The Vordalyn 2

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The Vordalyn 2 Page 3

by Michael T Payne

  “I want to hear about everything!” Prince Charnio said excitedly. Venalina motioned to several servants who were attending them, and they left to prepare for the meal. Prince Charnio looked around the throne room, “I remember when this room was your training room. It’s as though the entirety if your manner was carved out just to make this throne room!”

  “Yes, I hardly recognize it.” Dracon said looking around the room, “None of it looks the same to me. Outside this room I struggle to find my way about. If not for the servants to guide me, I wager I wouldn’t find much sleep, wandering the halls looking for my bed chamber.” He and Prince Charnio both chuckled. “When I left that day, I left this place in such a hurry I forgot to pack my horse. All I could think of was the battle before us.” Dracon looked down thoughtfully, “Father waiting for me…” Prince Charnio could see his brother’s pain at the mention of their father. It made him feel guilty and embarrassed of all that happened in Ganlin while Dracon fought for his life in the outer region.

  “He was honored appropriately, Dracon.” Prince Charnio said not knowing what else to say.

  “If only I could have been there.” Dracon said still looking down.

  “Then peace would elude us still, brother.” Prince Charnio shoved Dracon with a smirk, “You did father proud, if not for you…”

  “There were so many sacrifices that led to your return, my love.” Venalina said before Prince Charnio could continue, her voice was once again her magically seductive voice. She felt his pain and wanted to take it from him, her love, “So much suffering that brought us all together here, and now. It is time to rejoice and put the past behind us. We cannot change the path that brought us here.” Prince Charnio listened as she spoke, he felt desire for her like nothing he had ever felt before. He felt himself willing to give up his wife and child for one night with the intoxicating Venalina, “Celebrate the good in what you have done, the peace to two lands your sacrifice has brought. Your father would be proud of every step you took, my love.” Prince Charnio was in a daze, just like his brother. Both men overwhelmed by the seductive magic of Venalina’s voice. She noticed Prince Charnio was falling under her spell and a smile started across her lips she had to stifle. Dhysevera had taught her about the dangers of the voice and how to narrow the effect to an individual. It reminded her of the first time she tried to use the voice on Dracon, but only her advisor, Orist was affected. Dracon beat Orist within an inch of his life, knocking every tooth from his head. She released Prince Charnio from her seduction, focusing solely on Dracon. “Let’s enjoy a meal, reconnect with your brother.” Venalina stepped close to Dracon and kissed his neck where she would feed, it made his eyes roll back in his head. Fulfilling any request, she made was his only desire at that moment. Prince Charnio’s haze left and he was embarrassed with himself over what he felt. It was such a strong desire for her, he was even fearful that Dracon may have noticed it in his eyes. It made him think very carefully about what he said, how he acted, reviewing the moments in his head to see if he gave himself away.

  “Prince Charnio,” Venalina said then looked at Dracon, who looked back at her, still somewhat slack jawed, “My love,” She took Dracon’s hand, “Shall we?” She asked then gave Dracon’s hand a slight tug to lead them. The men followed her, quietly. Both trying to regain their senses.

  “You seemed to have no trouble finding your way around, Lady Venalina.” Prince Charnio commented as she led them to a long hall.

  “Unlike my lord, my mind is at peace. I am where I should be. My new palace with my mate… my king.” She said then smiled at Dracon lovingly, “I have spent my time here, walking the halls of my great palace on the hill, overlooking the once mysterious expanse of death, and on the other side, the greatest city in all the world, Dragons Claw!” Her eyes lit up as she glanced back at Prince Charnio. She still held Dracon’s hand who trailed her. She walked faster than the two men, almost tugging Dracon with each step.

  “It is a great city, have you seen Urixis?” Prince Charnio asked.

  “I have, but it is…” She said then paused, “I love my home.” She said then slowed to walk side by side with Dracon and grabbed his hand with both of hers.

