With these matters decided beforehand, the four co-conspirators came to the meeting with a draft constitution and code of conduct. Of course the constitution was underpinned by the principle that the voice of the counsel was final. While there was nothing totally unique about this, as some other counsels within the Kingdom were founded upon similar principles, what was different, were the personal qualities of those who would assume these positions. Unusually, there was no mechanism for succession or rotation of any of the counsellors or of the president. Each of the said appointments was to be permanent. The vote was taken and the result secured. Unsurprisingly, it was Lucifer, Ham, Troy and Jezebel who were appointed the four counsellors, with Lucifer also elected to perform the function of president.
The three other attendees of the meeting were oblivious to the trickery, and none of them had any desire to assume a position of responsibility anyway, the vote having been taken prior to the business of the meeting. As such they had no idea what they would have been the counsellor or president of. As acting as a counsellor or a president ordinarily involved some work, such positions were not sought after by the likes of the three that Lucifer had invited to the meeting, for exactly that reason.
After the vote the president spoke, thanking all for coming and graciously accepting his ‘surprise’ appointment. He said that, due to the unexpected nature of this appointment, he had not prepared an inaugural address and that he would defer this until the next meeting. So as to enlist the support of the three passengers, he outlined briefly the purpose of the future meetings and assured them that he could think of no other spirits more talented and capable of spreading word of the next meeting than they. Even though they were slothful in nature, Lucifer was able to inspire them with a combination of flattery and false promises. The three were then briefed on the type of spirits who might be interested in attending the next meeting and, following the close of the meeting, they left with as much motivation as they had felt on any subject for hundreds of years.
The next meeting had been scheduled for two weeks hence, and following the departure of the three, the remaining four rejoiced together. They had been appointed and the constitution gave them the power that they desired. With this purpose achieved they could now seek to dramatically increase attendance for the next meeting, with the help of those that they had just sent on their way. Their plan was to target those living in the periphery of the Kingdom first, as they would be the easiest targets. These spirits were those who had laboured least in the development of virtues and would be most at risk of failure upon earth under the current plan.
10 progress
There were twelve hundred spirits at the next gathering and the president wasted no time in addressing those present.
‘Thank you for accepting the invitation to attend this meeting. At our previous meeting I was appointed president. Accordingly, it is my honour to address you to explain the reason why we have invited you here. We have called this meeting to discuss the plan that has been proposed to us by our parents for our mortal journey. Personally, I have some concerns about what is being proposed. It appears to me that there is altogether too much risk of failure. As you know, we will ultimately be required to manifest whether we accept the plan or otherwise. I suggest that, at that time, we propose some minor amendments with a view to making the pathway home from mortality a little easier. Recently, I have conducted some research into the other earths and I can tell you that the inhabitants are finding it anything but easy. Therefore, I have a concern that many of us may never make it back to the Kingdom if we too must endure the same tribulations.’
If the attendees at that second rebel meeting had bothered to attend the classes that had been held in relation to the purpose of mortality, then this revelation may not have shocked them so, but sadly it did.
Lucifer was pleased to see this reaction and continued. ‘Now we all know that our parents are loving and wise, and I’m not suggesting any severe amendments to what they have proposed. It would however, be imprudent for us not to push for a few changes to provide us with a greater assurance of success. At this time we have not formulated precisely what those changes should be and this will be the content of our meetings in the future. Again thank you for attending, and if anyone has any suggestions as to possible amendments I suggest that we record these, and that we make each reasonable suggestion the subject of a future meeting. Each proposed amendment will need to be discussed in detail and then we can decide whether that particular amendment will be necessary, and whether it will be beneficial to our plight on earth.’
Most of the attendees at the meeting had some comprehension that they had not prepared themselves as well as they might for their mortal journey. Accordingly, the president’s message resonated very well with them. Some amendments were put forward and recorded and, as would be expected, they were quite immaterial in nature. Nevertheless this was a good beginning, and the counsellors were pleased to observe the attendees become immediately engaged in their cause.
Following the close of the meeting, the four again rejoiced in the success of their enterprise to date, and celebrated by viewing earthly content. Each of them now had their favourite form of earthly depravity and they yearned for regular exposure. Lucifer, being generous in nature, was more than happy to oblige.
11 caleb
Caleb was a good spirit who had learnt much during his time in the kingdom. He had studied the virtues and was knowledgeable in them. He was kind, considerate, hardworking, and he had a great sense of humour. For these qualities he was loved. He was talented in art and music and had developed a good understanding of the various scientific and mathematical disciplines. While intelligent, he was still a simple character and this straightforwardness endeared him to one’s heart.
