Fateful Choices: Ten Decisions That Changed the World, 1940-1941

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Fateful Choices: Ten Decisions That Changed the World, 1940-1941 Page 86

by Ian Kershaw

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  Abe Nobuyuki, General


  Italian campaign in

  Adowa, battle of (1896)

  Africa, German colonial ambitions in

  Agnelli, Giovanni


  Italian occupation

  Alexandrovsky, Sergei, at Berlin embassy

  Alfieri, Dino, Italian ambassador in




  Alsop, Joseph, Century Group

  America First organization

  Anami Korechika, Japanese Vice-War Minister

  Anti-Comintern Pact (1936)

  antisemitismin Europe

  in Germany


  in Soviet Union

  see also


  Antonescu, General Ion, Romanian dictator

  Arita Hachiro, Japanese Foreign Minister

  Armelli, Quirino, deputy to Badoglio

  Arta, Greece


  Atlantic Charter

  Atlantic Ocean American convoy escorts

  attacks on American shipping

  British shipping losses

  and effect of Pearl Harbor

  German dominance of as threat to America

  German naval view of

  USS Greer


  war in

  atomic bombs, decision to commission

  atrocities by Japanese in China

  Nanking (1937)


  Tungchow (1937)

  Attlee, Clement, Lord Privy Seal, in War Cabinet

  Attolico, Bernardo, Italian ambassador in Berlin

  Augusta USS





  as possible German base

  Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, chief of Italian General Staff

  and decision to invade Greece

  pessimism about intervention in war

  and preparations for invasion of Greece

  Balbo, Italo, Italian commander and Fascist leader

  Baldwin, Stanley, Prime Minister


  German intervention in (1941)

  Mussolini’s ambitions in


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