The Vordalyn 2

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The Vordalyn 2 Page 23

by Michael T Payne

  “I watched you come out of her!” Tamina said pointing her finger in his face, “I watched you reach your arms out for your mothers embrace, heard the first scream you made, begging for comfort from my sister! You may not remember me, young prince, but I am your blood and I remember you. How dare you deny your mother! Whatever petty squabble you have with your siblings is no excuse for desecrating her good name!” Prince Charnio looked back at her with fire in his eyes, his lips were pursed so tightly his face turned red.

  “She is the one who deserves your ire, aunt Tamina.” He finally said pointing at Queen Menina, “It was she who first spoke that lie!” He growled, his words all but admitted he believed she truly was his aunt.

  “Peace is upon us all. It is a new world. We shall live the life your parents fought for.” Tamina said then opened her arms wide, beckoning a hug from her nephew. “Greet me properly.” She said. Prince Charnio looked down ashamed, glancing around at his siblings, then stepped in to Tamina and hugged her.

  “Welcome back, Aunt Tamina.” He whispered. He turned and slowly walked back to his seat.

  “Where have you been?” Prince Torak asked after a moment of quiet. An attendant brought a chair for Tamina to join the meal.

  “I have been in Urixis all along, I have ventured here and there around Ganlin, when the lands became safe, so that I might see for my own eyes it was safe. Then, when I was sure peace was at hand, I returned to Urixis. To my family.” Tamina explained looking at each of them. “Your mother wished that I might use my magic to kill Terrax, should Ganlin falter. I had not yet attained such power in all my studies, and I thank the gods for Dracon.”

  “Here, here!” Prince Darrin said raising his glass. He motioned around for the servants to begin serving the food.

  “The amulets of Ayana.” Prince Charnio said interrupting the pleasant conversations that had begun with the meal. “Why did you name them that, Menina?” Everyone stopped talking again and the room became tense. Prince Charnio seemed to be renewed in his hate for his sister.

  “Don’t you wish to confront me in front of Dracon, so we won’t have to have this same conversation twice. Why don’t you be patient, you little worm.” She growled at him.

  “Aynisa!” Tamina snapped at her. Prince Charnio laughed at her anger. It seemed he would have no trouble make her mad in front Dracon after all.

  “No interrogation, just this one question? Is it too hard to remember your treachery, was it so long ago you forgot?” He asked, “Aunt Tamina, did Menina explain what she did, to us, her brothers?”

  “I called it that because it forced you to obey me, like you obeyed mother!” She stood from her seat yelling across the table at him. “You defied me before she even left this world, and she promised me!” Queen Menina regained control of herself.

  “Promised you what, Menina?” Prince Charnio asked smirking.

  “I knew about the amulets.” Tamina said standing up next to Queen Menina, “The amulets that spared your lives, young one.” She walked to the corner of the table looking at Prince Charnio, “Had anyone defied your mother the way you defied your sister, it would be treason… death. What your sister did, saved you from that fate, nephew. If it had not been for the fact that she loved you, her little brother. You would have been hung, drawn, and quartered, as any other traitor. Worse, was that you, above all your brothers and sister, committed murder of your countrymen.” She walked back to Queen Menina’s side. “I know all the disgusting things that has happened since the death of your father, your mother. Bear these things in mind, nephews, when your sister speaks to you.” Prince Charnio chuckled at that last bit.

  “I am done waiting.” Queen Menina was furious at Prince Charnio and started to leave the banquet hall. Prince Darrin stood to protest but before he could an elf entered the room getting every one’s attention. Especially Queen Menina and Prince Renic, who exchanged concerned glances, recognizing him from the council of races. Elmyra joined the queen’s side quickly, with her hand on the hilt of her sword. Prince Charnio stood from his seat seeing Elmyra’s concern.

  “Queen of Ganlin, Princes of Ganlin, I am Vartan Carjor.” The very old elf introduced himself.

  “Queen of Ganlin, Princes of Ganlin, I am Raggrun.” A dwarf no one noticed spoke from the other side of the room, making everyone turn to him, alarmed at his sudden appearance.

