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One For The Holiday: A Christmas Novella

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by Donahue, S.

  “What’s your name? Jackson asks me.


  “You’re very pretty.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be right out.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait.”

  Great…just what I need. I hurry up in the bathroom so I can get back to my friends. Jackson’s right where I left him when I come back out. I was hoping he met some other woman and took off. I hear the band start playing my favorite song…Jessie’s Girl.

  “OMG. This is my favorite song.” I tell Jackson since he’s the only one paying me any attention. Does he even care? I tap Dawn to let her know I’m back. She smiles. She must think I hooked up with this guy. I’ll tell her later. She’s nuts if she thinks I’m hooking up with a complete stranger. I don’t know where his mouth has been.

  Trenton is glaring at me as well. He must think I hooked up with him too. Uh why’s he mad he has Babs over there practically sitting on his cock. Two can play his game. I’m feeling a little buzzed. I start dancing and singing to the music. It’s time to let loose. The song has now changed to Come on Eileen. Me and Kristin clink glasses. She screams, “Get it girl.” Clearly she is plastered. Jackson starts twirling me around and I go with it. I’m starting to have fun. We are all laughing except for Trenton. He looks pissed. Oh well. I can’t worry about a guy who I talked to one time in a gas station…his loss.

  Chapter 9


  What the fuck? Talk about a plan backfiring. Caitlin won’t leave my side. I don’t want to be rude to her or make her feel bad. I’m just not interested in her. I keep trying to peek at Lauren from where I’m standing but it’s kind of hard without being obvious.

  The band starts to play and two dickheads walk up to Lauren and her friend. They are standing beside them. I’m not sure if they know them or not. Lauren leaves with the one guy. I want to stop her, but I can’t. I let her just go. Caitlin is drinking shot after shot, so she is getting crazy wild. I told her to calm down. She is not listening.

  After about five minutes or so Lauren returns back. The dick is back with her. I try to make it like I’m not watching her and I’m paying attention to the band. Caitlin out of nowhere starts backing into me and grinding up on me. I try to move back but she reaches around and grabs my ass. I break away from her. I’m so pissed. I can’t even think straight. Shawn is too busy talking to some chick. He’s not even paying attention to what is going on. He probably thinks I want her or something. He needs to put his friend in check. He brought her here.

  Lauren caught all that transpired and starts acting like she’s having the time of her life with that freak. They are all happy, giddy and laughing. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. I’m watching her have a good time and I don’t even care who sees me at this point. I wish that was me that she is dancing with. I pull Caitlin by the arm out of the crowd.

  “Cait, what’s up? Why are you all over me?”

  “I want you. I’ve always wanted you.”

  “I’m flattered but not like this Cait. I love you as a friend. We go way back. We were best of friends. I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you, but I don’t want to lead you on either.”

  “You’re an asshole,” She screams and slaps me across the face. I hold my face in shock. Conveniently three cameras come by flashing lights in my face.

  “Thanks Cait.” I hold my anger in as I am now being watched. I walk away.

  “You’re welcome,” she smirks.

  I go back to get Shawn. I’m outta here. I notice Lauren is not here. The place is packed. Pat and Kristin are still here. The friend and the guy’s friend are still here as well. She’s gone with that guy. Why am I panicking right now? She’s a big girl. She can handle herself.

  “Shawn, I want to leave. You ready?”

  “Give me a few minutes. I just want to get this girls number.”

  “Alright man. Hurry up. Come and get me when you’re ready. I’m going back to the table.”

  I still don’t see Lauren. I act like I’m gonna say something if I see her. I go back to pay my bar bill, which is probably astronomical. I look over and see Lauren and the asshole near the corner. Something about that guy’s face creeps me out. He has her pinned against the wall. I don’t want to get involved because maybe she likes him. I notice he is trying to violate her and touch her in unspoken places. I’m intently watching this interaction. She pushes his hand away. He puts it back. “Jackson, I’m not interested,” she states. He responds with “Well you were sure acting interested out there.” “Well I’m not now,” she yells.

  I can’t believe this guy. What a dick. He’s trying to put his hands up her shirt. Okay I’ve fucking seen enough. She’s begging him not to touch her. I walk up to them.

  “What’s going on here?” I pull him away from her.

  “Dude, what’s your problem,” the guy asks. I’m with this girl and we’re having a good time.”

  “First of all she’s a woman, secondly, she doesn’t look like she’s having a good time and thirdly, your fun is over. Get out of here now.

  “Who’s gonna make me?”


  “What are you gonna do, pretty boy?”

  “Kick your fucking ass”

  “I doubt it.”

  “Trenton, he’s not worth it. Come on. You’re better than him, “Lauren says pulling me away.

  “You’re fucking lucky she saved you asshole, “I yell out to him.

  Lauren and I head back to my table. I pay the bill and Shawn texts me to tell me that he has a ride home. He’s going home with the girl he met. I just text him back okay and told him to send Pat and Kristin back to the table.

  Lauren is sitting in the chair. “Thanks,” she says. “He wouldn’t take no for an answer. I’m glad you came when you did.”

