Olento Research Series Boxed Set: A Paranormal Science Fiction Thriller

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Olento Research Series Boxed Set: A Paranormal Science Fiction Thriller Page 25

by Sarah Noffke

  I am a friend, Hugo replied in his head to the wild horse.

  What is it that you want? the horse said, its words echoing in Hugo’s mind. He figured that the animal didn’t really speak English, but rather they communicated through feelings or thoughts. He wasn’t sure exactly what this skill of his was or why it had come on after becoming a werewolf. But for a person like Hugo, there was no better gift.

  I only want to enjoy your company, Hugo said in his mind to the horse and then he kneeled down on one knee, bowing low to the mustang.

  A loud whinny rang out of the beast and Hugo stood at once, shielding his face from the dust it unleashed when it stormed away.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Because Middlings soon turned feral after werewolf conversion, the practice of turning the subjects to Dream Travelers was implemented. This kept the men from becoming uncontrollable and stabilized the werewolf conversion.”

  - Olento Research, Canis Lupus Project File

  The coming back to the world was a slow awakening marked by a fierce hunger. Grant opened his eyes to find they worked; actually they worked better than they ever had before. Details that had eluded his attention were now prominent—the lines on the doctor’s face, the individual strands of his white and gray beard, the intricacy of the wire-rimmed glassed perched on the end of his nose.

  “Well, good, you’re finally awake,” Drake said, holding the clipboard of notes. He was always holding notes. Always documenting, which was a strange thing for Grant. “How do you feel?”

  Grant made to sit up and realized at once he was restrained. He eyed his pinned wrists with a contempt he’d never felt before. Usually he was even-tempered, calm. However, there was something stirring in him, like a snake that now lived in his stomach was hissing a round of complaints.

  “Hungry,” he said, yanking at the restraints. “And a little pissed.”

  The doctor raised a bushy eyebrow. “It appears the wolf has taught you a new word. I’ve never heard you use such a profanity,” Drake said, with a laugh in his deep voice.

  “Will you release me?” Grant said, scanning the room for Mika. Where was he? It had been Grant’s hope that his boss would be there when he had been fully transformed. He’d done this for him.

  “I will, but not yet. First, how is your energy?” Drake said.

  “It’s a ten out of ten,” Grant said, knowing the doctor preferred numbers for gauges, rather than adjectives. Grant had always liked that Olento Research dealt in fact. He’d actually liked most things about Olento Research. It was a place where he could belong. Most of the employees, he knew, didn’t have this same affinity, but they also took Mika’s superior reasoning and ambition for granted. One day it would be a world-renowned organization, like Parantaa Research, only better. And he’d be a part of that. He’d be responsible for some of its success.

  Drake scratched a note on the clipboard. “Very good. On the back wall is a chart. What’s the smallest letters you can read?”

  Grant squinted at the eye chart, the one with a series of rows that grew smaller as they descended. He smiled inside. This was going to be fun, and that wasn’t something he was accustomed to experiencing, but now he was a super human. “CAT NO 5055,” Grant said.

  Drake turned to the chart, confusion making his wrinkles deepen. “Where do you see that?”

  “At the very bottom, in the right-hand corner,” Grant said.

  Drake strode over, getting in close to the chart. “You read this?” he said, pointing not to the last row of letters intended for an eye exam, but rather to the tiny print in the corner the manufacturer stamped on the chart for categorization purposes.

  “Yes, that’s right,” Grant said. “Now will you release me?”

  “One more question,” Drake said. “How is your focus, what’s going on inside your head right now?”

  Focus? What a strange question, Grant thought. However, now that he was thinking about it, there was something stealing part of his ability to concentrate, like a background voice that interrupted his passing thoughts. He honed his attention on the distant voice, trying to determine what the inaudible words were. And then he heard it. The wolf’s voice. Its desires. Its complaints. Its unhealthy urges. Grant shook his head. “My focus is a four out of ten. Is that normal?” he said, hardly able to hear his own voice over the wolf’s in his head. Now that he’d placed his attention on it, the animal had grown louder, taken over.

