Eight Dates With Romance: An S. L. Scott Valentine's Day Collection

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Eight Dates With Romance: An S. L. Scott Valentine's Day Collection Page 12

by S. L. Scott

  The hold on her hand tightened and he said, “I would trade it all to have met you then.”

  “You wouldn’t have thought twice about me back then.”

  “I could have tried to help.”

  “No one could save me, sweet Hazel. Look what happened to my brother when he tried. No, we wouldn’t be where we are now if we had met then. So I would take all the pain, all the heartache again if it brought me right back to us now.”

  He gulped. She was truly the most selfless person he had ever known. It was one of the amazing qualities that had drawn him to her in the first place. “Don’t say that. I would give my life five times over to take away all you were put through.” But wanting to change this topic, he added, “You would have loved prom, Jude. I can see you now, dancing in the ballroom—”

  “I thought they were held in gymnasiums?”

  Smiling, he chuckled. “You do remember I went to one of the most prestigious private schools in Manhattan, right? Dances were never held in the gym.”

  “I always imagined it like in the movies.”

  “A good old slice of Americana served up Hollywood style.”

  “We live near Hollywood now, so we should embrace their customs.”

  “I think I would have preferred in a gym instead of the extravagant events they were at my school.”

  Angling her body toward him, she says, “Okay, tell me more.”

  “There’s either a DJ or a cheesy band. They play music, the punch gets spiked, kids make-out in their hotel rooms upstairs, drink heavily, and most of them do drugs.”

  Her head jolted back. “Well why in the world would you say I would love prom if it’s just a night of debauchery and vices?”

  “That was my prom. But your prom would be awesome. Dancing all night with friends, slow dancing with guys, Prom Queen for sure. You would make the most of the night, like you do every day.”

  “I do like to dance. We should dance more.”


  “I stand corrected. We should dance.”

  Laughing, he turned to her. “We’ll dance then.”

  After a narrow turnoff, the car came to a stop in front of a house that looked like it was about to slip into the ocean it was so wretched. “We’re here,” he announced, putting the car in park.

  Jude sat up, staring at the house. “It’s condemned. The sign says so.”

  “I know. It’s a beautiful sight, right?” He opened his door and got out. After helping her get her footing on the gravel beneath their feet, he said, “Ignore all this. The structure is coming down and it’s a construction site right now, but let me show you the view.”

  His excitement became hers as they walked down, closer to the neighbors lot and saw the ocean on the other side of the dilapidated house. Her hands covered her mouth, but she still spoke, “You didn’t?”

  “I did,” he replied with pride.

  “Oh my God! Hazel, it’s amazing!”

  Waving his hands in the air, he said, “Surprise!”

  Her body was instantly pressed to his with her arms wrapped around him. “I can see it. This is our future home. This is where we are meant to be.” Resting her chin on his chest, she looked up at him. “You bought this property?”

  “I have the papers drawn up. I want your name on them. I want you to own half.”

  She smiled, but was at a loss for words so she closed her eyes and inhaled the salty air. Before they left they walked to the beach and around the current structure. It was dangerous being under construction, so Taylor safeguarded his Jude as they did.

  “Thank you,” she said when they got back in the car to leave.

  “Thank you.” He didn’t say for what. He knew she understood what her love meant to him.


  When they arrived back home, she immediately started shuffling one of the remaining boxes into the corner. “I was hoping to have this done before you got home.”

  He picked it up so she didn’t hurt her foot that she was pushing it with and moved it to the corner. “I’ve got it, and don’t worry. It’s only three boxes. We’ll empty them this weekend.”

  “I didn’t want you to have to.”

  “Jude,” he said, picking up another box, “we’re in this together for a lifetime. We don’t have to rush through life.” He set the box down and picked her up this time. When she laughed, he smiled.

  She smiled not just from him pulling her over his shoulder, but because he had said they will have a lifetime together. She thought that might be the first time, he spoke of his life in the long term and she didn’t just like that, she loved it.

  Flopped onto the bed, she bounced, and squealed until her eyes met his. It wasn’t just lust she saw in his comforting gaze, it was love. Real love. Love that Jude had read about, but never thought she would experience, until she met Hazel.

  He sat down on the bed next to her and ran his hand down her leg. “I’m glad we moved.”

  “Why?” she asked, propping herself up on her elbows.

  “Because I like this. The freedom we feel here. We never had that in New York. There were too many shadows lurking there.”

  She pulled him to her until his head rested on her stomach. Stroking his hair she took a deep breath and slowly exhaled her demons. “I love you.”

  “I love you,” he replied while his hand moved under her skirt.

  Closing her eyes, she relaxed, enjoying the feel of his hands on her body and his love filling her soul.

