The Vordalyn 2

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The Vordalyn 2 Page 13

by Michael T Payne

  “Take me to the highest point in the palace.” Tamina ordered. The two elven guards gave each other a curious glance, wondering if her orders were in accordance with Queen Menina’s wishes. “Come now, certainly there’s no harm or danger in that?” She asked. The two guards complied and led Tamina to a spire that held a spiral staircase to its top. Once there, Tamina was awed by the view, it made her smile at how far she could see in the clear moonlit night. The lights of the city below her were beautiful. She enjoyed the view for several minutes before turning to the guards behind her. She examined them closely, making them uneasy at her proximity, causing them to again glance at each other. Tamina saw that they both wore the same amulet around their necks, the Amulets of Ayana, her niece had named them. She recognized the magic in them immediately, “Clever, clever girl.” She said then turned the magic in them to obey her with a whisper, “Uisa.” They glowed brightly then faded. “Return to my bedchamber, guard my door. I am asleep and have not left there all night.” She said still in a whisper. The two guards left her immediately without question. She returned her attention to the edge of the spire overlooking Urixis. Tamina took a deep breath of the clean night air, so high above the city, and closed her eyes. Then, she spun in a tight circle and dove over the edge, falling to the city below. She fell a hundred feet in less than a second, white wings sprouted from her back that stretched out and caught the air arcing her back up to ride the wind. Horns grew from her head as her flight took her higher and higher above the city, then out and higher still, over the beautiful forest that surrounded the capital of Urixis. She flew faster than any horse could run and covered vast distances in hours than the days it would have taken on foot. She reached the lands of Dwerma, then the palace at Dragons Claw that bordered the very edge of the outer region, also known as the Expanse of Death. Tamina circled the palace so high that she was invisible to the naked eye. She could sense that Venalina was not in the palace below her and wondered briefly where she might be, but that did not keep her there long, for she had a different reason for her flight that night and was not overly interested in Venalina’s whereabouts. Then with a flap of her powerful white wings, she shot out into the Expanse of Death, high over the dead, barren, wasteland. It was unforgiving and cold in the night yet, blistering in the day. It was assumed that nothing could live in the expanse of death, that is until Dracon and his men braved to chase Terrax through it, to Sumia. At that time, it was full of creatures that fed on the flesh of men and stalked them in the gaseous mist that covered the entirety of the expanse. The gas had since lifted, dissipating with the spell that once held all Sumia in perpetual daylight. Many creatures that relied on the gas to breathe, perished, littering areas of the expanse with their bodies. Tamina flew lower, examining the ground and bodies of the once ferocious and ravenous beasts that hunted in the mist that covered the expanse. She had forgotten how beautiful the expanse was and how much life truly existed there, being shrouded in the mist for so long. Tamina flew higher and deeper into the expanse. She spotted the light of a fire in the distance and paused a moment. She hovered, examining the fire, a huge bonfire, from where she was, she could hear the roars and growls of creatures that surrounded the fires. She spun in midair and changed her appearance, her wings became black as a starless night and so did her hair and horns. She flew straight for the gathering of beasts.