  “Yeah, well you shouldn’t pick up random guys at bars especially when alcohol is involved.”

  I know I’m being hard on her, but that’s what she gets for hooking up with random guys.

  “Um, I didn’t pick him up. He was following me everywhere.”

  “You looked pretty happy dancing around with him.”

  “Oh…what about Trixie? The rules don’t apply to her.”

  “Who?” I know who she’s talking about. I just want to hear her say it.

  “The blonde dry humping your…whatever you want to call it. How come she’s no longer following you around like a lovesick teenager.”

  “I don’t know. What do you want to call it?”

  “I’m not going to sit here and argue with you. I’m leaving.” She gets up from the table to leave and I stop her.

  “You’re not leaving this bar alone. Not on my watch.”

  “Are you my babysitter? I’m a grown woman. I’m taking a cab.”

  “Come on we’re leaving. I’m driving you home.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. You were drinking…a lot.”

  “I’m okay to drive.”

  I turn around to look for Pat and Kristin and I see this asshole coming back our way.

  “Hey pretty boy.” He yells.

  “You sure you’re talking to me.”

  “Yeah, I am. You think you’re tough shit.”

  “Nah, I know I am. You might want to back up away from me,” I throw my hands up in defense.

  He starts to get closer to me, getting in my face.

  “I’ll knock you flat on your face,” he threatens.

  “You can fuckin’ try. I doubt it.”

  Next thing I know he tries to throw a punch at me. I see it coming and duck down not realizing that Lauren is standing behind me. She gets wailed right in the cheek. I am seeing red right now. I need to help her, but this guy needs to get taken out. He is standing there in shock. He just punched a woman in the face. I’m screaming to Kristen to help Lauren and I push this psycho up against the bar. I punch him in the stomach and throw him on the ground.

  “You’re a fucking piece of shit. I should kick you in your fucking head ri
ght now but she’s right I’m better than you,” I yell down at him.

  The bouncers come running over. They are questioning me. They ask Lauren if she wants to press charges. She lets the fucker off the hook. They grab the guy off the ground and take him in the back. They call the police anyway to file a report. They ask Lauren if she needs an ambulance. She said she was okay and it’s just going to be a really bad bruise come tomorrow. Her face is already starting to swell. The bartender gives her ice to put on it.

  “I’m taking you home,” I demand.

  “Not in a million years.”

  “Bro, what happened?” Pat asks me with a confused look on his face.

  “That guy was trying to attack her and I stepped in.”

  “So why is she mad at you?’

  “I don’t know. She thinks I’m a piece of shit or something. I’m taking her home. I want to make sure she’s safe.”

  “Do you like her or something? Why do you care?”

  “No. I just feel bad about her face,” I lie.

  Pat looks at me skeptically. He knows I’m lying. “Why don’t you just come with me? I’ll drive. You had a lot to drink.”

  “I’m fine. I haven’t had anything to drink for the past hour.” I look at her. “Lauren, I’m sorry you got hit. It wasn’t my fault.”

  “I know. You’re just an arrogant prick and I just want to be left alone,” She says and turns her head away from me.

  I don’t know what I did to her but I’m out.

  “As you wish. I’m outta here. I’m not kissing anyone’s ass.”

  Kristin gives me a look. I can’t tell if she feels bad for me or wants to kick my ass. I’ll probably hear about it tomorrow. I think Lauren is just traumatized but I’m over women…back to hibernation. As much as I feel maybe we could have talked or something, tonight’s events tell me why I need to stay away from women and maybe even people in general.

  Chapter 10


  The alcohol is starting to get to my head. I haven’t drank in a while, so it hit me quick. I need to sit down. I tell Jackson that I’m going to the table to hang out with my friends for a while. He says he’ll walk me back. I say okay, not that I want him too, but I don’t want to hurt his feelings. He whispers that he needs to talk to me in private. He pulls me off to the side. I have no idea what the hell he wants. I just want to sit down.

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  “Do you want to go out sometime?”

  “I’m not looking to get involved with anyone,” I answer honestly.

  “Me either. I just want to fuck you,” he says.

  I can’t speak. I’m shocked those words came out of his mouth. I completely wasn’t expecting that.

  “I can make you feel real good,” he continues.

  “I better go,” I say trying to escape.

  “No come back.” He pulls my arm back to him and pushes me against the wall. I try to break free, but he has a grip on me. He kisses me and I want to vomit. He tries to put his hand between my legs and grab my ass. I’m squirming trying to get out of his grip. He is too strong. I can’t break away. He won’t let go.

  “Jackson, please let me go,” I plead.

