Abusing the Alpha (Seraphine Thomas Book 4)

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Abusing the Alpha (Seraphine Thomas Book 4) Page 20

by Erin R Flynn

  She did a great impression of a fish before chuckling. “Because I hear my parents and uncle in my head. Thank you, Seraphine. I will think on this and at length. For now, I can help my situation by helping you, by solving your murder for you.”

  It wasn’t what she said but the way she said it that had pieces clicking into place. “It’s not a shifter killing. It’s a fairy using their magic to make it look like a shifter.”

  “You are as intelligent as people say you are,” she murmured, nodding. “My cousin. It is his way of putting the screws to me as I believe the saying goes. He’s showing how crafty and deviant he can be, pushing that if he can trick even shifters to wonder who among them is killing, no one would be the wiser if he killed me.”

  “He takes over if you do?” I checked, frowning when she nodded. “Then why bother marrying you?”

  “There are many, many who do not want him in power. Slightly more than want me out,” she admitted, giving a tired sigh. “They remember my uncle’s cruelty and fear he would be the same.” I flinched, and she nodded. “Yes, it is his eldest son. Wonderful since I killed my uncle in a challenge in front of our elders when he continued to lie I was not strong enough to take over, even though I am centuries and centuries old.”

  “He could have a mutiny if he goes the way of killing you. So he’s a bastard and asshole, but not stupid.”

  “No, my cousin is anything but an idiot.”

  That left only one question. “If you know it’s him and you’re queen, why not punish him yourself? Why do you need…” I nodded, getting it as well. Hey, being so injured wore me and my brain out. “His supporters would accuse you of making some bullshit up, like he was killing as a shifter would, to get him out of the way.”

  “Exactly.” She studied me closely. “Would you be my friend, Seraphine Thomas? Would you be a true ally even after what I did and help me with this?”

  I thought about it a moment and bobbed my head. “Yeah, Laila, I’ll be your friend. I’ll take care of your cousin because I want the killings to stop and justice served. But I’ll be your friend and ally too as long as you stop with the terrorizing others.” Her face went pale, and I gave her a gentle smile. “I get needing to be cruel when challenged. I’ve had to do it too, but I didn’t challenge you, and you already started the games. Don’t start the games, and you’ll find yourself in a lot less problems and with stronger allies and people at your back.”

  “I would like that. Gods above and below, would I like that.”

  At least I believed her and wanted to like her. It seemed as good as any reason to try a new friendship. Alliances had been formed on less.

  It also helped that she was an exceedingly skilled and generous negotiator. Honestly, I wanted to learn a thing or ten from her, but Dain spoke to me off to the side later and assured me he could be as useful. Which he proved by strategizing the next move and promising he would get it all set up after he outlined it for us.

  Needless to say, the shocked look on Laila’s face was priceless. Maybe that would truly prove to her that people were people and not toys as she was raised and lived around for so long.

  That was how I ended up at a private dinner at Caesar’s Palace’s Rao’ restaurant, dressed in another gorgeous fairy dress, Hagan and Reagan in stunning fairy noble garb as well. There had been some debate about the strength on our side to dress as fairies did, but Dain assured us that it showed a true willingness to be allies and accept their culture. The councilwoman agreed when I spoke with her, her eyes wide with shock when I filled her in on what was going on.

  Alpha Stud actually dropped his drink when I explained why I couldn’t meet him for dinner but would catch him later no matter how late. Apparently every shifter group and authority had tried to make friends with the new queen and hadn’t succeeded… So yay me?

  “Your Majesty,” I greeted when I saw her, giving a better greeting than I had our first meeting with a slight curtsey along with the way to show she wasn’t above me. It was formal, recognizing her station but also I wasn’t under her. Basically it showed respect and that if I was a fairy, I would be below her, but I was from a strong bloodline as well so not to be trifled with.

  Honestly, it all made my head hurt, so when Hagan and Reagan said they agreed with Dain, I just had them tell me what to do.

