Whispers in the Wind

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Whispers in the Wind Page 28

by Al Lacy

  “Something tells me you have good news, sir,” said Dane.

  “I sure do! I went to the hospital first thing this morning and met Kenny. Mrs. Bendrick was there with him. Dane, he is a precious little boy. He has such a sweet way about him. Mrs. Bendrick has been a tremendous help to him in the loss of his mother. After spending about twenty minutes with Kenny, I went to the office and asked for the amount of the surgeons bill and the hospital bill up to this point. They could only estimate what the total would be when Kenny is finally released, but when I had the figures, I went directly to the two wealthy friends I told you about, and they are going to cover both bills totally!”


  “On my way back to Society headquarters, I stopped by your old apartment and shared the news with Mr. Bendrick. He was elated.”

  Dane grinned, nodding.

  “So, Dane,” said Brace, “my wife and I will pick Kenny up when he is released from the hospital in some twelve or thirteen days and take him to the Society’s headquarters. We’ll keep him there until he is able to travel, then we’ll put him on an orphan train.”

  Dane blinked and frowned. “But Mr. Brace, who in the world would take in a boy in Kenny’s condition?”

  “I gave this a great deal of prayer and thought before getting to sleep last night, and the Lord woke me up and gave me the answer at five o’clock this morning.”

  “Well, what is it?”

  “There is a fine Christian couple in Denver, Colorado, named Mike and Julie Ross. He is a prominent attorney there and is quite well-off financially. They have devoted their lives and finances to adopting only handicapped children. They told me from the beginning that they felt the Lord would have them adopt five eventually. They already have three that we have sent them, and the fourth child—a thirteen-year-old blind girl—right now is on the most recent orphan train we sent that way.

  “Kenny, if they agree to take him—and I feel certain they will—will make number five. It’s perfect!”

  “It sure sounds good to me, sir.”

  “Leanne Ladd is the blind girl’s name. She will arrive in Denver on Friday, November 10. Kenny won’t be able to travel until probably sometime in January. That will give the Rosses a couple of months to adjust to Leanne before Kenny would arrive. Like I said, it’s perfect.”

  Dane frowned. “But, sir, what if the Rosses decide that taking in two handicapped children that close together is too much for them?”

  “Well, son, I stopped at the telegraph office on my way over here and sent a wire to them. I expect a reply from them yet today. Unless I really miss my guess, Kenny Atwood has a brand new loving family and home waiting for him.”

  “I sure hope it works out, sir.”

  “I’m sure it will. I tell you, Dane, that little guy has already crept down into my heart. He is so young to face so many life-changing tragedies, and it just makes me glad to know kindhearted people like the Rosses. They will give Kenny the best care possible. He’ll grow up in a solid Christian home, and I have no doubt that he will be successful in whatever he chooses to do with his life.”

  “This is encouraging, Mr. Brace. This kind of thing gives one hope, doesn’t it?”

  “Sure does.”

  “And we all need hope in order to carry on from day to day in our lives. I was reading my Bible this morning, and one verse jumped off the page at me. Psalm 146:5. I memorized it right then and there. ‘Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God.’ My every hope is in my Saviour, Mr. Brace, and in His time, I know I will be set free from this prison. But in the meantime, I’m so thankful that my soul has been set free from the bondage of sin because of my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”

  “Amen to that, son,” said Brace, rising from the chair. “I must go now. I’ll be back to let you know how it all goes here in the next several days.”

  “I’ll look forward to it, sir. I sure hope that someday I will get to meet Kenny.”

  Brace smiled. “I’ll do my best to see that it happens.”

  On Thursday morning, November 9, the orphan train pulled into Topeka, Kansas; the first stop where the orphans were lined up in the depot to be looked over by prospective foster parents.

  While this was going on, nurse Millie Voss had Leanne Ladd standing with her nearby. Leanne listened closely to the conversations between prospective foster parents and orphans, and prayed silently that the Lord would not let anyone take Tharyn Myers before they got to Denver. She begged Him to see that someone in Denver chose Tharyn so they could be close to each other and grow up together.

