TEMPTATION - A Bad Boy Romance

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TEMPTATION - A Bad Boy Romance Page 80

by Gabi Moore

  Of course, by now, you can guess that that wasn’t quite the whole story, and that him and I had unfinished business to tend to. That business resolved itself one rainy afternoon, when I bumped into him outside a supermarket. It was unmistakable - I could recognize his body, his gait, anywhere.

  “Mel? Oh my god is that really you?”

  I spun round to look square into his face, still as youthful as ever, only with a quieter knowing sparkle in it instead of the naughtiness I had remembered. He was different somehow, but only a little. He still had that same audacity that comes with wearing loungewear in public, that cockiness that comes from an effortlessly buff body, that cheeky sideways grin.

  Without thinking, I flung my arms around him and gave him a big, broad hug. He was surprised, even laughed a little. It felt easier, so much easier, to just touch him and be close to him than to say words, which I had none of just at that particular moment. He laughed again at me struggling to find something to say, and so I leant in and hugged him again, this time laughing too.

  He had finished his degree, he told me, and had recently landed a job he had been interviewing heavily for the past few months. Things were looking up for him. He was going to move, next month, to a new city, and start a new life there. He seemed so happy.

  “It was good luck that I bumped into you then!” I said, and we both went a little sad.

  He had moved out of his dingy apartment, and, naturally, had long parted with that ugly black futon, the altar on which I had sacrificed all my weird sexual hang-ups. Over and over again. We chatted, and then, just like dusting the cobwebs off an old path we had cut a long time ago, I found myself all at once sitting with him at his place, which he proudly showed off. His decorating skills had certainly improved.

  And he was still cute. Damn cute. I remembered the last time we saw each other, the nasty words. I had often felt pangs of guilt whenever I thought how I must have hurt him, how I judged him for letting others use him – all the while using him myself. How after everything, he wasn’t that much older than me, it had just felt like it. Caught up in my own childish drama, I didn’t notice his own quiet ambitions, how lonely he must have felt, how harsh my judgment must have seemed.

  He opened a little carved cupboard beside him and extracted a small, familiar box, which he waggled my direction. The old stash.

  “What do you say, for old time’s sake?” he said, pulling out a lighter, and some papers.

  I laughed. “Some things never change,” I said, but the second I did, I felt sad. Lots of things had changed. In some ways, he was the cute stud I had met in my hapless aunt’s kitchen so many eons ago; in other ways, I barely recognized him now. I felt childish around him. Again.

  “We had some good times, didn’t we?” he said, and to my surprise, my face flushed hot and I realized I was probably blushing.

  “Some very good times,” I said quietly.

  Fearing I might burst into tears and dissolve into a blob of inconvenient emotions, I smiled and tried to lighten the mood a little.

  “You were the bad boy, remember?”

  “Yeah and you were the good girl,” he laughed, putting scare quotes around the “good”.

  “God, we were both so messed up.”

  “Mostly you,” he said.

  “Shut up!”

  “Seriously you were a royal pain in the ass.”

  “I know.”

  “Hey Jared I’m sorry, I’m really sorry I said all the things I did that day, I was just being an idiot, I didn’t mean what I said at all, it’s just that I was -”

  Oh here we go. The inconvenient emotions were coming out regardless. But he was shushing me, reaching over a friendly hand to rest over mine.

  “Hey, don’t apologize, please. If anything, it was I. I was in a bad place. We were quite the bad influence on each other, weren’t we?”

  I laughed.

  “And holy hell were you obsessed about me taking your virginity,” he continued, and I hid my face, giggling.

  “Oh God, I’m so sorry, I’m cringing to think of it all now …can’t we just chalk it up to my strict upbringing and not talk about it? You weren’t an angel either you know…”

  His expression changed a little and I wondered if I had hurt him again. I couldn’t help asking, “Well, do you still, you know…?”

  He put the box firmly on the table and fixed hard eyes on mine.

  “No” he said simply, a small vein twitching in his jaw. I thought he was about to launch into an explanation, tell me that he had hit rock bottom, that he had learnt his lesson or something, found Jesus, won the lotto, met a girl, anything really. But he simply said “no” and kept looking at me, and I sensed that this was the only answer I was getting. Shame for me had only been a game. Something sexy to toy with. But I realized then, staring at his young face, how much pride there was in him, how different his demons were to mine.

  I kissed him quickly, once, and something like happiness flickered in the corners of his mouth so I kissed him again, this time more deeply. His lips were as smooth and yielding as ever, and his tongue as soft and luscious as I remembered. We smiled tenderly at one another for a moment. With some hesitation I touched his arm, the little hairs there rising up to meet my fingertips.

  “I’m kind of sad you’re going, to be honest.”

  “Me too,” he said.

  I don’t know how it happened, but his tongue was in my mouth again, and we kissed slowly and with delicate purpose, feeling out one another as though we hadn’t already done it so thoroughly so long ago. We had both been worn a little by life, humbled a little, with our strange edges rubbed off, but I was thrilled to find that same boyish deliciousness in him still, that same elasticity in his movements, the way we could lap each other up, how his tongue would respond so swiftly to mine.

