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Premortal Page 16

by Damien Passmore

  Jezebel walked away from the conversation with a myriad of thoughts and emotions. She was applauding herself, mocking Madeleine and rejoicing in being able to move onto the next class. There is no doubt that she had been skilful and had achieved everything that she wanted. She had conquered the class, enlisted the opposing General, extracted the majority of her force and left a portion of her troops to secure the ground taken. Unfortunately for her though, getting everything that you want doesn’t do you any good when you don’t want what you should.

  44 sweeping success

  Over the course of the next few months, Jezebel and her band moved from class to class employing similar methods, but all with enough deviation to customise the approach to best capture the teacher of the class and his or her students. It is true that there is a commonality in the weaknesses of man, and the same was true of spirits. Thus, common strategies could be used across different classes, depending on the weaknesses of the teacher and pupils. Therefore, Jezebel didn’t need to invest the same time and effort into each class that she did into Madeleine’s class, and she and her faithful sisters could attend nine or ten different classes each week.

  While this was a bit of a strain for a group who had previously enjoyed doing absolutely nothing of use with their time, over those months they had great success in all of the drama classes that they attended. Ultimately though, the task became a little tougher as they began to approach the lighter areas of the Kingdom.

  Originally, it had been the intention of Jezebel and her band to target all of the drama classes within the Kingdom before moving onto the next discipline. Jezebel realised though, as the going got tougher, that it would be far more sensible to target all of the classes in the dimmer areas, prior to moving into the lighter areas. Not only was this an easier task, but it also reduced the risk of coming upon strong opposition. Accordingly, having targeted all of the drama classes within the dimmer areas of the Kingdom, they then moved onto dance classes, and from dancing to art, from art to music and then to singing.

  It had not been long before Jezebel was able to extract her five hundred sisters from Madeleine’s class to bolster her numbers. In addition, as the new converts completed their induction program, they then became ready to attend classes to assist in the conversion effort. As a result, Jezebel’s forces multiplied and the work accelerated. So successful were Jezebel’s methods that Lucifer began to employ a similar tactic among the male spirits. Of course he would not acknowledge that he had borrowed from Jezebel’s idea.

  45 indoctrination

  As the numbers being lured to the rebel cause swelled, it should not be envisaged for a moment that the ‘personal development’ of these new converts was something that was left to chance. Both Jezebel and Lucifer recognised that it was absolutely essential that the recruits were carefully converted and retained. A detailed induction and progression plan was devised and employed for both males and females.

  Recruitment was generally achieved via public meetings in the various common areas or by Jezebel’s strategy of attending classes en masse. Once initial recruitment had occurred, the newcomers were then invited to attend regular meetings to assist in their ‘education’. These meetings, for the freshly converted, were light in nature and were carefully structured not to scare off the new recruits. The content of the meetings was designed to very gradually break down confidence in Mother and Father’s plan.

  Having attended five of these meetings, the pupil then became eligible to commence stage two of their ‘progression’. Attendees of the second tier of meetings moved onto more rebellious dialogue that directly criticised their parents, and questioned their motives. They were also introduced to some lower level visual content from the earths. Again, one who attended five of these meetings was ordinarily considered a graduate, and had been ably prepared for the third tier of meetings.

  Tier three meetings were inherently spiteful in nature and every opportunity was taken to slander Father, Mother and each of their strong supporters. The participants were invited to contribute to the meetings and each was given the opportunity to cast mud at white walls. There was talk of power and gain for the faithful and the attendees were also exposed to a cocktail of earthly filth and gore. Also, as part of the tier three training program, attendees were prepared to be sent into the field to secure converts. Thus they were briefed on attending classes for the purpose of converting others to their noble cause. As a consequence, the spirits who could be sent to classes to convert was ever increasing.

  Common area meetings were regular and the spread of Lucifer’s work by word of mouth accelerated also. So, tragically, the cancer of rebellion began to develop into an airborne disease that spread like wildfire in the dimmer regions.

  For the vast majority of convert spirits, tier three was the final tier of their progression and they continued to attend these meetings indefinitely to keep them strong in the ‘faith’. Having progressed to this level they assumed that they were now privy to all of the relevant information concerning the rebel movement. As we are aware however, there was an ‘inner circle’ of spirits who were privy to more information still. For Jezebel, her inner circle was her trusty band of two thousand. Lucifer had an equivalent band of approximately three thousand of his most diligent warriors. If the attendees of the tier one, two or three meetings ever had knowledge of the content of the meetings of the inner circle, they would immediately have returned to their parents and begged their forgiveness.

  In the meetings of the inner circle each spirit in tiers one, two and three was viewed as an ignorant and gullible means to an end. The five thousand had absolutely no concern for their wellbeing. This elite band gloried in their ‘wisdom’ and each was confident of their superior intellect. Unfortunately though, they too were naïve, as they were foolish enough to assume that they were privy to all. They remained blissfully unaware that there were matters to which only Lucifer, Jezebel, Ham and Troy were privy. This noble foursome was only interested in their personal propulsion and those of the inner circle were simply more useful pawns to assist them in achieving this purpose.