  “You’re a brand new experiment. A super werewolf. We don’t know what normal is until you define it,” Drake said.

  “Can you release me now?” Grant said.

  Drake let out a cold laugh. “Not as long as I’m in here,” he said and strolled for the door. After he opened it, he pressed a key into a lock in the wall and turned it. The metal restraints unclasped on Grant’s wrists and ankles. Grant rubbed the places where they’d worn his skin just as Drake slipped out of the room, locking it behind him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Within the same twenty-four-hour period, twelve men around the country were abducted. The authorities didn’t link the cases, but when cross-examined, the Lucidites determined that the men, between ages eighteen and thirty, were all disconnected from society in one way or another. None were married or established in their communities.”

  - Lucidite Institute, Werewolf Project File

  I’ve never fucked up so badly, and I’ve fucked up a lot, Connor thought as he lay in a bed of crumpled sheets.

  The act of turning his head was akin to running a marathon for him at this point. Still, he overpowered the drug’s effects and pulled his chin around before flinching. The girl who lay on her stomach next to him had a tattoo of a cobra about to strike taking up most of her back. Unfortunately, he knew that the body of the snake was wrapped around her torso, its tail flicking up and resting just over her left breast. Was this Desiree or Starla? He wasn’t sure which Gottimer twin he’d allowed to pull him into this trailer and seduce him. Honestly, he could have been taken advantage of by a troll at this point. That’s how low he’d sunk. Ever since the visit from the guy with the teal blue and neon green top hat Connor’s mind had been burdened with doubt. Before, he’d been coasting, allowing the drugs to carry him from one day to another, from one city to the next. But the man’s words now stuck in his head like an arrow. “You could be great, my boy,” the stranger had said.

  Connor had never considered the notion that he could be great. That was a reality or a goal for others, but Connor was a coaster. He had always simply drifted, thinking that this life was something that just needed to pass. Killing time was his job, until the end came. But now, the idea that he could be something, that his new gift could make him into something more than a drug-addicted loser, was compelling. And as with all times when opportunity presented itself to Connor, he had sabotaged it. The night after meeting the strange man, Connor had gotten higher than he could remember in the recent past and then found himself in this dirty trailer. Now the girl who he wanted to wash from his body and his mind, lay snoring next to him. The regret couldn’t be washed away. The feeling that he’d done something extremely wrong, betrayed himself by betraying someone else, lived in his being.

  Connor rolled off the bed with a thud, his face meeting the slimy shag carpet. He pushed up to his knees, grateful that he could manage such a task. When he thought about it, he didn’t really want to join a circus and be great. However, Connor did want to be something, especially now that the idea had been dangled in front of his face. There was one specific place where he knew his greatness resided, if it was to be found anywhere. But he couldn’t go back. He couldn’t face the pack. He couldn’t face her. With a shaking hand he grabbed the small bag of powder and headed for the door, hitting the wall as he did. There was really only one option left for him, the one he’d been considering for too long. The one that would make everything permanent, and permanently make the pain go away.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Once s
table after werewolf transformation, the subjects were then converted to Dream Travelers using technology from the Lucidite Institute. It involved drugs to enhance the parietal lobe, neural feedback, and subliminal communications.”

  - Olento Research, Canis Lupus Project File

  “What do you mean you were lying about the barbacoa?” Rio said, exiting the dry dock.

  “Man, I get that English isn’t your first language, but you sure have an extremely poor handle on it,” Rox said, striding forward and through the door to the first set of Institute hallways.

  “Maybe you and Adelaide don’t have to be as hard on this guy as you were with the other werewolves,” Zephyr said to Rox from his place beside her.

