Unbreakable Heart (Legend of the King's Guard Book 2)

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Unbreakable Heart (Legend of the King's Guard Book 2) Page 12

by Griffin, Kara

  Her mood lightened, and she didn’t sense such a dreadful presence. Makenna disrobed and wore the nightdress Kerrigan gave her. She got in bed and closed her eyes knowing sleep would come easy. Tarrying with Gilroy earlier exhausted her, but she tossed, and was overtired.

  A sound came, and a light bang awakened her. Makenna sat up and saw a shadowy figure inside the cave. She screamed, hoping to frighten the intruder away.

  “It’s me, lass.” Liam hastened to the bed. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “You have returned.” Makenna lay back, relieved from her fright.

  “Aye, it wasn’t much of a scuffle. Go back to sleep.”

  “Are you coming to bed?” She flicked the covering open, inviting him to join her.

  “I am,” he said as he unfastened the tartan over his shoulder. “Have you been asleep long?”

  “I know not. But I’m not tired now. I’m glad you are home safe.” She watched him undress and noticed he’d bathed for his hair was still damp.

  Liam disrobed quickly. He lay upon the bedding and took her in his arms. “I’m gladdened you’re still here. Och, I thought you’d be long gone.”

  “You seem to disremember I told you I wouldn’t leave until I learned to use the sword. I’m not senseless, Liam, and I realize the knave will likely kill me …”

  He pulled her chin upward to get her to look at him. “Then why go against him? Let me do the honor.”

  “… Unless I have skill to rival his.” She pressed a hand on his naked chest.

  “You’re a stubborn woman, Makenna Kincaid. Did ye miss me?” He kissed her cheek and slid his mouth to her chin.

  “I did. Gilroy trained with me a bit, but I really need you to help me for he knows very little. Would that you keep your vow, I should be able to master the weapon.”

  “Let us not speak of weapons, killing, or foes. I just want to do what I’ve been thinking about since I left you.” He flashed a heart-melting grin.

  “What’s that?”

  “Having you naked beneath me.”

  Makenna squealed when he pressed her back and set his ardent lips on hers. She relaxed when his tongue slid against hers, taunting her to touch his in return. Everything about him swarmed her heart, her mind, her body. A tremble rushed through her as his hands moved over her skin. He took hold of her nightdress and pulled it off, breaking off their kiss for the briefest of seconds.

  Excitement thronged her heart when her body came in contact with his hot skin. Their kiss continued, and it drove her to distraction, for all she could think of was his hard body. Her hands caressed the confines of his stone-like chiseled chest, to his lower abdomen, to his arms. He pressed his leg against her, the hardness of him sending urgent desire to her womanhood.

  Liam broke free of their kiss and trailed his lips to her breast. She held her breath, anticipating the touch of his hot mouth there. He teased her nipples to taut and twinges, sending more longing through her. She lay back and let him peruse her body with his mouth until he set it on the vee of her legs. Makenna gasped, shocked at the sensation of his tongue there.

  She panted and gripped his hair, for each flick and touch of his tongue sent rivets of ecstasy through her. He added his fingers to the pleasing torture, and she came completely undone. Makenna shouted at the mindless takeover of her soul. She writhed against his mouth until she couldn’t take any more.

  Liam shifted his position and entered her. “This is madness, aye, complete, for you drive me crazed to have you.” He grinned and leaned forward to kiss her.

  He hastened his thrusts and Makenna used her hands to caress wherever she could reach. His muscles flinched and his legs shook. She delighted in knowing she affected him to such a state. Liam was as lost as she’d been and he kept his movements swift. Yet he didn’t hurt her. She loved the way his hands moved over her body. He pressed his lips against her neck and suckled, the delightful kiss tickled her.

  “Oh, Liam, I feel so good when I’m with you.”

  “Tell me, sweetheart, do you like this?” He pulled from her body and then rejoined with a hard thrust. His deliberate movement caused her to draw in her breath. Liam continued the persistent movement again and again.

  “Yes, oh, definitely.” Her legs quavered as another bout of euphoria overtook her. She squeezed her eyes closed and pressed back into the bedding. When she was able to breathe again, she opened her eyes and gazed at his handsome face.