  “Queen of Ganlin, Princes of Ganlin, I am Zender.” A fidgety halfling announced from yet another area of the banquet hall. They were positioned around the group like a triangle.

  “We represent the council of races. We served your father, we served your mother, the great king and queen of Ganlin.” The elf Vartan spoke.

  “What do you want?” Prince Torak asked moving a step toward the elf.

  “To inform, to counsel, as we did with your parents.” Raggrun the dwarf answered.

  “Prince Dracon is not coming.” Zender the halfling said. The siblings all looked at each other for an answer, except Queen Menina, who stared straight at the elf, ready to kill him. Tamina put her hand on Queen Menina’s arm, urging her to be patient. It made Queen Menina look at Tamina with a curious look, one that questioned what she knew of the meeting, and if she was aware, they were going to appear. Tamina nodded just slightly to her.

  “On our eastern border, an army has entered our lands, laying waste to a small outlying town called Dead Hallow.” Raggrun spoke. Elmyra and Queen Menina glanced at one another at the mention of Dead Hallow. They had dealings there with the Bandit King, Darius.

  “There were only a handful of survivors.” Vartan spoke, “This army is comprised of many creatures from deep within the outer region. An army like we’ve never seen before, orcs, gnolls, goblins, bugbears, evil creatures whose sole intent is to feast on flesh, old or young.” The group was stunned silent. Vartan motioned for Queen Menina to return to her seat. She slowly complied. “It’s time you knew the truth of what steps were taken to defeat the evil Terrax, and the dangers that now face us all.” Vartan said.

  “Several outlying towns have been destroyed, those closest to Ganlin’s borders.” Raggrun said.

  “Who are you again?” Prince Charnio asked looking around at the three representatives, “Is this true? Did this happen in your region?” He asked looking at Torak, who looked back at him dumbfounded.

  “Prince Charnio, please take a seat?” Zender asked.

  “When you return to your regions, you will more than likely be informed of incidents related to this invasion.” Vartan said.

  Prince Renic stood quickly, “I need to get back. Charnio, gather your forces, send a message to Dracon, we need to join with him now, he’ll know what to do. You two, gather what you can and meet us there.” He said to Prince Torak and Prince Darrin.

  “Wait.” Queen Menina stood. “I am still Queen. We will gather in Urixis, from there we will assess the threat, the capital must be protected.” The brothers all began to argue with her, in favor of running to Dwerma to join Dracon’s army.

  “Princes, your highness!” Raggrun said with his hands up, trying to settle the room.

  “You will all sit down.” Vartan said, his voice was augmented magically, amplified, quieting the room instantly. He had everyone’s attention. “You must first have all the information before you decide how to act.” Prince Renic returned to his seat, then his brothers and Queen Menina did the same. “This army,” He started again after they were all seated, “These creatures, they do not gather on their own. They do not bargain, they do not make peace, only war and chaos. When they come together it is to kill one another. That they fight as one, means that something more powerful than they has called them together.” Everyone at the table was silent and wide-eyed. “It is said that a lich is one such creature that can unite these beasts or has been known to do so. Whatever has called them together can most assuredly be of the vilest and darkest evil. To quell the chaos of the beasts and force them to a single purpose, a single army, takes an immense amount o
f power, make no mistake.”

  “Why are we only hearing of this now? If you’re going to take turns talking, can you gather over here, so I don’t have to keep turning around?” Prince Charnio asked motioning near Vartan. Zender and Raggrun obliged his request.

  “We have been watching to make sure it was true, before we brought it to your attention. We have an eye witness account of what occurred in Dead Hallow.” Raggrun said then Zender went to the door to the room and opened it. Prince Darrin looked at the door confused.

  “How are you coming and going in my manor unchecked?” He asked.

  “My Prince,” Vartan said, “We represent every race that resides in the land of Ganlin, we are the voice of the people. We are the people. People you are tasked to protect as our royal family. We pay you respect as our kings, our queens, you protect us, your people.” The siblings looked around the table at one another. Dark Hawk walked into the room followed closely by Tani. They walked slowly, looking at the people in the room, nervous and self-conscious. They were filthy, injured, and exhausted. They followed the halfling to the center of the room in front of the table. “Tell us your name?” Vartan asked.

