Niya's Alien: Futuristic Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 3)

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Niya's Alien: Futuristic Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 3) Page 4

by Pixie Moon

  “I’m not going to hurt you, little human.” His muscles ripple as he presses a button and then puts the cleaner in my hair with one hand. I’m kept pressed against his side.

  A new kind of heat courses through me when I realize that he is as naked as I am. I glimpse his cock and am startled by how big and pretty it is. I look up at his chest and try to forget how much I liked his solid dark purple shaft topped with a fat cherry red crown.

  The view of his muscular chest isn’t helping. I’m so short compared to him that my face is nipple level. I long to lap at his dark plum colored nipple. His scent is stirring something deep within me. I have a crazy desire to claim him.

  His voice jerks me from my wild thoughts. “Close your eyes.”

  I follow his order without complaint. He could turn mean right now. I need to stop being so careless. Before I open my eyes I hear a whirling sound and feel him grip me with both hands and push me out a few inches away from him.

  A soft mist swirls around me for a long moment and then I feel air blowing across my skin. My hair softens and is blown around. I reach up and feel that it’s dry. The air stops and I open my eyes.

  Rylem is smiling at me. “See. That wasn’t too bad. Let’s get you dressed.” He pulls me closer and then helps me out of the shower. With efficient grace, he slips his shirt over my head and then leads me back to the couch and settles me on it.

  With effort, I keep my gaze locked with his. “It was nice. I feel better.”

  He nods and then turns and goes to his closet. I can’t help it. My gaze darts to his ass. Ohh. It’s violet and rounded with muscle. I look away when he turns and starts sliding into his black pants and a light gray short-sleeved shirt.

  Rylem is too handsome to be an alien.

  He gestures to a platter on the counter that’s next to my plate. It has several different types of food on it. Some look like bread. My stomach rumbles. I’m not sure if it’s in hunger or from something scarier.

  “Would you like to try some other foods? Hilam’s human, is a good cook.”

  Knowing I need more vitamins, I say, “That would be nice, thank you.”

  A small smile curls his lips. I watch him turn and add a few things to my plate. He is an honorable male. My grandmother would have liked him. I push away thoughts of my only relative. This is not the time for showing weakness.

  He crosses to me and sets the plate in my lap and points out the bread that has blue chunks in it. “This is sindot bread. It’s made out of the sindot fruit you were eating earlier.” A long violet finger points at the yellow fluffy food with blue dots in it. “That is yomine.” His gaze captures mine. I feel kindness and concern coming from him. “Eat what you can.”

  I look at the strange mini spatula thing and guess that it must be a utensil. With him hovering next to me, I take a bite of the yomine. It tastes like spicy eggs. I hope it has as much protein as eggs. If I don’t get better soon, he could turn on me. Not everyone can tolerate weakness.

  I eat another bite and then smile at him. “It’s good.”

  Relief lights his eyes. “As soon as you are full, you’ll lie down.”

  I don’t like his commanding tone but I’m in no shape to fight him. Plus my status here can’t be high. I already miss being an equal among my friends. I take a bite of the bread and push my feelings aside. Focusing on feelings makes you weak.

  Turning my attention to the bread, I marvel at how good it is. My grandmother couldn’t have made it better. I eat a whole slice before my stomach demands that I stop eating.

  “Thank you. It was very good, but I can’t eat anymore.” He takes my plate and puts it on the black counter and then comes back to me and holds out his hand.

  I don’t like needing his help, but I do. I put my hand in his and am surprised by the current that passes from him to me. It calls to something primitive within me. Maybe the fear should be the other way around. If I didn’t feel like bear dung, I’d try to capture him.

  He pulls me up and places his hand on my lower back. Goosebumps break out on my arms and heat flares in my core. Oh, yes. If things were different, I’d capture him. And maybe keep him a little longer than my past three lovers.

  His hand moves over a sensor and the last mystery door opens to reveal a massive bed that takes up almost all of the bedroom. No wonder his closet is outside of this room.

  The rich royal blue comforter looks inviting. He pulls it back and motions me onto the ivory sheets. “Sleep, little human.”

  Knowing that’s what I need, I climb onto the bed. He tucks me in and presses a soft kiss to my lips before leaving the room.

  I touch my tingling lips and frown. That’s never happened before. I’ll have to watch him. It’s not good to get overly attached to anyone. And who knows, he may end up being dishonorable. He hasn’t done anything dishonorable yet, a defensive voice whispers through my heart.

  That’s true.

  I inhale his masculine aroma and find myself snuggling deeper into his scent saturated sheets. This journey I’m on could be good or extremely rough.