  ~ Five months later ~

  Jude got into the Town Car when it arrived to pick her up. The driver was courteous and helped her into the back, then handed her another note. She had received the first earlier in the day. It came tucked into a bouquet of wildflowers and read:

  To My Whole World,

  A car will arrive at 6:30 to pick you up. The driver will bring you to me. I’ll be waiting for you. Wear something that makes you feel pretty.

  I’ll see you tonight.

  I love you,


  The thought made her smile. After settling into the back, the car drove away from their house and she opened the second letter.

  Dearest Jude,

  Our history may not be long, but the memories we’ve made together far outweigh the years without you. You have changed my life, opened my eyes to what matters, and made me believe.

  I will never be able to repay you for the love you have given me, and the light you have shone ridding my heart of the darkness. But tonight, tonight I will try.

  I love you more than I will ever be able to express. When you see me, know you’re seeing my own chaos and clarity, calm and serenity, that you’re seeing all of me. Hearts and flowers and the whole shebang. All for you. Only for you.



  Wiping a tear from her eye, she raised her chin and looked out the window, not able to contain the smile crossing her lips.

  Forty minutes later, the car turns onto the small private drive that leads to the lot where they are building their home.

  She sees the foundation has been poured and when more of the house is revealed, she sees Hazel standing next to a table for two.

  The car parked and the driver rushed around to open the door. Standing there, her eyes met Hazel’s and she walked under an archway covered in white flowers right to the man she fell in love with the moment she saw him. Dressed in a black tux, he walked to meet her and took her hands. “Hi,” he said, leaning down to kiss her.

  When they part, she looked up at him. “Hi.” She wanted to ask so many questions, but everything about this very moment silenced her in an appreciation to want to feel it, to absorb, to live it.

  Turning, he led her to the table that was draped in white and teal cloths with large, open white roses centered in a short vase. Hurricane vases surrounded them, containing sand and flickering candles. After tucking her in, he sat down across from her, his back to the ocean and setting sun.

  “Do you
want to move so you can see the view?” she asked.

  “I’m seeing all I ever want to see. I have the perfect view.”

  The smile he gave her melted her inside and she gulped, feeling like the most beautiful woman in the world. “This is a wonderful surprise. Are we celebrating something?”

  “We’re celebrating life, our life together.”

  “It’s the only life I want to live.”

  “You never asked for anything. You still don’t, but what you don’t understand is I want to give you the world like you’ve given it to me.” He took her hand in his again. “I love you, Jude.”

  “I love you, too.”

  A waiter appeared, coming from behind her and served their first course as another filled their champagne and water glasses.

  The courses came and the plates went until all four courses were complete and the candles surrounding the table provided the only light after the sun set. She looked around and then up. “Did you arrange the stars tonight as well, Mr. Barrett?”

  “They shine all on their own just for you, Mrs. Barrett.”

  She could see the candle’s light reflecting in his eyes and admired them like she does every time. “If I hadn’t already fallen head over heels for you, that line would have done it.”

  Taylor chuckled just as a string quartet started playing, “I’ll Stand By You” by the Pretenders. Jude turned around and gasped in awe. Her hands covered her heart as tears filled her eyes. Taylor stood and asked, “May I have this dance?”

  “You most certainly may.”

  Taylor took his wife in his arms, holding her not for formality or others, but how he wanted to—close and intimate. With his head dropped down and their cheeks against each other’s. They rocked back and forth under the sky that shined for these star-crossed lovers.

  “It went too quick. The whole night is magic.”

  Taylor sat next to her in the car as it pulled away and replied, “It’s not over.”

  “You don’t have to do anymore. This was perfect.”

  “This was for me to say thank you for marrying me, for being everything I needed before I knew I needed it, and for loving me when I thought the prospect impossible.”

  Jude leaned her head on his shoulder and they drove the next ten minutes, enjoying the peace that existed between them. When the car pulled into the private school parking lot, Jude was curious. “Where are we?”

  “Just wait,” he replied with a twinkle of mischievousness in his eyes.

  They walked toward the big brick building and entered through a side door. Jude’s mouth dropped open. Stepping forward, she still couldn’t believe her eyes and blinked several times. Strobe lights. Crepe Paper hanging from the ceiling. Fruit punch on a table off to the right. A DJ on the stage playing popular songs from a few years ago. All the details were taken care of and she jumped up in excitement, clasping her hands together. “You didn’t.”

  “I did.”

  “Hazel Barrett, is this what I think it is?”

  “Judith Barrett, will you go to prom with me?”

  “Yes. Yes. Yes!” She ran to the middle of the gymnasium and twirled under the disco ball that hung high in the air from the rafters. “This is the most amazing night ever.”