  “I’m Dark…” Dark Hawk started to say, “I am Heston Arion.”

  “I’m, I’m,” Tani said stepping forward a bit, nervously glancing around the table, “I’m Tani… Tani… just Tani.” She twitched, cold and scared. She moved close to Dark Hawk and took his hand.

  “Arion?” Prince Charnio asked, “Any relation-”

  “Yes, Alkwin Arion, he’s my brother.” Dark Hawk said looking down and gritting his teeth at the thought of his hated sibling.

  “Tell us what happened at Dead Hallow?” Zender asked.

  “It was… it was near dinner. A man ran in to the tavern, screaming about the return of Terrax, or some such thing. We thought him drunk. Then it happened. Creatures of all kind, like I’ve never seen before. Even in the hordes of Terrax, I’ve never seen the like. They were humanoid, not like the demons that came with Terrax. They were led by the biggest of the bunch.” Tani started to cry and grabbed her face. Dark Hawk put his arm around her. “This big one, he took her by the head and threatened to rip her apart. He was looking for Dracon.”

  “They could talk? You spoke to them?” Prince Torak asked.

  “No, they didn’t speak, not really.” Dark Hawk said.

  “Then how do you know they were looking for Dracon?” Prince Charnio asked irritating Dark Hawk to no end.

  “Because he held her before him, with his hands on her legs and arms, threatening to pull them apart and saying Dracon! Over and over again, until I pointed to Dwerma! That’s how! Then he threw her at me like a child’s doll!” Dark Hawk yelled back at Prince Charnio. Tani buried her head in Dark Hawk’s chest. Prince Darrin motioned to an attendant.

  “Take them to the physician, feed them, give them somewhere to rest.” He said.

  “If it would please the princes, and her highness. We don’t want your hospitality.”

  Dark Hawk said with venom on his lips, the disgust in his eyes was not lost on any of them. “If we could trouble you for a horse, two, if you could spare it and some provisions, we’ll make our own way thank you very much.” Queen Menina stood up and looked and Elmyra.

  “See to it they have what they ask for.” She turned to Dark Hawk, “Stay the night sir, look at her, she’s hurt. Let her rest, let her wounds be seen to, before you drag her off. At least give her a night of solace. Dark Hawk looked at Tani a moment then nodded to Queen Menina. An attendant walked over to Dark Hawk and Tani, ushering them from the room.

  “Thank you, your highness, thank you.” Tani whimpered to Queen Menina as they left the room. Queen Menina looked at Vartan, Zender and Raggrun.

  “How do we know this isn’t leftovers from Terrax’s armies, wandering in from the outer region after regrouping from his defeat?” Prince Renic asked.

  “We have other testimony you should hear.” Raggrun said without answering Prince Renic’s question.

  “Testimony?” Prince Renic asked, “You speak as if someone is on trial?” Zender looked at Vartan.

  “The soul of a young girl still lingers, long enough for us to speak with. I have her here.” Vartan said then pulled a small vial from his robes.

  “This is necromancy!” Prince Torak stood from his seat.

  “Silence!” Queen Menina shouted before any of her other brothers could protest. “This is necessary! We will hear it.” She said to Vartan then sat down. Prince Charnio looked at his sister and Tamina skeptically, then back at the three council members. Vartan took a seat at the table and placed the vial on a plate before him.

  “Please do not speak, listen carefully to the soul and what it has to say. You must remember it does not know it’s dead, when it realizes this, she will pass on. So, I beg you, hold your tongue until she is gone.” He held the vial firmly against the plate with one and hand then pulled the ornamental cork top off the vial. A glowing white wisp rose from the vial and hovered there, some six inches above the vial’s opening.

  “Mommy,” A hollow little girls voice spoke, “Mommy, I’m scared, the man with the horns, mommy? Who is he, what does he want, mommy?”

  “Ilisa,” Vartan spoke to the wisp, “Can you tell us about the man with the horns?”

  “Where’s my mommy? What happened to my mommy?” The little girl asked.

  “We will find your mother, Ilisa, but first I need you to talk with me. Can you talk with me?” Vartan asked.

  “You’ll help me find my mommy?” She asked.

