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You'resoUnromantic3 Page 2

by Rolan Graeme

  “Sleepy now?” Nick whispered.

  “Yes, but it’s so nice to be here next to you that I’d almost rather stay awake, if you know what I mean.”

  “You’re sweet.”

  “And you’re wonderful,” Austin blurted out.

  “Me? Wonderful? That’s a laugh.”

  “No, it isn’t. It’s true. I’m crazy about you.” Austin relaxed in Nick’s brawny arms, both their bodies stretching out like a pair of big cats. He sighed softly as Nick’s hand caressed his chest, rubbing one lust-swollen nipple gently.

  “God, Austin, how I missed you while you were out of town for the weekend. It seemed like an eternity until you came back. If only you weren’t so much younger than me.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t harp on that subject so much. What’s that got to do with anything, Nick?”

  “Well, after all, you’ve still got your whole life ahead of you,” Nick explained, hugging Austin closer to him. “Whereas I’m what they call a man with a past. A sordid past,” he specified. “And a not all that respectable present, come to think of it.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “The porn, and the hustling, really doesn’t bother you, does it?”

  “Not much. It’s part of you. It must’ve helped to make you what you are now. You wouldn’t be the same person, otherwise. Admit it, Nick. You knew the first time we laid eyes on each other, there in the coffee shop, didn’t you?” Austin whispered, his mouth pressed close to Nick’s ear, his breath warm and stimulating.

  “Knew what?” Nick asked sleepily, his voice muted by sexual fatigue.

  “That we’d end up in bed together, and not just for a one-night stand, either. You knew back then what I wanted, and I bet you know what I want now.”

  “You think so? Let’s find out.” Nick playfully rolled over, until he was positioned on top of his bedmate. The hardness of their chests, bellies, and cocks met. Nick casually let his hand slide under the quilt and work beneath Austin’s ass, searching with his fingers for the hidden pucker. “Is this what you had in mind, maybe?”

  “You must be a mind reader. Actually, though, there really couldn’t be a wrong answer. I don’t care what we do, as long as I do it with you. You know I like it either way.”

  “So do I. Let’s fuck, Austin. Let’s fuck right here, in front of the fire.”

  “Uh, we need, you know, Nick, rubbers, and some lube. And they’re upstairs, aren’t they?”

  “I’m afraid they are. I forgot to bring them down with me. I was too busy making sure you didn’t see your present.”

  “I hate the thought of getting out of this nice warm bed.”

  “I propose a division of labor,” Nick said. “I’ll go get the rubbers and the lube. You put another log on the fire, and keep that beautiful butt of yours nice and warm for me.”

  He slipped out of the bed and padded up the stairs, nude. Austin sat up and replenished the fire. He had a sudden inspiration. He went into the kitchen, and returned with the bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He and Nick met at the foot of the staircase. Nick was carrying, in addition to the box of condoms and a bottle of liquid lube, two fresh towels. Both men shivered a little as they smiled at each other.

  “This is a nice place Steve’s got here, but parts of it are drafty,” Nick whispered.

  “Yeah. I thought we could use a nightcap,” Austin said, indicating the bottle.

  “Good idea.”

  They retreated to the comfort of the hearth. Austin poured them out a couple of stiff belts of the whiskey. Nick touched his glass to Austin’s.

  “Happy birthday, again, and many happy returns. And here’s to cold nights, warm fires, and good friends,” Nick whispered.

  They drank.

  “Oh, this goes down real smooth, but I’m sure it’ll go right to my head, too,” Austin said.

  “Yeah, to your head, in more ways than one,” Nick teased him.

  “If I get you drunk, Nick, can I have my way with you?”

  “Baby, you can have your way with me cold sober, any time.”

  “Can I fuck you?”

  “Think you’ve got what it takes, Mr. Average Sized Penis?”

  “I know I’ve got what you like,” Austin boasted, as he finished his drink.

  “You’re very persuasive, young man,” Nick said, opening his thighs to let Austin’s lower body sink between them. He lifted his legs to clamp Austin’s waist. He growled once when Austin’s condom-sheathed and well-lubricated prick found his ass hole, and he growled again, a deep throaty rumble of pleasure, when the hard inches penetrated his sphincter muscle and entered him in one easy slide from the cockhead all the way to the root.