  “Alpha Thomas, I am so glad you were able to join us so we could do more than speak on the phone,” she replied. Tricky, tricky fairy, as it implied this was our first time meeting but not so she wasn’t lying. We’d already discussed pretending to others that our original meeting had been rescheduled due to something that came up on her end and thus, became such a big deal for others to join.

  Namely her cousin, nobles of her court, and their elders so they could witness the fun.

  “Please, call me Sera, Your Majesty,” I replied, leaning in and kissing her cheeks when she approached. “The favor you have done me and the FBI by allowing more talented fairies to join our ranks makes you my favorite person in Vegas.” I stepped back and modeled the dress for her. “And I love this material. The design is gorgeous, of course, but I keep thinking of everything I would want made of such amazing material.”

  She laughed at my antics as if we’d not already done this dance, agreeing to our cover story already that she gave me Dain and the two others to the FBI. “It looks amazing on you. You flatter me and my people with your compliments, as only fairies can make that material.”

  We played the game, introducing my Betas as she did a couple of her favorites who had lost most of my influence by then. Simone went next as my friend, then Shaw as first of my team, and I saw the full kneeling and greeting then.

  “Rise, Luna Shaw,” Laila chuckled, rubbing her hand over Shaw’s hair. “We are not at court but in public, and you are in my favor after the glowing review Sera has given me of your performance under her. You are a shining example of what I wish everyone saw when they look at fairies.”

  “Thank you so much, Your Majesty,” Shaw rasped as she stood. “I wish nothing more than to please my queen and will continue to work hard.”

  Next came the continued introductions on her side… Or that was the plan, but it all spun out fast.

  “So, Sera, are you staying long?” the cousin, Liam, asked, interjecting before all the formalities were done.

  I glanced between him and Laila, also noting the way Shaw, Simone, and Davis were reacting to him. “Wow, you have worse manners than me, and I have the excuse of not knowing half of the rules of court.”

  “Excuse me?” he demanded, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “She’s queen, and you’re butting her out of the conversation. Plus, you’re trying to use glamor on me, but it doesn’t work, as I’m more powerful than you. It’s also illegal, as I’m a federal officer. And lastly, I said she could call me Sera, not you. You don’t hold any rank, and you just greet an Alpha that way?”

  “I apologize, Sera,” Laila interjected, moving her hand to my arm. “My cousin is a bit flippant with what he sees to be human laws even if this is our country of residence. Please accept my apologies on behalf of my entire family.”

  This was part of the plan, both of us knowing he’d be a dick. I gave a slow nod and patted her hand. “Of course. Some think once we’re off duty the rules don’t apply, but as you know, important roles never get a time out.” I extended my hand to Liam. “Let us start again then.”

  Except when he took my hand to kiss it, the shit hit the fan. I was swarmed with images of the murders, all of it on the front of his mind, as he was giddy thinking we were all too stupid to catch him. The way he’d toyed with those poor people, using his power and glamor to taunt them.

  Damn, he truly was a sadistic bastard.

  “Alpha, Alpha, what’s wrong?” Hagan asked, shaking me. I hadn’t realized I’d reacted weird, my hand changing to a claw and forcing Liam to keep touching me as others moved Laila to protect her as if I were a rabid threat.

  “He’s m
urdering people and making it look like shifters did it,” I explained, backing down.

  Liam’s eyes about bugged out of his head as he tried to tug his hand away. “How dare you accuse a royal fairy of such nonsense when you’re nothing but a servant, a civil servant and a fleabag wolf!”

  “I’m also clairvoyant,” I growled, using my other hand to fist his fancy robes. “You’re so fucking elated over your crimes you’re broadcasting images of what you did that only the murderer would know, not even what I have in the files. Why? Why do this to people?”

  “I don’t answer to you.”

  People started reacting then, some coming to help him, and my people stepping closer to intercede if they had to.

