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The Vordalyn 2

Page 22

by Michael T Payne

  Elmyra Ballana led the column escorting Queen Menina. She held her fist up calling a halt to their travel. She turned her horse around and trotted back to the carriage, where Queen Menina had already stuck her head out to find out why they stopped. “What is it, Elmyra?” She asked stepping from the carriage to the road. Just over her shoulder, Tamina peeked out the open door, also curious to what was going on.

  “Your brothers are arriving from the east and west.” She informed her. Queen Menina, followed Elmyra still atop her horse, walking to the front of her party, determined to see for herself who was arriving. She Immediately spotted Prince Charnio and his men, racing to the city. “He seems to be in a hurry.” Queen Menina looked up at Elmyra then back at Prince Charnio.

  “Give me your horse.” She said then grabbed the reigns of Elmyra’s horse.

  “But your highness…” Elmyra started to say.

  “He wants to beat me there, Elmyra, I’ll not give him the satisfaction, even if I have to run on foot! Now give me your horse!” Queen Menina said shoving Elmyra’s thigh to get her to dismount. Elmyra relented quickly, allowing her queen to spring atop the horse, her white dress twisted awkwardly and stuck on the saddle. Tamina rushed from the carriage to Elmyra’s side as her niece raced away from them.

  “What’s going on?” She asked. Elmyra took a deep breath and let it out.

  “Sibling rivalry.” Elmyra said then took the horse from one of the elven soldier’s lining the sides of the caravan. Elmyra ordered the whole group to pick up their pace to race after Queen Menina. They had no hope of catching her, of course, but they would make a go of it. Queen Menina slapped her horse as hard as she could urging it to go as fast as its legs would carry it. Across the fields, to her right, Prince Charnio was slowing as he thought he had made enough head way with his men to beat the other envoys. Alkwin had joined him for the trip and rode side by side with his prince. It was he that spotted Queen Menina, alone and ahead of her envoy, determined to be the first to Kilhold.

  “Prince Charnio.” Alkwin called getting his attention, then pointed across the field. Prince Charnio used his hand to block the sun from blinding him while he looked across the field at the hard riding Queen Menina.

  “Not today, witch!” He growled, “Ya!” he raced off ahead of his men without warning. The men behind him erupted in roars, cheering their prince on.

  Prince Renic stood tall in his stirrups watching Prince Charnio after hearing the roars of his brother’s men from across the fields. He spotted Queen Menina shortly after. “Damn.” He growled.

  “My lord,” The soldier beside him said as Prince Renic prepared to join the race, “You have no chance of catching them?”

  “I know, but I have to be there, or one may kill the other!” Prince Renic’s horse reared as he jerked its reigns, then he too was off. All the soldiers of Ganlin, roared their princes, their queen, on. The men all cheered at the sight of sport between the siblings. Each one supported by the men that followed them, or elves. The entirety of Kilhold’s army cheered, watching. Prince Darrin smiled watching his siblings’ race to his city.

  “Come on.” He said to his attendant, “Let’s go greet the winner.” He moved quickly, wanting to reach the gates before the race was over.

