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Premortal Page 37

by Damien Passmore

  ‘Due to the gross darkness that will be upon the earth at times, many will live out their lives never even hearing of these things. While this is not ideal, it doesn’t matter. Every man and woman will be judged by how well they live by that light that they have been permitted to receive.

  ‘All will have my light to judge between right and wrong. This conscience, which is a gift to every man and woman upon the earth, will provide a base level for a decent life for those who never hear of me whilst in mortality. For those who are privileged enough to live in nations in which my word is taught, then there will be a higher requirement for personal righteousness, in proportion to the additional light that has been revealed.'

  When Jehovah spoke there was no theatre, just truth that hit humble hearts with maximum force, bringing wisdom and knowledge to all those wise enough to listen and concentrate.

  ‘My brothers and sisters, I love you, and I would tell you more, but now is not the time to teach you the full details concerning your mortal life. Indeed, there are those among us who will not see mortality, due to the choices that they will make today, so to provide more intelligence at this time would not be wise. Please choose wisely so that you can proceed safely to the next stage of your progression.’

  After speaking, Jehovah sat as his Father again rose to speak.

  ‘You have heard that Jehovah is willing to accept the responsibility that we have appointed to him. In keeping with the eternal principle of agency, I request that any that would oppose our plan now make their intentions known.

  89 audacity

  Lucifer did not need to be asked twice and he sped up to the stage almost as though he’d been shot from a cannon. As he passed her, Sarah jumped. Although she had heard much of Lucifer in recent times, and understood that he was the leader of the rebel movement, she had never actually met or seen him. She was shocked and horrified to now discover that Lucifer, and her tormentor from the library, were one and the same person.

  It was true that Lucifer now looked quite different, most particularly on account of the blackening of his countenance, but she had no doubt that it was him. She whispered this fact to Samuel who immediately looked annoyed. Though passive in nature he was not exclusively so, particularly when someone had wronged Sarah.

  Lucifer, oblivious to these revelations, had hoped to be magnanimous and generous in his words, but after listening to Jehovah drivel on he would struggle to do so. Anyway, he would have to do his best under very trying circumstances, for a spirit of his patience. Following his brother, in this way, would at least assist him in being direct in his approach.

  Despite his eagerness to rebut Jehovah, Lucifer did manage just a little theatrics. Upon taking the stage, he walked over and kissed his mother, bowed to his father and paced the stage back and forth three times with his hands behind his back, looking thoughtful. He then opened his mouth as though he were about to speak, before scratching his head, closing his mouth and walking the stage twice more. Having finished this carefully orchestrated performance, he opened his mouth a second time and spoke.

  ‘Father and Mother, I do have another proposal to put to you.'

  After this statement he once more bowed his head and walked the stage twice more before continuing.

  'While I can see the wisdom of your words, I must disagree with you on one vital point. It is my belief that there is another plan that would work, one that would provide a surer passage back here for each of us.

  ‘It almost broke my heart to see Mother weeping as she did at the thought of many of her children not returning under your current plan. I likewise have been troubled after this fashion and have shed many tears.'

  Lucifer did his best to manufacture some tears for the audience, but when none were forthcoming, he simply buried his face in his hands for a few moments to demonstrate the great emotion that he had been feeling upon this subject.

  After extricating his face from his hands, he struggled to continue but eventually, showing much strength, he was able to.

  ‘In these hours of sorrow however, wisdom has come, and I have been comforted in the knowledge that there is another way.'

  Turning thoughtfully to his Father and Jehovah, and then back to the audience once more he again continued.

  ‘I also sorrowed to see Father so emotional at the thought of Jehovah having to suffer for the sins of the world. I would spare both him, and my beloved brother, this pain.’

  Lucifer almost choked as these words spewed out of his mouth, but they were a necessary evil, Lucifer being the absolute master of the ends justifying the means. Having cleared his throat he continued.

  ‘Yes, under the plan that I have devised, Jehovah does not need to play a central role at all. What I propose is that I be given charge of all men and women on earth, and I will ensure their safe passage back to the Kingdom. I will do so by ensuring that none sin. I will oversee every person and ensure that they obey divine law, at all times, so that they never fall and there is no need for any cleansing. It will be a big job but I’m willing to do it because of the love that I have for each of my brothers and sisters, and for you, Mother and Father.

  ‘In return for saving all souls I would only ask one thing for myself. Father, I would ask simply that you give credit for this deed to me and grant me the honour and power that naturally come to one who has just saved all of your children.' Lucifer finished his audacious and outrageous request by facing the crowd and attempting to appeal to the masses.

  ‘My dear brothers and sisters, all of you who are a little nervous as to whether you will make it through mortality safely, and back here to your home, I implore you to seize the opportunity of a sure passage. Under my plan you are guaranteed to return here to live forever in peace and harmony. Nothing could be surer, nothing could be easier.' He then left the stage, returning to his position feeling incredibly pleased with himself, and wondering whether he might just have done enough, with his closing remarks, to claim a majority.

