Consummate Betrayal

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Consummate Betrayal Page 6

by Yungeberg. Mary

  The taller one had blonde hair and bulging muscles. When he smiled, all his teeth showed, and she shrank back. “Nah, that’s all right. We want to surprise him.”

  * * *

  Three Days Later

  Rowan tipped the shuttle driver and climbed out the sliding door of the hotel van, stepping carefully through the half-frozen slush. Bracing against the never-ending wind, snowflakes falling thick and fast on his head, in his eyes and down his shirt, he made his way into the airport. Stamping his feet and brushing snow out of his hair, he clutched his coffee mug and muttered vile epithets. His jeans had absorbed the cold and felt like sheets of ice against his legs. Shivering and thinking he should have worn an overcoat instead of his leather jacket, he looked around, expecting to see crowds of people. But the wide hallway stretching from baggage claim at one end of the airport to the ticketing area at the other end was empty. None of the baggage belts were moving. Three car rental agencies sat vacant with not an employee in sight. Didn’t people fly into or out of Sioux Falls at eight o’clock in the morning?

  Heading toward ticketing, the hallway opened to his left and he spotted Chad and Ralph sitting in the airport restaurant talking to an African American police officer. Veering inside, he coasted into the remaining chair at their table. It was warm in the restaurant, and his body stopped shivering. The aroma of frying bacon made his mouth water, but he didn’t have time for breakfast. Ralph had something for him to do. Otherwise he’d still be at the hotel enjoying room service.

  Chad smiled and lifted his coffee cup. Ralph frowned at his Starbucks to-go mug and the police officer held out a hand. “Good morning, I’m Jax. You must be the third member of this special team we’ve got helping us out.”

  Taking in the curling black hair shot through with gray and the muscular body tucked into the chair, he shook hands firmly and smiled at the police officer. “It’s nice to meet you, sir. I’m special agent Rowan Milani, and yes, I belong with these two, more or less.”

  Ralph snorted. “Face it Rowan, if it weren’t for us, God only knows where you’d be. And what’s the matter with the hotel coffee that you have to drink that damned crap? It’s a wonder you have a stomach lining. Wait, maybe you don’t, and that’s why you have such a stellar personality.”

  Ralph loved to give him a hard time, and his boss did have a point. Without his two colleagues, there was no telling where he’d be. But he was dead wrong about the coffee. “Aw hell boss, you know how much I enjoy it. The Starbucks girls at the hotel bring it up to my room every morning, and they gave me my very own to-go mug.”

  Chad rolled his eyes. “By the time we’re finished with this assignment, the Starbucks girls will probably be able to attend whatever college they want, from your tips alone.”

  Mouth opened to retort, he frowned when Ralph spoke before he had the chance. “I’d like you to make nice with a few airline agents and scope out the security here. Jax tells me there are some holes, but he thinks the airline folks can give us specifics. Consider it your opportunity to gain a semblance of redemption in their eyes.”

  Oh hell, he’d love to make nice with the people who blamed him for canceling three flights. Knowing he was screwed, he took a long drink of coffee before replying. “OK boss, whatever you want. Guess I’ll get started.”

  Ralph leveled a knowing grin in his direction. “You can report what you find out tomorrow morning, because that’s when you, special agent Cantor and I will have our next meeting. Seven o’clock sharp at the hotel. By the way, where’s your weapon?”

  He looked Ralph in the eye and smiled. “You’ll be happy to know the Glock is secured. It’s in the safe in my room.” In certain situations, Ralph worried that he’d lose his temper and shoot someone, but that wouldn’t happen today. And he hadn’t lied – his Glock 22 service weapon was in the safe. But he never went anywhere without the Glock 36 holstered inside the waistband of his jeans, in front of his left hip for easy access. He also wouldn’t mention his favorite knife, the lethal, folding Karambit he’d meticulously cleaned after the Mexico op and had just that morning stashed in the inner pocket of his jacket, along with a couple extra mags of forty-five caliber ammo for his pistol.