  Queen Menina had made up quite a distance, in the short time that Prince Charnio paused with his men, thinking he had the advantage. Prince Charnio left the road heading south to the city gates just as Queen Menina passed the intersection on the road. He knew his only hope was to cut across the field to get ahead of her. The citizens of Kilhold roared and cheered as they both rode fast, slapping their horses for all they were worth. Prince Charnio couldn’t help but smile, it was a growling smile, but a smile all the same. It reminded him of when they were young and how Queen Menina had to win all the time, at everything, even if she had to cheat! He was not going to let her win. He could feel his horse shift suddenly as he raced across the field just a few yards behind his sister. If he could get to the road, he could overtake her. But his horse started favoring its hind quarter, Prince Charnio knew it was hurt, and he had lost. She began to pull away from him, closing in on the gates. Prince Charnio urged his horse to give him all it had but it could no longer perform enough to overtake the fresher of the two horses, beneath the lighter of the two siblings, Queen Menina. The road just outside the city wall was lined with men in columns on both sides who cheered the queen’s victory as she raced through the gates. Once inside the gates she was immediately overwhelmed by hundreds of commoners who awaited her. They surrounded her, cheering all the while. She had never been that close to so many people. It was terrifying for her. She grabbed the reigns of her horse to steady it as people reached for her, desperately wanting to touch the queen. Guards quickly moved in, forcing the people back, giving her space to continue her journey to Prince Darrin’s manor gates. Queen Menina smiled and waved to the people around her, stifling her fear, putting on a happy front, then trotted on to the manor. Prince Charnio caught up to her within a few moments, riding alongside her. She gave him a wicked smile, tilting her head sideways at him, almost giggling. Before he could say anything, Prince Renic galloped alongside her opposite side, panting.

  “Did you two enjoy yourselves?” He asked.

  “You’ve always been a cheat, Menina!” Prince Charnio growled trying to act indignant but it wasn’t long before he cracked a smile.

  “You need more practice, you should go see Torak before too long, little brother, your horsemanship is lacking.” Queen Menina chuckled. Prince Renic joined her laughing. Prince Charnio urged his horse on, ahead of the others, into the manor gates where he dismounted, handing his horse over to an awaiting attendant. He made sure to announce very loudly that his horse was injured during the race. Queen Menina laughed hearing how loud he had to declare the fact, making her believe it to be a lie and blatant excuse for losing. Prince Charnio was again his sour self when Prince Darrin arrived to greet the three, who were on foot by the time he arrived.

  “Well that was a familiar sight,” He said, “I never thought you could ride so well, Menina?”

  “You all fancy yourselves experts in everything, but I have been doing all the things you claim to be so good at, for years. How quickly you forget, I always win! While you were all still at home playing make believe, I was out riding with mother, I was out practicing with a bow, I was out-” Queen Menina was interrupted abruptly by Prince Charnio.

  “Sharpening your skills of deceit and betrayal.” He said with a growl.

  “And there he is.” Queen Menina said, “I’ve been wondering when the real Charnio would show up.”

  “You want to walk the halls of our youth, and simply forget what has happened?” Prince Charnio said to the group. Prince Renic walked away from the conversation not wanting to be a part of it.

  “Let’s calm down, Dracon will be here soon, then we can work it all out, you’ll have your say, but not until he arrives, please Charnio?” Prince Darrin asked pleading with his brother. Prince Charnio nodded his assent with a single nod then glanced at Queen Menina, who sneered back at him, just short of sticking out her tongue at him, it almost made Prince Charnio laugh. It was hard to hold onto his anger when she reminded him that she was indeed his big sister. He had to force himself to cling to the idea that she was not even his sister, in order to keep hold of his hate. Her hair was a mess from the ride and stuck out in several places. Her disheveled state reminded him of their youth and when Queen Menina used to play and run around with her younger brothers like she was a boy herself. For the briefest of moment’s, it brought him joy, then immediate anger, at all that she did to change those feelings of family, that once dwelled inside him.

  “If you’re able to hold your tongue it will be a minor miracle.” She said then glanced at Prince Darrin eyeing him head to toe.

  “I’ve had a special lunch prepared for us, succulents like you’ve never tasted before. Freshly plucked, cooked, and poured. Come eat, while w
e wait.” He motioned for them to follow in the direction that Prince Renic had gone. Queen Menina stared at him a moment longer then looked at his belly.

  “You’ve put on a lot of weight Darrin? What are you doing out here so far from the rest of us?” She asked.

  “What?” He asked in disbelief.