  The same naughty thrill rushed all through my body, but this time it felt more naked, unencumbered with my …well, “issues”. Back then, I had made him manhandle me; he had thrown my young body around, squeezed my wrists, bruised my hips. I had egged him on, thinking that more was better, always more. But now, with his subtle, inquisitive tongue, it felt like we were doing something that even we were too afraid to do back then.

  It seemed as though the more softly his lips touched mine, the more intensely my body pulsed and ached; the more slight the delicate caresses on my wrists and forearms, the deeper the pining in the rest of me grew. He sensed this too, it seemed, judging by the tender, almost pained expression he had as he stroked my arm, trying to discover if I, too, was the same.

  Our clothes came off easily. First him, then me, then him again, then me again, until we were naked as the good lord made us, bare as Adam and Eve before the fall, only not quite so innocent. His caresses continued, flowing smoothly all over my whole body, missing nothing, lavishing warmth and attention onto each part of me. Had we done this before? Why not?

  His lips and tongue now followed where his hands had traced, and my skin thrummed and prickled in response. He lay the full length of his nude body against mine, the heat of our flesh so surprising I smiled into the new kiss he was giving me. His warm dick was between us, hardening. Cradling my body in his hands, I undulated up into him, stroking the length of his shaft with my belly, kissing every part of him with every part of me. Then, with no force, and no resistance, the thick head of his cock found its way to my slit and sunk into me slowly, and easily. I exhaled loudly, this single thrust melting away all my doubt, my body melting onto him and swallowing him with something that felt like gratitude. He mumbled something into my ear, both hands cupping each of my breasts, and I curled my hips up to pull him more fully into me.

  The moment was swollen, and slow. His movements were almost graceful, hips describing big, round, subdued shapes and the weight of his strong body bearing down on my thighs, pressing them open. Each movement was so precise, so exquisitely tuned into every little breath and moan, that it wasn’t long before I was quivering right on the pre
cipice of a great, towering orgasm.

  To my delight, he skillfully kept me lingering there, pushing my body right to the edge and pulling back slightly, letting me relish the moment, so full and so close to splitting right open. It was quiet, fragile fucking, and at its apex, I sat twitching round his hard body, his heavy dick stirring me into a frenzy, teasing me, leading me down thick, syrupy paths of pleasure. He detected my pussy whispering round him, drew me closer to him.

  “Come,” he whispered.

  I moaned, and he pushed once more, his fullness stretching me. Under his comforting weight, I whimpered and came, hard, crying out as deep thundering strokes moved through me. He smiled down at me, taking in every quiver of my lips, every flash on my expression. With each ripple of my pussy, I pulled him further down with me, and eventually he gave in and came tumbling after me in an orgasm that made him grunt, and press down into me with his broad, manly hips.

  I clung to him with my legs and anchored against his sweaty form. We both giggled. He stroked a piece of wild hair from my face and smiled that sideways smile at me.

  Ladies and gentlemen: it was my first time. I had fucked Jared millions of times before. But this time we had done something else. Something both of us had never done before. With anyone.

  Chapter Fifteen

  My name is Melanie, and I’m a pretty good girl.

  I have just one secret.

  Judging from what a crazy mess the world is, and how awful most people are, I would rate I’m not doing too badly if I only have one.

  My secret is that I have fallen in love, and I don’t know what to do, or how to do it.

  “You don’t have to make a decision yet,” he was saying, his warm hand resting on my lower belly. He wanted me to move in with him, pack up everything and come run away and join him in his new life and his new job. Now was the perfect time, he said, and every time we met up again he had some new detail to add: I could help him decorate. They had this amazing park there I’d love. We could bring Buttons. It would be great.

  “But just think about it?”

  I hemmed and hawed, and played at thinking about it, but honestly my mind was already well made up. He sat up quickly and gave me a more serious look.

  “Mel, I’m going to show you something now, and it’s a secret, and you’d better promise not to tease me about it.”

  I looked at him with new interest.

  “A secret? I’m sure I know all your naughty secrets…” I said with a cheeky smile.

  “No, I’m serious though. Promise you won’t judge me?”

  “Well just how bad is it?”

  “It’s …it’s kind of bad …just promise you won’t be mean if I show you?”

  I was curious now. I sat up as well. What dirty secrets didn’t I know about? Didn’t we know everything about each other by this point? Was he more of a “bad boy” than I had thought?

  “Yes ok, show me.”

  He pulled out his iPad and started to swipe. Glossy images whizzed by on the screen. I peered over, intrigued. He took a deep breath and then turned the screen around to face me. A Pinterest board. With dozens of colorful pins of home décor. Pages and pages and pages of tasteful shabby chic quilts, Scandinavian style furniture, light fittings, Japanese crockery.

  “What’s …what’s this?” I asked.