  “Oh, that feels absolutely sensational,” Nick whispered, staring up into Austin’s eyes. “It feels so good, it makes me want to yell, but we can’t make too much noise, remember? Maybe I should’ve brought along a gag when I packed. But it wasn’t supposed to be that kind of a weekend. Not for you and me, anyway!”

  “The other guys must all be fast asleep by now. Or they’re doing what we’re doing,” Austin suggested. “But we don’t have to talk. Let’s just fuck!”

  They started to fuck in front of the fire. Austin put his hands under Nick’s body and gripped his behind, raising it to impale the man’s ass hole on the full length of his prick. Then he leaned forward and covered Nick’s torso with his, their chests pressing together. Nick’s penis throbbed against Austin’s taut stomach muscles. Austin nibbled at Nick’s slack lower lips, and both men shuddered as Austin’s cock began to stroke back and forth within the tight, hot clasp of Nick’s anus.

  Austin covered the other guy’s mouth and gave him a long kiss. Nick’s breath was sweet, the sweetness of hard liquor. Austin thrust his tongue inside his mouth to taste it better, and Nick’s reacted by curling his tongue, which felt unusually long and supple, around Austin’s. Austin drew it deep into his own mouth and sucked at it. They both shook with passion again as Austin’s cock pumped faster. They broke their kiss, panting, staring hotly into each other’s eyes.

  Austin straightened up a bit, still fucking, and reached down between their bodies to find Nick’s balls. They squirmed in his warm hand like two living creatures trapped in the hairy scrotal sac. Austin weighed the pouch in his palm. It was as dense and heavy as a sand bag the same size would be. He ran his thumb up the underside of the penis, toward the dribbling tip. Nick shivered, but surely not, this time, because he felt chilled.

  “Don’t jerk me,” he whispered hoarsely. “I’m liable to shoot before I want to if you rub my dick like that.”

  “I’ll make sure you don’t,” Austin promised. “In fact, you’re going to shoot when I want you to, this time, stud.”

  Austin held Nick’s cock lightly and fastened his mouth on the other man’s again, rubbing his entire body erotically against him, like a cat. The downy hair on Nick’s hairy chest and belly sent electric shocks down the front of Austin’s body. Both men’s nipples were swollen to the bursting point from their intense arousal. The friction was unbearably erotic!

  Austin pushed both his hands into the tight, sweaty space between their chests and found Nick’s nipples. He began working the two tits back and forth with his thumbs and forefingers, pinching and rolling and tugging at them until Nick, his tongue drilling in and out of Austin’s sucking mouth, was writhing under Austin’s weight in a frenzy of arousal. His ass convulsed madly around Austin’s rutting cock.

  They were surrounded by heat. The thick, soft bedding under them cushioned and warmed their flesh. The pillows and the quilts heaped around them rubbed at their hips and thighs as they writhed in a languorous rhythm against each other’s bodies. The fire blew its hot breath over their skin as sweat dripped from their pores and trickled down their united bodies. The entire surface of Austin’s body tingled exquisitely from the pressure of Nick’s tight ass hole around his prick. Austin had settled into a firm humping rhythm, twisting down into Nick’s butt in a huge c
ircular motion, his prickshaft driving in and out of the other man’s husky body in a machinelike manner that was reducing Nick to jelly, vibrating, wildly excited jelly!

  Still kissing Nick, Austin released his aching nipples and worked his hand between their two pelvises and found the long shaft of Nick’s cock again. It filled his fist like a club. Nick groaned as Austin’s fingers stroked him with provocative delicacy. He thrust at Austin, fucking his bedmate’s hand, obviously no longer worried about coming too soon. Austin jerked Nick’s foreskin down over the glans of his penis, stretching the already tight skin. His fingers made expert kneading motions, rubbing the thick plum-like cockhead against his stomach muscles, feeling its sticky wetness smear across his skin.