  My stomach rumbles and feels sour. I rub it hoping I’m not going to be sick. I can’t afford any more days without food. I’ve already lost too much muscle. I deeply inhale his scent and hope I don’t die before I get to know him better.



  ~ Rylem ~


  Niya has been moaning in her sleep for what feels like an eternity.

  I hate her being this sick. I passed my healing device over her belly hours ago. She should be better but she’s not.

  After wiping sweat from her brow I decide I need help. I message Zefrom and Hilam to meet me in the Mission Room where we can run some tests on her. I’m just about to take her there when she suddenly bolts up and starts trying to crawl from the bed.

  “What is it?” My heart is racing and my stomach aches.

  “Throw up.” Her voice is so low it takes me a moment to understand.

  “Black star!” I pick her up and she slaps her hand over her dry lips.

  I charge to the cleansing room and get her to the commode just in time. My heart and stomach hurt in sympathy. All the food she ate is bursting from her mouth. I frown as my worry increases. She’s not just throwing up. Her body is totally rejecting the food she ate. If she’s been doing this since she was taken from Earth then this is bad. Real bad.

  I hold her long hair back as her body continues to eliminate all of her food. When it looks like she’s done, I help her sit back and lean against the wall. I then get a cloth and clean her face. Her whole body is trembling. The poor human’s face is pale and her golden eyes are hazy.

  She’s killing me. I shouldn’t be this torn up since I haven’t known her long, but something about her draws me like no other. Gut deep, I know she’s important to me. To my future.

  I put the cloth in the sink and then pick her up. “I’m taking you to our Mission Room where I can have some tests run on you. Stay with me, you’re going to be fine.”

  She has to be.

  I hurry out the door and down the corridor. Hilam is standing at the door frowning when I round the corner. With his device knowhow and Zefrom’s, we should be able to figure the results out. Humans can’t be that different from dagrinians.

  Upon entering the room, I see Zefrom readying the machine. I lie Niya down on it. She moans and tries to curl up.

  I run my hand over the crown of her head. “Shh. You’re going to be fine. I need you to lie flat of the machine so it can scan you.” I touch her knees and she immediately straightens her legs. “That’s good. You’re doing good, brave one.” She gives a slight nod and closes her eyes.

  A laser scans her from head to toes. I can hear the humming of the machine as it calculates possible illnesses’. I continue to stroke her head. She seems to fall into a restless sleep. Her small hands twitch every so often. I can’t stand seeing her like this.

  Zefrom crosses his arms over his chest. “Sh
e looks rough. I’m glad you brought her in. I’ve already contacted Captain Riflan and let him know that there’s a problem.”

  “Good. We may need his help.” I look over at Hilam. “How is your human doing?”

  “She’s good. Better than good. Right now she’s sleeping.” He waves a hand toward Niya. “To stop her from worrying, I won’t tell her about your human being sick.” His gaze cuts to the machine that is still humming. “If no cure is found, she could die.”

  My heart stops and then starts again. I don’t want her to die. I look down at her sweating, pale form and grimace as my stomach churns.

  Zefrom’s lips press together. “Hilam, don’t add to his stress.”

  “I was only being logical. I can tell that he likes her and was concerned that he wouldn’t be mentally preparing himself for the worst. Humans can be addicting.”

  “That’s what I’ve heard.” Zefrom motions toward me. “For now, let’s assume that she can be treated and will be fine.”

  A beeping comes from the machine. I stop stroking her head and go over to the message panel. Hilam and Zefrom stand by me. We all read over the possibilities. There are only a few and they all need the same medicine. The flashing message at the bottom causes my head to pound.

  The human will die without a shot of dacflotos.

  I helplessly look at my friends. Hilam jumps into action and starts pressing buttons on the machine.

  Hilam shakes his head. “We don’t have any dacflotos onboard.”

  Zefrom starts pressing buttons on his comm unit. “The captain and Klimen have been informed. I’m going to the bridge to help plan the quickest way to get that medicine.”

  “I have to get back to my human. I hope she makes it,” Hilam says and then heads to the door.

  While Niya sleeps fitfully, I move her to an exercise mat so she’ll be more comfortable. I start pacing the large room. Time seems to stop. The ship lands and my adrenaline spikes.

  I continue pacing as I wait for them to come back. Every time she whimpers pain stabs my heart. Needing to touch her, I settle on the mat next to her. She inhales and then turns toward me and takes an even deeper breath. She calms instantly.

  Rizpa nin! I should have been right next to her the whole time. Her illness is making me forget important things. Like the way my scent can either calm or turn her on whichever one is needed.

