The Vordalyn 2

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The Vordalyn 2 Page 41

by Michael T Payne

  “Hear me, I am Venalina, queen. Daughter of Ashavera, niece to Dhysevera. Return to Taranath, all who remain. It is time for blood to return to the veins of this city, give it life!” Venalina spoke to the emptiness, then as soon as the last of her words finished, the sphere returned to its original size, and they floated once again in the room. Venalina and Janouc returned to the ground and immediately Venalina walked away, her wings folding behind her again. Janouc followed closely, again the wall disappeared and Venalina walked through it back to the home of the Priests of O’on. Janouc stopped just after passing through and looked back at Taranath behind them until the opening was no more, the hall they were in became visible. Janouc followed Venalina to the room where all the treasures of her people were kept. She began waving her hand at items, chests and boxes alike, making them vanish. She paused, holding her hand up in front of her a moment. From every corner of the room, every ruby encrusted item, earring, ring, or necklace, flew before her and hovered, creating a cloud of the items. They turned slowly while she examined each piece. She smiled and pulled from the cluster a large ruby necklace, giggling to herself so hard, she put a hand to her mouth. She let the necklace go and it flew to her neck, perfectly in place. She still giggled thinking about Talila and how she turned Queen Menina’s guard to ash. Then she had an image of Velen screaming in horrible pain as he too was burned alive by Talila. Venalina began laughing uncontrollably, so much so, she put a hand to her belly. Janouc looked on curiously and with great concern, he shook his head slightly, not understanding any of what she was doing. She caught sight of his dismay, he looked like a pouting child to her, just like Talila, “You have something to say?” She asked.

  “No, of course not, my queen.” Janouc said surprised at her question.

  “I only have patience for one Talila, Janouc, speak your mind.” She said, Janouc had no idea he wore his concern on his face. He paused a moment.

  “I, I think I am just a little confused, my queen, you’re suddenly destroying all these treasures and have completely forgotten about the sisters.” Janouc said, “I serve you, my queen, I am only confused in my ignorance.” Venalina laughed at him.

  “You serve me well, Janouc, all will be made clear to you. As far as this room, I have sent these treasures home, to Taranath, where they belong, where we belong. It will show a great respect to the others who survived, that the priests now serve me.” Venalina walked over to Janouc.

  “The others?” Janouc asked.

  “Yes, Janouc, the other hunted, the others who hide from the world like I did. I know they are out there, and I called them home. I imagine someone will arrive soon. I want to be there when they do.” Venalina explained, “Then we will chase the intruders out of the caves around Taranath.”

  “Then?” Janouc asked.

  “I’ll be home at last, Janouc, getting to know the others.” Venalina smiled.

  “My queen, your sisters?” Janouc asked, and against his better judgement he asked, “Dracon?”

  “The sisters, will be coming home, they will hear my call and obey. Dracon will be fine, and if he is not, I will know it. Don’t worry about him, Janouc, you have my will to concern yourself with. When I’m ready I will summon him as well. For now, prepare everyone to transport my treasures home, to Taranath.” Venalina said, “I will return.” She vanished.

  Venalina returned to the room with the spheres in the city of Taranath. She floated in the center of the room. She sensed a presence behind her and turned slowly to face it. “Your mother was Ashavera? I’ve heard of her.” A voice spoke before Venalina turned around completely to face the woman. She was not in her Vordalyn form, but Venalina knew she was a Vordalyn. She appeared as an old, human woman, bent over with an equally old piece of wood, as a cane.

  “You don’t have to hide yourself anymore, return to your true form.” Venalina said examining the woman, who stood on the ground, not floating like Venalina.

  “How are you able to give the queens call?” The woman asked looking at Venalina suspiciously. There was a sudden sound of a pig snorting on the other side of the room. Both women turned to look at it. Venalina could sense it too, was a Vordalyn in disguise. The pig changed forms to a woman, then white wings sprouted from her back and she flew up a few feet off the ground.

  “Hundreds of years have passed since we left these halls, how many are we?” The old woman asked.

  “We will see,” Venalina said to the old woman, “Be yourself, you are safe here.” The old woman became a young woman, then a little boy, then a goat, then wings came from the goats back and she finally became a brown winged woman.

