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Premortal Page 26

by Damien Passmore

‘I propose that we publish widely that you will be speaking in favour of our plan and I believe that many millions will come to hear your views,’ said Lucifer, rubbing his hands together and looking a little too eager.

  ‘How soon would you have me do it? I would need to prepare my speech,’ said Caleb in a nervous fashion.

  ‘Do you think that a week would be enough time for you dear brother? I think that we would need that long to let as many spirits as possible know that you will be speaking,’ said Lucifer, attempting to reign in his excitement.

  ‘Yes, I believe that would be sufficient time’ said Caleb calmly.

  ‘So you will do it?’

  ‘Yes Lucifer, I’d be happy to.’

  ‘Thank you so much Caleb. You cannot comprehend just what a wonderful thing you are about to do. In the future so many spirits will call you blessed for this act,’ Lucifer assured him.

  ‘I hope so, Lucifer,’ was the earnest reply of Caleb, who was a spirit who genuinely wanted to do the right thing.

  After receiving from Lucifer a farewell consistent with the parting of the dearest of friends, Caleb exited and Lucifer was left to revel in his cleverness. He could stand celebrating alone for only so long. He left his abode spreading joy, kindness and sunshine to all who were so fortunate as to cross his path. If any had been so unfortunate as to cross his path a day or two prior, and were now blessed to see his current state of merriment, they might have wondered whether he hadn’t just tapped into a healthy supply of anti-depressants, if there was such a thing to be found within the bounds of the Kingdom.

  65 intelligence

  A day prior to Caleb’s meeting with the tempter, Michael had managed to forge a relationship with his new guest. It quickly became apparent to Ethan that Michael was driven by entirely opposite motivations to the brutes whom he had been associating with at the other end of the Kingdom. He had only known Michael for a day, but in an atmosphere of genuine kindness and concern he quickly came to trust his host. Although Ethan had recently been betrayed so cruelly, which would ordinarily inhibit his ability to trust others, the fact that Michael associated so closely with his parents provided him reassurance. Clearly he hadn’t lost all of the faith that he once had, or if he had, it was returning.

  Michael trusted Ethan on account of the assurances that he had received from his father. Despite feeling the love of his host, Ethan was reluctant to share what he knew with him. He desperately wanted to share this information but was ashamed of what he was, and where he had come from. Nevertheless, something deep within him, whispered that it was important that he impart this knowledge as soon as possible. Later that day he had summoned the courage.

  ‘Michael, I-I w-would like to tell you about where I have come from,’ he said hesitatingly.

  While Michael would have loved to have given his guest more time, the same something that was whispering to Ethan that it was important to share this information quickly, was whispering to Michael that it was important that he receive it as soon as possible.

  ‘Alright Ethan, I’m listening,’ was his reply.

  Ethan, commencing with his very first rebel meeting, and then progressing through each of the three tiers, explained his gradual decline to Michael. This information fit perfectly with the details that had already been provided by those repentant spirits who were previously in tiers one and two. None of those who had repented however, had progressed deeply enough into the tier two program as to know the identity of the counsellors. When Ethan provided their names, Michael knew that this was absolutely vital intelligence. Whilst still listening carefully to every detail, Michael anxiously waited to see whether Ethan knew the mastermind of the rebel plan.

  When this was revealed, Michael was aghast. Lucifer, a Son of Morning, had fallen so far as to become the original source of all evil within the Kingdom. Michael was shocked, sorrowful and angry all at the one time. How could Lucifer act in direct opposition to the sacred covenants that he had made to always act in the best interests of his brothers and sisters? Despite his outrage, Michael held together his emotions so as not to alarm Ethan.

  Next, Ethan recited to Michael the circumstances of his being selected as part of fourth division. Michael was aware of the terminology, having heard some of those within first division refer to themselves as such. Everything that Ethan said made perfect sense, when Michael considered the evil that was spreading throughout the Kingdom.

  During the course of Ethan’s account, Michael experienced many emotions. He was hot with fury as he thought of the trickery that Lucifer and his minions had employed to entrap so many. He rejoiced when Ethan affirmed the devastating effect that the defeat of first division had had on Lucifer’s influence. He sorrowed, however, to think that so many had allowed themselves to be lead wholly, or partly, to rebel against the two beings that loved them more than they could possibly comprehend. These final emotions ultimately got the better of him, as he comprehended just a fraction of the pain his parents must be feeling. As a result, tears started to well in his eyes before flowing freely.

  Seeing this, and sensing the reason for Michael’s sorrow, Ethan was greatly affected. He had never even considered the heartache that he may be causing his parents. Although he had been severely hardened by the path that he had taken, he had already begun the thawing process, and Michael’s tears affected him deeply. Soon he too cried, partly for his own demise, but at least partly because of the pain that he must have caused his parents. Once they had both recovered, Ethan continued.

