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The Vordalyn 2

Page 5

by Michael T Payne

“No, mistress,” Alyndra said her eyes again looking down embarrassed as did her sisters.

  “We distracted him.” Kaylin explained. Venalina chuckled.

  “You are my lovers, my sisters, my friends, my family…” She said touching each of their faces as she spoke, “We are all the wives of Lord Dracon. I share all that I am with you. You with me.” The sisters looked at each other surprised that she called them the wives of King Dracon. It made them giggle, “The power that is stored with the priests is ours. Ours alone. I will teach you to use it, but you must never again try it without me.”

  “Yes, my lady.” They said in unison.

  “Lord Dracon must have squirmed in his seat when you told him we would be his wives.” Talila giggled making her sisters laugh. Venalina smiled.

  “I’ve said nothing to him. Only that he will never turn you away and love you. Each of you.” Venalina said.

  “As Alyndra did when you made him sleep?” Kaylin asked glancing at Alyndra with a smile on her face. Alyndra immediately looked down and began to blush.

  “Even when I do not make him sleep.” Venalina said, “We are home. This is our home, our kingdom, our king. I will make you each powerful in your own way. I need you at my side, as my sisters, not my servants. We will protect what is ours. We will protect our husband.”

  “We love you mistress.” Alyndra hugged Venalina abruptly.

  “Come.” Venalina pushed Alyndra back gently. “Let us return to Sumia, to the priests. If you are so desperate to learn magic, then I will give you all you can handle tonight.” The sisters looked at each other fearful and excited at the same time then giggled nervously. Venalina dangled the Fire Ruby from her hand, then grabbed both ends of the chain to examine the stone more closely. She looked deep into the Fire Ruby until she found its word of power, then she looked at Talila and said, “Turn around.” Talila’s eyes went wide, Venalina nodded for her to comply and Talila spun so fast her dress twirled. Venalina lifted the necklace over Talila’s head from behind and brought it down in front of her. Talila’s smile was so wide her eyes almost disappeared behind her cheeks. She shivered in anticipation and held her hair up from her neck so Venalina could put the necklace on her. “Fíeda,” Venalina whispered in Talila’s ear as she clasped the ends of the golden chain together. The Fire Ruby instantly flickered, revealing a trapped flame within. It made Talila giggle uncontrollably as she felt the Fire Ruby in her hand and held it up to look at the beautiful stone.

  “Fíeda,” Talila repeated and again the Fire Ruby flickered. Talila giggled again, seeing it answer her with its inner flame.

  “When you speak the name of fire, it will answer you, you need only think of what you wish of it and it will be so.” Venalina explained. Talila still held the Fire Ruby, unable to look away. Her sisters gathered closer to examine her prize.

  “Fíeda,” Talila whispered again then held it close to her breast as it flickered once more.

  “Be cautious, the magic becomes part of you, the more you use it, the more you will need to rest, it is draining to become one with the magic. As your bond grows with the magic so too will your ability to wield it grow. When you are ready, it will bend to your will freely, without a need for rest.” Venalina said smiling at the happiness that Talila exuded.

  “When do I get to use it?” Kaylin asked causing Talila to pull away from her sisters and hold the Fire Ruby so tightly it threatened to cut her palm.

  “You won’t make me share it will you, Lady Venalina?” Talila asked jerking away from her sisters outstretched hand.

  “Of course not,” Venalina replied and stepped closer to Kaylin, who instantly began to pout, “You are all precious and deserve something unique, meant only for you.” She said and put her hand to Kaylin’s cheek making her smile. Then, with a whip of her hand, Venalina and the four sisters disappeared back to Sumia, deep in the lair of the Priests of O’on, where Venalina kept all her secrets.

  Chapter Five

  Prince Renic walked side by side with Elmyra, Queen Menina’s trusted advisor, down the long hall off the banquet room to what was once his mother’s garden. It was a place where Queen Menina spent most of her time. She started to hate people. Not just humans, but the elves she was once so fond of. When Dracon returned with his men and Venalina, she could see instantly they were the same. It was almost unbearable to be around anyone. She wanted to question Venalina extensively but did not want to out herself by confronting her. She knew that Venalina recognized her as one of her own by the look on her face when the two women met. Queen Menina paced her garden on the verge of tears, so overcome with frustration. She never felt more sorrow for the loss of her mother than she did in that moment. She wanted so badly to consult with her, the only one who could give her answers. With the council of races suddenly at her throat with demands, Queen Menina was reeling. She had all but forgotten about them until the stone appeared. A sign they wished to see her. How long until they acted against her? How long until Venalina told Dracon the truth of her and her mother’s secret? These things roiled in Queen Menina until the sound of Elmyra and Prince Renic coming toward her in the garden shook her back from her agonizing thoughts.