  “It has been a longtime since have been myself.” The white winged woman said in a scratchy, hoarse voice, “I haven’t spoken the tongue since I was a child. I don’t remember the wars. I haven’t been here before.” Venalina had a similar upbringing. The brown winged woman flew closer.

  “You were a child then, where is your mother?” She asked.

  “Dead.” The woman answered, “I can’t remember how long ago.” The woman with brown wings dropped to the ground and folded her wings behind her.

  “You poor child.” She glanced at Venalina as she walked by her to the other woman, “I’m sorry for you, did you take your vessel?”

  “I did, long ago, I’ve lived many lives, in many forms, blending, much of what was left to me was not very helpful. My mother did not foresee the war. I was unprepared.” She answered.

  “Dhysevera’s niece is as good a queen as her own child.” The brown winged woman said to Venalina, “Tell us, niece, why do you call us here?”

  “I too, grew up in hiding, much has happened in my life that brings us here.” Venalina dropped to the ground with the other two women and joined them, “My mother did not leave me a vessel, I watched as men tore her to pieces, it was before she was able to do so. I have taken Dhysevera’s vessel, I am her heir, I am of her line.” The brown winged woman walked over to Venalina and smiled.

  “I know these halls, your highness.” She said, “I am Kalla.” She bowed her head and put her right hand to her chest, then touched her own forehead before returning her hand to her side.

  “Diama.” The other woman said introducing herself, she also bowed and preformed the same ritualistic show of respect.

  “I have the power of ascension.” Venalina said, Kalla knelt immediately, again touching her hand to chest, then forehead very quickly as she knelt.

  “You are the true queen!” Kalla said, Diama looked at Venalina surprised, then also quickly knelt, she too performed the ritualistic hand gesture. Venalina bent down, grabbing both women by their arms.

  “No more bowing before any creature, we have groveled enough. Stand proud!” Venalina smiled at the women who obliged her request. “I have ascended four, who will be joining us shortly. I have made peace with the descendants of our persecutors, they no longer hunt us. The order of priests who served that purpose, now serve me! They will serve us! This city will rise anew.”

  “It was you who made the sun move again.” Kalla said.

  “And my mate.” Venalina added.

  “What do you wish of me?” Kalla asked.

  “Prepare yourselves for the arrival of the priests. I know you may feel vengeance in your heart, but do not kill them. The ones who ravaged our kind are all dead. These have been brought to heel and will serve us as loyal pets.” Venalina said looking at each of the women as she spoke, watching their faces for any indication of their intentions when she mentioned the priests. Kalla nodded, while Diama stared back at her confused.

  “I don’t know anything about priests.” She said.

  In Ganlin, the sisters had returned from battle in the city to stand once again at Dracon’s side on the palace wall. They escaped the destruction that fell upon the hordes by the seasoned warriors of Ganlin, who easily vanquished the creatures and turned them on their heels. The warriors had centered themselves in the city and cleared a path to the main gates, where Pri
nce Torak’s cavalry joined the fight. They hunted the hordes remnants throughout the city. Without the sisters to create a portal, the myriad of monsters making up the horde had nowhere to flee. Prince Darrin’s archers manned the city walls, raining down volley after volley of deadly arrows upon any creature who attempted to come near it.

  “It would be pleasurable to be on the side of our countrymen, killing those mindless beasts.” Satana said to Dracon as they watched what was going on down in the city below them. Her comment made Um’Vec grunt his disapproval of her words. Dracon chuckled and glanced over his shoulder at Um’Vec, who stood several feet behind the pair at Talila’s side. It was not lost on Um’Vec the ease at which the warriors of Ganlin dispatched his so called, ‘mighty horde’.

  “There is still time to join them?” Dracon ruminated turning his attention back to Satana, it made her laugh outright. Just as she was about to speak, she was interrupted by a gasp from Kaylin, who stood on Dracon’s opposite side. Both Satana and Dracon looked over at her. Her eyes were wide in surprise, looking straight ahead. It made Dracon and Satana look off to where she appeared to be looking, only to see nothing other than what they were already watching. Kaylin suddenly vanished. Dracon noticed Alyndra, then Saida, also vanish with much the same expressions on their face. He spun around to look at Talila. Her mouth hung open in shock, she looked up at Um’Vec.