  They made their way to the great dining hall, which was vastly larger than was necessary for just the three of them. It made Dracon uncomfortable and he looked around constantly, it made him feel like he was dining in an open field, unprotected. The brother’s reminisced of their youth and the antics of their teen years. Venalina listened on, attentive and overjoyed, to hear so much about Dracon’s life. She learned much about Dracon when she fed on him but watching him with his younger brother, seeing the adoration his younger sibling had for his older brother made Venalina love Dracon even more. His desire to protect those he loved made her look upon him fondly as she watched the two men reconnect. He had just the right amount of compassion to love her, tempered by an equal amount of brutality to protect her. She knew she couldn’t have chosen a better mate had she lived a thousand years. Saida entered the dining hall and brought a tray of meat to the table. Venalina motioned her over after seeing Saida and her sisters had entered the room to serve them. “I do not want you to serve us,” She whispered, “You are not my servants, Saida. Take your sisters and dress for dinner, then rejoin us.”

  “My lady,” Saida said very surprised, “It isn’t appropriate?”

  “Saida,” Venalina said, grabbing her wrist then smiled, “Do as I say. Go.”

  “It was an adventure,” Dracon said to Prince Charnio, “And it only began after I took Terrax’s head!”

  “Magnificent!” Prince Charnio exclaimed, “Tell me, the final battle with him…” Dracon smirked with pride, thinking about the final battle with Terrax, how he utterly embarrassed the tyrant in one on one combat.

  “I did not do it alone.” He said then looked at Venalina, “If not for her, I may very well have never made it home?” Prince Charnio looked at Venalina as well, then lifted his glass.

  “To beautiful women from across the wastelands of the outer region!” Prince Charnio toasted.

  “Stop.” Venalina said with a giggle as Dracon also raised his glass to her. They grew silent after a moment.

  “It wasn’t long after you left that mother fell ill.” Prince Charnio said breaking the silence. It made Dracon slump back in his seat, recalling what Prince Charnio had said, that she was not their mother. “First, she announced that Menina would rule in her place and she would advise her.”

  “What happened to her? Mother?” Dracon asked, but all he could think of was the vision he had when Venalina first fed on him. His mother blaming him for the death of King Treska, his father, then telling him that she was doomed to follow him in death and it was his fault. He felt guilt in the pit of his stomach.

  “We were never told. She ordered us out of Urixis, all of us, save for Menina. We were to return to the fray and protect Ganlin from a possible new attack by Terrax.” He said, “Once we left, she recalled the dwarves and elves from our armies to serve her in Urixis, then she disbanded your forces and spread the remainder between us, but not before retiring most of them. All the while we were not allowed to return to the capital. Mother’s strictest order protect Ganlin, with depleted forces no less.”

  “Renic went along?” Dracon asked.

  “We all did, it was mother after all. I admit I was not pleased, and I complained much.” Prince Charnio chuckled.

  “You? I couldn’t imagine.” Dracon laughed at the admission.

  “I met with Renic, Torak, and Darrin, out on overlook road to discuss what was going on. There, we were informed by an elf, I believe she served you once, Elmyra, I think she was called.”

  “Elmyra Ballana.” Dracon knew her well.

  “Yes, that was her. She told us that she was surveying our lands for resources and when she entered our regions, she would deliver a letter, when time permitted. A letter informing us that mother had died.” Prince Charnio ground his teeth together

  “A letter?” Dracon asked.

  “Can you believe the audacity!” Prince Charnio slammed his fist against the table. He calmed himself quickly before Dracon could say anything. “Then…” He began to say but Talila entered the hall, first of her sisters, dressed as a princess. Her long black hair flowed beautifully over her bare shoulders. Prince Charnio was silenced, and surprised by her beauty, both he and Dracon stood as the women entered the hall. Then Alyndra entered the dining hall, just as beautiful with her long white-blonde hair in much the same way as her sister before her. Kaylin followed, with a flowing red gown accented with black velvet. Her soft light brown hair was done up to mimic horns on her head. It made Venalina laugh aloud. She remembered when Kaylin asked her if she too, could have horns like Venalina, when she was trapped in her Vordalyn form. Saida entered last and was dressed more conservatively than her sisters, in a formal silver gown. Venalina looked at Alyndra and motioned for her to sit in the empty seat between her and Dracon. The other sisters sat in the remaining seats around the table.