  “Menina?” Prince Renic called to alert her of his presence, she had her back to them wringing her hands nervously. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then turned around with an emotionless blank look on her face that made Prince Renic think she was angry at him. She almost smiled when she spotted his fear of her.

  “Your grace, you called us?” Elmyra asked.

  “I did.” Queen Menina relaxed her posture slightly, “How is Ohmbryn?” She asked looking at Prince Renic then at Elmyra.

  “Distraught.” Prince Renic chuckled, then stifled himself seeing no one else thought it was amusing. They were quiet a moment then Prince Renic asked, “Who were those… creatures, Menina? Some of them I didn’t even recognize as elf or dwarf, or human?” Queen Menina pursed her lips considering how much to tell Prince Renic.

  “Are you with me Renic?” She asked staring at him intently.

  “I told you that I was Menina, what more do you want of me?” Prince Renic asked annoyed with her questioning his loyalty. She softened then looked at Elmyra.

  “They were the council of races.” Queen Menina said, “They represent every race residing in Ganlin.”

  “Every race?” He asked skeptically.

  “Yes, I know. There were no humans on the council.” She said already aware of her brother’s observations.

  “My Queen,” Elmyra interjected, “We have another matter to contend with.”

  “What more, Elmyra?” Queen Menina squeezed her eyes tightly and clenched her fists, “Haven’t I given you a task to devote all your time to? Give this new matter to Ohmbryn unless you feel I am the only one competent enough to handle it.” She growled at Elmyra. She took another breath and turned in a slow circle until she once again faced Elmyra and Prince Renic, “My patience is waning, Elmyra, please… continue.” She said motioning to Elmyra to speak.

  “King Dracon is recalling all his forces, elves, dwarves and human alike. He wishes to redeploy them as he sees fit.” Elmyra informed her.

  “This is bad Menina!” Prince Renic said in a panic.

  “You need to calm yourself, Renic.” Queen Menina said then looked at Elmyra, “Ignore his orders.”

  “He has requested me, personally, to return to his side once again, my queen? How shall I respond to that?” Elmyra too was alarmed.

  “You will not. I will talk to Dracon, he will comply.” Queen Menina smirked, “He has a wedding to attend to, he will not miss you. When I see him at our meeting, he and I will discuss this redeployment further. Until then I will draft a letter excusing you from returning, from any of our troops returning to him.” Queen Menina’s eye was suddenly caught by someone behind Prince Renic and Elmyra on the other side of the garden next to a tree. It was a woman with long blonde hair and a flowery tiara wearing a white dress. She stared at
Queen Menina. She looked so familiar to her, she looked remarkably like her mother.

  “Menina, he will take our army before we have a chance to act!” Prince Renic exclaimed, highly agitated.

  “Brother,” She said with a smile, “This war of wills for the crown will not be one by force of an army at my back. It will be won by the love of the people for me over him.”

  “And how exactly do you propose to do that against the vanquisher of Terrax?” He asked with an anger fueled by a fear that Dracon would find out he backed Queen Menina against him.

  “Have faith, little brother, leave me for now.” Queen Menina ordered, “Find the identity of those on the council, help her with that Renic, let me worry about Dracon.” She said looking again at the woman under the cherry blossoms. Prince Renic and Elmyra both glanced over their shoulders to see what Queen Menina was looking at, but they did not spot the woman near the tree.

  “Yes, your grace.” Elmyra bowed then she and Prince Renic left the garden. Queen Menina watched them leave then noticed the woman was no longer at the tree. Her heart sunk. Did she imagine her?