  A portrait of patience as always, Father and Mother endured the arrogance and treachery of their son and did not reply. Instead Mother lent over to Jehovah and asked him to invite Michael to speak. He did so, introducing Michael to the audience as the next speaker.

  90 ancient of days

  Michael rose slowly, feeling a heavy weight upon him. Silently he prayed for assistance as he moved towards the stage. His prayer was heard and answered. While Michael was annoyed at the audacity of his brother, the immensity of the occasion, and the enormity of the task of trying to rebut Lucifer, dulled his anger somewhat. He paused before he spoke, then commenced deliberately and confidently.

  ‘My brothers and sisters, firstly I would like to assure you that I will be voting in favour of our parents' plan today. To say that I do not trust Lucifer is an understatement, but that is only one reason that I will not vote for his plan. The more important and persuasive reason is the trust that I have in Mother, Father and Jehovah.

  ‘I confess to you that I do not know or understand all of the details of their plan. I believe that I have some level of comprehension, but there is still much to learn. I expect that until we are born into mortality, and progress through it, we will still have much to learn.

  ‘Nevertheless, I have been living in this Kingdom for thousands of years and from the very first moment, until this very hour, I have never experienced anything but love, kindness and caring from our heavenly parents and our elder brother. Knowing this, why would I choose to disbelieve them now? Why would I suspect that, after thousands of years of giving me every opportunity to grow, they would do anything except continue to guide me on that path?

  ‘On the other hand I have had dealings with Lucifer at intervals, during the course of our time here, and there is nothing in our mutual dealings that would give me as much confidence in him as I have in Father, Mother or Jehovah. In saying this, I do not suggest for a moment that all of my dealings with Lucifer have been negative, he was once a noble spirit.

�Unfortunately though, it is clear to me that this has changed. While I do not enjoy criticising him, I fear that by failing to point out some of his personal flaws I would fail to put you in possession of all of the facts that are relevant to this crucial decision. So in consideration of this I must point out that my recent dealings with Lucifer have been very concerning, and it is clear to me that he has strayed wildly from the path that he should be on.

  ‘As evidence of this I would invite you to consider his countenance. When Jehovah spoke to us his countenance shone with a brilliant whiteness that testified of his perfection, and the truth of his words. When Lucifer spoke his countenance was not only dull, it was black. This was a testimony of the darkness of his proposal, and the absence of truth in his words.'

  As many looked in his direction, Lucifer squirmed, wishing that he owned a special garment that would brighten his countenance. No such luck however, and he was forced to sit there looking as dark as ever.

  Michael was by no means finished and though he paused briefly, so as to allow all to focus on Lucifer, he soon resumed.

  ‘For those of you who are wise enough to be aware of the feelings that you had whilst listening to Jehovah and Lucifer, you would also have noticed the peace and power that accompanied Jehovah’s words, which are a testament of their truth. Again this could be directly contrasted with the darkness of Lucifer’s words that sadly lacked the power of truth, or the peace that accompanies such a message.

  ‘I would also draw your attention to the fact that there has been much trouble in the Kingdom in recent times, trouble that was never present prior to the development of this alternate plan. Again this is a testament of the folly of the plan, and the fruits that it would produce.

  ‘Think also, my brothers and sisters, of the fighting that has had to occur recently. This is something that should never be necessary, if each of us simply obeys the principles and commandments that have been set out by our parents for our good, and for the harmony of the Kingdom.

  ‘Many of you already know, but I see no harm in repeating, the fact that I was attacked by thousands of cowardly spirits, with no provocation on my behalf. While Lucifer has tried to maintain that he was not involved in any way, an eye witness of his wickedness has recently confirmed that Lucifer is the one responsible for forming the army that performed the attack, and has also performed many other wicked acts.

  ‘I could say much more concerning his deeds but what I have said should suffice. If the contrast between the perfection of our eldest brother, and the wickedness of Lucifer, is not now apparent to you I fear that it never will be.

  ‘So my message to you, my brothers and sisters, is that Jehovah should be the centrepiece of Father and Mother’s plan. Only he can and should be our saviour and our redeemer. Our parents' plan is not only perfect, it is also the only plan that can provide for us both mortality, and a safe passage through mortality. I testify to you that it is the only way, and that voting for that plan is crucial to your progression.

  ‘Secondly, I testify that Lucifer’s plan is evil and self-serving and that it will not save a single one of you. Indeed, any who rebel with him will have the whole of eternity to wish that they hadn’t. I implore you to decide very carefully who you will vote for.’

  Michael sat having given the congregation much to think about.

  91 a healthy distance

  Even some of those who had decided in advance to vote for Lucifer, felt a little less comfortable with their decision after hearing from Michael. Their minds were hardened against Father, Mother and Jehovah, but a powerful testimony from one who was not a God, quite strangely penetrated their iron souls. Unfortunately, most of these felt trapped however, because they were counting on the easy ride that Lucifer’s plan was to provide for them.