  He starts to fondle my breasts. Out of nowhere Trenton walks up and pulls him off of me. Thank God for him. Anything could have happened if he didn’t come when he did. Jackson is trying to pick a fight with him and he’s not backing down. I pull Trenton away by his arm back to the table. I tell him Jackson is not worth it. Jackson is a complete jerkoff. I sit down in the chair. I thank Trenton for saving me and he has the audacity to blame me. He is basically saying I asked for it. It really hurts to hear him say these things. I get defensive and start talking about Caitlin. This is completely out of my character, but he has me so pissed off. Then he asks me what I want to call his dick. Really? The only dick I see is him. I had enough. I get up to call a cab and he stops me. He says he wants to drive me home. Hell no. I’m not getting in a car with him after he A) insulted me and B) has drank for the past three hours or so straight. I sit back down in the chair. I’ll wait for Kristin and Pat.

  All of a sudden I see Jackson coming back at us. He’s trying to get Trenton all riled up. He gets in Trenton’s face and is cursing. He swings at Trenton’s face, but he ducks and I get hit right in the cheek. It fucking stings. I feel my head get thrown back. I hold my face on impact. I scream out in pain. Trenton doesn’t know what to do. Kristin comes running up to me. She gets me ice from the bartender. Trenton grabs Jackson and throws him against the bar. He punches him in the stomach and throws him on the ground. I’m happy that he defended me, but hurt that he thinks this is my fault. I’m in so much pain. I’m going to have a major bruise on my face. I may even have to call out of work. This is just a mess.

  The bouncer comes up to me and asks if I want to press charges against Jackson. I tell him no. I don’t want to go through months and months of court dates. I’ll survive and I’ll probably never see this guy again. I just want it to be over with. The bar still wants to call the police on him for disturbing the peace.

  Trenton is still saying he wants to drive me home. I just don’t want to deal with it. I just want my bed. I’m hurt by the things he said to me.

  “I’m sorry Lauren. It’s not my fault,” Trenton says.

  I know it’s not his fault that I got hit, but it’s not my fault either. I never leave my house and he basically called me a tease. I respond by telling him to leave me alone. He’s angry and starts saying he’s not kissing anyone’s ass. Whatever. I just turn my head and he walks away.

  Kristin is great. She’s been a very supportive friend. That’s what I need right now.

  “Kris, I just want to leave.”

  “Sure, let’s go. We’ll drop you off. Will you be okay by yourself? You can stay at my house.” She looks worried.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  We leave the bar and walk to the car. The temperature has dropped, so it’s starting to get chilly out. Add the ice on my face and I’m two seconds away from freezing solid. Pat helps me get into the SUV. I notice Trenton getting into his truck in front of us. I feel kind of bad how I treated him.

  “Pat, can you hold on for a sec?”


  I walk around the SUV. I yell out.

  “Hey pretty boy!” Trenton turns around.


  “Yeah you.”


  I walk closer to his truck. “I just want to thank you for rescuing me. I’m sorry I acted like a bitch. There were a lot of emotions going on in there.”

  “It’s okay. I’m sorry too. Tonight was a mess.”

  “Yeah, well I better get back. Pat’s waiting for me.”

  “Have a great night. Well, despite ya shina.”

  “Yeah, then there’s that,” I half laugh. It hurts too much to laugh.

  “I’ll talk to you soon,” he says and gets in his truck and drives away.

  I get into Pat’s SUV. Kristin says, “I’m so confused. What’s going on with you and Trent?”

  “Nothing, I just thanked him.”

  The ride is quiet. They drop me off at home. I’m so happy…my bed is calling my name.

  As I lay there, I think of nothing but Trenton. I drift off to sleep with images of my personal hero on my mind. We may not be together, but there is definitely something between us.

  Chapter 11


  I’m surprised to hear Lauren’s voice. “Hey pretty boy.” I’m smiling on the inside because she apologized. When she walks back to Pat’s truck, I just get in my truck and pull away. I wasn’t going to ask her if I can drive her home again. I know Pat will get her home safe.

  I think about her the whole way home. I just want to talk to her and take her in my arms. She has such a sadness about her.

  I go home and pass out in my bed…dreaming of her. I keep hearing my phone vibrating while I’m asleep. What the hell time is it? I sleep with dark blind
s in my room so the light doesn’t wake me until my alarm goes off. The clock on my cable box says 9:45 a.m. It’s Sunday and damn I slept late. I try to sleep in because I’m off work on Sundays. I have a million missed calls from Pat, Kristin, Mom, dad, and twenty from Sophia. What the hell is going on?

  Out of all of them I call Pat.

  It’s about time,” he snaps.

  ‘What the hell is going on?” I ask.

  “You have no idea?”

  “No, I just opened my eyes from last night.”

  “You’re all over the internet, tabloid covers…everywhere. Here are some headlines:

  “Sophia Manson’s Ex Beats up Guy on Same Night as new Release”

  “Triple Threat Trenton”

  “How Many Women Does Trenton McNeil Piss Off in One Night?” That’s the best one. There’s a picture of Sophia in the middle. Caitlin slapping you on the left and a pic of you and Lauren on the right which looks like you are having an argument. Here’s another: “Was Sophia’s Release Enough to Push Trenton over the Edge?” It shows her looking all beautiful on the red carpet and you throwing that guy on the ground.”

  “For the love of God, I’m never leaving my house again.”



  “Kristin’s fuming.”



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