Had he been mortal he would have been a physically impressive specimen standing better than 6 foot six inches tall, with broad shoulders and a muscular frame. His brown eyes were disarming however, as they portrayed the gentleness that his soul possessed, which appeared completely at odds with his immense and chiseled frame. His face had an almost cheeky look about it, as though it had been partially shaped by his love for humour, and his quick wit. Again this seemed to be at odds with his somewhat daunting physique. His sweetheart was Tara and she adored him as he did her. Every word to one another was kindness and time apart was time spent waiting. Sometimes a fork presents itself in the road that lies before us. Such a fork was about to present itself to Caleb, and many others within the Kingdom.
On this fateful day Caleb was traveling from a chemistry class to a physics class, science being one of his great loves. Tara was not with him, which was unfortunate as she would have quickly persuaded him down the right side of the fork. There wasn’t a particularly large distance between the two classes, but they were scheduled close enough together to make flight necessary for Caleb if he didn’t want to be late to the second class.
As he flew he was tailed by Anas, who caught him and asked him to stop a moment. Notwithstanding the fact that he may be late for class, Caleb stopped as he had been concerned about Anas, whom he had not seen for some time. Anas had once attended his physics class but had ceased coming years ago. Caleb had begun to see less and less of Anas, and now it had been over a year since he had seen him at all.
‘Caleb, how are you?’ enquired Anas.
‘Very well thank you Anas. How are you?’
‘Really well thank you,’ replied Anas.
‘To be honest Anas, I’ve been a little worried about you. You stopped coming to physics years ago and now I don’t seem to see you at all anymore.’
‘Oh, I find most classes tiresome and boring now so I refuse to attend,’ said Anas.
‘That’s strange. I seem to learn something new every time I attend a class and I never find them boring,’ Caleb replied honestly.
‘I see,’ said Anas. ‘Well Caleb, there is only one class that interests me at the moment and I’d like to invite you along to it.’<
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‘Alright, what is the class about?' asked Caleb innocently, being one who was ever ready to increase his knowledge and skills.
At this juncture Anas looked around, checking if others were nearby.
Finding that all other spirits in the location were a reasonable distance away, he moved closer to Caleb and whispered, ‘It’s about the plan for our mortal journey.’
‘Oh wonderful! I hadn’t heard that Father and Mother were holding another meeting about mortality,’ said Caleb excitedly. ‘That is very strange as usually they are broadcast so broadly and also well in advance.’
‘Our parents haven’t called this meeting, Caleb,’ said he who was extending the invitation.
‘Oh, who has then? asked the victim.
‘A few of us are a little concerned about the proposed format of the journey to earth and we would like to propose a few very minor changes,’ replied Anas slyly.
At this point Caleb felt eerie, and reacting to this feeling, he immediately declined the invitation. Anas expected this and had prepared for it. While Anas did not feel such pure devotion to his chosen partner, he was aware of Caleb’s love for Tara. The plan was to use this.
‘Caleb, you never know, perhaps Tara will be one of those who falls just short during her mortal life. How would you feel if you knew that you could have done something about that?’
After making the comment Anas studied the features of Caleb and it was clear that he had hit his mark. Caleb’s face clouded over and he was evidently deep in thought.
Anas pressed forward, ‘Why don’t you just come to the meeting and see if there is anything that interests you, perhaps even something that could assist you both? If there isn’t then you’ve lost nothing.’
To Caleb the suggestion seemed valid, and he was certainly stirred by the thought of doing something to help Tara in her mortal journey. Indeed, his greatest concern in relation to the proposed venture into mortality was that he might not be able to do enough to help her. As such, after some thought, and some further encouragement, he cautiously accepted, making a mental note of the time that Anas would collect him.
12 tara
Tara usually attended science classes with Caleb because she also had a love of this discipline. However on this occasion she had decided to spend some leisure time with Sara and Rachel.
A deep love and respect for her parents was implicit in Tara’s being, and had she been present she would have quickly dismissed Anas. Tara had the combination of virtues, knowledge, determination and intelligence that made it most likely that she would be successful in her earthly journey. She would have despised any suggestion of amendment to a plan that she considered perfect, and she would have been disturbed at the thought of a meeting that was not sanctioned by her parents.
These qualities ensured that her countenance was a bright one, for her stage of progression. This stood to beautify what might otherwise have been quite a plain face, were it not illuminated by a rich light that gave additional highlight to her hair, brightness to her eyes and emphasis to her other features such that she was simply glorious to look at. Such beauty could only truly be appreciated by those who loved light however, such that Lucifer and his kind would not necessarily have seen just how special she was.
The time with her friends was a pleasant one. As they often did, they spoke of their respective true love and the joy of meeting him on earth. They spoke of having children and the privilege of becoming a mother. They also considered whether there was any spirit that they might help in some way, and once they had decided upon the subject of their service they headed over to her abode to assist.
Tara, Sarah and Rachel were special beings and, as such, when they relaxed, it was most often done in a form that would benefit some needy soul. This service didn’t need to be something monumental or grand, and often it simply involved spending time with someone who would appreciate their company. During these times they spoke to one another, as with the tongues of angels, and this was a portion of the comfort that was rendered. Rachel spoke of Mother and her most recent discussions with her. She spoke of the love she both felt and received during the visit. Sarah and Tara listened carefully, whilst simultaneously reflecting upon their own personal interactions with their mother.
