice that whips through the room is that same whipped velvet I fell in love with back in New York, except it’s kinked with anger. It’s broken with emotion.

  I look up.

  Holden stands in the doorway of the villa, his hand on the knob of the front door. He holds it open and glares at us. Me naked, my robe hanging open, my cheeks still flushed from sex with his brother.

  No, no, no, not happening.

  “Holden!” I jerk my hand from Joey’s grasp and wince. It’s fucked up to do that, but I can’t help it. This is the man I’ve been infatuated with for a month. The one I followed here. And he thinks I purposefully betrayed him.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Holden growls.

  I leap to my feet and take a step toward him, grasping at the ends of my robe.

  He holds up a palm to me and I stop. Holden points at his brother. “Explain.”

  Joey shifts to his feet beside me, the lemony cologne drifting toward me. I tighten again and hate myself for it. “I invited her here,” he says, evenly. “For you. But shit doesn’t always work out the way you plan it. Right, bro?”

  Tension bubbles through the room, long, thick ropes of it connecting the two men, drawing them toward each other. Muscles clench, jaws twitch, fists balled up at their sides. This can’t be happening.

  “I didn’t know,” I say. “I’m so sorry, Holden, I thought it was you the entire time.” It’s the truth, but I still feel like I’m throwing Joey under the bus, and I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t care. He lied.

  But so have I. I’ve lied to myself, because I can’t fucking imagine going back to New York and pretending like none of this has happened.

  “She’s telling the truth,” Joey says and places a warm, massive hand on the back of my neck and holds me there.

  It’s such a possessive gesture, but I don’t shake him off.

  “She didn’t know that it was me who gave her the best orgasm of her entire life until just a few moments ago.” Joey grits his teeth. “And then she came even harder.”

  “Stop.” I step away from him, and he lets his hand fall.

  “Motherfucker,” Holden growls. “What the fuck have you done? You had no right bringing her here. You had no right to touch her.”

  “Touch her! Don’t talk about me like I’m not here,” I snap. “I’m not a commodity to be pulled apart between the two of you.”

  They ignore me and stare daggers at each other.

  “This is ridiculous,” I say. “It’s a mistake, and we’ll figure it out, OK? Just, don’t get angry with each other over this. Don’t. You’re brothers.” Oh god, and I’m the one tearing them apart.

  Joey doesn’t speak. Neither does Holden.

  Those ropes of tension connect them in their silence. It feels as if the whole room is about to explode.

  Is there any resolution to this? Because I sure as hell can’t figure what that’s going to be.

  “I invited her here,” Joey says, as if that’s the end of the matter.

  Holden squares his shoulders, rage bubbling across his expression. “She wasn’t yours to invite. She was always my girl.”

  Since when?

  Chapter 14


  Fury isn’t the correct term for this feeling.

  It’s as if every cell in my body is on fire, and each one screams for me to wrap my hands around my brother’s throat and throttle the fuck out of him.

  “Your girl?” Joey asks and scoffs at me. He’s still next to her. She’s stepped away from him at least. They’re not touching anymore, but he’s still beside her, in the space where I belong. The space I should’ve taken before this fucking weekend started.

  If I had, then he wouldn’t be there, and she wouldn’t have come to Mystique. Instead, we would’ve been out somewhere else, together.

  “My girl,” I growl.

  “Please,” Joey replies. “You haven’t had the balls to take her properly. To give her what she deserves. She’s not your girl. She’s never been yours.”

  “I am right here,” Danielle hisses. “Stop talking about me like I’m in the next roo

  Joey pats the air beside her, a calm-down gesture that achieves the opposite effect. Somewhere in the distance, probably by the banquet hall, a bell rings, signaling the start of another late afternoon party.

  “Danielle,” I say, and focus on her.

  A shiver passes over her, and it gratifies me. She truly is my girl. She moans my name while she masturbates, for fuck’s sake.

  “I know you didn’t realize what was going on,” I say. “None of this is your fault, and that’s fine, but this is… difficult for me. This is my brother.” I have to focus on her to keep from ripping that brother’s head off and throwing it across the damn room.

  He’s the one who’s betrayed me.

  We’re the twins, the Gemini twins. Two billionaires. Two warriors back to back, defending each other.

