Wildfire and Roses

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Wildfire and Roses Page 24

by Hope Malory

  Beasley leaned back and raised her arms over her head to stretch. When she lowered them, she reached behind her neck, pulled her hair up on the crown of her head, and angled her head back, eyes skyward and chest jutting forward. With that single move, his sex drive ramped up to high gear.

  Did someone turn the heat up in here?

  Her smile dazzled him as it always had. The light, familiar perfume redolent of gardenia, peony, and a hint of orange turned him on. He reached for her. The tender kiss evolved into a white-hot, passionate one when she molded her body to his. He smiled when she trembled at his caress. Longing evident in her eyes, he skimmed his hands over the swell beneath her sweater. As the burning inside him grew hotter, he yanked her turtleneck over her head. He kissed her eyelids, her throat, and the valley between her breasts.

  A moan escaped her full lips, and her skin flushed, sending his libido into orbit. They grasped and tugged at their clothes and left a trail up to the bedroom. Need seized him. She arched toward him, threw her arms around him, and clawed his back. His mind clouded at her muffled cry. He took several deep breaths to quiet the throbbing in his chest—and other parts of his anatomy. He wanted to slow things down to savor their first time, but lust flowed through him like molten lava.

  ~ ~ ~

  Will’s lips on hers shattered any restraint she may have had to resist what was about to happen. Her heart surged, and her senses swam. A desperate yearning mushroomed inside her. An electric spark sizzled between them when their bodies touched.

  Beasley sucked in her breath when he slid his hands over her thigh. Her mind whirled at the achingly sweet sensations throughout her body when he feathered his fingers upward to her center. She melted in his arms like warm chocolate. Skimming her hands to his chest, she investigated his six-pack abs and muscled shoulders as he nibbled her neck and found her lips. Reeling from his tender touch, she drowned in the slow, airless kiss. The air expanded; it was too thick to breathe, and her pulse raced like a wildfire.

  Will’s exploration of her body aroused her to her core. Heat circulated through her blood until she cried out for him. “Will, please.” He entered her. Their bodies moved in unison. Immersed in a tidal wave of hot pleasure, she went under, submerged in the sweet honey of passion. Desire flooded through her as he carried her higher. Liquid fire coursed through her veins when they simultaneously exploded and quivered with release. His skin slick with sweat, he cradled her in his arms.

  No one had ever touched her heart like Will had. With startling clarity, she realized she wanted to wake up next to him for the rest of her life. In that moment, there was no sacrifice too great to cause her to give up the love she had found with Will. This was where she belonged.

  A delicious languor stole over her as she drifted into a deep sleep.

  She awakened before dawn and snuggled up to Will. He stirred and opened his eyes.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Mmm, there’s a handsome man in bed with me. It’s an extraordinary morning.”

  “You’re awake early.”

  She glanced at the clock. It was only five-thirty. “We can sleep another hour or two.”

  “I can think of a few other things we can do with the time.” He reached for her.

  ~ ~ ~

  Squaw Valley teemed with pink-cheeked skiers bursting to ascend the slopes. Fresh powder blanketed the mountains from the snow last night. She could never tire of the picture postcard–worthy sight of the snowcapped peaks and white-tipped trees.

  “I understand from Casey you’re an expert skier.”

  Will shook his head. “Not expert, but I can take the black diamonds.”

  “Black diamonds?”

  “Almost the hardest level of the hill. The double black diamonds are for experts.”

  She smiled. “Where will I be?”

  He gave her a teasing grin in return. “Let’s start with a green circle and go from there.”

  “It doesn’t snow nearly as much in the Smokies.”

  “So, there is one thing I’m better at than you?”

  “You’re impressive at a lot of things—outstanding at some, actually,” she said in a low, seductive voice while batting her eyelashes and grinning.

  “What a boost for my male ego. Good thing we’re in the snow to cool me down.”

  They took the lift to the top of an easier incline. “Let’s start here and see where you are. Show me what you can do.”

  Will gave her pointers on how to use her poles in time with her turns to achieve better balance. He demonstrated edge angles and showed her how to make a wedge with her skis to slow herself down. She learned fast, even picking up some S turns with parallel skis after a couple of hours. By the afternoon, she’d graduated to a blue square, or intermediate hill. The only time she fell was getting off the lift.

  “This is so much fun. You are an outstanding teacher.”

  “Thank you. I’ve skied these slopes all my life and have had some incredible times. Today surpassed them all. All our adventures are better when we’re together.”

  “We are an exceptional team.” She envisioned a life here with Will.

  ~ ~ ~

  After entering the cabin, Will started a fire.


  It was perfect. Having her here felt so right. He loved her beyond words. He had done a lot of thinking since his realization he acted more like his father than he wanted to admit. Before, he would have tried to figure out how to persuade her to move here and have a home with him.

  He and his dad had several conversations since he showed up on Will’s doorstep. They even talked about his refusal to move to East Tennessee for a life with Beasley. His dad had advised him to not be like him and encouraged him to be open to a move if that was what it took to keep her in his life. What a switch. Something to consider.