  Leanne sighed with relief when Millie told her that six children had been chosen. Tharyn’s name was not among them. However, Tharyn’s good friend Melinda Scott was one of the six. Leanne listened as Tharyn and Melinda shared a tearful good-bye.

  The rest of the orphans boarded their coaches again, and as the train pulled out of Topeka, Tharyn was sitting with Leanne and had an arm around her. They prayed together once more that the Lord would cause a family in Denver to choose Tharyn.

  The train stopped in Salina, Kansas, and three children were chosen there. The next stop was Hays, Kansas, and four more were chosen, including Nettie Olson. Tears filled Netties eyes as she told her friends good-bye.

  At Oakley, Kansas, Millie Voss had Leanne beside her near the line and explained what was happening. A couple showed definite interest in Tharyn Myers and Bessie Evans.

  Leanne was tense as she heard the couple explain to the girls that they could only take one of them into their home, and while they were trying to decide between Tharyn and Bessie, Leanne began to pray in a whisper. She was begging God to make them take Bessie.

  Millie learned from what she was hearing that Tharyn and Leanne had been praying together that Tharyn would end up in Denver, too. Because of the blind girl’s heartfelt plea to the Lord, Millie prayed silently, asking Him to grant the desires of the two girls.

  At that moment the couple decided to take Bessie, and when Leanne heard the husband say this to one of the Society sponsors, she had to quickly clamp a hand over her mouth to keep from shouting for joy.

  Millie put an arm around Leanne and said in a low voice, “Honey, I wish you could see the relief written all over Tharyn’s face!”

  Leanne clasped her hands together and whispered, “Thank You, Lord Jesus! Thank You!”

  The girls in the line wished Bessie their best, and tears were shed as they said their good-byes.

  The next stop was in Burlington, Colorado, at sundown. Billy Johnson and one teenage girl were chosen. When the orphans were about to board the train again, Russell Mims came to Tharyn, saying he hoped they would both be chosen in the same town. He wanted to marry her someday.

  Tharyn smiled. “Russell, if God wants us for each other, He will work it out.”

  It was dark in Limon, Colorado, when the train arrived there, where it would remain for the night. Prospective foster parents would be looking the orphans over in the morning before it pulled out for Denver.

  In the girls’ coach, Tharyn and Leanne made themselves as comfortable as possible for the night on their seat. Before going to sleep, they prayed together, asking the Lord once more to cause a family in Denver to choose Tharyn.

  Tharyn had told Leanne all about Dane back in the Manhattan prison, and they prayed for him, asking God to clear him of the murder and set him free.

  The girls were feeling the tension of the moment. Tomorrow, the train would stop in Denver and Leanne’s new parents would be waiting to take her home. If the Lord should have reason to place Tharyn with some family down the line in spite of their prayers, they realized this would be their last night together.

  They stayed awake, whispering long into the night. Finally, from sheer exhaustion, Leanne dropped off to sleep with her head in Tharyn’s lap, and Tharyn fell asleep, her head leaning against the frosty window.

  When Millie Voss came through the coach, checking on the
girls, she stopped several times and pulled blankets up around their necks, attempting to keep them warm and comfortable. A low-burning lantern in the coach cast eerie shadows over the sleeping girls.

  As Millie approached the seat where Tharyn and Leanne were sleeping, she carefully pulled Tharyn’s head far enough away from the cold window to place a pillow under her head. She also tucked Tharyn’s blanket firmly under her chin.

  Tharyn stirred, but did not awaken.

  Millie then leaned down to check on Leanne. She saw that the girls eyes were open. “What’s the matter, Leanne? Can’t you get to sleep?”

  Leanne pointed her face up toward the nurse and whispered, “I guess I’m too excited to sleep, Miss Voss. Tomorrow will open a whole new world for me. I hope I’m not a disappointment to those good people who are planning to adopt me. It’s—well, it’s really kind of scary.”

  Millie patted her cheek. “I’m sure it is, but I really don’t think you have anything to be worried about. From what Mr. Brace has told me about the Rosses, they are a very special, loving family. I’m sure you won’t be a disappointment to them. They’ll have room in their loving hearts for you, too.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, ma’am. It’s just that—well, it seems almost too good to be true, that someone would really want to take a blind girl into their home.”