  He enlightened Michael as to the role that he was to play within his division. Michael shuddered on hearing this, as he recalled his own suffering at the hands of first division. The guest did not exclude a single detail of what he had witnessed when Sturd, the former colonel of first division, had been so brutally punished for the defeat that his division had suffered. Michael sorrowed to hear of the plight of his foe. Although he was hated by Sturd, the feeling was not mutual. Michael could never wish for any soul to suffer, despite what he had endured.

  Finally, although the wounds were still fresh, Ethan was candid about the feelings of genuine friendship and respect that he had felt for General Anas and General Silick. He relayed to Michael what he had overheard the day before he was to endure the attacks of fourth division, which had revealed to him the true character of the generals. Explaining the fear, confusion, panic, pain and despair that he had felt after overhearing this betrayal, was difficult and Ethan became very emotional once again. Ultimately though, he was able to continue and explain that it was this betrayal that had caused him to turn his back on that part of the Kingdom forever.

  Michael was a portrait of intent listening throughout Ethan’s account. This was partly because he wanted to obtain as much information as possible, but it was also because he recognised that this confession represented an important component of the healing process for Ethan. Ethan would still need to confess in full to his parents but this was an important first step. Although confession, in and of itself, cannot hope to cleanse sin, it is one component of the repentance process. Accordingly, Ethan did feel a small measure of peace, for the first time in a very long time, at having rendered an entirely accurate and detailed account of all that had transpired.

  Having listened until Ethan had fully exhausted his confession, Michael had some advice for his guest and he gave this counsel, after waiting a moment for Ethan to recover.

  ‘Ethan, first and foremost, I would like to thank you for your honesty. Thank you also for your courage in giving me a very detailed account of all that you have done, and the way in which you have allowed yourself to be deceived. I do not judge you at this time and I offer you the hand of friendship and the arm of brotherhood. I cannot guarantee that you can be fully cleansed of all that you have done. Only Father and Mother can do that. You have rebelled almost to the point of no return, and some might say that you have sinned past that point, but I can tell you that I have great faith in their mercy. I suggest that you me
et with them as soon as you can in order to beg their forgiveness.’

  ‘Oh, I couldn’t do that!’ replied Ethan instantly. ‘I am not worthy to stand in their presence. I don’t think that I could possibly endure it,’ he said, picturing that awful moment of guilt in his mind.

  Michael paused before answering, as is sometimes necessary to allow wisdom to flow into the mind and heart.

  ‘Ethan, I do not doubt that it will be very difficult for you, and I pray that I may never stand before them with the stains that you must bear in their presence, but I do feel that it is important for you to meet with them. To know that you can be forgiven will give you great strength and resolve,’ counselled Michael.

  Ethan could see this, but he simply didn’t think that he had the courage to go before them. Nevertheless, he promised Michael that he would consider his counsel carefully.

  66 the morrow

  Although there was no dawn in the Kingdom, the next day did appear to dawn differently for Ethan. He had thought much about Michael’s suggestion that he meet with his parents, and the idea had become delicious to him. There was little doubting that he would feel very uncomfortable in their presence, however he had to know whether there was hope for him. If he could just get their assurance that there was a pathway back, no matter how difficult it may be, it would give him strength.

  Michael was relieved to hear this from his guest, and together they took a moment to pray that Ethan could be forgiven, after which Ethan resolved to go and see his parents immediately, before he changed his mind.

  As he entered their abode he found his father and mother waiting for him and they both rushed to embrace him. His parents shed many tears of relief and joy for one who was so ‘lost but had now been found’. Ethan was overcome by this reception and wept many tears. He was relieved, but he was also so disappointed in himself, and distressed at his total disregard for his parents. After a prolonged embrace, Ethan sat before them both and rendered a frank and sober confession of everything that he had participated in, and all that he had done. Having done this he wept bitterly once again, and begged their forgiveness, asking whether it was possible that he could ever be found clean again in their sight.

  Despite the loving reception that he had received, their piercing gaze and the brightness of their presence, were still so penetrating that they hurt him. Indeed, there were times, during the course of his confession, when he wished that he was no more, in preference to enduring their disappointment any longer. Despite this, he had struggled on and, having made his way completely through the confession, he did gain a measure of solace. Mother spoke first to answer Ethan’s question as to whether there was any hope for him.

  ‘Ethan, we are so thankful that you have returned to us and we know that you have suffered much for your mistakes, but this is only the beginning of the process. As a result of the errors that you have made, and the sins that you have committed, you have come within a whisker of sinning beyond our ability to help you. It sorrows me greatly to tell you that there is not a single other spirit in the Kingdom, who has progressed as far as you have down the pathway of evil, that will repent and return unto us. So there is no doubt that you have risked an eternity of sorrow and suffering.

  ‘We have granted you your agency, and have provided all things to enable you to grow and prepare for life on earth, but unfortunately you have not made the most of your opportunities. You have been lazy and have failed to develop your intelligence and talents as you should have. This is the evil that you have been guilty of and it has allowed Lucifer, and his supporters, to influence you and take advantage of your weaknesses. You must understand, Ethan, that wherever there is evil present you cannot stand still. Early on in the Kingdom, before evil appeared, it was possible to stand still, to simply not progress, but with evil present you can either move forward and progress, or evil will destabilise the very ground upon which you stand, causing you to regress.

