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Premortal Page 31

by Damien Passmore

‘Ladies, come to order!’ Jezebel shrieked in a manner that was not unfamiliar but was ordinarily effective.

  ‘I have called you here urgently because our cause needs a shot in the arm,’ she commenced.

  A combination of murmurs arose from the crowd that consisted in the main of ‘you can say that again’ and ‘that is an understatement.’

  Jezebel waited for the murmurs to subside and was the antithesis of patience as she did so.

  Once they had subsided just a little she yelled, ‘Ladies! I have devised a plan that is sure to bring us more support. We are going to call into question Rachel’s integrity and good character and use her as a means of converting others to our cause.’

  A general noise of disapproval arose from the crowd and Joslyn voiced the general opinion of the room.

  ‘Jezebel, none of us can understand how you are possibly going to call into question Rachel, the annoying wench never does anything wrong.’

  Jezebel replied with the basis of her brilliant plan.

  ‘Who says she has to do anything wrong in order for us to discredit her?’

  Following this statement a stunned silence came over the room, which was most unusual for this particular gathering. Though they rarely had something useful to say, they ordinarily said it anyway. Those who were the most advanced in evil, even amongst this lofty company, gradually started to catch on and loved what was being proposed. For the remainder Jezebel had to join the dots.

  ‘Ladies, I propose that we commence spreading lies about her. Firstly, I suggest that we make it known that she has been secretly meeting with us and that she intends to back Lucifer’s plan. After that, we will gradually call into question every component of her honesty and virtue. When everyone in the Kingdom believes that one of Father and Mother’s leading lights is corrupt, they are sure to be far more open to our plan.’

  Jezebel glowed with pride as she revealed this stunning plot. Her inner circle absolutely loved it and immediately they set about developing cruel and pernicious rumours for distribution throughout the Kingdom. It seems it may have been a little hasty labelling Jezebel one dimensional. While she still loved her music, she was truly excelling in evil. The additional ‘talents’ that she was developing in this discipline were beginning to mount.

  77 progression

  From the time of the meeting with his parents, Ethan had set about becoming a new person. It would take time but he was certainly beginning in the right vein. His selfless act of alerting Caleb to Lucifer’s deception began a chain reaction that did much good, and it brought him joy just to have played a small part in that success. Likewise, risking his life to assist in Caleb's rescue had also increased his feelings of self-worth. Ethan had felt a little sheepish explaining to Michael why he had disobeyed his command but he was quickly reassured that he had done the right thing. After these initial successes, he progressed with further service to his fellows.

  With Michael he visited those that his teacher thought might benefit from an account of his history. This was an important service but Michael ensured that it was relatively infrequent as he wanted Ethan to focus on what he was to become, rather than on what he had been.

  Suddenly, from a slothful spirit, his vigour and his desire to progress were insatiable and rivalled most anyone in the Kingdom. He began attending many classes and truly listening, something that he hadn't done in the longest time. As quickly as he learnt, he attempted to put the principles into practice, thereby quickening the learning process and ensuring that all that he learnt had relevance. Yes, he had certainly started very strongly and Michael did his very best to keep that momentum going.

  As one of his secular subjects Ethan selected mathematics and, desiring to spend more time with his mentor, he resolved to attend the class that Michael continued to teach in the further part of the Kingdom. Before his first class, Michael gave him special lessons at home in an attempt to help him catch up a little. After a week of these special tutorials they travelled together to the class.

  Michael suspected that Ethan wouldn’t keep pace just yet, but he figured that coming along at this early stage couldn’t hurt. He would continue to teach him between classes and ultimately he would come up to the level of the rest of the class. Michael had clearly developed confidence in his student’s capabilities. It was becoming more and more evident that he was intelligent enough; he had always just lacked the motivation and application. This first class together would be remembered though, not for the mathematics, but rather for what followed the class.

  Ethan left the concluded class with Michael, his head spinning. He had caught onto some segments of the lesson that were vaguely familiar, but for the most part the lesson had passed right over his head. They walked for a little, while Michael reassured Ethan that he had the capability to catch up. As they did so they walked past a group of three female spirits who were speaking in quiet voices. Michael noticed that they were glancing their way in a peculiar fashion, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. A moment later they passed just close enough to overhear a small segment of their conversation and it left Michael cold.

  ‘Poor Michael, so very faithful, but with a companion who is so very false,’ whispered one of them.

  Michael was annoyed at this and he walked over to the group and addressed them directly.

  ‘Please ladies, can I give you some council that, if heeded, will benefit you personally, and will also assist those that you come into contact with?’

  ‘Yes Michael, but perhaps we might need to give you some counsel of your own,’ responded one of the three, whose name was Maggie.

  Michael was a little taken back by this response but he continued.

  ‘Firstly Ladies, I would ask that you pay all spirits the courtesy of addressing them directly if you have something to say about them. Secondly, I would encourage you not to judge another harshly because you don’t have the capacity to look upon the heart. You have spoken against my companion, and to look at him his countenance is darker than most of us, however he is now trying his very best to turn from his former evil deeds. Already he has done much good.’