  Below, on the ground, surrounding many fires, were creatures of all kinds, what men would call monsters. Orcs, goblins, gnolls and even bugbears. Some, twice the size of a man others, barely knee high. They wore strips and bits of cloth, makeshift armor of all kinds, mostly scavenged from the very edges of the expanse, where few travelers ventured too close. Weapons they bore down upon one another in the chaotic gathering were made primarily from stone and bone, anything strong enough to crack the thick skull of the creatures around them. The gathering, meant to establish dominance, pit creature against creature, clan against clan, fighting one another one at a time, even more at a time when the mood struck. It teetered on the edge of an all-out war of monsters, held together by the slightest thread of order. Two of the largest creatures, an orc and a bugbear took center stage before the whole snarling community at the center of the gathering, a moment of universal peace. Long enough to witness the battle between the two formidable creatures, the fall of which, would decide the dominance of one over all the others. They circled each other, both covered with the blood and entrails of creatures less mighty than they, less ferocious than they, these two mammoths among even their own kind. They growled and snarled at one another as they circled each other cheered on by so many around them, throwing the flesh and bones of the fallen, at the two readying to do battle. They spoke insults at each other in a language only creatures of the purest evil could even comprehend as being a language. They rushed toward one another at the same time as if ordered to do so. Creatures behind them rushed in also, wanting to aid their champion to victory and sustain their clan as the dominant one above all the others. Others, were content to watch, not having a dog in the fight. As the two foes collided, an explosion of fire and smoke erupted between them knocking them and their supporters back. Some of the smaller creatures caught fire and fled into the surrounding crowd who eagerly stomped them to death, then devoured them, tearing their flesh from their bodies hungrily.

  The smoke and fire disappeared as fast as it arrived and their stood Tamina in the center of the entire gathering, her hands and wings stretched out and a snarl on her face. The creatures around her quieted their growls and insults at one another and stared at her, held at bay only by their curiosity of the black witch in their midst. Each waited for another to attack and start the feeding frenzy that would ensue on her corpse.

  “It has been decided!” Tamina said, speaking the evil tongue they all understood, “A new dark lord rises, and you will all bow before him, ending your futile existence to feed on the flesh of man, united!” The creatures remained quiet for a moment. Then the orc rose from the ground with his stone club as a crutch, helping him to his feet. He snarled at Tamina and roared in defiance, exciting the others to growl and stir, ready to rush in and rip her to pieces.

  “Who are you to command us?” He growled, “We will feast on your wings and rape your corpse until all that remains is empty flesh in my hand!” He howled then ran at Tamina, his club high over his head. The creatures all around her roared in unison and began to rush in. Tamina turned her palms up and called out to the heavens who replied with lightning, first, striking the orcs stone club, shattering it, then striking the orc, who was strong enough to continue despite the strike. Every step he took toward her was followed by another strike of lightning, bringing him to his knees, just as he reached Tamina, no longer able to attack her. She growled in the evil tongue, speaking to him, knelt before her as the others fled back from her clear of the lightning strikes.

  “I am the Goddess O’on!” She said, and a black wisp of smoke wrapped around the orc tightly, from around his neck to his ankles. It began to squeeze the life out of him, lifting him from the ground. He growled in a combination of pain and fury, then exploded in a black ooze that sprayed like rain to the ground. The sudden death of the mammoth orc sent a wave of silence throughout the hordes of thousands of creatures that all rushed to look at Tamina. With a single flap of her wings she rose up and hovered for all the creatures to look upon, her wings fluttered, turning her in a slow circle, “You will gather,” She commanded, her voice magically enhanced to reach every creatures ear, “You will become one mighty horde!” A red glow emanated around her and creatures fell to their knees. The bugbear who had watched his foe fall to Tamina, stood before her and called out.

  “I will follow you!” He growled, “I, Um’Vec, will build your mighty army, of all these around us! I will raze the earth in your name! Tell me, dark goddess O’on, what is your name? What shall I call you?” He finished with both hands raised in the air to worship her.

  “I am called Venalina! The dark lor
d you will take a knee to is my mate Dracon!” She pointed in the direction of Ganlin, “Prepare yourselves, my pets!” Tamina flew straight up, out of their sight with a loud, final crack of lightning, that blinded them all, then she was gone.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Venalina watched Talila in the circular room as she practiced her magic. Janouc stood at her side as they both watched the girl through the scrying pool that allowed them to observe each of the girls without disturbing their studies. Talila was visibly angry and very animated. She kept lashing out in bursts of flames all around her that left bits of the rooms wall on fire. She walked to the center of the room and put her hand on a book, then when nothing happened, she unleashed flames throughout the room. That repeated the entire time Janouc and Venalina watched.