  Ralph chuckled. “That’s smart thinking, special agent Milani. Have fun with the folks. You’ll find they’re a decent bunch. I explained to management that a case of mistaken identity caused the problems in Denver and consequently with all the flights here. But Rowan – be careful how you conduct yourself.”

  Shoving back the chair, he winked at Ralph and sketched a wave at Chad and the police officer. Sauntering across the two-story tall, main entryway of the airport, he wondered why his boss was sticking him in an awkward situation like this. Because Ralph knew he didn’t want to interact with these people, professionally or otherwise. Irritated with both his boss and the cold air flowing nonstop from the front entrance, he set his jaw for the distasteful task ahead.

  Clusters of people stood at the Delta kiosks, and United had a crowd, but no one was checking in at Legacy. Leaning against the wall across the broad walkway from Legacy Airlines ticket counter, he scanned the area and sipped his coffee. Boarding announcements overlaid the hubbub of passengers, and the old Elvin Bishop song, Fooled Around and Fell in Love echoed throughout the airport as part of the rendition of seventies songs airport management must think represented easy listening. At least it was warm where he was standing.

  While he lounged against the wall, a guy in a red shirt, gray uniform pants and a worn NWA ball cap stepped out of Delta’s back office doorway and surveyed the passengers milling in front of the counter. Then the door to Legacy’s back area opened and a woman looked around, waved at the man and walked over to stand next to him. God, she was sexy. Dressed in black airline-issue sweater and pants, she had long legs and breasts that would more than fill his hands. And her hair…just past shoulder length, it was luxuriously thick and dark, almost burgundy red. Her confident don’t mess with me aura turned him on. Talk about a challenge.

  Lured irresistibly, he found himself walking toward the couple who stood talking like they were comfortable with each other, probably good friends. The woman turned, met his eyes, and went perfectly still. Not sure what he was going to say, he reached Legacy’s ticket counter and stopped, conscious of sweaty palms and his pulse ticking erratically. She stared at him. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  While he waited, she left her companion and walked to the computer terminal in front of him. Looking carefully at her face, he saw something secretive in her eyes. Then she smiled and he lost himself, his gaze lingering first on her mouth and then sliding down to the inviting V-neck of her sweater. Arousal rolled over him in an intense, uncontrollable wave, and he rocked back on his heels.

  Tucking strands of hair behind her ear, she tilted her head and kept staring at him. “Sir, may I help you with something?”

  Tamping down the voracious desire, he dragged his eyes back up to hers and hoped he could keep his mind on the job. Trying to be unobtrusive, he sat his coffee mug on the counter and wiped sweating hands on his jeans. “Is the Legacy manager available?”

  This time her smile dazzled him. “My name is Danielle Stratton, and I’m the Legacy station manager. What can I help you with?”

  It had only been three days since the flight debacle he’d been blamed for, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to tell her his name. Hesitating for only a second, he stuck out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you Danielle. Rowan Milani is my name. I’m a special agent with the FBI and need an escort to show me the airport, inside the sterile area.”

  Incredulity widened her eyes and her lips parted. “Oh my God…it was you. I should have guessed.” Then she blinked and took a hold of his proffered hand with a quivering one of her own. The dampness of her palm matched his. The touch made him want more.

  Extricating his hand from hers, he attempted a smile. “Could one of your agents escort me through the security checkpoint
and show me around the sterile area? I’d be especially interested in hearing insider thoughts and opinions about security or the lack thereof.” If he kept strictly to business, maybe he could forget about the soft warmth of her hand in his. Doubtful, but hell, what choice did he have?

  Practically giving him heart palpitations, she leaned closer. Voice low, she spoke conversationally. “Special agent Milani, none of my employees have gotten over your involvement in those three canceled flights. But I’ll give you a tour.”

  The tour he’d like involved his hands and her body. Clenching his fists, he took a deep breath and held it. For God’s sake – he needed to get a grip. Letting the breath out in increments, he forced himself to focus on her face, instead of the tantalizing V-neck. “That would be fine and please call me Rowan. Do you have time right now to show me around?”