  It seemed to be almost too much for Nick to take! He panted like a steam engine, every muscle in his hard body taut and straining. Austin could feel the preliminary tightening within his prick and balls. Instantly, Austin gave the shaft a corrective squeeze at the right place, just under the head. Nick gasped, but his erection softened ever so slightly and he was no longer in danger of exploding. Exhaling sharply, he worked his anal muscles against Austin’s cock, and a moment later Austin could feel Nick moving against him, in the same steady rhythm they’d been fucking in before.

  Austin dipped his head and sucked one of Nick’s huge hard nipples into his mouth. He manipulated it energetically with his lips and tongue. The violence of it excited Nick almost beyond endurance! Austin’s hand was still between them, rubbing his frantically aroused cock and swollen nuts, his fingers anticipating Nick’s every ripple of sensation and quickly acting to prolong and intensity it. The dimly lit living room, deep in shadows except for where the firelight fell upon them, seemed to disappear, until Austin was floating weightlessly in a hot red universe where his overloaded senses could take in only a fraction of his surroundings. Among the few things he was aware of were the cherry red glow of the blazing fire, the scent of the smoke rising up the chimney, and their own mingling sweat and funk as he screwed Nick and the other man writhed and bucked under him. Nick gasped desperately, and with a fierce, gloating sense of triumph Austin realized that he had succeeded in arousing him beyond the point of no return. It was finally getting to be too much, even for an experienced sex pig like Nick! He had to come!

  “Do it,” Nick gritted, shivering. “Do it, baby! Fuck me harder! Fuck me harder, make me come!”

  Austin raised himself higher on his hands and knees with remarkable speed and agility. Some inkling of his intent seemed to come to Nick instinctively. He opened his legs wider and raised his bottom higher. Feeling the depth of Austin’s thrusts into his ass hole increase, he moaned with undisguised rapture. Austin cradled Nick’s ass cheeks in his hands and began moving in and out between them, easily and without undue haste, but to devastating effect. Nick picked up his new rhythm on the second stroke and pushed his behind against Austin’s probing dick. They moved together in a sweat-lubricated bliss, savoring the sweetness of it.

  “Fuck me, fuck me,” Nick began moaning. “Oh, Austin, baby, just fuck me forever, you goddamn beautiful stud. Fuck my ass for me, fuck it hard!”

  “Take it, big man,” the birthday celebrant encouraged him lewdly. “Take my cock up your hot butch ass and get fucked!”

  But both men, even in the height of their mutual passion, knew that this wasn’t just fucking, it was lovemaking. Their defenses were down. They were completely open and exposed to one another, holding nothing back.

  An eternity seemed to pass, during which their world consisted of the hot red glow from the fireplace, as the logs blazed up for a last time before breaking apart into smoldering chunks and cinders, and the rumpled bedclothes they were lying on, and that huge hard cock of Austin’s, going back and forth inside Nick’s ass. It was pumping faster now, though, a good deal more roughly, because even a young stud with Austin’s stamina couldn’t hold out indefinitely. Now he, too, desperately needed to come! Austin panted, out of breath from his heroic efforts. Their bodily motions were more complicated, too. They were humping against each other in a long, lewd elliptical orbit. Somewhere, down in the depths of their loins, hot lava heaved and bubbled. Both men tried to hold it down, feeling the liquid’s searing heat radiate upward into their dicks. It crept insidiously ever higher, glowing as palpably as the flames crackling in the hearth. They tried for one last time, but they couldn’t hold it in any longer. Nor did either of them really want to! They wanted to come, to come together, and to come hard!

  And they did come, their sperm exploding white hot now, through their cocks, Austin’s semen blasting deep inside Nick’s ass hole, contained by the condom, and Nick’s thick outpouring free to fly up between their bodies, its warmth smacking wetly against both men’s chests, melting on their hot flushed skin as it struck and dripping sluggishly down. Mindful of the other men who were sleeping upstairs, they both suppressed the raw animal cries of pleasure they were tempted to emit, contenting themselves with gasps and whimpers of satisfaction, instead. Austin felt the man he was fucking convulse against him, and his fingers dug possessively into Nick’s buttocks as his cock fucked violently between them. This aftermath went on for a long time for both of them, and died down only gradually, in diminishing shudders that included a final pleasurable tremor or two for each man.