  “Perhaps we should focus more on teaching her to read.” Janouc chuckled, “Then she wouldn’t have to keep putting her hand on the book to learn it.” Venalina scowled at him then swiped her hand over the scrying pool. The waters rippled, then changed, reflecting another room where Alyndra was practicing her magic. She had summoned a familiar and was overjoyed with the creature, a Dire Wolf. She was talking to it as if it were a person.

  “Impressive.” Janouc said surprised.

  “How do you mean?” Venalina asked.

  “To summon a Dire Wolf so early in her training is no small feat. Then to be able to control it like a loving pet she’s had her whole life, is also another matter to be admired.” His compliment of Alyndra’s skill made Venalina smile, “She is the most talented among the sisters.” Again, Venalina swirled the pool and Saida came into view with the calming of the waters. She too, seemed to find success with the books and was performing acts of all kinds in rapid succession, trying to cast every spell she learned, one after the other. Kaylin was creating shields around herself in varying sizes then shooting fireballs across the room. Venalina swirled the pool back to Talila, who had her hands at her sides and was bouncing up and down throwing a fit and screaming at the book on the center pedestal. Venalina shook her head, dismayed.

  “The others seem to have found success in absorbing the books, my queen, how was it you were able to give them that power over Talila?” Janouc asked, “Did she anger you?” Venalina glared at him.

  “I gave it to them all the same.” She said annoyed. Janouc nodded then looked back into the pool at Talila, who was trying to set her spell book on fire. He smirked at the sight of it. “I am not amused.”

  “Of course, my queen.” Janouc said with a nod, he had a hard time removing the amusement from his face at Talila’s struggles. “She is more innocent of mind than her sisters, my queen.”

  “You think her stupid, Janouc?” Venalina asked grinding her teeth at his implication.

  “Your highness, I imagine you want me to speak the truth? Is that so?” Janouc asked. Venalina scowled while she thought about his question, “If I cower and tell you only what you wish to hear, it would be a great disservice to you.”

  “Speak your mind Janouc.” She said.

  “Well, I have been educating the ladies as you requested. The others are very intelligent women. They yearn to study and learn more, they are eager for it in fact. Talila is a very emotional woman, easily distracted. I do not think she is dumb, per se, for I do think it is within her to learn, just not very much. Her mind is of a much younger girl, if you will, less mature perhaps?” Janouc looked at Talila in the pool, “She is impetuous, she does not think first, acts on emotion alone. No, I do not believe her stupid at all, just… young of mind. She does have a fire in her that is…”

  “Insatiable.” Venalina finished for him.

  “Yes, you could say that, but I was thinking more, all-consuming.” Janouc looked at Venalina with a smile, “I fear she may kill me on a whim.” Venalina laughed.

  “Are you afraid of her Janouc?” Venalina asked.

  “Yes… yes I am. She acts without thinking, I fear I may fall victim to one such outburst.” He said surprised that she even asked. Venalina laughed again. “She has a desire for power more than her sisters, but she does not have the patience to learn, or the capacity to learn much, my queen.”

  “I gave them the power to absorb the books, Janouc. It doesn’t seem to be working for her. She should not be struggling. I do not see the stupidity that you see, and I do not understand it.” Venalina said thoughtfully, “I do not wish to hear any more of that talk when you refer to her.”

  “As I said, she is young of mind, not stupid, maybe she is simply underdeveloped?” Venalina shot him a glare. Janouc bowed his head slightly, “I apologize my queen, I do not wish to anger you, I am only being as plain as I can be, to give you every possible point of view.” Venalina looked back into the scrying pool. “Also, you may wish to speak with her about the way she acts around men.” Venalina looked back at Janouc curiously, “She seems to be overly concerned with seducing men for some reason?” Janouc pondered, “She seems to take great joy in trying to seduce me. She is very overt and aggressive. It is as though she is a child playing games. Only, she plays at trying to seduce men. Several of the other priests have come to me about it as well. So, I do not believe it to be an isolated event to pester only me.”

