The Vordalyn 2

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The Vordalyn 2 Page 38

by Michael T Payne

  “Heave!” Dracon heard, then he was whipped from his feet and dangled in a trap that tied his ankles together, pulling them over his head. He was ambushed. Dwarves came running over from dugout holes, covered with miscellaneous items from around the homes they were closest to. The dwarves swarmed on Dracon, incapacitating his arms as he dangled, swaying back and forth. Two on either side of him, tying ropes around his wrists then pulling his arms out wide, away from his body. Dracon did not resist. They held him steady as others came out from their hiding places, dwarves and halflings.

  “He wasn’t that hard to catch.” One of the dwarves said.

  “Shut yer hole!” Another dwarf said walking over to Dracon with an axe in his hand, “Show respect to the man, he did what none of us could do. Just cuz we have to put him down; doesn’t mean we have to disrespect him.” Some of the other dwarves murmured their agreement. “May the gods forgive me for what I have to do, young prince.” He said to Dracon as the others walked him forward so his head was higher for the dwarf with the axe to hit cleanly. “For Queen and country, all hail Menina.” He said raising his axe.

  “All hail Menina!” The other dwarves and halflings repeated. With a mighty blow the dwarf brought his axe down, right between the eyes of a smiling Dracon. There was a loud clunk when the axe hit, then careened off his head. Dracon began to laugh then opened his hands, expecting his armor to appear with his will for it to appear, but it did not. Dracon stopped laughing. A battle cry came from behind the group. Dracon could hear fighting as the dwarves turned away from him to meet a new foe. He spun in a fast circle, still dangling by his feet from a rope. After a few minutes, he felt hands steadying him, stopping his dizzying spin. When his eyes focused, he saw a dirty faced dwarf with his head cocked, looking at him with a toothy grin. He gave Dracon a nod.

  “Cut him down!” Satana ordered, then it was done. Dracon fell to the ground in a heap. He lay there a moment, on his back, looking at the dwarves and Satana, who surrounded him. Dracon smiled up at her, she smiled back and extended her hand to him.

  “Is he alright?” Thikuf asked, fearful he might be dead. Dracon stood with a helping hand from Satana.

  “Thikuf?” He asked, giving Satana a curious smile, to which she shrugged with a smirk. Dracon turned to Thikuf, “I am fine, my friend.” He said then shook Thikuf’s hand.

  “So, what did you do?” Satana asked Dracon.

  “Why do you think I did something?” Dracon asked with a feigned offense.

  “I just killed men I know, who were trying to kill you! Those were specialists, behind the lines specialists, Dracon.” Satana said, her smile was gone, and she was angry, they both knew that meant assassins.

  “That didn’t take long.” Dracon said of her smile disappearing, “Who are your friends?” he asked.

  “This is Grik Forgeson, the Nail of the North.” Satana introduced the proud dwarf, who stood tall as he could with his chest out. He bowed, then took a knee before Dracon.

  “I come before you, great king-” Grik started to say but Satana stopped him.

  “Get up Grik, we need to fall back to the palace, you still hold the palace, don’t you? Or did you lose that too?” Satana asked Dracon.

  “I still hold the city, and the palace.” Dracon snapped. Satana cocked her head, then looked around at the dead dwarves and halflings. “I still have the palace.” Dracon corrected himself.

  “I suggest we fall back there and setup a watch, then you,” Satana poked Dracon in the chest, “Can tell me what the hell is going on.” Satana led the way back to the palace, escorted by Grik and his dwarves, and Thikuf, who walked alongside Satana, all of them surrounded Dracon to protect him. It embarrassed Dracon, they thought him so weak he needed to be protected. He knew the ambush would be unsuccessful but wanted to see how far they would go with their attack, whether it be to kill, or capture. He hoped their mission was to capture, then he could have gone and talked to his siblings under the guise of being a prisoner.

  They reached the palace gates. Janouc and two battlemages came walking out, ready to fight. Satana drew her sword, everyone behind her did the same. “Hold!” Dracon commanded, “It’s me, Dracon.” The battlemages stopped their approach and waited on either side of the gate as Dracon and his escort entered to where Janouc stood.