  “You are beautiful, my sweet Aynisa.” The woman said from behind Queen Menina. Aynisa, the word brought back a flood of memories. She spun on the woman who stood smiling at her. She remembered the woman from when she was just a child. She called Queen Menina, Aynisa. She was suddenly so overcome with emotion her eyes started to water and she panted about to breakdown and cry. She knew this woman but couldn’t remember her entirely, just the feeling she felt being near her again. She felt her love. The woman opened her arms wide to Queen Menina and walked the few steps that separated them then embraced her. Queen Menina collapsed to tears. She felt like she was hugging her mother again. “I’m sorry I was not here for you when she left us, Aynisa.” The woman whispered, making Queen Menina cry even harder. They held each other for a long time and cried together. Finally, the woman pushed Queen Menina back at arm’s length then looked her up and down. “You have grown so strong, Aynisa. I can feel your power!”

  “I can’t remember you.” Queen Menina stammered, “But I do?”

  “I know,” She said putting her hands on Queen Menina’s cheeks, “It’s been so long, since your eyes looked upon my face. But your heart knows me, still.” She said stepping closer then put her hand on Queen Menina’s chest.

  “How do you know me? Are you my… my aunt?” she asked making the woman smile wide.

  “Yes!” She giggled, happy she could put it together on her own, “Yes.”

  “I am not alone?” Queen Menina could barely speak without whimpering.

  “I promise you, I will not leave you for so long again, especially now that the world is turning for us.” She said.

  “I don’t understand?” Queen Menina was confused.

  “I know, Aynisa, but you will. You must take your vessel immediately. It will explain everything.” The woman whispered again.

  “My vessel?” Queen Menina thought of Ohmbryn, then sneered in disgust, “He has taught me nothing! Only conspires behind my back if I do not watch him closely.” The woman looked at her confused.

  “Your vessel is a man?” She asked then a smile slowly crept across her face.

  “An elf.” Queen Menina answered making the woman smile even wider.

  “A delicacy!” She laughed swinging Queen Menina’s hands like the two were about to spin in a circle together like children. “Such an incredibly clever woman, your mother!” She said and stopped. Queen Menina was distressed, Ohmbryn was useless to her, when it came to teaching her about her heritage. “Why do you fret Aynisa?”

  “He is a worthless teacher.” She growled, “Good for nothing but groveling.” The woman laughed again and covered her mouth with her hand.

  “He is not for teaching, he is for eating, Aynisa!” the woman said still laughing. Queen Menina frowned and looked at the woman confused.

  “You have fed before, I can see it in your face.” She said and touched Queen Menina’s cheek again, caressing her gently. Queen Menina looked down embarrassed. The woman grabbed her chin, then forced her to look up, “Proud, child, never be embarrassed of what we are! We are gods among these insects! Never you forget that!” She said shaking Queen Menina’s whole head by her chin, so forcefully, she had to step back from the woman. Queen Menina scowled at her skeptically. “Aynisa,” She said then softened with a smile, “We will feed. This Ohmbryn, call him forth. Is this garden your private sanctuary or shall we take him somewhere else?”

  “I’m not sure anymore, of anything.” Queen Menina answered looking down again. The woman grabbed for her chin again but Queen Menina stepped back just out of reach, standing straight and tall.

  “That’s better.” The woman said, happy with her straightened posture. She acted like a mother to her. Queen Menina became reserved after she got a hold of her emotions. She began to reason that she should not give in so whole heartedly just because the woman resembled her mother. There just might be a reason she was away for so long and only returned after her mother’s death.

  “What is your name?” Queen Menina asked. The woman’s demeanor changed, and she looked at Queen Menina coldly, sensing Queen Menina’s sudden skepticism.

  “Don’t trifle with the council, Aynisa. I’ll return after you’ve consumed your vessel.” With that said, the woman vanished in a white wisp of smoke. Queen Menina could hear someone had entered her garden and was coming her way. She turned slowly thinking about the woman she just met. Her aunt? She could see it was Ohmbryn then she started to think about the security of her garden. She activated her Amulets of Ayana on all her guards, giving them an order to stop anyone from coming to the wing of the palace where she was at, and anywhere near her garden. She faced Ohmbryn as he approached her cautiously. He was visibly afraid.