  “Has she been successful? With you?” Venalina asked with a smirk.

  “No!” Janouc burst out a laugh, “I think it would cost me my life, even if she wasn’t with you, my queen. Do you care to share with me how it was done? How you tried to give them the power, I mean? Maybe I could help you?” Janouc asked.

  “Hmm.” Venalina grunted then glanced at him, “Continue to educate her in the ways of the world. Leave the high magic to me. No matter how seductive she is, Janouc, if any man gives in to her, it will cost him his life, is that understood? Make that known to your brethren.”

  “Yes, my queen.” Janouc bowed. Venalina disappeared in a black wisp. She reappeared in the room with Talila, who was yelling.

  “Fíeda! Fíeda!” Fire flew from Talila in circular, pulsating bursts. Venalina shielded herself until Talila spotted her. Talila wiped her eyes. “It isn’t fair!” she yelled when she saw her.

  “Come here,” Venalina said with her arms out wide. Talila stomped over to Venalina and collapsed into her arms crying. Venalina could feel the heat coming off Talila. “Calm yourself Talila.”

  “But it’s not fair!” She said pushing back from Venalina, looking in her face, “They can absorb the books but all I can do is use this!” Talila whipped her hand absently away from them and a flame so hot and intense flew from her fingertips, so powerful in fact, Venalina had to shield herself from it and push free of Talila.

  “You didn’t say the word?” Venalina questioned from several feet away from Talila, who looked back at her confused. Venalina looked at Talila’s neck to see the Fire Ruby was gone. “Talila, where is your Fire Ruby?” Talila grabbed just under her throat where the Fire Ruby used to rest, grabbing nothing. Talila started to cry.

  “No! No! No!” Talila said and walked in a circle, her hair started to rise, and the room became increasingly hotter, Venalina had to double her efforts to shield herself. Talila screamed and a blast emanated from her, outward. Venalina’s shield was no match for it and she had to teleport out of the room to save herself. Talila looked around at what she did then fell to her knees crying. Venalina reappeared in the room next to Talila, who grabbed her around her knees and hugged her still crying, “I’m sorry.” She whimpered. Venalina looked down at her and put her hand on her head.

  “You must get a hold of yourself, Talila.” She said.

  “I’m sorry.” She whimpered again, “I lost it.” Talila sat back and looked up at Venalina putting a hand to where the Fire Ruby once dangled.

  “No.” Venalina said crouching down to her. “You have become one with it.” Venalina grabbed Talila’s jaw. “Stand up.” Venalina stood and motioned for Talila to follow her.

  “I don’t understand?” Talila slowly stood.

  “You have the po
wer within you now.” Venalina said motioning around the room at the still smoking embers on the walls. Venalina looked at the book at the podium then back at Talila. “This isn’t for you. You have another way.” Venalina snapped her fingers and the book disappeared. Talila was still confused, but began to realize she was setting things ablaze without the Fire Ruby around her neck.

  “But I liked my pretty necklace.” Talila said looking down, sad it was gone.

  “Oh, my dear,” Venalina pulled Talila close and hugged her, “I will give you another one just as pretty. Stop being so angry, you have all the power you wanted, waiting inside you. You just don’t know it yet. Let’s go home, you need rest.” Talila pushed back from Venalina.

  “I want to stay a while longer.” She said thinking about Venalina’s claim that she had the power within her. She wished to explore that.

  “Ok. Remember, Talila, you have tamed the beast within the ruby, the element of fire is now your pet!” Venalina said, then disappeared, leaving behind a black wisp. She rejoined Janouc near the scrying pool. He was speaking to another priest when she arrived.

  “It must be of the finest delicacy; the girls have become accustomed to living in the kings…” He stopped talking after he noticed Venalina’s return, “Hurry along.” He said shooing the priest away. “My queen,” He said and returned to her side near the pool. Janouc could tell by the look on her face something was wrong. “What is it?” He asked.


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