  “Friends?” Janouc asked.

  “You remember Satana, she led the first battalion through the portal?” Dracon asked trying to spark a memory for Janouc. He looked at her carefully, trying to remember her.

  “I recall, but I don’t believe we spoke.” He said, Satana gave him a nod then turned to Grik.

  “Get your men on the wall, the access is there, and there.” Satana pointed at stairwells on either side of the inner a gate. “Keep six down there.” She said pointing at the gates themselves. Grik looked at his man Notter, who tilted his head in a slight nod, then saw to Satana’s orders.

  “Dracon!” Talila called in a state of panic, after suddenly appearing from thin air, “Venalina! She’s hurt, she’s been attacked! Hurry!” Talila pleaded. Dracon snarled and looked at Janouc, whose face was also suddenly panicked.

  “She would not leave, there was no convincing her…” He said but Dracon had already started to run after Talila. Thikuf, Satana, Grik and Janouc, chased after Dracon as he followed Talila into the palace and up to the suite the sisters shared. Dracon rushed into the room and the first thing he saw was the seven-foot-tall Um’Vec. Dracon immediately ran at him with a battle cry, Satana was right on his heels, sword in hand. The other men filled the room, pulling out their own weapons at the sight of Um’Vec. Talila teleported in front of Um’Vec, who had his hands balled up, ready to fight.

  “No!” Talila said with her hands up trying to stop them, “He did not do this! It was little men, they tried to choke her to death, he is trying to help!” She screamed at Dracon. He ignored her and kept on, Talila pushed on his chest, sliding backwards, “Please Dracon, listen to me!” Dracon stopped, still tense and ready, with a snarl on his face, staring at Um’Vec, who had a snarl of his own, as the two locked eyes, neither willing to look away from the other. Satana spotted Venalina on the bed surrounded by the other sisters, all resembled Vordalyn, only briefly stunning Satana, before she put it aside and ran to Venalina on the bed, covered in blood.

  “Someone tried to Garrote her.” She said, “Oh, this is bad.” She said, shaking her head. She grabbed Venalina’s lifeless, limp, head, turning it side to side, examining the wound that circled her neck. “Oh, Venalina.” Satana whispered, her hands grabbed her neck trying to stop the blood. “Get me some towels, a shirt, anything, so I can stop the bleeding!” She ordered the sisters. Kaylin returned to her human form and ran to get what Satana asked for. Saida and Alyndra held hands, tears streaming from their faces, they were so helpless.

  “Keep your head, or you’ll lose it.” Grik said to Um’Vec in his own tongue. Um’Vec straightened up and relaxed his defensive stance. Dracon looked back at Grik, noting he could speak the creature’s language. Grik joined Satana at Venalina’s side, he pulled Satana’s hands by the wrist, urging her to let go of Venalina’s neck so he could get a look at it. Satana’s expression was cold as ice, but her eyes gave her heart away as tears fell.

  “Let me see.” Dracon said, finally coming to the bed. Thikuf and Janouc eyed Um’Vec, who eyed them right back. Grik looked back at Dracon and shook his head no, then stood up from the bed and moved off.

  “Say your goodbyes, King Dracon.” Grik said in dwarven tongue. Dracon knelt on the bed and grabbed Venalina by her shoulders, lifting her lifeless body from the bed.

  “Everybody, get out.” Dracon said, hardly louder than a whisper. Saida and Alyndra both started wailing and holding on to one another in grief. Dracon looked at Satana, “Get them out of here.” Satana did as she was asked and ushered the wailing sisters who were joined by Talila and Kaylin in their grief. Satana, though she felt the pain of loss, kept her composure, the sisters were crying
enough for all of them. Dracon cradled Venalina’s head and combed the hair from her face, “Why won’t you listen to me, Venalina?” He asked, “I would have walked to the ends of the earth with you, with hardly a struggle, if you would have simply asked me.” He choked back tears looking at her, blood pulsed from her neck wound with each heartbeat. He could hear her voice in his head, a memory he could not recall, just her words to him. This will not be our fate, shh, my love, I will not let us die. Dracon thought about the memory, then he thought about when she was sick in Qinkas. He took off his shirt and lay back in the bloody bed, pulling her on top of him. He nuzzled her face into his neck. “Feed.” he whispered, “Feed, Venalina!” He begged. Satana came back into the room hearing him. She rushed over to the bed.