  Danielle bows her head but doesn’t say anything. Her fists clench at her sides. This must be shit for her, but I can’t contain my jealousy.

  It’s a beast, roaring in my chest, demanding I own her, that I prove that she’ll never be my brother’s. That she’s always been mine. That she loves me.

  “She enjoyed every second with me,” Joey says and puffs up. He wants this to blow up. That’s his aim. I won’t give him the satisfaction.

  I’ve always been the one who’s in control, while he’s prone to losing his temper.

  “She thought it was me,” I reply and let out a little laugh. “You’re playing second string again, Joey, just like in college.”

  “I’ll fucking kill you.”

  “Stop!” Danielle shouts. “Stop it. If you don’t, you’ll have to leave.”

  “Choose,” I say, even though it’s fucking ridiculous, and I shouldn’t ask her this, not when she’s still in shock after just finding out it was my brother who summoned her here. “Choose which one of us you want.”

  “You can’t—I—what?” She grips two handfuls of hair and tugs on them, the silken caramel strands poking from between her fingers. “You expect me to choose, now?”

  Joey eyes her out. He wants an answer, too, the fuckhead.

  “Don’t tell me lies,” I say, because the green monster behind my thudding heart won’t stop. It won’t take no for an answer. “I know you love me.”

  “You—you do?”

  “You love me,” I reply. “Just like I love you.”

  Joey grunts as if I’ve punched him in the stomach. God damn, I wish that were true.

  “You love me,” she whimpers.

  “Yes,” I reply, and for once, it’s easy for the words to slip from my tongue. The emotion comes freely because it’s her, and I’m close to losing this for good. “I love you.”

  “I—I’ve been in love with you since we met, I think,” she whispers. “I only came here to find you. But—you, you didn’t want me. You pushed me away.” Danielle’s liquid brown eyes are aflame now. “You told me that it can’t happen. That it’s too complicated. I’m your nanny, for fuck’s sake.” The words hiss free of her. “And you’re right. This is way too—”

  I stride across the space that separates us and take her in my arms, turn her away from Joey. I press her naked body against the front of my T-shirt, brush my fingers down her jawline, then kiss her, hard.

  She whimpers and leans into me. I part her lips and kiss her, taste her, claim her as I should’ve before this all started.

  “Mine,” I say, into her mouth.

  “No.” It’s Joey. He’s still here. Still standing there, staring at us.

  “Fuck off,” I say, then kiss my girl again.

  Danielle whimpers, and I cup both her breasts, brazen now. I’ll prove that she’s mine, prove it to everyone. I pinch her nipples, and she jerks in my grasp. Her robe falls free and drops to the floor.

  I slide one hand up and into her hair, tug lightly, and continue kissing her. Movement catches my gaze.

  Joey’s behind her, now, and he lowers himself to his knees. “She’s not just yours, anymore.”

  I stiffen. He’s touching her. He’s touching my woman.

  Danielle’s eyelids flutter open, and she gasps. A moan escapes her, and she arches her back, presses her breasts against me, and throws her arms around my neck. “Oh, my god,” she whimpers, body trembling.

  He’s eating her out.

  Fucking prick. He’s trying to take her away from me.

  I kiss her again, harder, drawing her attention to me and my lips instead of what he’s doing to her pussy. My girl. That’s all that matters. I’m the one who’ll make her come hard. I’ll get her out of here, take her away from him and—

  Danielle jerks against me and moans into my mouth. She’s alive, twisting in my arms, wild and free. She sucks on my bottom lip, then reaches down between us and grabs my cock. Her reactions drive me insane.

  In the time I’ve been here on this island with her, we still haven’t fucked, and I need that now more than ever.

  Danielle nibbles my lip, then catches my tongue and sucks that next. She’s insatiable, and I take her breasts in my hands again, massaging and circling the flesh with my warmth, pinching and teasing.

  She moans and focuses on me, her gaze brimming with so much lust I can almost taste it. She’s a furnace, burning up, quivering and heaving against my chest.

  I loop my arm around her waist and hold her up and she arches her back, presses her ass outward.

  Wet, soft, licking noises drift up from behind her, but I can’t give a shit. Danielle fills my vision, every flutter of her eyelashes and breath that escapes her lips. She drags her hand up and down my cock, outside of my shorts, huffing, puffing, wanting more of it. More of me.