  Nodding enthusiastically, she waved an arm. “Sure, let’s go. I’m assuming you have your official ID? You’ll need it at the checkpoint, unless you want to access the sterile area from outside.” Before he could answer, she looked toward the man she’d been talking to, who was watching them. “Hey Derek, catch you at home if not before.”

  Glancing to where the guy stood, he raised a brow, surprised at the animosity emanating from her friend. Giving the man a nasty smirk, he turned away. A moment later the door to Delta’s back room slammed with an echoing thwack, rattling the wall. He jumped and then snickered. Danielle looked puzzled. “Good grief, what got into him?”

  He shrugged. “Who knows? Hey, I’m not crazy about going back outside, so I need to leave my coffee mug here and touch base with the security supervisor at the checkpoint. I should be on their list.”

  They stashed the mug in her office and headed up the escalator toward the security checkpoint and the concourse beyond. An hour later, he’d seen the entire sterile area of the airport. Danielle spoke intelligently and with passion about what she considered flaws in airport security at Sioux Falls. Her personality, as dramatic as her hair, had him enthralled, and he wanted to spend more time with her. Tagging along behind her down narrow stairs and a grungy hallway, mesmerized by her hips swaying back and forth in the snug pants, he kept walking when she stopped and bumped into her. “Oops, I’m sorry.”

  Looking up, he saw that they’d reached a dented, gray metal door. Placing his left hand against the wall, he thought he should back up, but didn’t want to. Danielle turned and looked up at him with an enticing smile. They were only a few inches apart, but she didn’t seem to mind. “This is the end of my tour. This door takes us into Legacy’s operations center. It’s always locked.”

  Touching her had become an all-consuming need. But he wondered about the man he’d angered on the Delta side of the counter. Searching her eyes, he saw only anticipation and felt his willpower slipping away. “Ah, that guy from Delta – is he your boyfriend?”

  Danielle chuckled. “Derek? We’ve been housemates for almost four years, ever since his divorce. He’s a great guy and a close friend, but he’s not my boyfriend.” When she lifted a hand and ran feather light fingers along the sandpapery stubble on his jaw, he drew a sharp breath. Gazing steadily at him, she said, “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  Reaching out slowly, he touched her hair. “OK, good.” Done talking, desire surging, the look in her eyes finished him off. Wrapping his arms around her, he bent his head to her mouth, half sighing, half groaning in pleasure when his lips touched hers. Soft and willing, they responded with an eagerness that stoked the fire she’d already lit for him, deep inside. Her hands slid beneath his jacket, clung to his back and then drifted downward to settle around his hips. The Glock pressed between them and he felt for it with his hand. Muttering “Just a second,” he fumbled beneath the polo shirt, grabbed the holstered pistol and shoved it deep into his jacket pocket.

  Sometime he’d have to stop kissing her, but not yet. When his tongue touched hers, she moaned softly. His hands smoothed down to caress her firm backside and she followed suit, laughing into his mouth before pulling him tight against her body. Breathing unevenly, heart pounding, he knew he needed to stop, but wondered instead if she’d drop down on the filthy cement floor with him and finish what they’d started. He wanted to – desperately. But a long time ago his father had drilled the importance of respecting women into his hard head. And he planned to give this woman the utmost respect.

  That single thought jolted him. What the hell was he thinking? Nothing – that was the problem. He’d quit thinking when he started kissing her and been carried away by her incredible body. In a matter of weeks or a couple months he’d be gone – back to another third world shithole or a Task Force assignment somewhere else. His lifestyle didn’t tolerate the entanglements of a relationship. Besides, she wouldn’t want a man who had cold-bloodedly killed more people than he could count, even though they were terrorists. No – he needed to get out while he still could.

  He knew Danielle sensed his disengagement, because she pulled away from his lips and lifted her hands to his shoulders. Leaning against the wall, he blinked his way back to reality, reading the confusion on her face. Now he felt like a jerk. Hell, he was a jerk, for leading her on and for leading himself on. He pulled her hands from his shoulders, running the back of one along his jaw before giving it a kiss. Then he let both hands go and looked at her. “Danielle, I’m sorry. This – this shouldn’t have happened. I’m not conducting myself professionally at all. I hope you can accept my apology.”

