economy, 166
influence in Syria, 162
interim agreement, 166–167
as Iraq War beneficiary, 163, 183
losing opportunity on, 194
malign and dangerous role, 174
multilateral coalition and, 164–165
as now in the driver’s seat, 193
nuclear negotiations, 165, 166
nuclear program, 164, 166
as Persian Shia state, 162
sanctions, 163, 164–165, 166, 173, 183
sanctions relief, 167, 183
as threat to Israel, 168–169
Iran-Contra affair, 9
Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, 172
Iran nuclear deal
agreement, 161
assessment that it was working, 188
attempts to undermine negotiation of, 170–171
author public statement on, 184
Bennet (author) and, 178–179, 180, 185–186
as best of bad choices, 182, 183
in challenging the Senate, 194
Colorado and, 185–187
debate, 183
enforcement question, 181
evidence of Iranian compliance with, 187–188
final terms of, 172–173
Iran compliance with obligations, 190
Iranian Americans on, 181–182
Iran requirements in, 173–174
McConnell and, 174, 184, 185
national self-sabotage, 191
Netanyahu and, 168, 175
Obama and, 161, 178, 179–180, 182, 188–189
opponents of, 178, 180
overview of, 172–173
path to, 162–167
president authority to negotiate, 171–172
questioning of, 180–181
Republicans and, 174–175
significance of, 172
Trump refusal to certify, 190
withdrawal from, 161, 190–191, 192, 193
as working, 192
Iraq, 162
Iraq War, 163, 183
Islamic Revolutionary Guard, 166, 171
issue advocacy, 84
Japanese internment camps, 232, 252–253
Jefferson, Thomas
call for unity, 241
Electoral College tie and, 240
expectations on citizens, 242
fight with John Adams, 239
as great visionary, 241
inauguration, 240–241
as intentionally minded, 202
as slaveholder, 240
warning of “political intolerance,” 241
Johnson, Lyndon, 182
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, 172. See also Iran nuclear deal
Judicial Crisis Network, 36, 53, 61–62, 68
judicial nominations, 37, 39, 40, 41. See also Supreme Court justice nominations
Kagan, Robert, 169
Kavanaugh, Brett, 67, 68–-69
Kemp-Roth tax cut, 9
Kennedy, John F., vii, 7
Kennedy, Ted, 214–215
Kenney, David, 14
Kerry, John, 170, 218
Keyser, Jon, 186
Keystone XL pipeline, 99–101, 102–103, 104–105, 185
Khamenei, Ali, 165–166, 183
Khashoggi, Jamal, 199
Kim Jong-un, 52, 192, 200
King, Martin Luther Jr., 7, 21–22, 252, 264
King, Steve, 229
Klejman, Susanne, 5, 6
Know-Nothings, 232
Kobes, Jonathan, 70
Koch brothers, 36, 53, 94–95, 110, 136, 137
Krueger, Alan, 122, 123, 126
Kushner, Jared, 233
Labrador, Raúl, 229
land of flickering lights, 141
Latino voters, 218–219, 231
Lazarus, Emma, 238
Leahy, Patrick, 45
Lee, Mike, 33, 56, 98, 138, 146–147, 149
Lend-Lease Act, 194
“Letter from a Region of My Mind” (Baldwin), 265
“Let the People Decide” campaign, 36
Levin, Carl, 44, 46, 50–51
life expectancy, 29
Limbaugh, Rush, 236
Lincoln, Abraham, 3, 16, 20, 29, 242, 243, 264
Lizza, Ryan, 57
Lost Opportunity chart, 281
Lott, Trent, 79
Macron, Emmanuel, 72–73
Manchin, Joe, 115
mandatory spending, 131
manufacturing, 157
Mattis, James, 197, 201
maximalist philosophy, 161
Mazzoli, Romano, 214
McCain, John
cap-and-trade, 80
climate bill, 97
environmental stewardship, 81
Gang of Eight, 38, 207, 221, 224
on immigration, 221
as McCain-Feingold sponsor, 86
Palin as running mate, 80
as presidential candidate, 80, 95
Senate primary challenge, 97
tax cut, 132
visitation of detention centers, 207
McCain-Feingold, 86, 90
McCarthy, Gina, 43
McCarthy, Kevin, 229, 234
McCarthyism, 195
McConnell, Mitch
blockade, 44–45, 46, 68
climate change and, 79
in establishing new Supreme Court precedent, 36
in filling judicial vacancies, 62, 63, 69
first vote (2015), 103
Iran nuclear deal and, 174, 184, 185
“legislative magic trick,” 143
McCain-Feingold and, 86
Netanyahu invitation, 168
nomination blockade, 52, 54
nuclear option and, 48, 49, 58, 61
on Obama as one-term president, 39–40
as politician, 47
Reid and, 40, 43, 143
rule change justification, 66
on Supreme Court nominations (2016), 33
McConnell v. FEC, 86, 87
McHenry, James, 22
McKibben, Bill, 99
Medicaid, 119, 130, 149
Medicare, 119, 130, 132, 133, 134, 149
Menendez, Bob, 220, 221, 224
“midnight judges,” 240
Miller, Stephen, 208, 233
Mnuchin, Steven, 150
mobility, 263, 267, 269–270
Montesquieu, 21, 202, 243, 255, 259