  Liam closed his eyes, his mouth slightly open. He groaned and stilled. Makenna couldn’t stop touching him and moaned as his reached his end. His body stiffened, and he braced himself against her. She reached his thighs and pulled him against her. A long minute passed before he looked up at her and grinned. He set his head on her chest and she felt the thrumming of his heart. Makenna pressed her hand over his hair, content to hold and soothe him.

  “God how you please me,” he mumbled. He shifted and lay beside her and yawned. “I’m going to sleep like the dead. Aye, for you’ve done me in.” He yanked her close to him and shut his eyes, his arm imprisoning her by his side.

  “Sweet dreams, Liam.” But he didn’t hear her, she realized a moment later, when she heard his light snore. Makenna sighed, knowing he affected her more than she should allow. If she wasn’t careful, she’d come to care for him. Perhaps even love him. There was one small part of her heart that, at least, hadn’t completely darkened. She pulled the covering over them and hugged him. “I am gladdened you are home.”

  Chapter Ten

  Liam wished he hadn’t returned home. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be at the caves. It was his wife and her never-ending berating to train her. He’d been home two days and already he regretted his return. He should’ve gone with James and his band of barbarians. At least with them he wouldn’t have to be dishonest. The more deceitful he was with Makenna, the more he detested his agreement to her condition.

  Then he thought of a way to get her mind off her troubles. He turned on his side and leaned against her soft body. “I will speak with Graeme about leaving.”

  “Where are you going? You’ve only just returned.”

  “You forget your promise? I must travel to see the earl. You said you’d go with me, or did you forget? You did, didn’t you?”

  She fiddled with the covering. “I didn’t forget. I just didn’t realize you wanted to travel so soon. Will we leave this day?”

  “Yes, we will. I need to secure my lands and the sooner the better. We’ll have to travel hastily. The king is sure to call on his supporters soon. I’ll speak with Graeme and let him ken my plans. Meet me at the stables.” Liam rolled off the bed and pulled on his garments. He’d rather stay abed and spend the rest of the day making love, but she was intent on her quest. It was the only thing he could think of to get her to cease her pleas.

  Liam entered the main cave and found Graeme seated at the table by himself. The women were nowhere to be seen, and likewise, neither were Brodin and Heath.

  “Where is everyone?”

  “Kerrigan and Annag are cleaning our chamber.” He set the missive he’d been reading aside. “And Brodin and Heath travel to Netherton. The abbess there sent word to Friar Hemm that a monk claiming to be from Sweetheart Abbey begged a stay there on his travels.”

  “So we know where the monk, Matthew’s trail leads.”

  “Hopefully Brodin and Heath will catch up to him and retrieve the parchment. What are you about? Have you begun training the lass?” Graeme chortled, obviously chuffed by his damnable undertaking.

  He grumbled. “Nay and I don’t plan to. I want to make the trek to Lennox land to speak with Micheol about my father’s lands. I’ll be taking Makenna with me. We leave this day. I won’t be long for I’d rather be skewered on a pike than spend any time with my cousin.”

  Graeme chuckled. “We don’t know how much time we have before James contacts us. I don’t like that the king is protected by inexperienced men.”

  “Not all of his army is i
nexperienced. I wouldn’t worry so much about Robert. James will see to his protection in the meantime. We’ll be ready when we receive word. I should only be a week at the most.” He left the cave and went to ready his horse.

  Returning to Lennox land didn’t sit well with him. Liam considered what he’d say to his cousin, and he’d insist on getting it in writing that the lands reverted to him. Once that business was concluded, he’d be able to work on Makenna’s problems and find out who her foe was.

  Graeme drew his attention when he shoved his shoulder. “Didn’t ye hear me?”

  “Nay.” He hadn’t even perceived his comrade’s approach.

  “I said Annag prepared a sack of foodstuff for you and Makenna. Here,” he said, and handed the sack to him.

  “Tell her my thanks.”

  “I will. Are you worried that Micheol will refute your claim?”