  “Dracon!” She yelled grabbing Venalina by her shoulders and pulling her off him.

  “No!” he said sitting up, still holding her, refusing to let Satana pull her from his grip, “You don’t understand! It will make her better!” he yelled. “Venalina, feed!” he said again trying to pull her from Satana’s grip and back to his neck.

  “Dracon!” Satana yelled, “She’s gone!” She said, “She’s gone.” She said in a softer tone. They stared at each other for a moment, Dracon clenched his jaw tightly, then he let her go. He and Satana lay her back on the bed. The others had come back into the room, staying close to the door. Except Um’Vec, who remained in the hall. The sisters, one at a time, walked to the side of the bed, their eyes red and full of tears. Dracon sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at the floor. Satana put a pillow under Venalina’s head just as her heart beat its last bloody pulse.

  “Goodbye, my friend.” Satana whispered.

  “I will make Terrax look like a fight between children!” Dracon growled then stood up. He reached for his amulet remembering his armor did not appear when called. It was gone. Dracon looked at Talila. “Where is it?” He asked, instantly she vanished then returned, amulet in hand, dangling by its chain. “Let’s set the world afire!” Talila stepped to Dracon nodding the same angry scowl Dracon wore upon his own face. Dracon put his amulet back on then looked around the room, “If you are not with me, leave now.”

  “Dracon, my friend, you’re understandably upset, but you can’t mean to wage war on your own people?” Thikuf asked coming through to the front of the group by the door, not for a Ki-” He stopped himself, then looked down, stifling any further objections.

  “Take her home, Janouc, I will be along when I am done here. I will bury her with her people.” Dracon said staring at Thikuf with a cold glare.

  “How? I will need to bring the portal with me?” He asked.

  “I will bring him when we are done.” Talila said still looking up at Dracon.

  “This is madness!” Thikuf proclaimed.

  “Take him to his home. You don’t belong here, Thikuf, not now.” Dracon said and pointed at him. Thikuf looked at Satana to step in and reason with Dracon. But she did not.

  “I do not know what happened while I was gone, but nothing can justify this, not after what we have gone through to give them peace. I am by your side, as always, Dracon. Go home, Thikuf.” Satana said, she too was watching Dracon. Thikuf dropped the diamond necklace and earrings to the floor then turned away. Grik walked before Dracon.

  “I have come a great distance to offer you my services, I give you my axe, to wield as your own.” Grik knelt as he spoke. Um’Vec pushed his way into the room and dropped to his knees, but was still as tall as a standing man.

  “I have come to serve the dark lord who rises in this hall, today you have risen, today I bow down before you, your humble servant. I will avenge The Goddess O’on and pledge my life to you!” Um’Vec fell forward on his face before Dracon.

  “I think he means it.” Grik said being only one, of a very few in the room, who understood Um’Vec.

  “He says he will avenge Venalina, Dracon, he says he will serve you.” Talila whispered to Dracon. He looked at Alyndra, all emotion gone from his face.

  “Assist Janouc, tend to… tend to Venalina.” Dracon said. Saida stepped forward.

  “We have been trained to protect you, we will stand in her place, at your side. It is what she wanted. It is what we want.” Saida said looking at her sisters as she spoke. Each stepped up next to her.

  “You understand, only death awaits us?” Dracon asked.

  “And vengeance.” Alyndra answered, “Our place is by our husband, until death, do we part.” Talila embraced Dracon and squeezed him tight. He was too numb to feel anything and continued staring at Um’Vec on the floor before him. He shrugged Talila off.

  “Tell him to get up.” Dracon said to Talila. He was curious how she understood Um’Vec, but it wasn’t time for questions.