  “It’s my Pinterest account. This is my ‘Home’ board. Come and live with me. Come and live with me and we’ll make a house that looks like just this.”

  I burst out laughing.

  “That’s very, very bad of you!” I giggled, swiping through the pages, barely believing my eyes.

  “Well, will you come?” he said again, boyish puppy eyes staring at me.

  It was naughty, I know, but something made me rest my hand over his, and trace his fingers downwards, where I was still slick.

  “Sure, but you’ll have to convince me first,” I said and, you know, we both still knew how to play that game.

  - THE END -

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  Man Milk

  A Gay Romance Of Cosmic Proportions

  Chapter 1: Daniel

  I had been working my cock into a frenzy for the last four days. I know that’s a bit excessive, but I was almost there. If I could only push past the thrill of orgasm long enough to connect with the rest of the cosmos, I knew that I’d be able to achieve what I was looking for.





  For sure there was something I was missing. I gave up the no anal rule I had been given so long ago. I figured that you had to be able to ground yourself somehow, and the whole point of working with this type of sex magic was to have a firm grasp on your body. No better way of doing that than burying a finger in your ass.

  I had never been with a man before, and each time I was with a woman, there were so many different relationship aspects to keep in mind — not to mention the pregnancy issue. Ultimately, it felt better just to focus on myself, and figure out my own sexuality. On the other hand, I was lonely, and I hoped that I would be able to meet someone soon. I knew all relationships were likely full of conflated drama and problematic interpersonal emotional exchanges. Just seemed like every time I ejaculated that I was wasting a critical resource that could have been gifted to another person.

  There was something driving me forward. This was my fourth session in one day. Each time I would get close to orgasm, and then back off again — edging my way toward my goal. There was a part of me that truly felt like I might be able to connect with the divine if only I had the right mindset while approaching orgasm.

  I figured it was like suicide.

  You know they say that you can’t commit suicide unless you have a completely pure state of mind, otherwise you end up in a hell realm with ten thousand other miserable fags — each one wanting to off themselves for one reason or another. The loophole for this sort of thing appeared to be in the realm of non-attachment. If you were able to die without being attached to anything in the earthly realm, then you were good. The problem was that most people were attached to things — different psychological blocks, or relationship hang-ups, etc. Then, when you offed yourself, you ended up becoming inadvertently connected with the very thing you were trying to escape the whole time.

  I think it’s like that for orgasms as well.

  The whole time you’re thinking about shooting your load, then you shoot your load, and it’s all over. Maybe if you’re lucky, you break a sweat, or get a bit of a cardio workout. If you’re even luckier, then you don’t have to wash shit off of your fingers, when you’re done. You might even feel motivated enough to eat your own jizz. All of that is to say that masturbating without an objective is kind of anticlimactic in and of itself.

  Not to mention porn. Don’t even get me started about porn. You masturbate while fantasizing about some hot bodies on a computer screen, and then when you ejaculate your soul gets flung out at the screen and tied up with all of those other people lusting after that fucking incubus you’ve placed before yourself on your laptop.

  We’ve reached the core of the subject: where do you place your soul?

  Sex is centered around this single basic question. These are the fundamental principles of sex magic.

  I was certain that if I could just figure out exactly how it worked — what sort of things I were supposed to focus on, then I could bring something beautiful into my life. I was looking for something that would change the way I experienced reality forever.

  My favorite thing to focus on was the different colors of my chakras. I would start inside of my asshole, and picture light filling up my entire body, one color at a time. I wanted the light to go up my shaft, and all the way up my spine until it was bursting out of my head. Ideally, at that point, I would be connected with the entire universe. I’m pretty sure the rest of my life would be taken care of
from that point onward. Once you are able to transmute your body into a divine entity during sex, the rest of life has to be pretty well managed. I figure both attitude and personality adjustments were implicit in a transformation of soul.

  I pictured myself as a sexual monk. I wanted to be someone who knew the inner ways of sexual enlightenment, and could then teach people.

  “Come to me,” I thought, while stroking myself. “Let me fill you with light, and show you the keys to the kingdom.”

  I didn’t even fully grasp how arrogant I must be to believe that I could transfer enlightenment through my cock.

  The only problem was that before I could push myself through into the final stages of visualization, I would inadvertently blow my load. What can you do when you shoot holy cum all over yourself but lick it off, and wish that you had someone else to include in your practice?

  At this point in our story, it’s important for me to introduce Thomas, the Moli Faerie.

  Like all good rave kids, Thomas had long given up a strict masculine conception of self. Thomas’s pronouns had been changed to “Ze / Zir”. Regardless of the fact that I have seen Thomas’s junk bounce up and down at a nude dance hall, I still wanted to be respectful of zir decisions. Regardless of the pronouns in operation, I still preferred the name, “Thomas the Moli Faerie.”

  At any rate, Thomas was known to sell the best drugs available to the LBGTQ community. The MDMA Thomas sold was primo. What made the deal even more sweet, was that if you were a new customer, you got to be baptized by Thomas’s “Faerie Juice.”


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