  In response all three in the group started to giggle.

  Michael responded to this. ‘Ladies, is there something amusing, because I don’t see it?’

  Maggie, who appeared to be acting as voice for all three of them responded: ‘Yes Michael, it is amusing because we were not referring to your current companion at all; we were referring to Rachel.’

  Michael was shocked by this reply and tried to remain calm as he responded. ‘Now I am completely confused because there is absolutely nothing negative that you could say about Rachel.’

  ‘That’s not what we’ve heard,’ taunted Maggie knowingly.

  ‘What have you heard?’ Michael demanded.

  ‘Well, I’m not sure if I should say,’ replied Maggie, suddenly developing some discretion.

  ‘If you are willing to say something about someone in secret, you should be big enough to repeat it in public,’ said Michael, frustrated by an art that he simply did not understand. Mindless gossip had never been, and never would become, a talent of his.

  His sharp comment offended Maggie and she responded truthfully, but in a manner designed to wound rather than to make amends.

  ‘Alright, if I must be the bearer of such tidings, it has come to our attention that Rachel is aligned to Lucifer’s cause and secretly intends on voting for his plan at the grand council.'

  Not being subject to mortal frailties, spirits don’t faint, but Michael came about as close to falling over, on account of something that had been said, as a spirit ever had. He was absolutely floored by this revelation.

  As he processed what he had just heard, a second spirit, Candice, demonstrated that she too could speak, although her comment didn't affirm that this talent necessarily resulted in the production of anything worthwhile.

  ‘Yes Michael, we have heard that she is not as pure as we all thought.’

ho told you these things?’ Michael asked sternly.

  ‘Everyone knows it, around here anyway. I heard it from Azel,’ said Maggie.

  ‘I heard it from Candice,’ Azel quickly rejoined.

  Candice just as quickly deflected the blame: ‘I heard it from Drew’.

  Each felt completely absolved but had contributed to the evil, gossip being something that can be so easily ceased by the wise and so quickly spread by the foolish.

  Michael was still flabbergasted and didn't know precisely what to say, but wisdom flowed into his mind just in time for him to give some parting advice.

  ‘Ladies, Rachel is one of the purest spirits in the Kingdom. The things that you have heard are false and have clearly come from a devious source. For the benefit of your own souls, I would be very careful how you hold Rachel’s name in your lips because it may just impact upon the shape of your own character, and believe me, these are not the times during which you can afford serious flaws in your character.’

  For once Maggie did not have a sharp response, as the guilt that she should always have been feeling started to settle upon her.

  Having parted company with the gossipers, Michael and Ethan began their long flight home. Michael was silent throughout the journey and Ethan didn’t trouble him.

  The journey was torturous for Michael because, even though Ethan had recently been in training and was fast, he still flew more slowly than Michael. Though the difference in their speed wasn’t great, Michael wanted to fly at maximum speed to be sure that he was the first to break the news to Rachel. He was desperately concerned that his love may hear the lies from someone insensitive to her feelings.

  Michael considered it too great a risk, however, to allow Ethan to fly home alone lest he be unlucky enough to come upon some of fourth division. It was a truth that no one could hope to break the news to Rachel as gently as Michael could, he being so intimately aware of the tenderness of her heart. Not even for a nanosecond did he entertain the idea that there could be any truth to the rumours. He simply knew her too well.

  Eventually they arrived back, and Michael sped to Rachel’s abode hoping to find her there. He wasn’t in luck, and he commenced an urgent search, beginning at Sarah’s place. She wasn’t there either, nor was Sarah, and it was only at this juncture that he recalled that Rachel had an art class at that time. He moved there like lightning and was just in time to catch her coming out of the class.

  From the look on her face he knew that he had caught her in time. She looked radiantly happy and as peaceful as ever. Rachel was stunningly beautiful with lovely blue eyes, dark shoulder length hair, high cheek bones and facial features that were perfectly proportioned. Rachel's countenance set off all of these features such that she was an absolutely glorious daughter of God. Certainly though, the true key to her beauty was to be found in her virtuous and modest character.

  Although it did not seem possible as Michael gazed upon her beauty, her face brightened and became even more stunning as she caught sight of him. His love deepened as his concern for her grew. The very last thing he wanted to do was to disrupt her peace, but he knew that he must. He asked if they could take a walk in private, and she agreed, just a little concerned by his businesslike manner. When they were alone she questioned him.

  ‘Michael is there something worrying you?’

  Michael had received a direct question and he would give an honest reply.

  ‘Yes my dear there is,’ he responded.

  ‘Please share it with me, my love,’ she replied.

  ‘I’m afraid I must, but I wish I didn’t have to,’ he said.

  ‘Just say it my dear, the load will be easier shared,’ she assured him, not knowing what she was in for.

  ‘Rachel, there are lies being spread about you,' he said quietly.

  'Lies, what kind of lies?' questioned Rachel.

