"I'm sorry, Grey. I don't know what's wrong with me." I backed up against the door, pulling my jacket up over my chest as I struggled to get control of the emotions flooding my mind.
"Talk to me," he said, sitting up on his elbows as he watched me intently.
"I'm not sure I can do this. I need some space, some time to think and clear my head."
Grey sighed, pulling his leg from under me to sit up all the way. "This feels way too familiar, Claudia." He slipped his arms back into his hoodie before he looked at me again. "I agreed to be friends, said I wouldn't push for more, but you keep sending me mixed signals. Is this a game to you?" He placed his hand on his forehead while his elbow rested on top on the seat back. "Because it's starting to feel as though you're just playing with me."
"No, Grey, it's not that." I inched closer and put my hand on his knee. "This is all new to me. I know I'm fucked up and this isn't fair to you, but I--" I turned away from him and put both hands on top of my head. "Ugh! I just don't know what to do. I don't know what I want!"
"Well, I do. I want you; I think I've made that abundantly clear. And I think you do know what you want, you're just scared to admit it to me, maybe even to yourself."
I stared at the red stitching on the back of the seat in front of me, not wanting him to see the tears welling in my eyes.
"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I'm not going anywhere. Well, I'm going to leave now and go for a run, or maybe grab a cold shower..."
I chanced a glance at him and saw a smirk turning up one side of his mouth.
"What I mean is I'm not going to let you push me away." He reached over and stroked his thumb over my cheek. "Someday you're going to figure out this is real, that you can trust me. I'm willing to wait for you to get there."
I nodded, unable to speak over the knot in my throat.
He leaned over and kissed my cheek before he opened the door. "You're still coming to dinner tonight, right?"
I nodded again.
"Good, I'll see you then." He stepped out of the car and closed the door behind him.
I stayed there, watching as Grey jogged back toward the running trail, wondering what in God's name was happening to me before I finally zipped up my jacket and drove home.
The car Grey promised arrived promptly at four thirty, though I'd wondered if he would show up himself instead. When we'd made the plans he was going to be flying home the same afternoon, but he'd come back early for my birthday. I supposed he was giving me the space I'd insisted I needed.
I'd decided on a gray pencil skirt and black ruffly blouse for the occasion. I left my hair down and finished the look off with a pair of cherry-red heels and the tennis bracelet Grey gave me.
He would appreciate the gesture, although I had no idea what message I was trying to send. My head was telling me to stop, to finish the job, and leave before I made things any worse. My heart was telling me something else.
After riding for about thirty minutes, we turned off the road and drove up a long, winding driveway through some trees to what could only be described as a mansion. The landscaping was exquisite with a fountain showcased in the center of the round driveway of the courtyard.
We came to a stop where Grey was waiting dressed in a pair of khakis and a polo, leaving me feeling a tad bit overdressed.
"Your parents' house is amazing," I said, taking Grey's offered hand as I slid from the car. "I hope I'm not overdressed."
"You look beautiful." He did a double take of my wrist when I threaded my arm around his elbow. "I'm glad you decided to keep it."
"I liked it too much to return it," I said, running the fingers of my other hand over the stones in the bracelet he'd given me.
"Claudia, it's so nice to see you again!" Bethany Michaels pulled me into a hug as soon as we entered the dining room.
"Thank you so much for inviting me, Bethany. Your home is breathtaking," I said, looking around the tastefully decorated space.
In a whirl, I was practically passed around the room from one Michaels family member to another, starting with his father Carter and then his younger brother Chad.
"It's good to see you again, Claudia." Chad took my hand, but a glance at Grey made him drop it without a Michaels signature kiss to the back of a lady's hand.
It'd been a really long time since I'd been part of a family dinner. The last was probably for Jessica's birthday a few years before.
I could feel Grey's eyes on me as Gregory approached, his hand on the small of Elsa's back as they walked toward us.
"Claudia, this is my wife, Elsa," Gregory said with nothing short of pride and love in his tone and his eyes.