  “Please,” she whispers. “Please, Mr. Long.”

  She could be talking to either of us, but that was meant for me. It has to be.

  “You want it,” I grunt.

  “Please,” she whimpers, again.

  “Take it.”

  She fumbles with the tie on my board shorts, gets it undone, and shoves them down. They drop to the floor and my dick springs free, hard and wet for her. Dripping as it did at the banquet when she polished me off so good I whacked off back in my villa afterward.

  Danielle slides her fingers over my tip, then down the shaft. She grips tight and strokes, rubbing it against her body and her palm. “Yes,” she groans. “Oh, yes. Oh, god, baby, I want to come so bad. I want to come so bad.”

  She shuts her eyes but doesn’t quit stroking me.

  I take her hand, spit in it, then fix it back on my dick. She moans and writhes, quickens the pace on my dick. I tingle for her. Fuck. I’m ready to fill this woman, now.

  “I want to come,” she moans. “Please, let me come. Can I come?”

  “Come,” Joey commands.

  It should be a shock to my system, but it’s not. It’s like hearing my thought spoken out loud, with my voice, from another place.

  “You can come, baby. You can come for Mr. Long.”

  Danielle tightens her grip on my dick and fucking rages against me. She loops her other arm around my neck, ass still pressed outward, and sucks on my lip. She bites down on it and moans between her teeth. “Coming, oh, fuck, I’m coming.”

  She rocks and rolls. She’s coming so hard I nearly come with her, squirt all over her hand instead of inside her cunt where I belong.

  Finally, the orgasm subsides, and she collapses against me, breathing hard.

  “So good,” she whispers, her voice still thick with desire. “So good.”

  “I’m not done yet,” I growl.

  Joey’s still in the room, and he needs to fucking learn that this woman is mine. So I’ll claim her, and if he witnesses that, all the better. Then he’ll finally fuck off.

  “On the sofa,” I growl. “Now.” I grip her upper arm and drag her there.

  Chapter 15


  Holden drags me toward the sofa, past the coffee table still bearing its tray of fruit and sweets. I’m barely over my orgasm. It’s the third I’ve had tod
ay, and I’m spent, but this isn’t over. Holden, my Holden, says it’s not over.

  “On your hands and knees,” he says.

  Joey’s still crouched on the floor, his lips glistening with my cum. He licks them clean and watches, predatory, a burning passion in his gaze. Either hatred or lust or a combination of the two.

  “Now!” Holden barks.

  I do as I’m told. I want him inside me more than I want to breathe.

  I crawl onto my hands and knees on the sofa, still quivering, pussy still clenching.

  “That’s right,” Holden says, and the sofa depresses behind me. His hot tip presses against my folds. “That’s my girl. And this is my pussy, so sweet and fucking hot. Remember how you squirted for me last night?”

  “Uh-huh,” I whimper.

  “Let’s make that happen again.”

  He presses into me in one long thrust, and I cry out and collapse forward onto my elbows. Holden loops one arm around my waist and lifts me back onto my hands again. “Like that,” he says and presses his palm onto my back, above my ass. “Just like that, Danielle.”

  Holden thrusts into me, opens me wide, and fills me with his searing length.

  This is everything I’ve imagined. Better.

  It’s more animalistic, and I’m so full of him. Full in every way. Cherished by his dick. I’m sailing toward another orgasm, cresting my peak for—what, how many times has it been? This is my fourth.

  He’s insatiable. So is Joey.

  Joey’s eyes are narrowed, his hand is on the front of his chinos, his cock stiff there. He rises, but Holden doesn’t slow his pace.

  “My girl,” Holden growls, ramming into me again and again. “What do you want?”

  “I want to come,” I moan again. “I want to scream.”

  “Good. Come for me, good girl. Come hard. Come on my cock, and if you do it hard enough, I’ll fill you up. You want my cum, baby?”

  “I want all your cum, please.” And I do. “Please.”

  He spanks my ass. “Then come.”

  I crest my rise and sail over the edge, jamming through my fourth orgasm of the day, my jaw dropped. My moan becomes a wail. White hot ecstasy washes over me, and I blank out.


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