  'One suggests that you are secretly aligned to Lucifer’s cause, and that you will be voting for his plan at the grand council,’ blurted out Michael. He had wanted to deliver the news more gently, but now that the moment had arrived he didn’t know how he could possibly pad reality.

  Watching her face go from radiance to emotional distress, before his very eyes, was as a dagger to his heart.

  ‘What?’ was all that she could reply before weeping uncontrollably in his arms.

  It was quite some time before she was able to speak.

  ‘Michael, you don’t believe it do you?’ she cried.

  ‘Of course I don’t my dear. No one, save Jehovah himself, is more faithful to Mother and Father than you are,’ he assured her.

  ‘Who would say such a thing? Would it be Lucifer?’ she asked, the pain clearly cutting into her deeply.

  ‘I have no doubt that it would be him, or one of his kind, my love.’

  ‘Where did you hear this Michael? I have heard nothing of it.’

  ‘I overheard some girls talking as Ethan and I left the mathematics class that I’ve been teaching.’

  ‘If the lie was started by Lucifer, then how would it have travelled to that part of the Kingdom?’ Rachel asked innocently.

  ‘By word of mouth I fear,’ responded Michael truthfully, still lacking that level of tact that would ordinarily have been utilised on earth to soften the blow.

  ‘Then that means that this lie has penetrated much of the Kingdom,’ whispered Rachel, before breaking down once again in Michael’s arms.

  After some more time, she recovered enough to ask how they could possibly put all of her brothers and sisters in possession of the truth. Unfortunately he did not have an answer. They could and would try to spread the truth, but sometimes the truth can be so much less interesting than a lie, and hence it doesn’t spread half as quickly, or quite so far. They decided to visit with Father or Mother to receive their counsel, as the answer to this quandary appeared beyond them both. They went together as this was a problem that Michael was determined to help Rachel fix if he possibly could.

  78 the final effort

  After a wait, they were able to get a moment with Father and sought counsel at his hand on the matter. Father empathised greatly with Rachel, reassuring her that many had disbelieved the rumours, and had chosen not to pass them on. It was apparent from what Father said that the gossip did not pass into the third of the Kingdom that was closest to them, but that it had been spread broadly in the further half of the Kingdom, after which time it gradually began to lose steam. Rachel asked how they might set the record straight.

  Father responded to this question gently.

  ‘Gossip and lies are a great evil, and on earth you will find that they cannot always be set right in that imperfect sphere. Such lies and gossip will not be tolerated in a Kingdom of higher order such as this, however. It is an immutable law of this Kingdom that lies must be revealed in their true light. So these rumours will need to be exposed when we meet in the grand council.

  ‘Rachel, you will be given the opportunity to speak at the counsel, when every spirit in the Kingdom is present. You will be able to declare at that time that you will be voting for our plan, and that any suggestion that you would not be, has been an evil lie promulgated by those who would rebel against that plan. You will also be able to represent others who have and will be lied and gossiped about.

  ‘In the meantime, however, Mother and I would have both of you, and all spirits who are willing, speak against this and all other evils throughout the Kingdom. Many spirits have made their final choice already, and the time for the grand council is at hand, but we will wait three more weeks to give you an opportunity to teach anyone who will listen.

  ‘We would have you concentrate your efforts in the middle third of the Kingdom. The third closest to us will choose our plan. The third closest to Lucifer have mostly made their choice. It is within the middle ground that you can have the greatest effect.’

  ‘Should we fight if we are attacked?’ asked Michael.

  ‘The time for more fighting is not now Michael. W
hat you have done thus far has been good and necessary, but at this time we would have you avoid conflict. If you take sufficient numbers to each place that you propose to speak at, Lucifer will be very hesitant to attack, due to the recent losses that he has suffered.’

  Before they departed, Father expressed his love and his confidence in their ability to be a huge influence for good amongst their brothers and sisters.

  After they left Rachel was much brighter, much to Michael’s relief. Having received instruction as to what they must now do, Michael and Rachel made plans for a meeting that would ultimately attract almost all of the spirits living in the third of the Kingdom closest to their parents’ abode.

  79 foregone conclusion

  At a great military gathering held in a thoroughly dark area of the Kingdom, one president, two generals, eighteen colonels and their eighteen units gathered to enforce the law. Speed and agility training had progressed well for each of the twelve new divisions during the preceding week, and the generals had prepared them well for the coming attack. They had done so by outlining, in great detail, the many evils performed by the spirit upon whom they would be venting their anger.

  The generals didn’t actually know who the spirit was, or what he had done, as Lucifer was keeping this for a surprise. Indeed, Lucifer himself was also trying to work out precisely what the selected victims had done to deserve the required attacks. In the absence of this information, the generals made up any number of terrible accusations upon which to feed the anger of each of their pupils.

  Of course, among many other evils, they regularly made mention of the fact that the accused had sought to install himself as colonel over each respective division, depending on which division they were addressing at the time. It was also revealed that the spirit in question had then sought to quash all other positions of authority, such that the divisional structure would be incredibly flat. So flat in fact as to ensure that each division consisted of but one colonel (the accused) and ten thousand privates.


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