The spirit they were comforting was Ariel, who had not yet found a partner. As a consequence, she didn’t always enjoy the companionship that she desired. For this reason, she particularly appreciated the company of her three friends and also their delightful conversation.
‘Ariel, I know that you have waited so long, but I really get the feeling that you are about to meet someone special,’ Rachel assured her.
‘Recently, there has been one who has been trying to get my attention,’ replied Ariel.
This was a revelation and all three begged for her to tell them more.
‘His name is Ham, but it just doesn’t seem right,’ Ariel said with sadness.
‘Tell us about him Ariel, maybe we can help,’ said Sarah.
‘Well, when our eyes first met I saw a future, as each of you has always said that I would, but it was a future full of darkness. I saw and felt only pain and suffering.’
‘When did you first meet him Ariel?’ asked Rachel.
‘Last week, after taking a long walk, I stopped to relax in a common area that was new to me. As I did so, he approached and asked my name. Our eyes met and that was when I saw a future, but I would that it won’t be mine,’ Ariel whispered.
‘Before he left he asked for the location of my abode, so that he could come and visit. I gave it to him, but now I’m not sure that I should have,’ Ariel continued.
‘Ariel, you have your agency and you know that you are free to make wise choices to secure a wonderful future. The dark future that you have seen will only be yours if you choose it to be,’ Rachel assured her.
‘I know Rachel, but after waiting so very long there is a part of me that wants to proceed regardless of the implications,’ Ariel sighed longingly.
‘The future is eternal Ariel. I don’t know what it is that you could have seen and felt but it doesn’t sound good. These are strange times that we live in, and some spirits seem to be moving in a different direction than they should. With that in mind please seek guidance from Mother on this. Whether she will give you a direct answer I do not know, but she will certainly give you sound counsel that will assist you in making a wise choice,’ urged Rachel.
‘Dearest Rachel, I know as always that you have my very best interests at heart and I thank you. I will not make a decision without counselling with Mother.’
All three were relieved to hear this, and they were all the more glad that they had felt impressed to visit with Ariel that day. They had assumed that she simply needed company, but she had needed so very much more.
13 the snare
Tara was surprised, later that day, when Caleb said that he had something to do and would not be able to spend time with her. Being well aware of what Tara would think of such a meeting, he did not tell her. The thought of Tara not successfully meeting the tests of mortality troubled him deeply, as Anas and those who had put him up to it had hoped, so Caleb did not consider changing his mind.
The meeting was held far from Caleb’s home, but generously Anas had offered to come and collect him, notwithstanding the fact that it was an immense detour for him. As they flew together, Anas attempted to prepare Caleb for the content of the meeting, hoping to soften the impact of the eerie feeling that his companion would experience. Anas recalled the emotions he had felt when first attending a meeting during which his parents’ plan had been criticised. Even though he had attended the initial meeting at which the counsellors were nominated, and had been one of those enlisted by Lucifer to gather support for the follow up meeting, once his parents’ plan was called into question he had been of half a mind to leave. He had stayed however, as there was something intriguing about the message and also about these new emotions. Anas knew that Caleb was very d
ifferent from him though, and that he would need some encouragement to stay.
‘Caleb, you will find tonight quite different. These meetings have an unusual feel to them which takes a little getting used to.’
‘How does it feel?’ Caleb enquired.
‘Well you may feel a little uneasy initially, but I implore you to stay long enough to hear what is being proposed. I am worried that many female spirits may not make it safely through mortality if the plan remains unaltered,’ lied Anas. He had no such concern and was merely reintroducing the suggestion that Tara may be in danger of failing.
‘Why wouldn’t they and what needs to be changed?’ asked Caleb urgently, peace departing from him as he again felt an emotion that was very new to him.
The thought of losing Tara stirred within his breast a feeling that could almost be equated to jealousy.
‘Oh, I couldn’t possibly explain it as well as those that will be speaking at the meeting,’ replied Anas coyly.
This was enough, Caleb passed the remainder of the journey in silence, and with a look upon his face that assured Anas that he would be unlikely to the leave the meeting before hearing the content.
With his job done, Anas could now relax and look forward to the proceedings.
14 preparation
A few weeks prior to the ‘chance’ meeting between Anas and Caleb, Lucifer sat considering his strategy. If his plan was to be successful he knew that he would need some big names. He was reasonably confident that he could muster support from ten to twenty per cent of the spirit population simply on account of their laziness and their desire for an easier plan. He also suspected that he may get another ten to twenty per cent by appealing to their thirst for power. Even forty per cent would not do though, he needed a majority. If he could just get some of the better known spirits to join his ranks then many would follow them.
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