  “Prince Charnio, I’d like to introduce you to the daughters of Castien, a high Lord of Qinkas. These are my dear friends. Talila,” Venalina gestured to each of them with an open palm as she introduced the women, “Alyndra, Saida, and Kaylin.”

  “Are all the women in your lands so beautiful?” Prince Charnio asked as he retook his seat.

  “This is Prince Charnio, King Dracon’s brother, ladies.” Venalina said.

  “Good day, your grace.” Talila said with a wide-eyed excited smile. She looked ready to burst in her enthusiasm. The energy and smiles of the young women changed the mood of the room and Prince Charnio could think of nothing more than to ask the women about their lands and how they came to travel with Venalina and Dracon. They were all too eager to tell their tale. “Our lands are not a wasteland beyond the expanse of death, sire, we live in a beautiful trees city.”

  “Forgive our sister, she is not as well versed in conversation as some of us. What she means to say is that we have a land with lush forests and it is far from a wasteland, to us, it is a paradise.” Saida explained making Talila lower her head embarrassed.

  “It’s not ugly is all I meant.” Talila said defending herself and making Alyndra giggle.

  “Of course, it has to be a paradise to have golden skinned women, so beautiful, and so many to spare.” Prince Charnio said with a wide smile, infatuated with the women and oblivious to the jab Saida made about Talila’s intelligence.

  “You honor us with your words sir, are all the princes afflicted with a tongue of silver?” Kaylin asked playfully. Prince Charnio looked at Dracon.

  “Who are these women, brother?” He asked chuckling, “Are they…” Prince Charnio didn’t know what to ask.

  “They are my sisters.” Venalina said, answering for Dracon. Prince Charnio looked at her confused then back at Dracon, who shrugged and shook his head. “We are not blood. But we are sisters of another sort, I’m sure you can understand that, Prince Charnio?”

  “Of course,” He nodded, “Brothers in arm’s, so to speak? Sister’s, in this case.” He said raising his glass to the ladies.

  “Yes, we have seen much together, and we all serve our king.” Venalina said looking at Dracon with a tilt of her head and a coy smile. Alyndra giggled making Dracon’s face turn red.

  Chapter Four

  Talila led her sisters as they followed Janouc through the streets of the underground city and home of the Priests of O’on. He gave them a tour of the ecosystem that sustained the city and of the mystical underground jungle. He was very polite to the sisters. Venalina was very strict about how he was to treat them, and the girls were quick to test his obedience. Especially, Talila, who asked inane, silly questions, trying to raise his ire. To his credit, Janouc did not get angry and took her abuse in stride. He knew their relationship would be a tenuous one and it would be his responsibility to repair it. He was very suspicious of them when they first met and questioned their loyalty to Venalina, threatening them outright. Venalina was made aware of his threats to the girls and she corrected him, severely. Janouc was to tutor the girls and teach them the foundations of magic. Venalina promised to teach them magic herself, but she also wanted them educated, something they would never have had in their homeland of Sumia. There, they would have been used as whores to entertain other nobles and businessmen that their father dealt with. Such was their lot in life before they met Venalina. She brought them to Janouc, then returned to Ganlin to be at Dracon’s side.

  Janouc led the girls to the temple where the texts were all kept. Only Venalina could freely view the texts and though she had given Janouc permission, he was reluctant to do so. He would not read the spells directly, only the explanation of their effects. He knew what the magic could do to the mind of a human. He had seen it in the leaders of the Priests of O’on in the past, driven mad. Terrax was such a man. Janouc’s desire for self-preservation made him study the text with caution. He had learned many spells indirectly and intended to use that knowledge to lay a foundation for the girl’s study of magic. Venalina would teach them the magic of the Vordalyn herself. Janouc was a battlemage and leader of the Priests of O’on, a group who at one time hunted the Vordalyn almost to extinction. They had attained great and powerful artifacts in their pursuits. They had acquired all that remained of the Vordalyn and laid them at Venalina’s feet. They worshiped her, knowing the power she held, as one of the last of her kind, and to their knowledge she was unique, even to her own kind.

  Janouc gathered the girls around an empty table, “Ladies, this is the temple of O’on. In here,” He motioned around them in an exaggerated fashion, “Is kept the texts of our queen, Venalina.”