  He turned on some music. They nestled in front of the fireplace and discussed their day.

  She was so open and honest. Her smile and those expressive eyes with long eyelashes framing them stuck in his brain. No question, she was a part of him now. He would not lose her again. Whatever it takes.

  Since the fire, she had expressed ambivalence about starting over and rebuilding. He’d have to think about the most appropriate way to approach it, but he intended to have a conversation about a future together before she left.

  “Can I interest you in some baked chicken?”

  “Sounds wonderful. I’m starved.”

  He turned the oven on and arranged the chicken in the pan, drizzling the marinade over the top. Beasley helped him prepare the salad and set the table. Thinking how nice it was to work in the kitchen together, he imagined years of similar experiences with her. She tugged at his heart with her self-assured, fearless, and strong-willed, yet diplomatic nature. Most of all, he liked how she made him feel. Before, he thought what they had together existed only in romance novels. Until Beasley came into his life, he’d never experienced a love like this. With her at his side, all things seemed possible.

  After they sat at his rustic farmhouse table, she tasted the chicken. “This is delicious. What is the flavor?”

  “I marinated it overnight in a balsamic vinaigrette, stone ground mustard, and blackberry jam mixture with a little brown sugar and olive oil.”

  “Didn’t know you were such an accomplished cook. I’m super impressed. You can cook for me anytime.”

  After eating, they retreated to the couch. The firelight illuminated her skin and sparkled in her eyes. He leaned in close and kissed her. The electricity at the brush of her warm lips on his sent a shiver up his spine. He moved his hand behind her neck and intensified the kiss. She responded with equal passion.

  The room felt toasty, but she shuddered in his arms. He framed her face with his hands. “Be
asley, I love you. If you aren’t there yet, that’s okay. But I want you to know where I stand.”

  She smiled up at him. “I love you too. Through you, I have learned the meaning of real love.”

  His heart soared. Complete. That word described how he felt. Now he wanted to show her how much he loved her. The passion in her eyes mirrored his own desire.

  Will turned off the music and led her upstairs to the bedroom. He took his time undressing her. His hand fisted in her hair, and he drew her in, teasing her lips with his. Her body molded into his, igniting a fire inside him. After pulling her into bed, he leisurely explored every inch of her. Her breathing deepened, pupils dilated, and when she snuggled against him, he felt her heartbeat accelerate. He couldn’t think—only feel.

  Last night had been wild, passionate, and filled with heat and need. Tonight, he wanted their lovemaking to be unhurried. Taking his time, he took her breast in his mouth. Teasing. Tasting. She responded with a moan and arched toward him acknowledging her need. When he trailed his tongue over the swell, through the valley between, and slowly inched to the opposite side, a gasp escaped her lips. She threw her head back and whispered his name.

  Heat suffused his body when she skimmed her fingers from his chest to his abs and continued downward to stroke him. The exquisite feel of her hand on him propelled him to a new plane. He lost himself in a torrent of sensation.

  When her eyes darkened with desire and she appeared to reach a fever pitch, he slid her under him. They moved as one, and as their passion swelled, their movements escalated to a greater urgency. She drove him to the brink. They crested together and rode the surf all the way down.

  A contented smile on her face, she nestled into the crook of his arm. “I love you.”

  This beautiful lady in his arms stole his heart. She was strong for everyone else, but who was there for her? He wanted to be her rock. He wanted to love all her past hurts away. He wanted her.

  ~ ~ ~

  The sound of the stairs creaking woke Beasley, and a smile bloomed on her face. She stretched, jumped out of bed, and padded into the bathroom for a quick shower. When Will brought a mug of coffee upstairs, she wore only a towel.

  “Well, now. I like that look. I vote we go back to bed.”

  She grinned. “I’d like nothing more, but if we don’t get dressed for the wedding, we’ll be late.” The soon-to-be bride and groom had booked a cruise to the Bahamas for their honeymoon and scheduled the ceremony early, so they could make their flight.

  At Brenner’s insistence, she had packed the red silk dress and ruby necklace once owned by their mother. Beasley took time with her makeup and put her hair up.

  Will whistled when he saw her. “The term stunning doesn’t come close to describing how you look right now.”

  “Thanks. You are quite striking yourself. Let’s go see our friends get married.”

  The ceremony was simple but elegant. The couple radiated happiness. During the vows they had written, Casey said, “Nothing is more precious than our love.” An inexplicably strong connection with her mother gripped Beasley. She sensed her mama telling her love was more important than anything. And seeing Casey so happy, well, she wanted that kind of bliss. The pride and accomplishment she had experienced with her business didn’t compare to her delight when she was with Will. And, he loved her. His words would be forever baked into her soul. She couldn’t imagine her life now without him. Would she be happy with him if she had to leave Azalea Valley or give up Beasley’s Gardens? Those seemed to be less imperative to her now that she was here with him. Perhaps it was time for a change.