  Lucifer literally paced, like a caged tiger, the very small plot of ground that constituted his space in the crowd, forcing those closest to him to move so that he had more room for himself. He now hated Michael almost as much as he did Jehovah. Being of brittle self-esteem he found it particularly hard to endure criticism, particularly when it was true. At a number of intervals he had only just managed to stop himself yelling out that Michael was a liar. Even in his madness however, he had realised that such an action would probably cost him further support. So, he paced to control himself, with no regard for those nearest him.

  Deep into the crowd was one who was completely oblivious to what was being said. This spirit, like Lucifer, had a gap between him and those closest to him. The simple reason for this gap was fear. Masias was in the midst of a group of rebel spirits and they were keeping a very healthy distance.

  Masias was even more agitated than usual, and it was making those around him very nervous, so increasingly the divide between him and those closest to him was becoming wider. This had the effect of pushing the crowd in every direction and, as all the spirits in that sector were brute selfish beasts, this resulted in much cursing, swearing and gnashing of teeth.

  No amount of aggression on the other side of those closest to Masias, was ever going to match the aggression of Masias himself, however. Accordingly, the unfortunate spirits closest to him, kept inching further and further away from the wild animal, despite the animated protests of others.

  The reason Masias had become so agitated was that, in the very distance, he had caught sight of Kieran and Cindy standing together. He stared and obsessed about them, snorting, snarling and mumbling words such as hate, torture and kill.

  Despite his madness, Lucifer had been careful to teach his weapon not to attack at this gathering, lest he be prevented from venting his full fury.

  At the beginning of the meeting one unfortunate tier three student, who had not met Masias previously, made the foolish mistake of asking him to be quiet so that he could hear the proceedings. The swipe that he had received from Masias, froze his soul to the core, and petrified him to such an extent that he became the most eager to push away from the psychopath.

  Had Lucifer not been so pre-occupied, and had he been able to see his protégé, he would have been so proud. He had visited his pride and joy that very morning to remind him that Kieran and Cindy would be at the council. During the visit he fed him with a highlights package of the very worst to be found on any earth. Indeed, most humans are spared ever having knowledge of the foul deeds they feasted upon together.

  Cindy and Kieran were listening intently, already knowing the decision they would make that day. Neither was aware of Masias.

  At the conclusion of Michael’s speech, Father rose and asked if anyone else would like to speak. He knew who it was that would volunteer, and he would allow her to speak before granting Rachel the right of reply.

  92 crooked testimony

  Having heard Father’s invitation, Jezebel raised her hand and moved towards the front. She had not intended to speak, but felt that she must after Michael’s reply had so strongly countered Lucifer’s proposition. Unlike Lucifer, she did not dare look at her parents, or Jehovah, as she moved into position to speak.

  ‘My brothers and sisters, it is my privilege to address you on a matter that is very dear to my heart. As many of you know, Lucifer is my true love. As such, I am a firsthand witness of his love, his every kindness, his generosity, charity and the immense concern that he has for each one of you. Indeed, I have been witness to the many tears that he has shed on your behalf, as he has contemplated the extreme difficulties that each one of you will have to endure during your mortal life. It was during these sorrowful hours that the plan came to him to free you of this great burden, and to provide you with a sure passage home.

  ‘We have heard Michael’s opinion that Lucifer’s plan is self-serving, but it is not. He has only your best interests in mind. Indeed, he has also thought to share the power that he has requested of Father with other talented individuals, who are able to assist in the task of guaranteeing a passage back to this wonderful place for all of you.'

  Each of the spirits who intende
d to vote for Lucifer, due to their lust for power, now felt greatly reassured to hear of their role in the rebel plan. They thirsted for the honour, power and glory they expected to receive at Lucifer’s hand. They were blind to the fact that Lucifer had absolutely no intention of sharing.

  Particularly those in the ‘inner circle’ knew that Jezebel was lying through her teeth in respect of the personal qualities and motivations of Lucifer. Strangely though, they believed that she had temporarily ceased her lies, so as to outline their role in the plan with perfect honesty.

  They were so blinded by their thirst for power that they could not see the nose on their own face and no light could penetrate their benighted soul.

  Jezebel continued her cock and bull story with an angelic look upon her face.

  ‘So, as you can see, my dearest brothers and sisters, it is absurd to suggest for even a moment that Lucifer is motivated by anything sinister. He loves you and wants the very best for you, and he has designed a plan that will help you experience mortality, but without the dangers and pitfalls inherent in the other plan.

  ‘In the development of this superior plan, Lucifer and I, and many other noble spirits, have taken the time to study the trials of mortality. For any of you who have not viewed or studied these dangers, I can assure you that they are immense. The weight of suffering on earth is great, and each of us who have watched it, have wept bitter tears of sorrow. It is this, and nothing else, that has motivated the brilliant plan that Lucifer has put to you. I will be voting for that plan and I would suggest that you do also.’


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