  Despite their wickedness there was one allegiance that Jezebel, Ham and Troy clung to. There was competition between them, but each genuinely supported Lucifer and did not think to challenge for his place as president. While they were happy to tear down their parents, they constantly built up their leader. How incredibly foolish they were! If they knew the mind of their leader they would have been surprised to find that he did not care for them in the slightest. He was entirely absorbed with his own personal prospects for gain and glory. While they had once been his friends, Lucifer had lost any ability to care for anyone except himself. Accordingly, if Jezebel, Ham or Troy were harmed or destroyed in the course of his ascent, he would not have given it a second thought. They, on the other hand, were entirely absorbed with the elevation of Lucifer and they concerned themselves continually with both his promotion and his protection. Jezebel demonstrated her concern for Lucifer by persuading the council that it would be best to protect his identity as the ultimate architect of the rebel plan.

  As we have seen, in the early days of the promotion of his cause, Lucifer was active in attending meetings. Once the tiered system of progression had been devised however, Jezebel suggested that it was prudent for Lucifer to be revealed only to those who had substantially completed their induction program. Lucifer had rejected this proposal initially, as he had wanted to be broadly known and revered. Ultimately though, Jezebel was able to demonstrate the wisdom of this strategy. Her reasoning was twofold. Firstly, she insisted that it would be far more difficult for their foes to combat their strategies if they didn’t know the ultimate architect of those strategies. Secondly, it would allow time for the tier one and two teachers to build reverence, respect and awe in the leader, prior to his introduction. This was the persuading point for Lucifer and the one that allowed him to see the ‘logic’ in her proposal. Thus Lucifer was revealed only to those attending ti
er three training.

  Jezebel also concerned herself with those who had known Lucifer as the architect of the alternate plan before his identity was protected. Thankfully, a good record of the early attendees had been kept so Jezebel was able to ensure that each of these spirits received very special attention to secure their conversion, and their discretion. There was only one exception to this, and it was her greatest concern. It was Caleb who caused this restlessness in her. Lucifer saw him as their greatest potential weapon, while she saw him as their greatest potential threat.

  Caleb had attended a goodly number of tier one meetings but was still not ready to graduate. He had viewed low level earthly content once, before the tiered system had been developed, but he still made comments, and posed questions, that were worrying to those assigned to monitor his progress. Lucifer was convinced that he would ultimately progress to tier three but Jezebel was sceptical. She knew that his constant exposure to strong spirits at the other end of the Kingdom was a danger. She also dreaded the thought that he might be called in for a personal interview with one of their parents at some stage. If spirits slept then Caleb would have caused Jezebel many restless nights. As it was, he was a recurring torment during her waking hours.

  Lucifer was not the only one who was protected. A layer of protection was afforded the counsellors also. The trio of Jezebel, Troy and Ham was introduced in the later stages of tier two training to enable them to further build reverence in the president.

  Prior to their introduction, the teachers referred to Jezebel, Troy and Ham as ‘the most noble counsellors’. The terms used to describe the president were far broader and could extend to wonderful, kindly, generous, charitable, magnanimous, just, selfless, humble, intelligent and loving. Accordingly, by the time the tier three students were introduced to their leader, they indeed expected a character to exceed their mother or father in virtue. Regretfully, by the time they met him, each graduate had been so successfully brainwashed that each failed to notice that they had been sold a complete lemon.

  46 a day in the life

  The following day dawned dark for Lucifer, as did every day. In the Kingdom there was no night, but Lucifer had successfully exchanged day for night within the confines of his dark mind. As he walked from his abode he saw Silick. He quickly appraised him as a threat but considered that he had him in check for now. Silick admired his leader but the feeling was not mutual. He conversed briefly with Silick, reinforcing his agenda and maintaining control of that particular pawn.

  Next he saw Hamas and viewed him with scorn. What a stupid individual! So easily led and used for his purposes. He glanced to his left and saw Anthea. What a shame she wasn’t mortal! Oh, the things he would enjoy doing to her against her will. Beside her was his devoted servant, Mandel. If he was mortal, Lucifer was sure that he could drag his torture out over many months. From behind he heard Jezebel call him and he felt mixed emotions. On the one hand he detested her but he was hopeful that she may bring him some good tidings concerning the success of their cause.

  She brought no good news and he felt like dismissing her cruelly, but he didn’t as her support was essential to his success. Indeed, although he would never admit it, he had developed a certain appreciation for her skills, particularly since she had developed such a cunning program to capture new recruits.

  Once Jezebel left, he travelled to see Masias so as to blow on the glowing cinders of his anger. It was important that he perpetuated the aggression of that pawn. In that state he was far more useful, and became as a castle or a bishop.