Elsa didn't skip a beat.
"It's lovely to meet you, Claudia. I've heard such wonderful things," she said with a genuine smile.
"Likewise." I shook her hand. I couldn't detect any hint of confusion in her eyes, if anything she seemed amused by my presence. I wondered if she knew Bethany had invited me.
"Grey, why don't you give our guest a tour of the house," Bethany suggested. "We still have some time before dinner will be served."
"Shall we?" Grey offered his arm. I took it, glancing at Elsa who was smiling at me with a knowing expression. I had no fucking clue what was happening.
"You look gorgeous," Grey said, stopping before we walked out of one of the five guest bedrooms in the home.
"You mentioned that already," I replied, nudging him.
He flashed me a big smile. God he was sexy, especially when he smiled. He ran his thumb over the tennis bracelet adorning my wrist. "I love seeing this on you," he whispered, stepping closer.
I'd had all day to think, and I still wasn't much clearer on what I was doing.
Fuck it.
Those were the words running through my head when I gripped the back of his head and pressed my lips to his. He smiled against my mouth, and I seized the opportunity to trace the inner seam of his lips with my tongue before I pulled back.
"What are you doing to me?" he whispered against the side of my face. He gripped my waist with ardent possession.
"I could ask you the same question." I slid my hands over the front of his shirt.
He pushed his fingertips through my hair and captured my mouth again with his delicious lips. I moaned and he snaked his arm around me, pulling me closer as his tongue swirled around mine.
"We should get back before someone comes looking for us," he said, pulling back with a smile, his eyes dark with unquenched desire.
The walk back into the dining room felt a bit like a walk of shame when all heads turned our way. I was certain everyone knew something happened between Grey and me. If they did, no one said a word. I'd seriously gone off the deep end. It was as though no matter what was at stake, no matter the consequences, I couldn't control myself when it came to Grey. From the first time we met, it was as if we'd gotten trapped in each other's orbit with no prayer of escape. No matter how I tried to push him away, he couldn't stay away for long.
Since the dawn of mankind, humans had been fighting against the forces of nature but one way or another, nature always won. Perhaps it was time I accepted that. Even though the thought scared me, I found myself smiling.
Everyone was already seated at the table, conversing and laughing when we took our seats. I chanced a glance at Elsa. She was talking to Gregory but watched me with a curious expression. The kitchen doors swung open as three workers carried in family-style bowls and platters of salads and appetizers. The aromas filling the spacious room were positively heavenly, so much so my appetite flared despite my anxiety.
I was just about to take a bite of a strawberry salad when the doorbell chimed. A few moments later Ashley Slade appeared in the doorway.
"Sorry I'm late," she said, surveying the room. Her gaze stopped on Grey and her eyes glinted, like a predator first sighting their next meal. Her expression changed significantly when she saw me sitting next to him.
"Ashley dear." Bethany got u
p and walked over to her. "I thought you couldn't make it to dinner this week."
She looked at Grey and then me apologetically. Why would she feel the need to apologize to me?
"My plans fell through and I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd stop by."
I could feel the tension rolling off Grey as Ashley stared at him.
"Hi, everyone," she said to the room. "Hi, Grey."
I don't know what came over me, but I grabbed Grey's hand under the table and leaned closer to him. Gregory noticed and nudged Elsa. Grey relaxed and looked at me, smiling that easygoing, sexy smile of his.
Ashley's expression fell to disgust before she stormed over to the table to take an empty seat by Chad, which thankfully was on the opposite end of the table.
Grey held my hand off and on for most of the meal, only letting go when both hands were necessary for eating. Sometimes he stroked my thigh. Sometimes I stroked his. We couldn't seem to stop touching each other. I'd flipped a switch I wasn't sure I could un-flip, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to.
Despite Ashley's hostile presence, the evening was pretty great. The food was delicious, and Grey's family was beyond welcoming.