  “She said you got fat, you lazy pig.” Prince Charnio said in a laugh then walked away. Prince Darrin looked down at his belly a second, then back at Queen Menina. She shook her head still smiling then followed Prince Charnio. Prince Darrin looked around at his men and grabbed a bow from the nearest man, then, quick as a whip, he let fly an arrow that sailed passed Prince Charnio’s waist, taking his riding gloves from his belt, across the courtyard, ending in a barrel that immediately began to leak, soaking the gloves in its contents. Prince Darrin handed the bow back to the soldier he took it from and stared at Prince Charnio with his chest out, proud of himself. Prince Charnio looked down at his waist then at the barrel, then back at Prince Darrin. “No one said you couldn’t shoot a bow, brother, it’s just now, there’s more target behind the bow than in front of it.” Queen Menina laughed at Prince Charnio’s comment then continued into the manor.

  Just inside the manor, two women approached Queen Menina, “Your grace, this way to your quarters.” One of the women said, not daring to look at her, staring at the queen’s feet.

  “I’ll wait here a moment for my advisors to arrive.” Queen Menina said looking at Prince Charnio then at Prince Darrin.

  “No one’s going to try and hurt you, Menina. You are safe here.” Prince Darrin said. He could see from the time she entered the city that she was uneasy without her elves surrounding her.

  “I am not afraid.” She said feigning disgust at the notion. Prince Charnio chuckled. He too could see her uneasiness, being alone with the brothers she tormented in Dracon’s absence.

  “You should be.” He said then looked at the two servant girls, “Take me to my room. I want to change for lunch.”

  “I should be?” She shouted at Prince Charnio, “What exactly do you think is going to happen when he gets here? An execution to make you happy?” Her face turned red, and she wanted nothing more to put him in his place again, “You think because I held you in check, I deserve to die?” She growled.

  “Ok,” Prince Darrin stepped between them, “We agreed to wait, so let’s wait for him.” Prince Charnio chuckled that he made her lose her temper, he hoped he could do it again when Dracon arrived to show him how unstable she was.

  Queen Menina waited near the front door of the manor and watched Prince Charnio leave. When he was gone, she turned to Prince Darrin then asked. “Do you know why Dracon asked us all here?” The question made Prince Darrin laugh outright.

  “If he did not see fit to tell you, what makes you think he would tell me?” He asked still laughing, “I have this, and it’s all the explanation I received.” He pulled a letter from the inside of his jacket.

  “I have that already.” She said, “Does yours say urgent, as well?”

  “It does.” He replied then Elmyra and Tamina walked in the front door to the manor.

  “Take us to my room now, Darrin.” Queen Menina commanded, “I wish to fix my hair.” Prince Darrin bowed slightly.

  “Right this way, your majesty.” He said, then led the three women up some stairs to his right.

  “Darrin, are you still with me?” Queen Menina asked suddenly as they walked. Prince Darrin looked at Elmyra and Tamina, alarmed at the question. “What are your thoughts, little brother?”

  “My thoughts right now, are, who is this woman and why are we talking so openly, Menina. Charnio could appear at any moment and listen to our conversation. Besides, Dracon is home, he is to be king and you, have not spoken to me since he returned. Not even so much as a request for goods?” He questioned with an irritation in his voice.

  “Why would I request goods? We have a schedule in place, it should be regular?” She asked shaking her head at him. “This,” Queen Menina stopped walking and turned to Tamina, “Is our aunt, Tamina.” Prince Darrin looked at her with narrowed, confused eyes, stunned by her unexpected introduction.

  “What?” He finally asked. Tamina and Elmyra were also stunned by Queen Menina’s confession. “Why is it I’ve never heard of you?” He asked her directly.

  “We were at war, Darrin.” Queen Menina answered. Tamina stood with her mouth partially open, at a loss, not knowing what to say. “Mother kept her hidden, for fear that Terrax would use her against us, as a hostage.”

  “But her own children she fed to war?” He asked in disbelief.