  Austin clung to Nick for a minute or two, getting his breath back. Both of them were drenched with sweat and jism.

  “You’ve worn me out,” Austin admitted, when he finally got his voice.

  “I wore you out?” Nick retorted, happily. “I can’t remember the last time I had my ass hole reamed out like that. And I thought I’d never stop coming, when I finally did shoot.”

  They reached for the towels, and gave themselves a cursory cleanup, before they snuggled down underneath the covers again.

  “Is the fire going to be all right?” Austin asked, glancing at the glowing embers that still sent a steady wave of heat their way. “Safe, I mean?”

  “Yeah, it’s burning down. And even when it burns out, I’ll be here to keep you warm. Go to sleep. No, wait. Kiss me goodnight, first.”

  Austin did so, then hugged Nick tightly, and then settled down to sleep in his lover’s arms, with Nick’s bulk lying half on top of him and threatening to smother him as they slept, snoring together lightly in the peaceful aftermath of their lust.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sunday Farm Chores

  Austin flattered himself that he was the first one up the following morning. The fire had gone out hours before, and the faint glow of dawn penetrated the living room windows through their drawn curtains. Austin gently disengaged himself from Nick, who was still fast asleep. As a token gesture toward modesty, Austin found his boxers and slipped them on, then went into the kitchen to get the coffee started.

  He was surprised, when he pushed the kitchen door open, to smell coffee already brewing, and he was even more startled to see a man, a complete stranger to him, sitting at the kitchen table. He was about Austin’s own age, a very well-built, sexy young stud, with a blond beard and tawny-blond hair that fell down almost to his broad shoulders. He was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, and was in his stocking feet, his discarded beat-up work boots lying nearby on the floor.

  “Ah, hello,” Austin said.

  “Hi.” The other young man made no attempt to conceal the fact that he was giving Austin the twice-over, scrutinizing his near-nude body from head to foot.

  “Where’d you come from, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “Oh, I just got here. Nick and Steve invited me to this gig. I warned Nick that I might not be able to make it until today. I know where Steve keeps the spare key to the back door hid, hung from a nail behind one of the back porch steps, out of sight, so I let myself in. I figured you guys would all still be asleep.”

  “I see. Nobody mentioned it to me, that you were expected, I mean.”

  The blond shrugged. “Probably slipped their minds, or, more likely, they figured th
ere wasn’t any point in counting on me until I actually showed up. How’s it going? Did you shoot yesterday, like you planned?”

  “Yes. Well, the other guys did the shoot. I just watched.”

  “Saving up your spunk, huh?” the other guy asked, cheerfully.

  “I guess that’s one way of putting it.”

  “I’m Krishna, by the way. Of course, that’s not my real name. It’s just the name I use for the stuff I do for Nick. But I like it. I may get it changed legally, some day. I’m really into Hinduism and yoga and ayurvedic medicine, you know.”

  “I’m Austin.”

  “Nice to meet you. Well, don’t just stand there. Have some coffee, if you want it. When the other guys get up, we’ll get some breakfast started.”

  Austin helped himself to the coffee. “Have you known Nick for long? Worked for him long, I mean?”

  “Oh, I met him about six months ago, I think. I filled out the questionnaire on his website, you know? And he hired me right away. I’ve made, like, five of those streaming videos for him, and I’ve done the live shows, too. And Nick got me in touch with some guys he knows in New York City. I just did a DVD for them. It hasn’t come out yet, but I think it’s going to be pretty hot. I got gangbanged, took on nine guys, one right after the other,” Krishna boasted. “All of them big, muscle-bound bruisers, real thug types, with huge dicks. I even got double penetrated, for the big finish.”

  “Wow,” Austin responded.

  “We shot the whole thing in one nonstop session, in one afternoon. Man, my mouth and my ass hole were numb afterwards, like when you go to the dentist and he gives you a shot before he starts drilling? I mean, I couldn’t even talk without mumbling, for an hour or so after we wrapped up the shoot. By the way, that’s a nice bracelet you’re wearing.”


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