The Vordalyn 2

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The Vordalyn 2 Page 32

by Michael T Payne

  “You can hardly blame them, when they saw how we turned into Vordalyn after you tried to kill Kaylin, they were frightened.” Talila said. Dracon dropped his fork and watched her. She looked like Venalina in her true form. He narrowed his eyes, examining her wings from behind. “If you don’t snap out of whatever is wrong with you, we may lose Ganlin all together and you’ll be the king of nothing?” Talila left him in the dining hall. Dracon looked back down at his plate confused, her words replaying in his mind over and over again.

  “You are the king of the entire world as you know it.” The voice of is sword spoke, his eyes began to blur. He tried to kill Kaylin? That was the last thought he had that was his own.

  Far away from Dwerma, south, in the capital city of Urixis, Queen Menina was hosting what was to be one of her last dinners for the nobles of Ganlin, all of whom lived in the capital. She knew things were not so final, but she had to keep appearances. Elmyra stood on the outskirts of the party, staring at Queen Menina until she got her attention. Tamina was at Queen Menina’s side laughing and talking to the wife of one of her guests. Queen Menina could see Elmyra was distressed. “Would you excuse me?” Queen Menina excused herself to Tamina and the woman, “I have to see to my drink.” She raised her glass, smiling all the while, then casually strolled over to Elmyra. She was not so casual, and highly agitated. “Don’t speak Elmyra, I can see it on your face, follow me out to the hall.” She led her away from the guests.

  “We have a problem!” Elmyra began right away.

  “Keep your voice down.” Queen Menina said sternly examining the hall for its privacy.

  “You need to come with me.” Elmyra walked away. Queen Menina became immediately annoyed with her, but she followed her anyway. As soon as Elmyra opened the door to the dungeon, they could hear a man screaming.

  “Justice!” Velen screamed from a cell, “Justice!” He screamed with a hoarse voice, thrashing around in the cell, fists banging against the walls, mad with grief.

  “Who is that?” Queen Menina asked, “Why have you brought him here?”

  “He is Captain Velen, Dracon’s man.” Elmyra explained, “We found him at the gates to the city, screaming.” Queen Menina narrowed her eyes at Velen trying to recognize him.

  “Why is he naked?” She asked.

  “That is how he came to us.” Elmyra said. Velen continued yelling, and banging against the walls of the cell. “He is mad, out of control, we had no choice but to put him in here.”

  “Why didn’t he return to Dracon? Has he said anything that gives you some idea of what happened to him?” Queen Menina asked.

  “No.” Elmyra looked at the cell door shaking her head, “He is hysterical.”

  “Do you know a spell to put him to sleep, something to calm him, Elmyra? Or should I do it?” Queen Menina asked.

  “I know a spell.” Elmyra said quickly, eager to show Queen Menina she was still her best wielder.

  “Maybe after some rest he can tell us what has happened to him?” Queen Menina started to walk away, “Come get me when he is lucid and can speak intelligently.”

  “Yes, your grace.” Elmyra turned to the cell and began to cast the spell.

  Queen Menina returned to the party and to her surprise, she heard a loud familiar voice speaking to a group of elves. It was Prince Charnio. He was laughing and drinking one glass of wine after another, in a quick succession. She shook her head watching him, wondering why he saw fit to show up. All the Princes were invited, but she did not expect any of them to show, given their last discussion and the uncertainty of Dracon’s heritage, set in motion by the council of races. She slowly made her way to him, Tamina approached from behind Queen Menina and grabbed her elbow.

  “Why is he here?” She whispered.

  “It seems the night is full of surprises. Do you have anything to tell me, Tamina?” Queen Menina asked her.

  “No, you know everything I know.” Tamina said looking at Prince Charnio across the room.

  “I will talk to him alone. Mingle.” Queen Menina continued to the group Prince Charnio was talking to.

  “Ah, Menina, I mean, your grace,” Prince Charnio bowed, “Excuse my familial tone,” He looked at the elves, “It’s hard not to look at her and not think of my sister, who tortured me as a child.” The elves chuckled nervously. Queen Menina returned his polite smile with one of her own.