  “Get up,” Grik said to Um’Vec before Talila could respond, and thankfully so, for she could understand him, but did not begin to know how to speak to him. “You might be in luck to serve our new master.” Grik added, then looked at Talila remembering she could understand the language, he gave her the slightest nod. Um’Vec gathered himself to his knees then stood before Dracon.

  “Tell him to return to his forces and await my orders.” Dracon said to Grik, who bowed and did as he was told. Janouc made his way to Venalina’s side.

  “My lord,” Janouc began to say. Dracon closed his eyes tight.

  “Just handle it, Janouc, we’ll talk when I return to Sumia.” Dracon said.

  “As you wish.” Janouc left to retrieve the portal device and his men.

  “Let’s get a lay of the land,” Satana said, “Will you send out your scouts?” She asked Grik, who nodded. “Then let’s get to the city gates and see what they are up to. Keep a sharp eye, there may be more men in the city, waiting to waylay us.” She started out the door and Grik followed, leaving Um’Vec, the sisters, and Dracon, in the room with Venalina’s body. Dracon turned around and looked at her. Talila motioned to Um’Vec to go wait in the hall, then stood by Dracon, also looking at Venalina. The other sisters remained where they were, frightened and unsure what to say to Dracon. They too, were in pain from her loss, they loved her just as much as he did.

  “I’m going to take him back to his army, Dracon.” Talila said as they stood looking at Venalina’s body. He looked down at her then over his shoulder at Um’Vec in the hall.

  “Don’t dally.” He said then faced the other sisters. Janouc returned with his men and the portal device. “Come with me.” Dracon said to the sisters, then left the room. He stopped in front of Um’Vec, grabbing Talila. He pulled her close to him, looking Um’Vec in his eyes the whole time. He turned Talila’s face to him and kissed her then looked at Um’Vec again. Dracon grabbed Talila’s wrist and put her in front of Um’Vec. She looked at Dracon confused, but he continued to stare at Um’Vec. He understood Dracon and nodded. He was to protect her with his life. “Don’t take any unnecessary risks.” Dracon said looking down at the confused Talila.

  “You mean like running off with a stranger, to a strange land, then putting my life in his hands?” She asked. The other sisters behind Dracon made an audible gasp. Dracon suddenly remembered every moment he spent with Talila. She wasn’t lying, he did fall in love with her. It filled him with guilt, though Venalina wanted him to love the women, he still felt wrong about it. Now, with her death, all he had left were these women she wanted him so desperately to accept as his wives. He remembered his time with each of them, he did begin to feel for them as Venalina wanted. Then he remembered Kaylin, grabbing her so hard by her throat, he almost killed her. He didn’t recognize her, or himself. He remembered how aroused he was when she said she was his wife, how he meant to take her, choking her all the while. It both sickened and aroused him again. Dracon closed his eyes tightly.

  “I’m sorry.” Talila said stepping up to him, putting a hand to his cheek. He grabbed her hand, holding it in place.

  “No, I am sorry.” He said then turned to face Kaylin. “I did not know who I was. It’s no excuse,
but I am in control now. I promise you, I will earn your forgiveness.” His words made Kaylin blush and look down.

  “I know it wasn’t you.” Kaylin said in almost a whisper.

  Dracon looked at each of the women, “I want you to understand what is about to happen, I will have to become someone else, it may surprise you, make you think I have forgotten what happened to Venalina. Understand, there will be a time that I break down and weep for her, but I cannot do it now, not if I plan to avenge her and save you, who are all that I have left of her. Now go.” He said to Talila and Um’Vec. Dracon started to feel an overwhelming amount of guilt, watching her walk away, he remembered Venalina’s lifeless body in the room behind him that Janouc was preparing to take back to Sumia. His guilt was replaced with a desire for vengeance. He turned to the sisters who remained. “Can any of you open a portal like Venalina could?” The sisters looked at each other. Saida and Alyndra both spoke up at the same time. Kaylin looked even more embarrassed, her whole life she thought Talila to be simple, but when it came to magic, she seemed to be the simple one. “Kaylin, go get Talila and that thing, before they leave the palace, I have an idea.”


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