  Liam tightened the harness on his horse. “Once Makenna assures him she married me in good faith, he’ll have to agree. I just want him to sign over the documents claiming me as holder of my father’s fief and I’ll be done with him forever. I will make certain of it.”

  “Have ye thought about your lost love? What if you encounter her when you reach your cousin’s lands? You ken you’ll be putting Makenna in danger.”

  He scowled at his friend’s reminder. “I doubt I will see Blayre, for she’s likely returned to MacDoughall land long ago. I haven’t seen her since I left, the day my uncle sent me in service.”

  “If you do run across the woman, make certain you don’t look too long.”

  Liam scoffed at his advice. “What would it matter? She’s in my past. I feel nothing for the woman and haven’t thought of her in a long time.”

  “It’s your lass’ heart I speak of when I talk of danger. Makenna wouldn’t take well if you were to look at another woman. Wives are funny that way.”

  He couldn’t hold back his laugh. “Truly, you’re giving me marital advice? Worry not, Graeme, for I doubt Makenna would care if I looked at another. She thinks of naught but murder and mayhem. Now cease this pointless talk. I need to make haste.”

  “It will matter to her, given the way Makenna is looking at you.”

  He mounted his horse and watched Makenna being helped by Gilroy. The two of them spoke low, and he wondered what they discussed. There was something clandestine about their conversation given their low speech. Liam was about to intrude when she picked up the reins and rode toward the awaiting women, who stood afar, and said their goodbyes.

  Her glorious hair cascaded down her back, and her face reflected joy at being upon a horse. She rode the horse Graeme had given Kerrigan. As she waited, she kept her gaze fixed on him.

  “She watches you closely and would be heartbroken if you looked at another. I say the lass is besotted with you.” Graeme walked beside him as he rode forward.

  “Damned me, I am besotted as well.” He couldn’t take his eyes from her. Enthralled, captivated, enticed … He was all that and more. Liam didn’t realize the intensity of Makenna’s lure until that moment. The lass didn’t know her value, how alluring she was, or verily how she affected him. He never thought to love again, and here he was … his heart in a conundrum of uncertainty as to how to handle it.

  Graeme bellowed a laugh. “Don’t despair, Liam. Your fall won’t hurt too badly. Just be sure to hold on tight. The ride is certain to be jolting.” He held the rein of his horse, disallowing him from moving on. “Guard her well and be safe.” He released the tether, and walked toward his wife.

  Liam rode out with Makenna following. Along the route, he kept words to a minimum. The trek to Lennox lands would take two days at most. He headed north, passing Glasgow. There were always rivals and marauders to watch for. He concentrated on keeping his eyes and ears focused on their surroundings. When it grew too dark to proceed, he stopped and made camp.

  Makenna looked weary and said nothing when he handed her the foodstuff Annag sent along. She sat on the tartan he’d placed for her, and ate a little before handing the sack back to him.

  He sat with his back to a tree trunk, hesitant to sleep. With as much danger around them from foes and animals, it was best he stay alert. He pulled her into his arms and settled her head on his lap and caressed her hair. She fell asleep within minutes.

  During the darkest part of the night, Liam concentrated on her mumbled words. She spoke in her sleep and jostled. Her dreams ensnared her again, and he’d do well to let her continue in hopes he’d learn more about her foe. But when her body became rigid and her breath heavy, her movements fearsome, he shook her.

  “Makenna, you’re dreaming, lass. Wake up.”

  She sat up with a gasp and peered around her. “The monster … he wants to … Oh, it’s still night.” She mumbled something else and returned to her position on his lap.

  Liam dragged her body to his and cradled her with his arms holding her close. “I’ll keep the monster away, love.” He kissed her head gently and sighed when her body grew heavy, knowing she’d fallen back to sleep. He’d learned nothing, except she feared the monster. Why then would she bravely go after him?

  Morning came with its light and he wanted to be on the way. They didn’t take much time to get ready and started off. Throughout the day, Liam concentrated on their direction, her, for foes. He couldn’t cease watching her. How lovely she looked riding on the horse. The lane they trekked, led to Winlocke, a small village just south of the pass. As he neared the top of the hill, he slowed his mount.