  “It’s not too good to be true, believe me. You’ll see what I mean when you meet the Rosses.”

  “Thank you, Miss Voss,” said Leanne, trying to stifle a yawn. “You’ve relieved me of some of my fears. I think I can sleep now.”


  Millie tucked Leanne’s blanket up close to her chin. She thought of suggesting that Leanne move to one of the empty seats vacated by the girls who had been chosen, but she refrained. She knew that Leanne found a certain comfort sleeping with her head on Tharyn’s lap.

  Millie started to say something else, but saw that Leanne’s eyes were closed and she was breathing evenly. She stroked her hair. “Sleep well, little lamb. Your Shepherd is watching over you.”

  With that, the nurse turned and moved down the aisle. She found her own resting place at the rear of the coach and eased onto the seat. A satisfied smile played across her face as she rested her head on a pillow against the back of the seat and closed her tired eyes.

  Chief U.S. Marshal John Brockman and his wife, Breanna, had a six-acre tract of land in the country some four miles southwest of Denver, and at the same time the orphan train was pulling into Limon that evening, the Brockmans and their neighbors, David and Kitty Tabor, were finishing a delicious supper that Breanna had prepared.

  David and Kitty—who were in their midforties—had talked to John and Breanna at church the past several Sundays about their plan to take a teenage orphan off the next orphan train. The Tabors had not been able to have children and wanted one so very much. They felt at their age, they should choose a child in his or her teens.

  All along, John and Breanna had agreed that this was wise thinking. John had brought up some weeks back that since David had recently been promoted to vice-president of Denver’s First National Bank, whatever child they chose would have a secure future financially.

  As they left the table and went into the parlor, the Tabors talked about the orphan train that was to arrive tomorrow morning and how excited they were about the child they were going to take into their home and adopt in the near future.

  Breanna brought up how excited Mike and Julie Ross were about the thirteen-year-old blind girl who would be on the train.

  John smiled and said, “And bless their hearts, they plan yet to adopt a fifth handicapped child.”

  Everyone agreed that the Rosses were special people. Most couples who were looking to adopt a child would shy away from a handicapped one.

  Breanna ran her gaze over the faces of David and Kitty. “I’m taking tomorrow off from the clinic so I can stay with the three Ross children while Mike and Julie go to Union Station to pick up Leanne Ladd.”

  Before the Tabors headed for their nearby home, the four of them had prayer together, asking the Lord to direct David and Kitty to the child He wanted them to adopt.

  As the Tabors rode side by side in their buggy, heading home in the moonlight, David put his arm around Kitty and pulled her close to him. “Just think, honey, the Lord willing, this will be our last night alone in our big rambling house for many years to come.”

  “That’s right, sweetheart. Won’t it be wonderful to have a child to love and care for? I’m so excited I can hardly breathe!”

  David chuckled. “Well, you’d better keep breathing, ’cause I don’t want to raise a child by myself.”

  Kitty giggled. “Oh, don’t you worry, dear husband. I’ll be right here with you all the way.”

  As the train was pulling into Denver’s Union Station the next morning, the children in both coaches were singing the little song they called “Where Fragrant Breezes Sigh.”

  After the prospective foster parents had been cleared by the Children’s Aid Society sponsors, the orphans lined up.

  Mike and Julie Ross, who had already been cleared and approved by Charles Loring Brace, approached Mark Newton with the most recent letter from Brace.

  Mark looked at the letter, smiled, and said, “I’m so happy to meet you folks! Come with me. Your new daughter is right down near the end of the line with our nurse.”

  Butterflies were flitting in Julie’s stomach and Mike’s heart was pounding a rapid tattoo against his ribs as they spotted the white uniform of the nurse and made their way toward the girl who stood at her side.

  “Oh, Mike,” whispered Julie, “she’s so pretty!”

  “That she is, honey. Pretty as a picture!”

  “Isn’t she precious? Even though her eyes can’t see, she seems very much aware of all that’s happening. The nurse is looking at us and telling her we’re coming.”