  Her skirt flowed out as she spun around. When she stopped, she laughed. Reaching forward she called him to her. “C’mon Prom King. Dance with me.”

  Somehow his walk turned into a strut and when he reached her he twirled her right into his arms. “Welcome to your prom.”

  “You’re full of surprises.”

  His eyebrows waggled, and he said, “Wait until after prom.”

  They laughed, but the song changed and she had to dance so she scuttled away and moved her body how the music made her feel—alive. Taylor danced with her until he was wiped. He poured them both some fruit punch that he didn’t spike since Jude wasn’t a big drinker.

  She ran to him, full of excitement, full of life. “This is so incredible. I love it. I love all of it.”

  He handed her a glass of punch. Her exuberance couldn’t be contained, so he took the cup from her as she swayed so it didn’t spill. The music lowered and the DJ announced, “It’s time to crown Prom Queen and King.”

  Jude turned to Hazel, and said, “Fingers crossed. I hope I win.”

  The DJ spoke into the microphone, “This year’s Prom King is Hazel Barrett. Come up here and help me crown our Queen.”

  Jumping for joy, Jude’s arms wrapped around his neck. “Congratulations!”

  Taylor was too busy laughing to respond. Her joy was contagious. Before letting him go, she added, “He called you Hazel.”

  “Of course.” He hugged her tight and then walked to the steps along the side of the stage and got the crown from the DJ. After placing it on his head, he opened the envelope and said, “And this year’s Prom Queen is Jude Barrett.”

  He struggled to see her with the spotlight shining right into his eyes, but he heard her squeal and that was enough to know how happy she was.

  She ran up on stage and stood facing the empty gymnasium. Taylor set the sparkly tiara on her head and kissed her cheek. “Congratulations.”

  Turning to him, she kissed him on the mouth. Their bodies embraced and the music got louder. Parting, she glowed, her eyes alight with everything good as she stared into his eyes. He said, “We get to do the King and Queen slow dance.”

  Taylor nodded to the DJ and he started the song just as they reached the center of the dance floor. As soon as “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran started playing, he picked her up around the waist and spun around.

  Jude stretched her arms above her head and leaned back. Freedom and happiness engulfed her. When her feet touched the ground again, she leaned her head against him and they slow danced.

  As the song came to an end, she teased, “I’m thinking this was rigged.”

  “I might have padded the votes.” He shrugged.

  “You didn’t have to go to all of this trouble. You were getting lucky later anyway.”

  “No regrets. Worth all the trouble.”

  The DJ said, “Have a great night. Drive safe.”

  The enthusiasm left her, and she started feeling a little sad. “I don’t want this to end.”

  “It never will, beautiful. We have forever ahead of us.”

  She sighed happily. “So true.” As they walked hand in hand toward the exit, she asked, “Can we stop for ice cream?”

  “Mocha Chocolate Chip?”


  He kissed her—good and hard with all he had to give, then said, “Never change, okay?”


  The End.

  CONTINUED in the Bestselling standalone novel, Until I Met You.


  About the Author

  Always interested in the arts, S. L. Scott, grew up painting, writing poetry and short stories, and wiling her days away lost in a good book and the movies.

  With a degree in Journalism, she continued her love of the written word by reading American authors like Salinger and Fitzgerald. She was intrigued by their flawed characters living in picture perfect worlds, but could still debate that the worlds those characters lived in were actually the flawed ones. This dynamic of leaving the reader invested in the words, inspired Scott to start writing with emotion while interjecting an underlying passion into her own stories.

  Living in the capital of Texas with her family, Scott loves traveling and avocados, beaches, and cooking with her kids. She’s obsessed with epic romances like The Bronze Horseman and loves a good plot twist. She dreams of seeing one of her own books made into a movie as well as returning to Europe. Her favorite color is blue, but she likens it more toward the sky than the emotion. Her home is filled with the welcoming symbol of the pineapple and finds surfing a challenge though she likes to think she’s a pro.

  Visit Scott at www.slscottauthor.com

  To receive the latest information on
her books and S. L. Scott news, sign up for the newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/WuIVH

  Books by S. L. Scott

  Hard to Resist Series - New York Times and USA Today Bestseller

  The Resistance

  The Reckoning

  The Redemption

  Welcome to Paradise Series - Bestsellers

  Good Vibrations

  Good Intentions

  Good Sensations

  Happy Endings

  From the Inside Out Series - Bestsellers





  Stand Alone Books

  Until I Met You - Top 100 Bestseller

  Naturally, Charlie - Top 100 Bestseller

  A Prior Engagement - Top 100 Bestseller

  Lost in Translation - Bestseller

  Sleeping with Mr. Sexy - Bestseller

  Morning Glory




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