Montreal Protocol, 78
Moran, Jerry, 52, 53
Mulvaney, Mick, 88
Murray, Patty, 217
National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, 85
national debt. See debt
National Labor Relations Board, 43
national parks, 153
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 112
national security, 178, 182
NATO, 198
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 168, 169, 175, 177
9/11, 133, 161, 196
Nixon, Richard
environment and, 77, 82
Shanghai Communiqué, 172
“Southern Strategy,” 9
Watergate and, 8, 82
Norquist, Grover, 226
North Korea, 192–193, 200, 256
Norton, Jane, 96, 139
Not Far from the Tree chart, 277
nuclear negotiations, 192, 193–194
nuclear option
first threatened use of, 37
McConnell and, 48, 49, 58, 61
Reid and, 40, 42, 47
in threatening balance of power, 38
use of, 38
Obama, Barack
call to announce appointment, 17–18
campaign education advisor for, 17
Climate Action Plan and, 102
climate change and, 94
Council of Economic Advisors, 122
deficit reduction under, 148–149
Dreams from My Father, 16
economic growth under, 148
education secretary job in
terview with, 17
election victory (2008), 5, 39
first hearing of, 16
Garland nomination, 51, 56
Iran arms control agreement, 26
Iran nuclear deal and, 161, 178, 179–180, 182, 188–189
judicial vacancies and, 40
Keystone XL pipeline and, 102, 104–105
as law firm associate, 16
“let the public proctology begin” and, 17
in limiting carbon emissions, 98
response to Great Recession, 134–135
running for president, 16
in saving the auto industry, 135
State of the Union address (2015), 167, 168
in vanquishing recession, 129
Obamacare. See Affordable Health Care Act
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 107
O’Donnell, Christine, 139
Old Senate Chamber, 43–44, 45
one-party rule, viii, 258
opioid crisis, 29, 103, 153, 236
creating, 155
deficit, 118–127
divide, 257–258
economic, 121, 127
real, 121
“opposite day,” 256
Opposite Directions chart, 276
organized labor, immigrants and, 216
ozone layer, 77–78
Paine, Thomas, 263–264
Palin, Sarah, 80, 139, 147
A Parent’s Paycheck—and Yours chart, 278
pathway to citizenship, 218, 220, 223, 256
Paul, Rand, 98, 139
Peloponnesian War, 65
Pelosi, Nancy, 140
Pence, Mike, 138
Perez, Tom, 43
Perriello, Tom, 97
perspective, 266
pluralist process, 259
political action committees (PACs), 89, 91–92
political advocacy, 84
political dysfunction, 29
Bennet (author) experience of, 21
as con game, 155
Constitution and, 1, 2
in generating more politics, 3
as losing its purpose, 2
new, expectations of, 30
real work of, 4
what it can accomplish, 206–207
what it can destroy, 207
poverty, 120, 125, 126, 260
balance of, 38
of money, in politics, 82, 93
sharing of, 258
sovereign, 271
prescription-drug benefit, 133
Priebus, Reince, 55
Progressive Change Campaign Committee, 56
purpose, this book, 23–24
Putin, Vladimir, 191, 198, 199
quid pro quo corruption, 83–84, 87, 93
racism, 21, 244, 268
Reagan, Ronald
bipartisan legislation, 8, 9
conservative point of view, 9
environment and, 78, 80
in making government work, 9
military buildup, 196
Montreal Protocol and, 78
tax-reform legislation, 150
Reardon, Sean, 126
Reconciliation (Whitman), 243
Reid, Harry
D.C. Circuit and, 41–42, 44
Gang of Eight, 220
Garland and, 54
McConnell and, 40, 43, 143
nuclear option and, 40, 42, 47
re-election (2010), 217
Tea Party opponent, 139
renewable energy, 75, 112
climate change and, 74, 76–77, 79–80, 98, 111, 113
commitment of, 156
on D.C.circuit nominees, 45
defense of Iran deal withdrawal, 191–192
Iran nuclear deal and, 174–175
judicial vacancies plan, 40
Keystone XL pipeline and, 104
majorities, 8
one-party rule, 258
opposition to nominees, 41–42
Senate control, 34
tax cuts and, 132–133
“total war” threat, 42
“Resistance to Civil Government” (Thoreau), 245
Risch, Jim, 175
Ritter, Bill, 5, 16, 18, 128
Roberts, John, 33, 67
Roe v. Wade, 60
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 6, 8, 252, 268, 269
Rouhan, Hassan, 165, 166, 180
Rove, Karl, 226
Rubio, Marco, 98, 222, 224
rule of law, 198, 203
Rumsfeld, Donald, 162
Rural Water Program, 153
Ryan, Paul, 232–233, 234, 236
safety net, strengthening, 157
Salazar, Ken, 5, 16, 18, 128, 211
Santelli, Rick, 135–136
Scalia, Antonin
death of, 31, 51
qualifications for Supreme Court, 32–33