  “Enough!” Laila declared, brushing past her security and moving to stand by us. “You do answer to me, Liam, as the eldest of our bloodline and your queen. Answer her questions as is required of us by our own laws to keep peace with the humans and government.”

  “No,” he sneered, dozens of people gasping.

  “Your Majesty, I can make him talk if you give permission for me to use my powers,” I offered.

  “No need, Sera, I have my own,” she assured me easily, reaching out and brushing the back of her hand against his cheek. “What have you been up to, Liam?”

  “You knew I was killing humans to scare you to mate me,” he growled, narrowing his eyes at her. “I told you I was doing it and I could get you any time and any place I wanted.”

  “That sounds more like bully bluster to make themselves sound scary instead of a confession to your queen,” I interjected, trying to give her cover since she couldn’t lie. She simply nodded, able to do that off what I said but still not lying. “Either way, that’s a confession, asshole. Harris, Cooper, escort him—”

  “We have a dungeon for court under the hotel,” Laila interjected, and I glanced at her. That wasn’t what we’d agreed on, but I saw something in her gaze that made me nod. My change had altered the course.

  “We need statements for reports, though, before any sentencing is carried out.”

  “Of course.” She turned to the group that had to be elders and stared them down. “I believe a few of our wisest and strongest fairies can escort a few of your agents and help conduct complete interviews before I carry out sentencing after receiving their recommendations.”

  I saw several move to jump, obviously wanting to help Liam, but one stood out above the rest, the elder Alpha I guessed, and nodded, picking a few others. “We will see it done, Your Majesty. Please excuse us, Alpha Thomas, and thank you on behalf of the fairies for finding a criminal in our midst, one so close to our beloved queen.”

  “It’s my pleasure and my job.” I released Liam to the guy, praying things went well.

  Then came the awkward moment of how to get back on track after I’d arrested the queen’s cousin even if that had been our plan… Which my stomach decided to answer by growling loudly enough it echoed in the classy restaurant. My face flushed so fast I actually got a bit lightheaded.

  “Alpha, you’re recovering and forgot lunch after the doctor’s appointment,” Hagan said for everyone there. “Regrowing tendons, healing so many broken bones, and reattaching your arm is too much for even you to heal from in a day without better sustenance.”

  “I’m not used to having to eat so much,” I admitted, shrugging even as I still wanted to melt into the floor.

  “Start the appetizers for our guests and lots of everything,” Laila ordered the staff, and almost instantly half a dozen servers entered the dining area with loaded trays.

  “You just come right here and be my friend,” I told the gorgeous fairy who was serving salt and pepper calamari. She laughed and dipped her head, listening to me, which amused Laila.

  “I am sorry you haven’t had more fun in your short trip to Vegas, but I do hope you will come back and not for work this time.”

  “My mother, Alena Dorcus, agreed to watch my pack a bit longer so I could get at least one day of sun and pool while here,” I told her, knowing we had lots of ears. “And I still have one more stack of files to close up.”

  “Yes, rumor is the local FBI office was trying to solve cases they were useless for.”

  I bit into food, working out what to say. “That office should have a paranormal team, as they all should, if not an office like we have in Chicago, but there’s not the budget for it. While I smacked them for trying it on their own, there hasn’t been much help from our division in recent years, especially so newly formed. I do think their dedication to the job and protecting people shows, as they tried to solve the cases instead of just dismissing them. Just like most important problems, it cannot be fixed overnight.”

  “Agreed. Where would you start, though? There has been much debate within the community, and while change takes time, arguing each other to death solves nothing.”

  I frowned as I took the pop another server offered. “You won’t like my answer.”

  She chuckled quietly. “I rarely do when I get honest answers, but I do wish to know it.”

  “The perceptions of the species need to be fixed. I’m not talking a PR campaign, but working on how human—and even other paranormal—citizens of this country, just as we are, see us.” Even Hagan and Reagan stared at me in question on that one. “You heard your cousin. I’m a fleabag wolf. I’ve had vampires shocked I have a brain and I wasn’t sniffing everyone’s ass.