  The two bright spots of red that appeared on her cheeks should have forewarned him. When she crossed her arms and glared at him, he felt the heat. “Of all the arrogant… You’re not behaving professionally? What does that make me, the local airport whore? Please – accept my apology for being attracted to you and thinking you felt the same way.” While he watched open-mouthed, she put a hand over her eyes. “Oh my God, I’ve never been so embarrassed.”

  Stung by her words, not sure what to say, he stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets. Fuck her. Well yeah, goddamn it, he’d like to. “Wait, you don’t understand. It’s just that I don’t usually do this when I’m on an assignment. I didn’t mean to imply – you’re beautiful and I was – I mean I am attracted to you. Oh hell, forget this.”

  Shoving off the wall, the familiar emptiness settled around him, but it was nothing a bottle of Jack Daniel’s couldn’t fix when he got back to the hotel. Retrieving the holstered pistol from his jacket pocket, he lifted his shirt and stuck it back inside the waistband of his jeans. He yanked the shirt down and shrugged, doing his best to feign nonchalance. “Like I said, I’m sorry. I’ll pass your security concerns along to my boss and I’m sure he’ll want to talk to you as well. You’ve got some valid issues and good ideas.” For a fleeting second he wondered what Ralph would think of this conduct.

  Danielle stared at him and laid a hand on his arm. While he watched, she closed her eyes and opened them, then took a deep breath and exhaled, words coming in a rush. “Look, I’m sorry too, and I don’t usually do this either. I know you’re probably here on a short-term assignment, but neither of us knows what the future holds.”

  What she did next surprised him, but he liked it. Placing trembling hands on either side of his face, she pushed her fingers into his hair and drew his head down. Taking her time, she kissed him, lips tender at first, then more demanding until he put his arms back around her. When she finally stopped, dragging his bottom lip between her teeth, he was damn near gasping for air, all his reasons for walking away burned out of his mind. Swallowing hard, he gingerly probed the inside of his lip with his tongue.

  Attempting to regain his thought processes, he realized that for a man who’d spent years perfecting the art of what he liked to call incidental sex – she created a hell of a problem. Once involved, he knew instinctively that he wouldn’t be walking away after a night of fun. That revelation left him unsure of how to proceed. From the moment he’d laid eyes on her, feelings he wanted no part of had been cla
moring for attention, trying to stage a comeback in his heart. That couldn’t happen to him. It had been too many years and it hurt too damned much for him to ever go down that road again.

  Still inside the circle of his arms, Danielle gave him a captivating smile. “When I saw you step off that plane a few nights ago, I knew you were someone special. No one has ever affected me like that before, and I don’t want to lose what we haven’t had the chance to have. So please, can we start over? Maybe we could go out for dinner and just…talk?”

  He needed to walk away, but he wasn’t going to because he didn’t want to. And she sure as hell seemed to know what she wanted. Closing his eyes in surrender, he crushed her close and murmured into the thick hair. “OK, let’s start over. How about tonight? Just tell me where you want to go and what time. I can even pick you up.” He wondered if he could talk his goofy colleague into playing driver for a night.

  Wishing they could forget dinner and go to his room at the Sheraton instead, he took a deep breath, inhaled the strawberry scent of her hair and stepped back. His thoughts echoed her words – how could she affect him like this when he’d only met her a couple hours ago? Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. Well, maybe it had…many years and another lifetime ago.

  Giving him a carefree smile, Danielle grabbed his hand. “Tonight works for me. We’ll go to one of my old favorites, if that’s all right with you. It’s a restaurant called Minerva’s. They have great food and cozy booths. We can talk about whatever you want. How does seven o’clock sound? Do you want me to make the reservation?”

  The more she talked, the more animated she became, and the more he wanted her. Raising her hand, he grazed it with his lips and watched, smiling at her reaction. It wouldn’t take much for her to lose interest in talking. “Don’t worry about the reservation, Danielle. I’ll take care of everything. We’ll pick you up at seven.”


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