  “Yes! And look at that smile! You would never know she was blind. The Lord has blessed us so marvelously.”

  Mark smiled and said, “Here they are, Leanne! Your new parents!”

  Leanne’s eyes were sparkling behind a dewy mist as she opened her arms and said with emotion tightening her throat, “Oh, Mama! Papa!”

  They instantly stepped into a three-way embrace and clung to each other with tears moistening all three faces.

  When Julie found a modicum of composure, she spoke with her voice full of joyful tears. “Oh, Leanne, we are so happy to have you as part of our family! Welcome, darling, welcome!”

  Mike swallowed tears. “Yes, precious Leanne, welcome to the Ross family! We love you very much already!”

  “Thank you, Mama and Papa!” said Leanne, almost squealing with delight. “I love you too, and I’ve been so excited to meet you!

  The trio stood close together while Mark and Millie stood looking on. After they had talked for a few minutes in an attempt to get acquainted, Leanne said, “Mama, Papa, before we go, I need to say good-bye to my best friend in all the world. She’s an orphan too. Her name is Tharyn Myers.”

  Mark Newton spoke up. “Leanne, Tharyn is being interviewed at the moment by prospective foster parents, but I’ll lead the three of you there and interrupt the conversation long enough for you to tell her good-bye.”

  Leanne nodded. “All right, Mr. Newton. Thank you.”

  Mike and Julie looked at each other, smiling while Millie Voss hugged Leanne, telling her good-bye. Millie congratulated the Rosses, then hurried away.

  Mike and Julie each put an arm around Leanne, and as Mark Newton led them down the line toward the spot where Tharyn was being interviewed, Mike said, “Julie and I know this couple who are talking to Tharyn. David and Kitty Tabor. They belong to the same church we do, and we are close friends.”

  Leanne’s heart began pounding like a trip-hammer.

  As they drew up, David Tabor smiled at Mark Newton. “Kitty and I were about to call for one of the sponsors. We want to take Tharyn home with us.”
br />   At these words, Leanne’s heart lurched in her chest. It lurched again when she heard Tharyn say, “I want to live with Mr. and Mrs. Tabor, Mr. Newton.”

  “Oh, Tharyn!” squeaked Leanne. “God answered our prayers!”

  The two girls were instantly in each other’s arms.

  When their emotions had settled some, Tharyn told the adults how the two of them had prayed earnestly that the Lord would have a family in Denver choose her so they could grow up together.

  Leanne leaned close to Tharyn. “Honey, my parents and yours go to the same church! We’ll really be close.”

  Tharyn and Leanne embraced again, weeping happily while praising the Lord for answering their prayers so marvelously.

  While the rejoicing was going on, Mike leaned down and whispered in Julie’s ear, “And just think, sweetheart, in January, we’ll have number five! Kenny Atwood will be here with us then!”

  Julie’s face beamed. “Yes, darling.”

  Russell Mims had been observing while in the line nearby. He stepped up to Tharyn and took hold of her hand. “I’m so glad for you and Leanne, both. Even though I’ll be living somewhere else in this Wild West, I want to keep in touch with you … and you know why.”

  Tharyn smiled at him while holding Leanne’s hand. “Yes, I know why, Russell.” She turned to the Tabors and asked if they could write their address down on a piece of paper so she could give it to her friend, Russell, so he could write to her whenever he was chosen.

  David wrote the address on a slip of paper and gave it to Russell. The boy asked Tharyn if he could give her a hug before she left, and she told him he could. Russell had tears in his eyes after he had hugged Tharyn and watched her walk out of the depot with her new parents, the Rosses, and Leanne.

  In the parking lot, the Tabors and the Rosses climbed in separate buggies, saying they would see each other soon, and each drove its own direction.

  In the Ross buggy, Leanne sat between her new parents. As they drove out of the depot and moved down the street, Julie described the surroundings as Tharyn had done on the trip. Leanne asked about the Rocky Mountains and Julie described their towering, snowcapped peaks as they touched the azure Colorado sky to the west.


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