  “Oh, I think the torturing went both ways, little brother.” Queen Menina took Prince Charnio’s arm in hers, “Dance with me?” She asked.

  “Of course, after you, your highness.” Prince Charnio escorted her to the dance floor where others where already dancing.

  “Why are you here?” She wasted no time asking him.

  “I thought you should know, people are fleeing Dwerma, seeking refuge in my region. I saw a caravan heading here on my way to your party. You, no doubt, have refugees arriving as we speak.” He informed her as they danced.

  “Fleeing Dwerma?” She asked, “What happened to turn them so quickly?”

  “There are many rumors. Rumors of devils living in the palace, and the king possessed.” Prince Charnio answered, “This is all second hand, of course, I haven’t spoken to anyone who has eye witness accounts, not yet. But it has been enough to scare the people to leave their homes in Dwerma.”

  “That is curious, I think we might have someone who can shed some light on this for us.” Queen Menina said, “Will you gather our brothers as soon as possible? I want us all together as we investigate this. Furthermore, I want us together from here on out, until we have settled whatever this is.”

  “You want us all in Urixis?” Prince Charnio asked with a smile.

  “Yes,” She chuckled, “I don’t want us divided on the eve of war.”

  “You care, Menina?” Prince Charnio asked.

  “I know, little brother, thing’s I have done, stung you. I wish I could convince you that in my heart, I thought I was doing what was best, for all of us.” Queen Menina said with a look of disappointment on her face. Prince Charnio spun her in a twirl, then pulled her close.

  “I believe you, Menina.” He said surprising her. “I know I have been difficult, but in light of all that has happened between us, in hindsight, I see that what you have done has been good for Ganlin, despite how I’ve opposed you. With all my fury and rage aimed blindly at you. You still dragged our nation, and me, kicking and screaming all the while, out of war and to prosperous times. I could not have done it, Menina, none of us could have done what you did.” They stopped dancing and Queen Menina looked at Prince Charnio for a moment, she was skeptical. “Don’t look at me like that, I mean what I say.”

  “I’m just surprised, you have to admit, you’ve always been a stubborn man?” She asked.

  “I have done some soul searching after that meeting in Kilhold, Menina. Dephe has helped me unclutter my mind and see things for what they truly are, how they truly are.” Prince Charnio glanced down, slightly embarrassed to tell his sister he was wrong, not in so many words, of course.

  “Bring your wife and child here, I want them close, protected, here in the palace. And, I want to meet my nephew, you’ve kept hidden.” She smiled, making him smile and nod his assent.

  “Ok. It is liberating to be free of hate.” He said then started to leave.

  “Charnio,” She said stopping him, “Thank you.” He smiled again then bowed low to the queen. Prince Charnio left the party and began sending out riders to each of his brothers and to his own home. Calling the armies of Ganlin to the capital. It took days, but it was done within the week. All the forces had gathered, the princes converged in the capital to discuss the exodus of people from Dwerma. The day of Dracon’s wedding had come and gone, all but forgotten. Discussion was purely a formality to them, all but Prince Renic had made their minds up about Dracon and were ready to heed their sister’s leadership, proclaiming her the rightful ruler of Ganlin. They gathered for a discussion, the supposed family of King Treska and Queen Ayana. Tam
ina, Queen Menina, Prince Renic, Prince Charnio, Prince Torak, Prince Darrin, and several generals that served the queen in Urixis. First, two maids who served in the palace at Dracon’s Lair, were brought before them.

  “We hardly seen him, since his first few days home.” The younger of the maids started talking, “Those women who returned with him keep him locked away. It is unnatural the way they all claimed to be his wife. When we did see his lord, he was tired, drained, sickly even. He looked right through us like we weren’t even there? Then when them women sprouted bat wings and horns, it was time we got out of there!”

  “They weren’t like bat wings.” The older woman interjected, “They was like birds, if not for the horns like a demon, they would look like angels, you might say. His highness fell from the tower, you know? Got up quick as a whip, walked away like nothing! Dark magic taking place there, coming and going through holes in the air to who knows where?”

