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JennasConsent Page 15

by Jennifer Kacey

  That’s all it was.

  And that was enough.

  She didn’t even believe that anymore but she still tried to convince herself anyway, completely unsure of anything else to focus on.

  He gathered her close, rubbing his five-o’clock-shadow on the high pillowed mounds of her breasts. “You smell so damn good. You’re going to become my favorite treat, Jenna. And I have a mighty big sweet tooth.”

  “Everything on you is big. Can’t imagine any of your appetites falling below average in any way, shape or form.”

  He backed up a step, looking her up and down.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “You were tasked to bring condoms and lube and I’m wondering where I need to start searching you.”

  He bent at the waist and sank onto his knees. He looked up at her, somehow able to dominate her with a single intense stare. His fingers circled her wrists, placing her hands on his shoulders. “So you have something to grab on to when you get shaky.”

  “Are you planning on making me shake?”

  “Every chance I get.”

  With how wet several things were already, having him to hold on to made her feel safer in ways she didn’t quite know how to process.

  “If I had a strip of condoms and lube I’d put them somewhere safe. In a good hiding place.”

  He lifted one of her feet, bending it at the knee and slipped her shoe off. “Hmm, empty.” He made quick work of putting it back on and repeated the process again. Still no lube or condoms.

  His hands circled her ankles, sliding up the back of her thighs, running the length of the sensitive crease between her ass and thigh. She didn’t know what that particular space was called, so she called it perfection since his touch was involved.

  The warmth of his fingertips soaked into the garment as he asked. “Maybe we should play hot and cold.”

  “Mmmmm…” she mumbled, as his hands moved around her hips, his thumbs tugging on the lips of her sex.

  “I’m going to put my fingers on your body and if I’m close, you have to say I’m getting warmer. Colder if I’m far away. Got it?”

  “Yes, Sir, very c-clear.” Her breath caught when his thumbs rolled over her clit one right after the other. Her panties still separated him from her actual flesh but she barely remembered they were there.

  He made her forget.

  One of the reasons she couldn’t walk away. She needed what he could offer her, what he wanted to take from her. She wanted him to take everything.

  “What about here?” He continued rolling her clit under one of his thumbs while the fingers on his other hand tantalized the space where her pussy and her leg came together. Featherlight touches shouldn’t have made her tremble. Tell that to her libido, as it raced into overdrive.


  His rich laugh sank inside her, warming her. “As in you like what I do to you or as in I’m not very close to the prize I seek?”


  “It makes my dick hard when you give me one-word answers, Jenna. It means your brain is so immersed in this, in us, it doesn’t have enough cells making connections to give me compound sentences.” His fingers ran along her slit, making her wet and willing.

  “Mmmm…” That was all she could come up with to say. Anything else was too complicated. All she wanted to do was feel, flip the sign on her brain to closed for a little while and just be with him.

  Of course it couldn’t be that simple.

  He switched hands, manipulating her pussy with the other fingers while he circled one of her wrists.

  It didn’t take long for him to draw patterns of some kind on her arm all the way up to her shoulder. She tilted her head away, silently encouraging him to continue onto her shoulder. “Warm,” she whispered, feeling caught in a dreamlike state where her energy was connected to everything else in the room, especially Nick.

  “Yes, you are. And wet too.”

  He slipped his fingers beneath her panties, running along her slit, finding her drenched and pulling a moan from her. She dug her fingernails into the muscles at his shoulders, somehow feeling completely submissive to the man on his knees before her.

  She opened her eyes—which she didn’t remember closing—as he revealed one of her breasts. The sheer fabric gave her a false sense of modesty that was shattered as one of her tightly tipped mounds spilled into his hand.

  “So pretty. I love your tits. Big and perky with nipples meant for licking.”

  He tongued her nipple, making it pucker when he blew across it with cooler air.

  “Hot,” she moaned, lost somewhere between remembering the game they were playing and encouraging him to continue.

  He moved his fingers to the opening of her sex, dipping inside just enough to make her want it and he pulled free.

  He pulled the small foil package of lubricant and the row of three condoms from between her breasts and where she’d stuffed them down her corset.

  “Sneaky girl.”

  “I-i-i-i-i…” stuttered out as he continued to pet her pussy, but then he stood. He rubbed slick wetness onto her bottom lip.