  ‘It is not safe for you to be idle. Increasingly, you will need to move forward and develop your positive qualities, or they will be lost. This is precisely what you have experienced, and as you stand before us now you are a mere shadow of what you could be.

  ‘Despite all of this my son, I give you hope at this time and assure you that you have not sinned away your opportunities. There is a way back. You can be found clean and you can be successful, both here and on earth.'

  Ethan, who had not ceased crying as he received this rebuke, looked up at his Mother through his tears with a look of hope in his eyes.

  Father took up speaking at this point and continued to teach his wayward son.

  ‘Everything your Mother has said is entirely correct Ethan, and I confirm that there is hope for you. You must understand however, that it is only through our plan that you can be made clean, and you must develop faith that this is the case. In the short term, you will be asked to vote between our plan and the opposing plan that will be presented by Lucifer. I believe, having experienced what you have experienced, that decision is going to be straightforward for you. You will vote for our plan simply because you now comprehend the evil and self-serving nature of the alternative.

  ‘This is an important first step, and it will secure for you the passage to mortality. It is beyond this point however, that is of concern.

  ‘The fact that you have allowed yourself to be influenced by evil in this perfect place means that, in your current state of preparation, you could be completely swayed by evil influences on earth. Were you to be born into mortality as you presently are, you would be a devastating tool for evil. Indeed, you could be persuaded to commit every atrocity known to man.

  ‘If you make the right decision, as to which plan to support, we cannot take that mortal journey from you. You will have satisfied the necessary criteria to move to that next stage in your progression, however you would cause us, and your brothers and sisters on earth, great sorrow.

  ‘It is for this reason, Ethan, that we are going to provide you with a great opportunity. Rather than send you to earth during the initial stages of that sphere, we are going to give you as much time as possible to do that which you should have been doing all along. That is, developing your talents and strengthening yourself.

  ‘While the time before the mortal journey commences is short, the earth will be populated for thousands of years and accordingly this will give you much needed time to prepare.

  ‘I must warn you however, that living on the earth during its final stages will be the most challenging time to be in mortality. During those times blood and horror will reign. Many will be fierce and without natural affection for others. The pro creative powers will be heavily abused. The family unit, the fabric of all good works, will be attacked and broken down. Those who would teach our sons and daughters on earth the way things truly are, and would remind them of us, will be first ridiculed and then worse. The earth at that time will be in commotion and there will be many natural disasters. Disasters that will be necessary to stir up our sons and daughters to a remembrance of us before it is eternally too late for them.

  ‘As such Ethan, if you idle away your time again, things will still not end well for you and for those that you come into contact with on earth.

  ‘You have your agency, my son. As always, you are free to choose, but our wish for you is that you use this chance to the greatest possible advantage. We would have you attend classes, study, concentrate, learn and grow. Once you have learned correct principles, we would have you carry out good works, in accordance with that which you have been taught. Study the virtues and then put them into practice. Select other noble disciplines, from the many that are offered, and study these hard. As you progress and grow, your feelings of self-worth will increase. As you love and serve your fellow spirits, in preference to thinking of yourself, you will find joy and wonderful friendships.

  ‘Ethan, if you work at this unceasingly, you have our assurance that you have both the time to prepare, and the capacity, to be completely suc
cessful in your mortal journey. Despite the heavy opposition that you will face, you can return to us here pure and spotless, and ready to enter the next phase of your progression. Then will our joy be full because of you. Then will we weep great tears of joy, not tears of sorrow, because of you.

  ‘Now my son, go forth, use the opportunity that we are giving to you and make us proud.’

  As he heard these words of counsel and encouragement, a firm look of resolve took shape on Ethan’s face. That look of determination did not leave him as he embraced his parents and departed. Ethan left the meeting with the strength that he so desired. To hear that there was still hope lifted him. He still felt unclean but he did not feel totally condemned. For the first time in a long time, a flicker of faith moved within his breast. This moment would be crucial for Ethan. It was the time at which he resolved to change. Not just a slight adjustment, a complete transformation.

  67 a difference of opinion

  In a dark and seemingly secret place, far from the light of Father and Mother’s presence, but not in the least part hidden from their sight, Lucifer met with his three most faithful. What had started out as a formality now threatened to become anything but. Lucifer had called the extraordinary meeting with the intention of surprising his counsellors with the news that he had procured the services of Caleb. Having dramatically announced this tremendous achievement, he awaited the praise and adoration of all three counsellors. Sadly, he found that such was forthcoming from but one of them.

  Troy was wise enough to see the brilliance of such exciting news, and showered his leader with generous complements. Jezebel and Ham, on the other hand, sat quietly and did not offer the praise that Lucifer had expected to flow from their lips. He stared at the two of them in surprise and queried their silence. Both shuffled nervously, knowing the reaction that their objections would attract. Ultimately, it was Jezebel that found the courage to speak first.


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