  She cast a glance back at Rio, who was studying the stainless steel walls of the corridor, his eyes squinting from the bright lights overhead. “Now what fun would that be? I happen to think Rover here will enjoy our little game of banter,” Rox said to Zephyr. In San Diego, she’d enjoyed the way his tone had shifted when it came time to bring Rio down. It had strength, but also humility. Rox had also loved that she had the opportunity to step in and save Zephyr, although she thought he might have managed without her. Or he might have choked to death. Hard to say, really.

  “My name is Rio,” the hulking guy said behind her, his Spanish accent more pronounced on his name. “And I don’t need barbacoa, I’ll settle for any type of beef, as long as it’s rare or preferably raw.”

  Rox shook her head. She’d watched the alcohol wear off on Rio during the long submarine ride. He was probably starving now, with a horrible headache. “No meat at the Institute. These Dream Travelers are all vegetarians. You really should have picked up something before we left land,” she said with a laugh.

  “Well, I don’t care if you say I’m now a Dream Traveler, I’m not giving up meat,” Rio said.

  Zephyr cast him a brief glance and offered a smile. “Nor am I. We will go out for steak later.”

  “Oh, it sounds like a date,” Rox said, winking at Zephyr. “I’m thoroughly jealous.”

  “So I know you, Z, explained all this werewolf business and the Ludtidites, but it still doesn’t make any sense. Why would they want to help us?” Rio said.

  “Lucidites,” Zephyr corrected. “And I’ve been here longer than any other werewolf, and it still doesn’t make any sense. Just wait, because things are going to get stranger before any clarity comes.”

  From a few paces behind the group of three, Kris strolled, undetected by human or werewolf eye. It had been fairly easy to slip onto the submarine in invisible form. What had been difficult was to hold in the sneeze that had tried to escape during the long submarine ride. Someone should tell the blonde wearing skinny jeans that less perfume was more.

  Kris had enjoyed the opportunity to sit down once on the submarine. Waiting at the dry docks for the right submarine, the one Drake had described belonging to the Lucidites, hadn’t been pleasant. However, she’d been rewarded for her efforts and now she knew the underwater top secret place had rescued another werewolf. Mika wouldn’t see it as rescuing, but rather stealing. But she knew that the men had been abducted, since she’d been a part of that collaboration. It hadn’t felt like the right thing to do, but when a powerful man is threatening to undo one’s invisibility by severing their spinal cord then one will comply. Kris hadn’t realized all she was signing up for when she agreed to the invisibility project. The money had been nice, and the missions, like sneaking into the Pentagon, were actually quite fun. She just had to overlook which way her morale indicator was pointing, which was becoming increasingly more difficult.

  Listening to Zephyr and the girl explain the situation to Rio had been the perfect orientation for Kris. Things really couldn’t have been going more smoothly. She was in the Institute, discovering useful information, and one step closer to uncovering the process for teleporting. Mika would reward her with loads more cash for completing this project because as many bad things as she could say about him, he was generous when the time came to pay up.

  Kris paused in the silver and blue hallway when the group did. Oh, great, an elevator, she thought as she boarded, sliding in behind the guy who smelled of gin and sweat.

  “Earlier you said that there were more werewolves. How many are here?” Rio said, looking at Zephyr.

  “Kaleb is here. You’ll like him, and wait until you see his gift. It’s as cool as super strength,” Zephyr said.

  “Thanks, man,” Rio said, a dimple surfacing on his cheek when he smiled.

  “Unfortunately, we had Connor, but he decided to go off on his own,” Zephyr said, frustration creasing his brow.

  “Maybe he just popped out for some meat,” Rio said with a chuckle.

  “Or maybe he changed into a werewolf and attacked the girl you’re about to meet who is also your boss,” the girl with the blonde hair said.

  “Oh, dude, so he ran away, did he?” Rio said.

  “Yeah, but we’re going to find him. You’re going to help me,” Zephyr said.

  Rio nodded proudly. “I know exactly how that feels too. I accidentally shot another officer who was in the line of fire. It only grazed his arm, but the guilt ate me up for a while.”