  “Everything in here belongs to Venalina?” Alyndra asked.

  “Her majesty,” Janouc corrected, “Please refer to her with respect. She is the embodiment of O’on, the goddess of death.”

  “The goddess of death?” Talila asked almost laughing at him. He forced a smile at her while her sisters all giggled along, “Do you call her that to her face?”

  “I understand we did not start off in the best of ways,” Janouc said to the girls, “And if we really try, I’m sure we can make life for each other very miserable. However, I am willing to let the past remain behind us and move forward. We both serve her highness, do we not?” Talila chewed her lip with a scowl as he spoke. She was reluctant to give him any peace after the way he accused them of being assassins. Then, how he grabbed Alyndra by the throat and threatened to kill her.

  Saida, put her hand on Talila’s arm, “Ok, Janouc, let’s begin again.” Saida looked at her sisters who all agreed with a nod to Janouc. Talila was the last to concede her nod.

  “The Goddess O’on was a powerful Vordalyn queen who transcended through her magic to omnipotence. She is all things, death, life, knowledge. For those who are not Vordalyn she is but one thing. Death.” Janouc explained. The girls listened on wide eyed as he told the tale. “The texts we have here are all that remain of the Vordalyn magic.”

  “What about Venalina? Isn’t she magic?” Kaylin asked, “I mean her highness.” She corrected herself.

  “Yes!” Janouc said very excited, “She is! When she reads the text’s, her power will be immeasurable. In her, so much power awaits to be awakened.”

  “How come she can do magic without reading these books then, Janouc?” Kaylin asked, “Do we have to read the books?”

  “No.” He said suddenly very serious, “You will learn about magic and to cast simple spells, but you must never read the writings of the Vordalyn. It will drive you mad.” The girls all looked at each other, alarmed by his declaration.

  “Then how will we learn any powerful magic?” Talila asked, “How can we be like Venalina?”

  “You can never be like her,” Janouc chuckled shaking his head.

  “But Venalina said she would teach us to do all the things she can do?” Saida replied.

�Well, she can teach you many powerful spells and I envy you that, but to truly wield the power of the Vordalyn will never be with in your grasp.” Janouc said, “Please ladies, remember to refer to her as her grace or her highness, I really must insist.”

  “She prefers us to call her Venalina, and that’s a disappointing first lesson, Janouc.” Talila said rolling her eyes at Janouc, “I hope it gets better? Venalina,” Talila said her name as if taunting Janouc, “Says that we are to learn real magic not simple spells!”

  “There is much magic you can learn, do not be mistaken, I can teach you magic. It is possible for you to become extremely powerful. But what I can teach you is the magic of our kind, humans. The magic of the Vordalyn is for the Vordalyn alone. I do not mean to mislead you. I will teach you what I can of her majesties magic. I can mentor you in spells and help you accomplish much of what you wish. But what we can do and what her highness can do, will never be equal.” Janouc walked to a shelf that held rows of books. Talila spotted an alcove with books that had a strange tint to them, a subtle glow about them. She took a few steps toward the alcove then stopped and glanced back at Janouc. She looked back at Alyndra and nodded to Janouc. Kaylin knew her sisters mind and grabbed Alyndra’s hand then dragged her over to Janouc. They stood on either side of him and began asking him questions about the books on the shelves as he searched the shelf for a specific book. Saida gave Talila a questioning look. She replied by widening her eyes, urging her sister to go keep Janouc occupied. Saida obliged her and walked around the opposite side of the book shelf and pulled a book from the shelf roughly, dropping it and a few others to the floor. Janouc popped his head up, trying to see through to the other side of the shelf after hearing the books fall. He hurried to the other side of the bookcase to where Saida sat flipping through pages of a book on the floor, a few others were strewn about near her.

  “With care!” Janouc said angrily joining her on bended knee, “With care,” He said again in a lower, more gentle tone, like he was talking to a child, “These books are very old, they contain knowledge of many things. Each book is a man’s lifetime of study.” Saida looked at him playing the part of a curious young girl, feigning a wide-eyed wonder at his words.


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