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JennasConsent Page 13

by Jennifer Kacey

  “That’s a start.” He knew when to push and when to pull back and knew she was close to bolting so instead of playing it safe he changed subjects.

  “How long have you tied?” He thumbed away a tear that slipped free, completely ignoring its existence otherwise.

  “Eight years.”


  A tiny smile brightened her face. “Not exactly.”

  “I’d like more than a few words to that answer, Jenna.”

  She hesitated for a second then placed her hands at his waist, linking their bodies at her own impetus.

  He ached to crush her to him but he stayed perfectly still instead.

  “I’ve been kinky for as long as I can remember. Simple bondage stuff for the most part, but one night when I was searching the internet for—”


  She shook her head in what he hoped was good-natured exasperation. Her thumbs moved the fabric of his shirt against his side and he nearly growled.

  “Smart ass. Anyway…” she added with an exaggerated lilt to the word. “And I stumbled upon a Shibari website. Blog actually. It wasn’t porn. It was more like art with a dark edge, a dangerous glimpse into something beautiful I didn’t even know existed.”

  She closed her eyes in what seemed like remembrance. She opened them and stared straight inside him.

  “That was it. My search was over and I knew it the first time I watched a video of a live performance of a rope suspension. The communication was silent, not a word was spoken for nearly forty-five minutes. Yet I heard so many things. So many emotions and fears and triumphs achieved in their connection.”

  “And so your fetish was born.”

  She nodded several times, focusing on him for a second and then away again.

  “I was hooked, addicted from that moment on. I devoured information. Blogs, videos, books, you name it I went through it. It took me a while to wade through all the bullshit out there that’s nothing but porn. And I’m not saying rope porn is bad by any way, shape or form—“

  “Whew. Thought we were going to have to stop being friends with benefits there for a second.” He even made the motion of wiping sweat from him brow.

  “God forbid I take that away from you.”

  “What the porn or the friends with benefits?”


  “Damn straight. Sorry. Continue.”

  “Ummm…” She thought about it for a second. “I started learning about kinds of rope and how it’s made, what’s good for different kinds of tying. Plus, I began working out like mad as soon as I found out how much freaking strength it took just to be tied, must less do it yourself.”

  “Did you do all of this alone?”

  “To start with, yeah, but then I found an online site that catered to rope. I found some other like-minded people in my area and went to meetings. It didn’t take me long to learn the basics on self-tying but until you’re standing there below a suspension ring and your fate is in your hands you don’t know jack.”

  “I can’t wrap my head around self-riggers. They’re both a top and a bottom at the same time. Doesn’t that seriously fuck with your joo-joo?”

  “It can. It’s like trying to teach a class at some expo as a top but then immediately plunging into subspace as a bottom. It can get really intense but the feeling of euphoria from your own hands is addictive.”

  “You mentioned classes. Have you gone to some of the rope conventions?”

  “In the U.S., Canada and overseas in the United Kingdom and Japan.”

  Nick must have made a face because she laughed and hugged him close, tucking her small frame into the cocoon of warmth he offered to her. “That’s impressive.”

  “I’ve learned a lot and enjoyed most of my journey to get here. I love tying.”

  “It shows in your rope when you’re up onstage and everything else goes away.”

  “That’s how it is too when I tie myself. It’s faster because of how much I practice at home. I—”

  “So that’s where you’ve been practicing? Your home?”

  “Technically my kitchen, well the entryway between my kitchen and living room.”


  “Yep. It’s on the other side of the open doorway but at least that way I have enough space to rig how I want to. And I don’t have to worry about running out of room.”

  “Bringing me to my next point. You know you’re not supposed to tie alone right?”

  She tried to speak and he kissed the lie right out of her mouth, unwilling to let her keep perpetuating the same lies she’d been feeding him and everyone else for months. In some cases, years. “Jenna?”

  “Yes, Sir. I don’t tie alone. It’s irresponsible and dangerous. Last night was the first time I’d suspended alone in ages. I always have a spotter if I’m going to suspend. Don’t worry. I won’t do it alone again.

  “I’ve been beating myself up over it the entire morning. I know that’s one of the first rookie mistakes new riggers make. Overestimating their ability and or underestimating the strength or time needed to complete a tie and then rig yourself out of it too.”

  “Who’s been spotting you?”

  “Someone I trust and not someone I will rat out if anything happens that jeopardizes their position in any shape or form.”

  The fact that she wouldn’t tell him who it was should have pissed him off. Instead he had to fight the urge to give her a high-five. Loyalty wasn’t favored as highly as he thought it should be.

  “I know some of us can be our worst critics and since you are so knowledgeable in this area I’ll assume you’ll be kicking your own ass over the mistake. It scared me, Jenna. Especially not knowing your skill level. Thankfully it didn’t take me long to realize you were so talented but rope injuries suck.”

  “I know.”

  “They can leave you with abrasions all the way to complete nerve damage.”

  “I know.”

  “You promise it will not happen again or I will wear your ass out so hard you wouldn’t be able to even think about sitting for two weeks without flinching.” He pulled her hand from his waist and placed it over her heart.

  “I promise.”