  “Yes, my dear, now can you tell us what happened? Tell us what happened in the morning?” Vartan asked.

  “Mommy woke me up, very excited. She made me dress quick as I could! Today I was going to meet the king, King Dracon! But it wasn’t the king, it wasn’t the king at all!” The girl sounded scared, “It was a demon man in black, with horns, horns like the ram, uncle Gil’s ram. He had a sword that burned everyone, it burned my daddy, then the horned man burned my dog and then, then he, then he came for me!” The little girl screamed, and the wisp of white smoke faded away. There was a long silence as the elf, Vartan, replaced the cork top to the vial then returned it to the folds of his robe. Everyone stared at where the wisp once floated, thinking about what they just heard. Prince Charnio slowly closed his eyes and started to shake his head. He brought his hands to his face then stood up violently from his chair.

  “No!” He yelled, “No!” He yelled again. The other princes started to stand, slowly looking at each other. “You are painting a picture I cannot accept!” Prince Charnio marched over to Vartan, who backed up at his approach. The halfling and dwarf quickly stood at his side, “Speak plain to me right now!” He said with his finger pointing at the three of them, “You are implying that Dracon is some evil thing calling forth these creatures to what? Stand with him?” He turned to the table, “Dracon gave us peace! How can you even give these ridiculous accusations another second, arrest these men, Menina!” Queen Menina stood.

  “We will hear what they have to say, Charnio, it is our duty.” She said.

  “Really, Menina? Of course, this is what you want to hear, you’re about to lose your crown!” Prince Charnio yelled at her.

  “Do not fight amongst yourselves.” Raggrun growled at Prince Charnio. “You fight in the name of someone who is not your brother. Every child King Treska and Queen Ayana had, is already in this room!” Raggrun yelled at the siblings. They were silenced, even Prince Charnio.

  “How dare you!” Prince Charnio said.

  “Extreme measures were taken to ensure the end of Terrax,” Zender stepped forward toward Prince Charnio, “He spawned a child, a demon hybrid child, that child was thought dead to Terrax, but he was not, he was stolen by King Treska and raised as his own, solely to kill Terrax.” Zender looked over at the people at the table. “There was a plan in place, should Terrax fall by his son’s hands, King Treska would kill him shortly after, ending the line
of Terrax and ensuring the peace for you, his children. It was the queens wish that Princess Menina ascend to the throne. She was raised solely to rule Ganlin, your parents both wished her to take the throne, she was protected and trained to be the ruler of Ganlin. We the council of races, were entrusted with this knowledge. When Dracon went into the outer-region, we thought he would surely die. Since he has returned… it is time you knew of your parents plan and the unexpected results.”

  “We have told you everything we know, it is up to you to lead Ganlin, to face what happens next.” Raggrun said then nodded to Zender and Vartan.

  “There is one more thing, princes, your highness.” Zender bowed then looked directly at Prince Charnio, “Dracon was witnessed in the early mornings, returning to his palace in Dwerma, drenched in blood, ask your man Alkwin, for he saw it with his own eyes.” The three council members left the room.

  “Queen Menina, what are your thoughts?” Prince Renic asked after several minutes of silence.

  “If Dracon is the spawn of Terrax, and he knows it, then there are a few things to consider. One, is Terrax alive and was it he who told Dracon of his heritage? Two, is Dracon here for revenge? Three, what role does these mysterious women have, that returned to Ganlin at his side. Are they the ones calling forth this army of evil, or is it truly Dracon?” She asked, “Let us assume nothing until all the evidence has been assessed.”

  “I have to hear it from his mouth. I will not entertain any of this until I speak with Dracon for myself.” Prince Darrin exclaimed. He was very animated and ran his hands over his face and through his hair, shaking his head all the while. “This is a nightmare!”

  “I agree.” Prince Torak said, “On both counts.”

  “Bring my man Alkwin before us.” Prince Charnio said to an attendant who then left the room immediately. They all watched Prince Charnio, eager to hear what his man Alkwin had to say. Again, they sat in silence awaiting Alkwin’s arrival.

  “Charnio,” Queen Menina spoke first, “I will question your man, remain silent.”


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