  I press my forehead to hers. “I’m sorry, brave one. I won’t leave your side again.”

  As I wait, I run my hand over her head and arms. She looks so small in my shirt. If she dies I don’t know what I’ll do. I breathe in her scent and roll the beads on my necklace. The round gems give me a measure of peace. I snuggle closer to her and take practiced breaths as I wait for help.

  When the door opens, I whip around and sit up. I make sure that I’m still touching Niya. The contact helps keep me grounded and seems to be keeping her calm.

  “We got it,” Zefrom says. He walks over with Captain Riflan. Both look dusty and windblown.

  The captain looks her over. “The shot is ready to go. She looks bad now but soon she’ll be healthy.”

  Too choked up, I nod my appreciation. He pats me on the shoulder as Zefrom hands me the medicine. Niya is so out of it that she doesn’t move when I raise her sleeve and press the device to her upper arm. I push the button and feel the vibration as the medicine is injected into her. She frowns but that’s it.

  The captain pats my shoulder again and then heads for the door. “Get ready for takeoff. You have just enough time to get her to your quarters,” he says over his shoulder.

  “She’ll be fine now,” Zefrom says as I lift her and head to the door. Zefrom follows me out and we head to our quarters.

  I stop at my door and look at Zefrom. “Thanks for helping us. It means a lot to me.”

  “Anytime.” He nods and then heads down to his own quarters. The confidence in his eyes helps me. Anything is possible with this crew. I’m lucky to be here.

  I enter my quarters and take her straight to bed. Once she’s settled, I snuggle in close to her. I rest my hand on her hip. Feeling her warmth through my shirt comforts me. That she didn’t wake up while I brought her here and then settled her between the covers bothers me. Her soft breaths make my heart swell. She has to be okay.

  I can’t lose her.



  ~ Niya ~


  Something smells wonderful.

  My brow wrinkles as I try to figure out what the scent is. My eyelids are heavy. That’s strange. I move my arm and find that it too is heavy. Come to think of it my whole body feels like it weighs a ton.

  I drag in another breath. That wonderful scent fills my lungs again. It’s calming. I like it a lot. I take another breath. This time I feel a tingle of arousal in my core. What on earth? Is a Clown Dancer messing with me? I may have to carve a new Buffalo Hunter or Chief Kachina doll. You can never have too much protection.

  I shift and realize that something warm is pressed against my side. I freeze and slowly open my eyes. My stomach leaps and my heartbeat starts to race. I blink and then do it again. This can’t be.

  There is a handsome violet skinned male in bed next to me. My gaze whips around the room. It’s silver with some kind of strange soft lights in the ceiling. The royal blue comforter is not one I recognize.

  I look the male over and notice that he has short black hair and that he is muscular, very muscular. He’s wearing a gem-beaded necklace. My gaze darts back to the walls. There, I see several more hanging on the wall. I only vaguely payed attention to them before. The necklaces must belong to him. That means this is his room. His bedroom.

  That thought has a new wave of desire swirling through my sex. What is going on? My gaze sweeps over him. The covers are draped over his lean hips. The light dusting of hair on his chest makes me want to touch it. See if it’s as soft as it looks. And those plum colored nipples are begging to be tasted.

  When my blood heats to a new level, I know it’s time for me to shake my growing arousal off. This man could be a bad guy. I cannot be associated with one of them.

  I look him over again. Why is he painted violet? Surely I didn’t go to a wild party last night. That would not be honorable. Plus those parties can turn dangerous in a flash.

  I look down at myself. I’m not violet, but I am wearing a charcoal colored shirt that doesn’t belong to me. My gaze is drawn to him again. From where his feet are tenting the comforter on this massive bed, I know he’s tall. Well over six feet. This large shirt I’m wearing must be his.

  Why am I here? I listen. I don’t hear any of my friends. All I hear is a light humming sound. I don’t know how I got here, but I do know that he has played a part in it. Sleeping around him was bad. Did he drug me?

  Not about to be a victim, I shove the covers back and leap on top of him. His body tenses and then relaxes. I press my forearm into his throat to show how serious I am. It’s time for him to know how much danger he is in.

  “Where am I?”

  His eyes open and I barely contain a gasp. They are sapphire and the irises are in a diamond shape. I quickly realize that they must be contacts. “I’m not afraid of contacts. Now answer my question.”

  His eyes go from pleased to serious. “You’re in my bed where you are supposed to be.”

  I apply more pressure to his neck. “Wrong answer.”

  “You belong to me. I bought you, brave one.”


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