Grey excused himself to use the restroom just before dessert was served. Ashley stood, presumably to follow, but Elsa intervened, asking her something about a class she was taking.
Bethany came over to me right after Grey disappeared down the hall.
Leaning down next to me, she said quietly, "It's been a long time since I've seen him this happy."
I didn't know how to respond, so I just smiled. She squeezed my shoulder before walking back to her seat. She sat down and whispered something to Carter who glanced at me and winked.
"I missed you," Grey whispered next to my ear before he took his seat.
"You were gone two minutes," I replied with a grin.
"So, I still missed you," he said, touching my knee.
Ashley seemed to have had enough at that point and dropped her napkin on the dessert she hadn't touched.
"I'm actually not feeling well. I think I'm going to head home," she said, looking around. Her gaze landed on Grey, who didn't even acknowledge her.
"I hope you feel better," Bethany said, standing again. "Let me walk you out."
Bethany returned a moment later and smiled at me again.
I devoured my slice of chocolate mousse pie and may have had a second piece, before I squeezed Grey's hand and leaned over to him.
"I should get going."
"Come home with me?" he whispered.
"I shouldn't. I just need a little more time to figure all this out." I stood to leave before he could protest.
"Thank you for inviting me to dinner. I had a lovely time and the food was excellent, but I need to get home."
All of the men stood. I looked up at Grey, he was about to speak, but Gregory beat him to it.
"Let me walk you out." He came around to escort me to the car. To say I was surprised was an understatement. Elsa, whom I'd found impossible to read all night, gave me a little wave and a smile. I looked to Grey as I took Gregory's arm. Instead of the irritation I expected, his expression was calm, pleased even.
"I wanted to thank you, Claudia, for what you did for Grey," Gregory said as we stepped outside. "The whole situation with Ashley, it's hard on him, hard on all of us because of our family connections. I think it's why he stayed away so long. She really hurt him and it took a long time all of us to forgive her, but we did because that's what we do. She has always been like family, and we don't turn our backs on each other in this family."
Unconditional love, it was a novel concept for me.
"There's no need to thank me."
"He really likes you. I could see that the first time we met," he said with a smile.
Not knowing what else to say I smiled back.
"I think Ashley wants him back. My mother certainly thinks she does, but none of us want to see that happen, not even Ashley's parents."
My confusion tugged at the corners of my mouth. They didn't know about Ashley's affair so why didn't they want her with Grey.
"We all love her, but Ashley is a complicated woman. She's selfish and impulsive. Even before she left my brother, there were problems we could all see, but he wouldn't listen to reason. I think someone new might be just what he needs to keep history from repeating itself," he said, smiling down at me as he helped me into the car. "Have a good night."
"You, too, thank you, Gregory."
He closed the door and I sunk back against the seat.
I hadn't liked Ashley from the first moment we met, before I knew who she was to Grey, but hearing Gregory suggest I'm what he needs made me realize I'd been exactly what they all thought she was and more. I was selfish, impulsive, untrustworthy, and more convinced than ever Gregory was innocent. If they ever found out the truth, they would all hate me. Elsa was family. They could forgive her for her part in my deception, and who would blame her anyway after those pictures she received? But me, I wasn't family. I was there for money; there would be no forgiveness for me.
"How'd it go tonight?" Grace asked before I'd even closed the front door. I'd just stopped to pick up some clothes before I headed to the other apartment. Grace was going to be having company, and I wanted to stay out of her way.
"It was really nice," I replied honestly as she followed me back to my room.
"How did Elsa seem?"
"She seemed, happy," I said, thinking back to her demeanor during dinner.
Grace frowned.
"You should have seen them together. You know me; I wouldn't exaggerate. Gregory adores her. I think he might actually be the exception to the rule."
"Well, shit. Are you sure they didn't brainwash you at this dinner?"
"Ha, no, but I'm certain we need to focus our energy on the business angle of this case, find an explanation for those pictures and why Gregory hasn't told Elsa about any of it."