  “Wings and horns?” Prince Charnio thought about the beautiful women he had dinner with when he visited Dracon, he could hardly imagine them with wings and horns.

  “What are these creatures he returned with?” Prince Renic asked, “Did you see an army of monsters serving him?”

  “What?” The women looked at each other, “No, your grace, only his army, the men of Ganlin.” They looked confused.

  “Except for the first.” The younger maid added.

  “The first legion? What do you mean? Explain yourself?” Prince Darrin asked.

  “Well, sir, I heard tell he sent them through one of them holes, back across the outer region to some kingdom on the other side. Led by that young girl, Satana.” The older maid explained.

  “Satana.” Prince Renic said pondering her fate. He wondered if Dracon sent her away so she would not be able to aid Ganlin against him, or if she was in league with him. The two greatest warriors of Ganlin now on the other side of the battlefield. He clenched his jaw dismayed. How could they outsmart and defeat the two of them?

  “How many women had wings?” Tamina asked. Everyone looked at Tamina.

  “All of them.” The older woman informed them making Tamina visibly upset, they could all tell she was trying to keep her composure.

  “Thank you, you have been a great service to Ganlin.” Queen Menina looked at Elmyra, “Bring him in.” Elmyra nodded and left the room, returning quickly with Velen. He looked like a zombie, worn out, his eyes were red. He was dressed modestly, a far cry from his usual soldier’s uniform, he looked like a commoner, a farmer. Prince Charnio alone recognized him.

  “Captain Velen, what happened to you, tell us?” Queen Menina opened up the questioning.

  “He killed them,” He started, his voice was low and raspy, “Your brother killed them.” He looked down hardly able to look up.

  “Can you explain?” Prince Torak asked, “Who was killed? And by who?”

  “Dracon!” He cried out as hard as he could, his voice cracked, weakened by his lamenting, “I want justice!” He cried, “I served by his side! I trained him! Embraced him like a son! A king!” Velen fell to his knees, “What was my reward?” He fell forward, his hands on the floor, “He had monsters rip my family apart before my eyes and eat them! He forced me to watch!” He cried, “Justice!” He fell flat on the ground, to his face and cried, “I beg you! Give me justice!” Prince Charnio stood and walked around the table. He approached Velen, kneeling, shaking his head, empathetic for the soldier before him.

  “You will have justice, warrior of Ganlin.” He said putting his hand on Velen’s head, “Gather yourself, we need you to tell us what it is we are facing. You must get yourself together, soldier, help us, help you.” His words calmed Velen, he crawled back to his knees. He looked up at Prince Charnio, nodding, then wiped his face. Prince Charnio offered his hand then helped Velen back to his feet.

  “Venalina,” He said, “has poisoned his mind. She is a creature, that was even hated and hunted in her own land!” He started to yell then calmed himself, “If not for Dracon, her kind would have been hunted to extinction.” He struggled to breathe and talk, “I took my family to a lake, to reconnect with them after being gone so long. We… the day was good.” He started to whimper then regained his composure, “Then, when night fell, he came upon us, surprised us. He had Venalina with him and four monsters I’ve never seen before. He asked me…” Velen couldn’t say, because that was not a truth he could remember, “I refused… he ordered them to eat my children! My wife!” He began to cry again then stopped suddenly stopped, gritting his teeth, “I will march against him. I will fight him until life leaves my body! I will kill him! I will avenge the bones of my family that he stacked before me!”

  Prince Charnio stood by his side then looked around the room at everyone in attendance. He looked at Velen, “These women, the five of them, are they all creatures of this nature?” He asked.

  “No,” Velen said pausing to clear his throat, “The others are daughters of some nobleman from Qinkas she took a liking to. That is all.”

  “So, they are human?” Prince Renic asked.

  “But the maids said they were all winged, horned creatures?” Prince Torak asked confused.

  “That is the true form of that thing, that calls itself Venalina.” Velen said looking down with a clenched jaw, “They must be mistaking them for her.”