  “Good. And safety equipment?”

  She tugged her hand free, withdrawing a pair of safety shears from her back pocket.

  He took them, opening them and checking their edge to make sure they could cut through quickly if she needed the help immediately.

  “I always have a mini-knife on me too. It’s in my hair or in my corset, so I can get to it when I’m suspending.” She pulled a small cylindrical type item from between her breasts, handing that over to him as well for him to inspect.

  He studied both of them, knowing immediately they were both good quality. The shears were the same brand he used and kept in his rope bag. “Why hide all of this for so long?” He asked the question while handing back her belongings.

  She nibbled her bottom lip, maybe trying to figure out what to say. “Something tainted what I had in rope—”

  “Something or someone?”

  “Both, I guess. I shoved it all down deep for a while.”

  “Didn’t take long for it to reemerge, I hope?”

  “Several months, I guess. Then I just did it for me. I stopped traveling. Stopped talking to all of my original rope people. I had to take all of that away and just get back to me and my rope. I didn’t start self-suspending again until after I’d moved here and taken the position at The Library.”

  He brushed hair away from her forehead using the tips of his outstretched fingers.

  “Rope’s no longer on your hard limit list.”


  “No buts, Jenna. Do you really need it to be on that list? Even a little bit?”

  “For my mental sanity I do.”

  “You’re made of tougher stuff than that.” It was the God’s honest truth. All of the bravado and winking she normally did, he’d expected her to be so full of se
lf-confidence he’d have to swat it down.

  He’d been wrong originally, which was a hard pill to swallow.

  Apparently it depended very much on who was giving either a compliment or chastisement for her. Some she could let roll off her back either way and it didn’t affect her. He liked seeing satisfaction brighten her face at his assessment of her.

  He couldn’t even call it a compliment. It was more a simple truth than anything else.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re very welcome. Now about tonight—”

  “Jenna, hello? Did you get lost? I still need that screwdriver at the main stage. Are you coming? Ha! I just asked if you were coming. I’m a riot tonight.”

  She grabbed the radio. “Damn. Sorry, Oscar. I’ll be there in just a couple minutes.”

  He didn’t even take five seconds to respond. “Say hi to Nick for me.”

  Her eyes squinted and she brought the radio to her mouth again. “Don’t be pretentious, Oscar.”

  “Yeah, but I’m right. That means I’m smug, not pretentious.”

  “Smart ass.”

  “Still waiting for the screwdriver.”

  Nick took the radio, speaking into it. “And you’re going to wait a few more minutes.”

  “Knew it. I’m patiently waiting. Waiting—”

  Nick turned it off and handed it back to Jenna. “I need you dressed in a corset and panties in the second playroom at midnight. Wrist cuffs only. Oh…” He stared along her body until his gaze locked on the spiked high-heeled shoes she wore. “And those shoes. I like fucking you with heels on.”

  “Pretty sure I can handle that. Anything specific on the corset?”

  “You have lots of different kinds, correct?”

  She simply raised an eyebrow at him.

  “That’s what I figured. Wear an underbust garment and some flimsy barely there kind of see-through top with it.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “One more thing. Where’d you get the mask you wore last night?”

  She hesitated, chewing on her lips. “I made it.”

  “I wondered.”

  “You did?” She sounded so hopeful and he pulled her into his arms again, holding her close.

  “Your stuff is remarkable. Surely you already know that.”

  “It’s nice to hear though.” She squeezed him back.

  “Kinky Pinky? Your brand?”

  Her eyes found his when she tilted her head up, her eyes nearly glowed with pride. “Yes, it’s something I’m gonna talk to the girls about this afternoon.”

  He smoothed his hand over her ass while she inputted her password and swiped the screen.

  “Mmmm,” came out as he rubbed on her again. “It’s Wednesday. I have to be to CJ’s in a couple hours and still have a few things to finish up here before I can take off.”

  “Such as supplying Oscar with a screwdriver.”

  “Among other things.” She tucked her phone back in her pocket beneath his hand. “Are we done or did you have anything else to say?”

  He tilted her chin up, holding her jaw, smoothing his palms up to cup her cheeks. He kissed her lips. “I won’t hold you up. I have plans for you tonight anyway so I need you free by midnight and all of your work done so you can enjoy it. I promised not to interfere with your work and it sounds like girl time today might definitely fall into that category.”

  “We’re always working.”

  He raised his eyebrow at her, clearly not convinced.

  She smiled that “cat who ate the canary” smile and pulled away. “We work at being bad, at getting in trouble and making life for our men interesting.”

  He made a swipe at her ass but she jumped out of range just in time. His fingers grazed her pants but he didn’t connect.

  “Brat,” he yelled after her.

  “Sadist,” she called over her shoulder with a smile. He watched her walk away, and damn was it a sight to see.

  “Holy shit.”

  Nick turned around and Jared’s mouth hung open. “What?”

  “You smiled.”


  “Duh nothing, Casanova. You don’t smile. You smirk. You sneer, but you don’t smile. Not that ‘I love you so much I want to have your babies’ smile.”

  “You know I hate that nickname.”