"It's your call. If you can't turn his head, then I can't imagine anyone ever will." She smiled.
"Speaking of turning heads, you look nice," I said. "When's Jared coming over for dinner?" I waggled my eyebrows as I stuffed a few things into my bag.
"He had to work late, but he should be here soon."
"What did you say he does for a living?" I asked, although I knew she hadn't mentioned it before.
"Oh, um, he works security. That's what he was doing at the gala when I met him."
Something was definitely up, but I was exhausted and decided to let it go. "I'll get out of your hair, then." I walked back toward the kitchen. A loose floorboard I'd been meaning to get fixed for months squeaked under my feet as I passed by.
"Are you sure you don't want to wait and at least say hi?" She picked up the corkscrew and a bottle of wine.
"Maybe next time; I'm so tired. I've been up since a little before five. Have fun."
Standing in the elevator, I was relieved I wouldn't have to talk any more about my night or the job or anything. I could just sink into a nice hot bath, drink a glass of wine, or maybe the whole bottle, and go to bed. I needed a good night's sleep and hoped maybe things would suddenly be clear in the morning.
Twenty minutes later, I was in my other apartment and slipping down into the tub until the water covered everything but my head. I reached a soapy arm out to grab my glass of Cabernet as the sultry sounds of my favorite old Fiona Apple album filled the air. It'd been the soundtrack to my teenage years and seemed appropriate because I hadn't been so confused and unsure of myself since I was that age.
Thinking I'd heard something, I turned down the music with the remote. I'd been soaking for so long my fingers were soft and pruney, so I decided to get out and head to bed. Just as I'd slipped on my robe, I heard a faint knocking sound. The hairs on my arms stood as a variety of scary scenarios involving poltergeists and killer dolls briefly flashed through my mind. I tended to be a little jumpy when I was alone at night. Laughing at myself, I tied
the waist of my robe and tiptoed down the hallway to investigate the noise. As I got closer to the kitchen I heard a light knock on the door. I moved closer and peered through the peephole.
"You don't have to let me in, but I couldn't stop thinking about you," Grey's deep voice said through the door.
I smiled, realizing I'd been hoping he would come over since the moment I'd walked out of his parents' house. I wasn't entirely sure I deserved him, but I wanted to find out if someday I could. I looked down at the water that dripped down my legs and puddled by my feet. What was there to fight anymore? The job had changed. I could honestly say I believed Gregory was faithful to Elsa, and between Bridget, Lydia and the investigators Patty hired, it wouldn't be long before we knew exactly what was going on with Kristen Page. I'd have to find a way to explain everything to Grey eventually. I still had no idea what I would say or how he would react, but I was slowly finding my way and I felt a kind of hope for the future I'd never imagined.
Opening the door, I didn't say a word before I backed up a little and tugged the belt of my robe. The tie came undone easily and the satiny fabric parted a few inches in the front. Grey hissed and stepped toward me before crashing his lips down on mine. I pushed my hands into his thick hair as he backed me into the room and kicked the door closed behind him. I tugged at his shirt, pulling the bottom free from his khakis as we kissed wildly. He followed my lead, breaking our kiss for just long enough to pull it over his head and toss it somewhere while I moved to the buckle of his belt.
I pulled him down the hallway as I slipped the belt free and let it fall to the hardwood floor. He pulled my robe off my shoulders and let it drift to the ground. Goose bumps covered my bare skin. Backing away from him while he kicked off his shoes and pants, I sat on the bed, legs spread wide. I traced my hands slowly from my knees and up my inner thighs while he stood in the doorway, his large cock hung heavy to one side. I moaned as I let my fingers drift ever so lightly over my swollen clit and then down between my wet soft folds.
Keeping my eyes on Grey, I put my fingers in my mouth slowly and sucked off the moisture. He growled low in his throat but remained where he was, watching me with eyes darkened by desire. I moved my hand back down between my legs, circling my clit slowly.
Homewrecker Incorporated Page 19