  “Ohmbryn,” She said and walked over to him with her hands out, “I’m so sorry for having to make an example of you in front of the council.” He cowered as she came close enough to touch him, “There, there, my sweet Ohmbryn, you’re ok now.” She said and caressed his hair, petting him gingerly, “You forgive us, yes?”

  “Ye-… yes, my queen.” He stammered and winced at her touch.

  “You have proven yourself worthy, Ohmbryn, you will never have to fear me again.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around him suddenly, in a deep embrace. He tensed at first, and she held him even more tightly, making him feel like she really cared for him. He relaxed in her arms after a minute, then she leaned back just enough to look up into his face. “You will forever be thanked for the burden you have carried for me.” It made him smile at her, “Now let me lighten your load.” Her words confused him and before he knew it, she buried her face in his neck and grabbed him with an incredible strength a woman of her small size should not have. He struggled in futility against her as she brought him to his knees with her face in his neck, feeding on the very essence of his being. She growled all the while like an animal, until he was spent, leaving him a dead old elf. She lurched her head back and screamed loud and long, she was heard throughout the palace, in every hall, terrifying all who heard her. She transformed instantly, with white and gray wings sprouting from her back. Crooked horns grew from her head and her teeth were as fangs of a dog. Queen Menina was not only transformed but transported within her own mind where Queen Ayana awaited her, released from the vessel that was once Ohmbryn and ready to teach her daughter everything.

  Chapter Six

  The portal swirled open, creating a hole in reality, from the lands of Sumia to the lands of Ganlin. Satana, atop her horse, led a company of fifty men through the portal. All in black armor accented with bright red. Even the horses were armored. They carried banners reflecting the new King of Ganlin’s colors. They appeared just off the main road to the city of Qinkas. Satana directed her men to an open area off to the side of the road after she saw the heavy traffic of merchants that headed to and from the city. Merchants on the road froze in fear and some of the women with
them screamed at the portal and sudden appearance of the imposing force that emerged from within. Satana gave a polite wave to the merchants as her men finished exiting the portal. Some merchants maintained their composure while others rushed their horses to the city for safety. Satana was pleasantly surprised that the road was so well travelled, when she left Sumia the world was dangerous and trade among the people there was virtually nonexistent. She smiled to herself seeing what she and her Lord Dracon had accomplished. Even in Sumia, it seems they had changed the world for all people, Sumia and Ganlin alike.

  “That’s an encouraging sight, eh commander?” Danyll asked as his horse came along side Satana’s, both watching the flow of merchant caravans on the road.

  “We can take pride knowing we did this.” Satana said then turned her horse to face Danyll and the rest of their men, “Wait here with the men, I’ll take Fowlin and a few others to announce ourselves to the queen, then see how she wants to accommodate us. Don’t scare the locals.”

  “Ha! You remember these people are scared of their own shadows, commander.” Danyll laughed.

  “You represent the King of Ganlin be friendly to our allies.” She said with a smile, “Fowlin,” Satana called.

  “Commander?” Fowlin trotted over to Satana and Danyll.

  “You ride with me, gather Elmon and Aias to join us.” Satana commanded.

  “Yes Commander.” Fowlin yelled back over his shoulder, Elmon, Aias, you’re with us!” The two soldiers trotted over to join Satana, who had already made her way to the road. They followed just behind a caravan heading into Qinkas. The guards of the caravan were very leery of them and continued to glance at each other unsure of whether or not they should be alarmed by their presence.

  “Do you know of King Dracon?” Fowlin asked one of the caravan guards.

  “Aye, we know of the mighty king from across the expanse?” He answered curiously.

  “Well, we are his representatives, come to see the queen on his behalf.” Fowlin informed them, “So you can all rest easy now, the men of the first ride at your side.” The guards looked at each other and said nothing, then returned their attention to the road ahead. Fowlin looked at Satana and said, “Still frightened of the world I see.” Satana smirked, then urged her horse on to a full run, taking off alongside the edge of the road, storming passed the caravan and the others that travelled to the city. Fowlin’s horse danced uneasily a moment, Fowlin choked up on the reigns, “Let’s not let her get too far ahead, boys, she’ll never let us forget it! Ya!” He yelled then took off, fast as he could. The men with him followed suit, hot on his heels. They arrived at the gates of Qinkas to a company of waiting soldiers armed and ready. Satana held up her horse and stopped before them.


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