on recusal policy, 35–36
replacement, 55
on “standard practice,” 34
vacancy, fight over, 34–35, 36
Schumer, Chuck, 220, 224
Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act, 221
self-government, viii, ix, 21, 27, 29, 63
Senate. See also Congress
constitutional duty, 52
as “Hope Free Zone,” 236
inclusive deliberation and, 38
judicial confirmations in Trump era, 69–70
majority and president’s party, 71
rules for debate on judicial nominations, 37
in Supreme Court confirmations, 34–37
Seneca Falls Convention, 249
the sequester, 144, 145
Sessions, Jeff, 226–227
Severino, Carrie, 53
“Sheldon primary,” 177
Silicon Valley, need to invest profits, 158
Simpson, Alan, 214
Simpson-Mazzoli legislation, 214, 220
Slater, Craig, 11–12
slavery, 27, 43, 70, 244, 251, 253
social mobility, 267, 269–270
Social Security, 119, 130, 132, 149
sovereign power, 271
SpeechNOW v. FEC, 82
defense, 9, 149, 196
discretionary, 130, 144–145
entitlement, 130
mandatory, 131
runaway, 135, 138, 142
“standard practice,” 34
subprime mortgage crisis, 133
super PACs, 91–92, 178
Supreme Court
filling seats on, viii
importance of composition, 35
nuclear option and, 48–49
recusal policy, 35–36
tie vote possibility, 35–36
Supreme Court justice nominations
battles over, 36–37
bipartisan agreements and, 66
Clinton and, 56–57
Constitution on, 31–32
during election year, 32
history of, 32
McConnell and Grassley on, 34
Senate pace for, 35
Trump and, 55–56
surplus, budget, 131–132, 151
tax bill (Trump), 115–116
tax cuts
Bush (George W.), 132, 133, 143–144, 145
McCain, 133
in name of middle class, 28
Republicans and, 132–133
Trump, 28, 119, 149, 150–151, 153, 257
for the wealthy, 118, 127–128, 281
tax policies, 157, 270
Tax Reform Act of 1986, 9
Tea Party
in 2010 election, 140
arrogance of righteousness, 258
basic demands, 138
bipartisan ineptitude and, viii
causes, 136–137
cause to defeat the ACA, 136
Citizens United v. FEC and, 96
debt ceiling and, 142–143
emergence of, 95
r /> as explosive political force, 136
fiscal responsibility rhetoric, 25
insurgency, 138
as Koch brothers tool, 95
obstruction, 149
resistance to change, 268
rising, 134–146
total victory for, 145
town halls and, 18–19
use of government shutdowns, 25–26
Tea Party Express, 139
terrorism, 271
Thoreau, Henry David, 245, 246, 264
Thucydides, 64, 65, 71
de Tocqueville, Alexis, 273, 274
Toomey, Pat, 98
town halls
as face-to-face encounters, 20
faith derived from, 19
financial concerns expressed in, 117–118
as superintendent, 18
Tea Party and, 18–19
toughest, 19
Traditional Values Coalition, 53
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 134, 138
Truman, Harry, 197
Trumka, Richard, 226
Trump, Donald
approval ratings, 60
bluster of, 196
climate change and, 76–77, 81, 112
crowds’ love of his rhetoric, 233–234
defense spending increases, 196
deficit under, 151–152
distain for diplomacy, 201
election as president, 50, 51, 57–58
“enemy of the people,” 203
environment and, 109, 110
factionalism and rise of, 26–27
foreign policy, 196–199
government shutdown over border wall funding, 236
Hispanic voters and, 231–232
“I alone can fix it” and, 149
immigration rhetoric, 232, 234–235
Iran deal withdrawal, 161, 190–191, 192, 193
Iran nuclear deal and, 175, 189, 190
keeping promises in face of facts, 191
McConnell and, 63
as presumptive nominee, 54–55
State Department threats, 199
Supreme Court judges and, 55–56
tax cuts, 28, 119, 149, 150–151, 153, 257
“winning” and, 197
withdrawal from Iranian agreement, 26
in citizenship, 20–21
in goodwill we share, 21
mutual, 38
restoration of, 3
unemployment rate, 154
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 78
Upton, Fred, 96–97
Vietnam War, 195
violence, freedom from, 271
Vitter, David, 175
Voting Rights Act, 9
Walden Colorado meeting, 260, 262
Waldman, Paul, 58, 59
Walker, Mark, 151
Warmbier, Otto, 200
War Relocation Authority, 252
Wartgow, Jerry, 14–15
Washington, George, 2
Watergate, 8, 82
Waxman-Markey, 95, 96, 97
Americans on wrong side of, 257
decline in, 133
greater, benefits of, 120
growing inequality of, 122
uneven distribution of, 119–120
Webb, Wellington, 14
West Garfield meeting, 260–262
Whitman, Walt, 205, 243, 246–248
wildfires, 76
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