  “That’s not exactly how it happened.” Queen Menina looked at Tamina, “She was kept safe. She is, as the women in our family are, a wielder. Should mother have fallen during the war, she was to return and stand against Terrax with her, magic in place of mothers, and become my tutor.” Queen Menina looked at Prince Darrin, “It wasn’t until mother’s death did I become aware of this, and her existence.” Prince Darrin stared at Tamina a long time. The three women said nothing, waiting for Prince Darrin to accept or reject her claim.

  “As you stand there, side by side, I admit I can see the resemblance to mother… and to you.” Prince Darrin said, “It is… odd, to meet you, my aunt.” He said with a bow.

  “I ask you again, are you with me?” Queen Menina asked.

  “How does Renic stand in this matter, you’ve both been silent since his return?” Prince Darrin asked.

  “He stands at the ready. With me.” She said.

  “I’d like to hear it from his own mouth, Menina. Then I will give you my answer.” Prince Darrin said, glancing at each of the women.

  “Very well, go seek him out, we’ll talk again at lunch. Let me know when Torak arrives, if he arrives before Dracon.” She turned and started away from him, then stopped, “And Darrin? You realize Charnio will be a problem to contend with?”

  “Aunt Tamina? What do you think of your nieces’ plans? I assume she briefed you on all that has happened?” Prince Darrin asked.

  “I am aware, nephew. Furthermore, I know your mothers wish for her, and for you, for you all.” Tamina answered, then she and Queen Menina walked away, following Elmyra and a servant girl, who led them to their quarters.

  Prince Torak did not arrive until the siblings had gathered to eat. He joined them there, apologizing for his tardiness. “It seems in your haste to pass my company, you startled a few horses, laying their riders to ground.” Prince Torak explained as he rounded the table and stopped behind Prince Charnio. He grabbed his younger brother by the shoulders from behind and shook him in his chair, then let go and continued to his own seat. Prince Charnio shrugged his shoulders, trying to free himself of his brief grip, after the fact. Prince Torak grabbed a decanter of wine from a side table near the main table, filling a glass as he walked to the empty seat meant for him.

  “Maybe they need more training. Besides, you didn’t seem to be in any hurry to get here, and I wanted to see our brother, hear you all explain yourselves to his face.” Prince Charnio said. The other princes rolled their eyes at him.

  “We are all together again,” Prince Torak said raising his wine to Prince Charnio, “Can’t we enjoy a meal together without breaking out it a fight?” He sat as he spoke.

  “Charnio,” Renic started, “Why can’t you let it go. A lot happened, a lot of mistakes. From all of us. We are still a family.” Prince Charnio scoffed at him.

  “Speaking of family, Menina has news for us.” Prince Darrin announced making the brothers perk up.

  “Thank you, Darrin. It has come to my attention that mother had a sister. A sister she kept hidden to protect the realm.” The brothers grumbled their confusion. “She is a wielder like mother, and mother thought it best to keep her safe. As a last resort, if the war with Terrax began to lose ground. Thankfully, it wasn’t necessary, and Dracon did what he was raised to do.”

  “I never once doubted him.” Prince Charnio mut
tered, “Where is she now? Let us see this aunt of ours.” Prince Charnio said skeptically. Prince Torak and Prince Renic looked at each other, also skeptical.

  “Tamina.” Queen Menina called to the door. An attendant rushed to the door and opened it. Tamina walked in tentatively all the way to Queen Menina and stood just behind her. She was extremely nervous about meeting the princes and disagreed with Queen Menina about it. She was unsure how they would respond to the news. Prince Charnio stood from his seat and walked around the table slowly, staring at Tamina all the while.

  “You look like her, I’ll give you that.” He said as he approached her. Tamina gulped nervously as he drew near. When he was within arms-length of her, Prince Charnio caught her scent. It instantly reminded him of his mother. He stopped dead in his tracks, examining her face intently. Every feature reminded him of his mother. “So, what if you are her sister. She was not our mother.” He growled. The others were instantly tense. Tamina slapped Prince Charnio so fast and hard it made his head spin.


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