  “Yes, it’s good you get it. And actually we’re due to change, so let’s hurry up this meeting,” Zephyr said, holding the elevator open for the others to exit first.

  Kris walked behind them, the smile on her face victorious. Connor was out there again. Mika would be delighted to hear this.

  “Oh, bloody hell,” Adelaide said, looking over Rio. “Where the fuck are we supposed to keep him? He’s bigger than a gorilla.” She turned her attention to her boss, Trent. “I think we’re going to have to make the safe room bigger.”

  Trent shook his head, as he usually did when regarding Adelaide. “Welcome to the Institute, Rio. I’m the head of the strategic department and this is Adelaide, the supervising agent on your case.”

  Rio took the guy’s hand at once, shaking it. “I think I’m happy to be here. Beats working as a bouncer and I’m pumped to work on this case after hearing about it from Zephyr.”

  “Oh good, you filled him in,” Adelaide said. “You’re not as worthless as Lipstick,” she added, indicating Rox.

  “Read the Dream Traveler Codex you’ll find in your room. It will fill in many details that I couldn’t cover,” Zephyr said.

  “Look, Runt-the-Time-Stopper is here,” Adelaide said, when Kaleb entered. He looked too happy, and it was probably because Aiden had gushed over his talent for most of the day. However, even she admitted that now being able to stop time, along with knowing the future, was going to be super helpful. Although Kaleb could only pause time for up to a minute, it would still come in handy in cases.

  “Leave the nickname creations to me,” Kaleb said. “I’m way better at it.”

  “Shut your bloody mouth and come lick the butt of our newest werewolf, or whatever you dogs do as far as greetings go,” Adelaide said.

  “This is Rio,” Zephyr said, extending his hand and slapping the large testosterone-filled man on the shoulder. “Meet Kaleb.”

  The two exchanged handshakes, but the look on Zephyr’s face was what caught Adelaide’s attention. He appeared about how she pictured a father looked when reunited with his children. She’d noticed it before with him. It was like the fuller the pack got, the more confident the alpha wolf grew.

  “Okay, I think it’s time for you all to run along to your kennel for the night. You’re supposed to change,” Adelaide said, waving them forward. “We will be monitoring you for the change, but to make my job easier, please do something besides drool on yourself. A good werewolf fight will be rewarded. I might even bring in some Spam for the winner.”

  Rio laughed, seeming more endeared by the jokes than Zephyr was initially. “Well, you two better watch out because I’ll take canned meat over nothing,” he said.

  The group filed out, Zephyr and Rox lingering at the back.

watched the redhead lead the two werewolves out of the strategic department. Zephyr paused, cutting off the blonde from the group. She smiled up at him, a totally over-the-top flirtatious grin. Her eyes drifted to the group, which had left the area, and then she returned to looking at the guy with silver and black hair.

  “After the change,” he said, his voice a whisper. “Tomorrow, maybe… if you want…”

  “Is this your way of saying you want me to take off your clothes tomorrow?” she said, placing a hand on his chest.

  He shook his head but a slight smile shone through on his mouth, even under the short beard. “No, you easy vixen. I was thinking that I’ve sunk so low I’d settle for some time with you. If nothing else maybe it will appease the wolf or bore him to death,” he said.

  “I think I know what the wolf wants and exactly how to appease him,” Rox said, and trailed her hand down Zephyr’s chest before stepping around him and walking out of the room.

  Zephyr released a long breath, his chin down by his chest, and then followed the girl out.

  Kris stepped out from her place in the corner. This was where she’d find out the information on teleporting, and her instinct told her that staying close to Adelaide was exactly how she’d unlock that information and a lot more. That girl knew more than all the rest. It was written in her green eyes and probably inside that brown leather book she had in her grasp during that entire meeting.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Due to the nature of the backgrounds of the men abducted, search efforts for the men were disbanded after roughly three months.”


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