  “Will we stop here?” It was the first thing she’d said to him all day.

  He’d resisted asking about her nightmares. As much as he wanted answers, he had to be patient. Liam kept to his thoughts and focused on making ground. “I wasn’t planning to rest. Do you wish to visit the village?” He pulled on the reins to get his horse to stop at the top of the hill. Below, many flutes and thatch holes sent wafts of black smoke in the air from cottage roofs. “Or is there another reason?”

  “Are you trying to discomfit me? Mayhap we can stop by the stream we just passed.” She flushed.

  Liam quailed at his discourteousness of her needs. He agreed and led the way back to the small stream. There he dismounted and helped her off the horse. He waited while she went off behind a bush. She didn’t take long.

  Liam strode toward his horse. “We should get moving because I want to reach the great loch by nightfall. We’ll get rest then.”

  “Can we not stop at the village? I have no garments to change into, and if we’re to visit the Lennox keep, I should like to dress with greater care. I don’t wish to shame you in your family’s presence.” She kept her face serene, but her eyes lowered.

  “You could never shame me, lass. Besides, I don’t plan to be there long enough to make an impression.” A wee bit of guilt hit him for she’d had to flee her home with nothing but the clothes on her back. “We will remedy that and have you looking as grand as any lady. We’ll visit the miller. Mayhap he’ll have garments for sale.” He reached out and took her hand. They walked, leading their horses toward the village walls.

  “Graeme gave me a few of the coins I stole from Gilroy. I have enough to purchase decent garments.” She held her hand out, revealing four coins.

  “Keep your coins, lass. As your husband, it is my duty to purchase what you need. It is also my duty to see to your protection. You should acquire a new cloak for yours is tattered and much too large for you.” He added the protection comment hoping she’d get his subtle hint, but she kept her regard ahead.

  “Perhaps a new cloak is in order,” she granted, and reverted back to silence.

  They entered the twenty-foot high gate made of stone and wood. The village bustled with activity. A hostel stood to the left of the lane, and they stabled their horses. He sidled next to Makenna, and they ambled on the lane that led to the merchant area where cottages lined the path. As they walked along, he couldn’t help but notice the men’s gawks. Liam sent them glares alerting them th
e lass was taken.

  At the miller’s hut, he bid her to enter.

  “You don’t need to stay. I will await you here if you wish to walk about.”

  Liam nodded and knew where he wasn’t wanted or needed. Before he left the miller’s hut, he approached the merchant and tendered him a handful of coins. “Be sure she gets what she wants. Mend the garments so she can take them with her when she leaves. Include a decent cloak.”

  The aged tailor bobbed his head. “Aye, very well, sir. I shall ensure—”

  Liam held up his hand. “See to it and make haste. We will only be here a few hours.”

  He left the cottage, secure in knowing Makenna was safe. Even still, he wouldn’t travel afar so he could keep watch for her. As he walked along, he noticed a band of men, Lennox men given their attire. Their tartans colored in the favored muted tones of green and red gave them away.

  He kept his distance and his head down. For one thing, anyone supporting the Bruce would gladly hand over one of the king’s guard if they recognized him. For another, he wasn’t wont to be executed this day–not when he was so close to regaining his family lands. He wondered why the Lennox men traveled to the village. Liam considered they perhaps were joining with the rebel army.

  Liam stood near the town water well across from the miller’s hut. An older lady labored at lifting a heavy bucket. He reached across her, and grabbed the bucket, and set it on the ground outside of the well’s stone.

  “May I?” he asked, and pointed to the ladle.

  “Certainly, sir.” She handed him the ladle and smiled. “Are ye new to our village? I haven’t seen ye for I’d remember such a handsome man.”

  He drank down a good amount of water before answering, “Nay, not new, but I haven’t been back for many a year. I heard tell the old earl died.”

  She bid him to sit on the large stones surrounding the water well. “Oh, aye, he did. He was a fair lord and is missed. ‘Twas a few years gone now for he died doing the king’s business. His son now rules the main keep and lands hereabout.”


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