  “No.” Vartan said from somewhere, suddenly walking to the center of the room where Velen stood. “There is no mistake, we have seen it. They are all Vordalyn.”

  “Elf.” Prince Charnio shook his head then looked around the room, quickly spotting Raggrun and Zender. “Of course, you come unannounced, uninvited.” Prince Charnio walked back over to where his seat was, to give the newcomers the floor.

  “This is more important than protocol, Prince Charnio.” Raggrun announced.

  “What do you have to say?” Queen Menina stood and asked impatiently. She raised her hand to signal everyone else from speaking.

  “One Vordalyn, can stand against an army of hundreds, even thousands. Their magic is more powerful than anything we have. They do not have to cast spells, they merely consider with a thought!” Zender said coming to the center of the room.

  “This threat is now risen to five such creatures.” Raggrun announced, the room erupted in murmurs. “It will take more than just a human army to face them, it will take us all, every good creature of Urixis must stand up, together. Call the council in.” Zender went to the door to the room and opened it. One after another, the council members entered the room, Queen Menina’s heart leapt in her throat. She was undone, they would expose her for certain. Tamina was suddenly at her side, holding her hand. Each of the council members gave her a look as they entered the room, a knowing look that terrified her. The nymph entered first, followed by a gnome, then a pixie, A brownie, a dryad, then several others who joined Vartan, Raggrun and Zender in the center of the room. Velen walked to the side of the room and looked on, confused and curious. He had never seen all the races that lived in Urixis. Tamina instinctively looked down from the eyes of the Dryad, who, it was said, to look upon, would cause death to only those of the purest of heart.

  “This Vordalyn Queen, coupled with the prowess of Dracon, will be a power unimaginable in strength. There are now five Vordalyn who stand against us.” The Nymph spoke, “Terrax was something that could be beaten by brawn and steel. You, the Princes of Ganlin, have protected us admirably, but this threat is beyond you alone. It will take both might and magic. We, the citizens of Ganlin will join this fight. We will stand side by side with you, our brothers, our queen.” The princes were speechless, as was their sister, to the Nymph’s pledge.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Janouc inspected the entirety of the battlemage battalion left in Sumia, all had been recalled and replaced from the palace in Qinkas. He hid his movements from the first legion, in Qinkas to escort Queen Jenzenya to the wedding. The Priests of O’on were home to serve her highness, Venalina. Janouc was accompanied by his
top four battlemages to the magical emporium, where all the powerful Vordalyn items were stored and protected. It was one of the most secure rooms in all the underground city, second only to Venalina’s library. Once there, Janouc wasted no time opening the portal to Dracon’s palace in Dwerma. He and the four battlemages were dressed in full plate mail armor, ready to be presented to Venalina and her mate Dracon. The five men walked through the portal to the great room of the palace before the two thrones, where at first, Janouc thought Venalina sat. But upon coming closer, he could see it was Talila, who sat in Dracon’s throne.

  “Where is mistress?” Janouc asked as he approached. He was annoyed with her audacity, but he did not let on his disgust with her obstinance, being seated upon the throne.

  “My mistress?” She asked in return, “You mean, my sister?” Janouc forced a smile.

  “Yes, where is Venalina? Is she well?” Janouc asked.

  “Bow, worm.” She said pointing at him. Janouc stared back at her curiously, “I am a Vordalyn Queen! You will show me respect!” She stood up from the throne then floated up, her wings spread out. He could feel heat emanate from her, raising the temperature of the room greatly. The battlemages behind him took a knee. Janouc looked over his shoulder at them, then wisely did the same.

  “Of course, your highness, I meant no disrespect, I am anxious to hear good news about Venalina, I forget myself. Please, forgive me.” He said from his knelt position. He could hear someone approaching them from behind.

  “Get down from there, Talila!” Alyndra commanded as the other sisters arrived next to where Janouc knelt.

  “Get up Janouc, you do not have to bow to her, or us.” Saida declared scowling at Talila.

  “How is she?” He asked as he stood, suddenly he felt his throat tighten and he could not breathe. His eyes began to bulge from his head, he fell to his knees once again.


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