  “Stay with him.” Talila growl-spoke to Um’Vec then nodded over to Dracon. She too, then vanished. Dracon looked at Um’Vec curiously.

  “What did she say?” He asked a confused Um’Vec, who did not know what Dracon was asking him. “Did you understand what she said?” He asked Satana.

  “No.” She said shaking her head.

  The sisters heard Venalina’s call but did not understand it. Being new to the ways of the Vordalyn, they knew nothing of the age-old call of the queen. All they knew was an internal pull that made them obey, immediately and blindly. Talila alone had the will to resist the initial pull that made her sisters vanish without question. She mustered enough strength to give Um’Vec a final command before she joined her sisters.

  In rapid succession, the sisters appeared before Venalina. Kaylin, then Alyndra, then Saida. They looked at Venalina shocked at her presence, shocked that she lived. They were confused why they were there and how the call, so powerful, made them obey. Then they took notice of the other two Vordalyn in the magnificent room with them. They felt a mixture of fear and anxiety. Talila appeared, and upon spotting Venalina, she ran to her, throwing her arms around her neck, careless of what else, or who else, filled the room. Venalina returned her hug as Talila wept with joy, then pushed her back and smiled.

  “What took you so long?” Venalina asked.

  “It was you?” Talila asked, “You called us?” Venalina nodded, “Dracon is fighting, we’re being attacked.” Talila wiped her tears from her face and took Venalina’s hand, “We have to get back. He’ll be so happy!” Talila wiped her face again and smiled.

  “We aren’t going back.” Venalina said, and it was just then Talila realized she was speaking another language. One that Talila understood somehow.

  “I don’t understand?” Talila questioned, still pulling Venalina’s hand to come with her. She looked around the room at her sisters then at Kalla and Diama. “Who are they?” She asked.

  “Family. Vordalyn, like me.” Venalina said, “Like us.”

  “I am Kalla, daughters of Venalina, welcome home.” Kalla said, stepping forward. Talila dropped Venalina’s hand.

  “No.” She said, “Dracon needs us? His counter attack depends on us.”

  “He will be fine, Talila. This will play out how it must, Dracon will not die, he will be fine.” Venalina said with a smile, “If he needs me, I’ll know it.”

  “No!” Talila said adamantly, “He needs us now!” Talila looked at her sisters who each looked on with blank, confused stares.

  “He is my husband and I know what is best for him and our future!” Venalina spoke angrily, no longer speaking her native tongue.

  “He is our husband, and he needs us! I will not abandon him.” Talila growled at Venalina.

  “You will obey me!” Venalina growled back at her.

  “I will!” Talila snarled, stepping closer to Venalina, “I will obey you!” She said through her teeth, “But I will assist my husband, first!” They were face to face, both glaring at the other. It was a long minute that they spent staring each other down, both contemplating the other’s words. The sisters were horrified at Talila’s impudence and thought the two were about to fight. Venalina’s face changed, she relaxed, exhaled, then smiled.

  “I have always loved your passion and fire.” Venalina said, “Things have changed, Talila. But,” She said holding up her hand before Talila could speak, “I will allow you to stay by his side. See it through with him, if you wish, when I call you again, you will return, and you will obey.” Talila stopped glaring at Venalina and relaxed. Venalina held up her hand, palm up, to Talila, the chain of a ruby necklace spilled from her palm, it made Talila smile and reach for it. Venalina snatched it back, “Turn around, let me.” Talila spun around and let Venalina put the necklace around her neck, “Don’t tell him I’m alive.” She whispered to Talila. As soon as Venalina finished, Talila spun back to face her, a smile stretched across her face.

  “I won’t,” She promised, “But promise me you won’t wait too long before you tell him. I love you, Venalina.” She said, then her smile left her, “We have a duty to our husband. It is because of us that he finds himself in this situation, we cannot ignore it, I cannot ignore it.” She finished, then disappeared in a black wisp.


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