  “Duh.” Jared stepped closer, with a self-satisfied smile on his face. “All kidding aside, I’m glad you guys finally got together. She brings out the best in you.”

  Jared clapped him on the back and stalked off to cause trouble in some other unsuspecting employee’s domain.

  Nick pulled his phone out to text Bryan, as uneasiness crept in.

  Midnight. Tonight. He sent it, willing the pissed off male inside him to shut the hell up. Jenna needed it and he’d always been down for sharing some gorgeous piece of ass. She was that, but she was so much more to him, even that quickly.

  Didn’t take long for a message to come back. Where?

  He’d originally wanted to have her in his room again but to share her? For some reason at the last minute he decided to move it to a more neutral space. Something that didn’t touch their space together.


  That was just theirs.

  Second playroom and make it twenty after. I don’t want her to suspect anything in case she’s going to be late. I’ll take care of the rest.

  Text came back even quicker. I’ll be there. Safe word?


  Nick waited.

  And waited.

  And waited some more.

  Did you get her safe word? All good?

  Got it. Trust me, I won’t forget it.

  Chapter Nine

  “You have that ‘just fucked’ glow about you. Care to share the deets?”

  Jenna hadn’t even fully sat down in their booth at CJ’s, when Skye started in on her. “Ha! No beating around the bush for you, is there?”

  Skye shrugged, taking a sip of some fruity concoction in a glass that could have doubled as a fifty-five-gallon drum. “What’s the point of making small talk about inane bullshit when all of us, including the lovely ladies across from us, smiling like loons, really want to hear about Nick and his domly Dom skills. Can I have an Amen?”


  “Preach it, sister,” Cyn and Haleigh chimed in from across the table.

  “You guys are a bunch of nuts.”

  “I’d rather be a nut than a flake any day.” Haleigh blinked innocently, as she played with the end of her long braid.

  “Let me at least get some liquid courage before I have to—”

  “Good evening, ladies. I see you have a new arrival.”

  Holy hot guy, Batman. Whatever Jenna was going to say dribbled out of her mouth along with a fair amount of drool over the bartender standing next to her.

  Tall, tanned and bald with quite a few muscles peeking out from the rolled shirt sleeves of his CJ’s T-shirt. He was a bit older, maybe in his late forties and fine as all hell.

  Before she could finish her window shopping, Cyn chimed in. “Jenna, this is Douglas, as his shirt suggests.” His name was embroidered on his right pec. “He and two of his friends are the new owners of CJ’s, as well as temporary members of a certain other establishment we all know and love. Their permanent status should go through in a few days.”

  “Can I get you something to drink, hot stuff?” He winked at Jenna and she couldn’t help but smile.

  She held out her hand, and he took it, kissing the back of it.

  “Pleased to meet you, Jenna.”

  “You’re quite a flirt, Douglas. I like that in a man.”

  “As are you, I see. If you were a few years closer to my age bracket I’d show the youngins behind me how it’s really done.”

  He turned to look and several guys who couldn’t have been more than twenty-five quickly looked the other way.

  He faced them again, shaking his head. “Novices. What can I get for you?”

�Whatever you have on tap is fine, as long as it’s cold.”

  “Light or dark?”

  “Surprise me.”

  He smiled again and made a sweep of the other three. “Anything else for the rest of you, ladies?”

  “No thanks.”

  “I’m good.”


  “Have it back in a minute. Nice to meet you.” He sauntered off, giving the evil eye to a table full of college dudes and they quailed beneath his gaze once again.

  “Cyn, you’ve really been holding out on us.”

  “The sale was quick. The guys have been exhausted for months trying to run both places even with a new manager and seriously we all needed to put our eggs in one basket so we could have more time together.”

  “Are you guys any closer to setting a wedding date?” Haleigh asked.

  Cyn blushed. Damn adorable. Jenna just wanted to wrap her arms around her and give her squeezy hugs.

  “That’s one of the reasons why I wanted to talk to all of you guys. We’ve decided to get married at The Library in about a month. In our playroom, actually. The space has been tainted since I was attacked last year and I’m not willing to give that asshole any more power over me. So. I’m taking it back. And I wanted to know if the three of you would be my maids of honor?”

  Haleigh squealed, hugging her close.

  Skye gave her a high-five and Jenna leaned across the table, pulling her close so she could kiss her square on the mouth.

  “Congratulations!” echoed around the table.

  “I’m sure I speak for all of us. To say the least we’re beyond thrilled for you and of course we all say yes.”

  “Yes, yes, yes!” Haleigh added.

  She was the socialite of the bunch, who also happened to like piercings and tattoos. An all-around handy girl to have around.

  Douglas showed up with Jenna’s beer and left with another wink in their direction.

  She raised her glass and the other women did the same.

  “To Cyn.”

  “Hear, hear!”

  They clinked their glasses together and each took a drink.

  Jenna licked her top lip as Cyn spoke.

  “Low-key, Haleigh. We’re only going to have close friends at the ceremony and then we’ll have food brought in for the reception. Then we’ll go to City Hall a day or two afterward. The guys are going to flip a coin to see who gets to marry me.” Her smile said it all.


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