  “Fairies aren’t Tinker Bell and flighty glamor teases.” The room went dead quiet, most stiff at what they saw as an insult. “That’s the perception since humans found out about you. I’ve read some of the updated history and learned so much working with Shaw, seen the extraordinary things she could do, listened as she talked about the legendary fairy warriors. Why isn’t that the perception people have of fairies? Even your power is amazing, not magic tricks and illusions for play, and I bet I don’t know the half of it.”

  “I see your point,” she muttered, slowly nodding. “Where would you start? Humans would be in a panic if our greatest fighters acted like warriors. They would think we’re building an army to take over or something.”

  “I think idiots will find something to panic about no matter what you do, but Noah, one of my vampires, trains US Special Forces. He ran a private bodyguard school until I snagged him from Vlad. I plan to use Dain, Alok, and Tasar the same way. Reagan and Hagan are former Marines and tell me that you have impressive security and protection for Caesar’s Palace. You also can’t accidentally infect anyone as I can. That gives you an edge to offer more than glamor and magic.”

  “You make wise and thoughtful points, Sera. I look forward to hearing how Dain, Alok, and Tasar are received by your FBI and the human police they will work with.”

  “I do too. It’s a shame we’re not getting the funding we need,” I hinted, wanting to bring up what the councilwoman had suggested now that I trusted Laila. I saw her interest peak and took a chance. “I’ve decided to accept the claim of the Tropicana and all the owners’ holdings.

  “I discussed it with my boss, and I was technically on vacation Wednesday since it was the Fourth of July and a national holiday. I was supposed to lecture Thursday morning only and get an extended weekend. It didn’t work out that way, and they weren’t actually my cases.”

  “Plus, she had no idea that was the rule, and her face was priceless when she found out,” Simone interjected, probably guessing where I was going with this. “I like the suggestion that the sale of it or a portion of the revenue goes to building the paranormal Quantico for training our police force in the right way, not simply which pack says what or each coven leader decides.”

  I wanted to kiss her. “I’m coming around to that idea after my run in with the vampire councilman and learning they like to be the hammer, never the help. That’s too many little coven dictators and no one vampires can turn to. The problem is who shares the vision or idea that I could sell it to.”

  Laila’s eyes went slightly wide befo
re she schooled her reaction. “One would think you would turn to a shifter, wolves especially as you are one and seem to be getting along with Alpha Stud.”

  “Yes, but he also has mob ties. Ran some of the mob here before wolves were exposed. That’s not exactly who I want to get into bed with. Plus, he’s a bit… Outdated in some areas and sexist, though he did show me respect, as I’m more powerful. The shock every time, though, is a bit hard to not roll my eyes at.”

  Laila coughed to cover a laugh. “Yes, I do find that to be his attitude as well.” She studied me closely. “The Cosmopolitan was just sold for almost two billion dollars, and the Tropicana is bigger and has a wonderful location.”

  “It also needs updating, which is why the owners were resorting to robbing banks and armored cars.”

  “True.” She cleared her throat and snagged some calamari as well, finishing off the tray I had mostly eaten by myself. “You would also have to be careful on how this is done so funds aren’t reallocated for something the government finds more suitable.”

  “True, but it’s not unheard of to donate to offices. There are legalities in donations and requirements to accept them, so if they are accepted they have to be used in that way, like when IBM donated computers years ago to the Chicago Police Department.”

  She smiled widely at me. “You’re saying don’t donate funds but the facility itself.”

  “Yes, but it would be the government’s. Just like Quantico is a small hike from DC, the same would have to be true. I bet some farms that went under because of the economy could be bought up cheap in a way the government can’t for official stuff.”

  “And what if they say no. What if those humans who hate the idea of us being treated as equal citizens step in and say ‘no thank you’ to such a donation?” an elder asked, joining our conversation instead of sticking to listening as the others had.


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