  Chapter 30

  Throughout the wedding, Will pictured himself standing with Beasley as they pledged to love and commit their lives to each other. She looked beautiful in her red dress, but he imagined her in a white lace gown saying, “I do.” He wanted to marry her, but he had to figure out how to make it happen.

  No one could accuse her of being impulsive. She was a planner, not someone who followed the current wherever it took her. It might take time.

  She would decide soon about whether to rebuild Beasley’s Gardens. He had limited time in which to persuade her they belonged together. All the hardships she’d endured in her lifetime had resulted in her independent and stubborn streak. This lady was a survivor. With him, she wouldn’t have to do everything alone anymore; she could depend on him.

  Since his conversation with his dad, it occurred to him he was strong-willed and stubborn too. Expecting her to be the one to make the move had been selfish on his part. He had always planned to live his life in Tahoma, but she felt the same way about Azalea Valley.

  He could live in East Tennessee and still be a smokejumper, or perhaps he could work there as a firefighter and support the restoration of the area while helping Beasley reconstruct her business. After reading about the heroic efforts of the firefighters during the Gatlinburg fire, he admired them and the people in that region for their selflessness, generous spirit, and drive to assist their neighbors to restore and revitalize the area.

  Moving might be the only way to marry this girl he had fallen in love with. The idea was not as foreign to him as it had once been. Whatever happened, he hoped to have her by his side.

  “Those two belong together.” Beasley’s words interrupted his musing. She wore a dreamy expression on her face.

  “Yes, they do. Did I tell you how gorgeous you are in your red dress?”

  “Only about three times. I’m glad we’re going to Ms. G’s tonight for dinner. I really like her.”

  ~ ~ ~

  “Come in, you two.” Ms. G hugged Will.

  “Foxy as ever. Thanks for inviting us.”

  Their hostess turned to Beasley, grasped both of her hands, and kissed her on the cheek. “It’s a pleasure to see you again.”

  He and Beasley sank onto the blue sofa facing the fireplace.

  “Will bragged about what a talented cook you are.” Beasley sniffed. “Italian?”

  “Yes, baked ziti, one of Will’s favorites.”

  “You spoil me.”

  “I enjoy spoiling you. Beasley, I’ll tell you some stories about this young man I doubt he’s told you about.”

  “Interesting. I would love to hear them.”

  He groaned and rolled his eyes.

  After they began eating, Ms. G embarrassed him with tales from his misspent youth.

  “Yeah, well, I had a problem with authority.”

  “Did Will mention he almost didn’t get his job at the fire department?”

  Beasley shook her head. “No. Please tell me.”

  “Those fools would not hire him for the position because of his record. After he briefed me, I marched down to the station and asked to speak to the top brass. I shared the circumstances of the DUI. When they asked about the assault, I explained what happened and asked who among them wouldn’t do the same thing. I urged them to reflect on his practical knowledge and qualifications for the job. The next day, they hired him.”

  Will grinned. “They knew better than to tangle with her. This drill sergeant kept me in line when I needed someone to straighten me out, and I owe a lot to her. She also showed compassion and kindness, and she tells everybody I take care of her, but she’s always been the one to take care of me.”

  “Ms. G, the meal was delicious. Let me clear the table since you cooked.”

  “What a sweetheart, but I’ll only let you because I want to discuss something with Will. It won’t take long. Would you mind?”

  “No, I’ll be in the kitchen.”

  After Beasley left, Ms. G took Will’s hand in hers. “Beasley is a nice young lady. Do you love her?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I do.”

  “Enough to marry her?”

  He laughed. “You get right to the p
oint, don’t you? Yes, I want her in my life permanently. We have things to work out, but one way or another, I intend to do my best to persuade her we belong together.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think you’ll have to work too hard to convince her. Will, you are like a grandson. Since I have no family now, I want to give you something that means a great deal to me.” She removed a box from the drawer and handed it to him. “Go ahead and open it.”

  Confusion clouded his brain when he stared at the large diamond ring and wedding band. “But this is your wedding ring. I don’t understand.”

  “Will, I’ll be ninety next month. I’m an old lady. I have little use for jewelry anymore. This ring represents three generations of long, happy marriages. My husband and I had many wonderful years together. I like to think whoever wears this next will also experience a long and blissful union. I wanted to give this to you while Beasley is still here just in case. I see the way you two gaze at each other. You are meant to be together. She seems to be good for you, and I like her. If you love her as much as you say you do, don’t wait. I learned life isn’t forever. Take chances, live life, and love deeply.”

  “I don’t know what to say. Thank you. I do love her and want her to be my wife.”

  “But she lives on the other side of the country, I know. We had this conversation. Don’t let distance be an obstacle. When you love each other enough, you’ll find a way. If it doesn’t work out with her, I still want to give you the rings for whoever you choose to marry.”

  “I can’t visualize my life with anyone else. You can’t imagine how much this means. How much you mean to me.”

  Tears gathered in her eyes. “Let’s join Beasley before I turn into a blubbering idiot.”


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