  On arriving at his abode, he reignited the fire by telling Masias that he had seen Cindy with her new love and that they had looked very happy together. He hadn’t seen Cindy at all, but the tactic worked and when he left, Masias was pacing his abode looking, once again, as if he wanted to kill someone. Lucifer exited with a smirk.

  On his way from there he saw Joslyn. He gave her some time and flattered her because he recognised the ‘strengths’ that she brought to his cause.

  Troy was waiting for him back at his abode and they shared a moment to chuckle over the success that they were having. He was suspicious of Troy but considered that he also had him under his thumb for now. Surely Troy would not dare to oppose his greatness. Unfortunately for the esteemed leader, moments of grandeur, during which he considered that he controlled all, were quickly followed by flashes of insecurity that filled him with a desire to exterminate everyone close to him who could possibly be a threat. Mortality would be so much easier in that regard. Regrettably, exterminating a spirit was not possible so he had to settle for controlling them as best he could. Thus he was becoming very skilled in that art.

  After their chuckle, the two settled down to watch some new earthly material that they had ‘borrowed’ from yet another library. It was a find indeed as they discovered a new dictator who raped and pillaged everything in his path. The footage added yet a darker shade to their character, which was approaching charcoal already.

  Once Troy left, Lucifer sought someone to try and pass on his misery hangover to. Seeing an unsuspecting level three student who would do just nicely, he attacked him in a savage way telling him that he was worthless and was not adding to their cause in the slightest. He did so as quietly as he could manage, for he would have hated for a tier one or two student, to whom he had not yet been introduced, to witness the scene. Thankfully, a tier three student could be relied upon to simply endure the barrage and redouble their efforts, or so Lucifer thought.

  Suitably refreshed, he wandered through the dark region of the Kingdom admiring his handiwork.

  Within the vast common area that he was in, there was quite a large gathering of spirits being taught and admonished by a tier three graduate. Between him and that gathering was a small number of spirits arguing over something trivial and being cruel to one another in the process. As he swung left, there were four spirits up to no good, looking furtively from side to side. He took a moment to admire all of these scenes.

  Next he walked from that common area and into the streets. He heard, as he passed by a theatre, a few snippets of a tier two meeting and was pleased with the teaching. He would praise the teacher in due course, if it suited his purpose. From there he flew and, after a reasonable journey, landed in another common area that was in a lighter area of the Kingdom. The light hurt his eyes, and troubled his spirit, but he wanted to observe the progress in these regions, having heard that they were now having some success.

  The first thing he heard was two spirits speaking poorly of another spirit who was not in their presence. He took note with a smile. His timing was good, as he hoped that it would be. He had come to this area as a group of his tier three graduates were attending a physics lesson. He watched at a distance as they filed out of the classroom. His graduates were mingling well and seemed to have the ear of the other classmates. He slunk away without being seen and, as he did so, some vile earthly material repeated itself in his mind. He devoured it, replayed it, and moved on.

  As he walked, he considered the plan that was vaguely taking shape in his mind. To date he had concentrated on breaking down faith in his parent’s plan, however he recognised that at some stage he would need to present a viable alternative. If he was to have the honour that he so desired he knew that he would need to replace the central figure in the original plan but he wondered how. For him to simply replace his brother and retain the same plan wouldn’t do. Accordingly, he would need to design a plan of his own which, annoyingly, was far more difficult. As he wandered through this area admiring his handiwork, and the fact that the area was dimmer than when he last visited, half a plan finally came to him.

  Though incomplete and inadequate, to his mind it was brilliant. Most importantly, the half-plan that he had hatched elevated him, demoted his brother and should appeal to his mixture of slothful, gullible and power-thirsty supporters. Coming up with half an idea was enough to put him briefly into a state of euphoria.

  When he arrive
d back at the common area that was in the immediate vicinity of his abode, he was radiant. He was magnanimous to all that he met and buoyed them with generous praise and thanksgiving. He thought Nanette was a sap but he told her that she was one of their brightest. He thought nothing of Reid’s efforts but he thanked him for all of the tremendous work that he was doing to strengthen his brothers and sisters in the knowledge of that which was good. He hated Wendy because she bored the life out of him and, in his opinion, didn’t have two talents to rub together. Upon meeting her, he told her that he admired her and that he appreciated her using her vast array of talents to help others understand the new plan.

  Jezebel was the next to be sprinkled with his sunlight. He embraced her and, for the first time in months, told her that he loved her, filling Jezebel with hope concerning their relationship. He would extinguish that hope when next they met.

  After a good days work he returned to his abode to daydream of the honour that he was sure to receive, and to consider what he would do with his brother once he had seized power. It was a pleasing thought upon which to end the day.

  47 a day of a different kind

  Michael left his abode early the following day, and from a distance he spotted Ariel. He smiled to think of the happiness that she had found with Nathan. They shared a brief and pleasant exchange. He was due to teach mathematics that morning and would fly because the class was a long distance from his abode. He had accepted the responsibility to teach the class in a region that was a little closer to Lucifer’s abode than it was to his father and mother’s.


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