  “Lick it off and tell me how you taste.”

  She swiped her lip, tasting herself and a pretty soap she’d used earlier to get ready for that night. “Sexy and horny and happy.”

  He sucked his fingers one at a time into his mouth, saving the one she’d already cleaned for last.

  “I taste you on me. Your mouth. Your pretty snatch. You.”

  “I like it when you taste me, Sir. Anyway, anyhow. I like it.”

  “Then before we get started let me say a couple things.”

  “O-okay.” She tried to be brave but it still made her cringe when he asked her to really talk to him. To be real with him. He deserved it and she wanted to be what he needed but changing survival tactics in the middle of a war seemed foolhardy.

  “Listen carefully. Tonight I expect the following, all non-negotiable. Honesty, full submission and you need to pick a safe word. It can be the same one you had before or a different one. Some people don’t play with safe words and I hope to be at that point together by the end of our month…“

  He tipped her chin up and kissed her until she couldn’t breathe, holding on to him as if he were a lifeline. Her lifeline.

  “Same safe word, Sir.”

  “Fine. Can you snap?” He asked it but it took her a little bit to process it as a question. Instead of just answering yes or no, she showed him, snapping her fingers.

  “Good. If you can’t speak for any reason or if your mouth is full and something else is happening that you need to stop what do you do?”

  “Snap my fingers?”

  “Exactly correct.” He put the condoms and lube into one of his pockets and then reached for her panties. He slipped them down her thighs and they clung for just a flash of time to her wet pussy. It was almost as if they were kissing her pussy goodbye.

  He added those to his pocket of kinky collectibles and she smiled at his brazen attitude toward her things. His things? The line between sane and insane blurred with how she felt for him.

  Nick turned her around, urging her over to face the side of the bed closest to them. “Up you go.” He didn’t wait for her to respond, he simply put her where he wanted her.

  Up on her knees with her feet dangling off the edge of the bed is where she was when the data rebooted in her head.

  Silently, he pulled out two very short pieces of jute, tying each of her cuffs independently to the bar running above her.

  The tails of the rope tickled her wrists and she wrapped her hands around the stiff fibers, latching on to them as more than just a simple self-soother.

  Rope was her number-one fetish and spoke to her like nothing else did.

  She looked behind her, over her shoulder, wondering if he had more rope.

  A bandana had materialized in his freaking hand out of nowhere and she couldn’t keep her mouth shut any longer as a fair amount of adrenaline
dumped into her veins. “Why do I need to be blindfold—”

  His hand cracked against her naked ass cheek and she eeked. He smacked her ass until warmth spread down her thighs and around her hips. She moaned, arching back on each swat.

  “Because you’re mine, Jenna. Mine to do with as I please.” He wrapped the material over her eyes slowly, blocking out the light, heightening her fear and anticipation.

  When he twisted the ends of the fabric tails behind her head, tugging sharply to tighten the knot, several pieces of hair were caught. She nibbled on her bottom lip, trying hard not to sigh at that simple sensory stimulation.

  The way he tied the bandana, slow then quick, reminded her of how she tied rope. Speed made a difference, as did accuracy, roughness, energy level and intent behind the tie. Without her sight he forced her to feel him, sense him, hear his every rustle and movement.

  She turned her head to one side, not to ask another question or beg to be let go but simply because she ached to be closer to him. As if her cheek were against his chest she lifted her chin, hoping for another touch.

  It seemed as if he heard her silent wish. He moved between her feet dangling off the edge of the bed, grinding his crotch against her rosy, warm ass. Touching her lower abdomen, cupping her sex, holding her against him. Not allowing her any room to wiggle her clit against his thick fingers. He nibbled her neck, biting the back of it.


  The door creaked open and booted footsteps echoed behind her. She twisted her head the other way and froze, listening as someone came closer to their side of the bed. The person paused and she held her breath after catching the scent of a man’s cologne.

  Damn, he smelled good.

  Blood rushed in her ears and she tugged on her restraints, wanting to flee, to hide and to scream that she didn’t want this, as betraying moisture slid from her aching sex.

  Nick held her tight, keeping her off balance so she couldn’t swing out with her legs.

  Her voice fucking failed her when she tried to speak. He said something to her, low and probably soothing but to her all she heard was the Ian from her dreams saying, “less than, less than, less than—”

  Whomever it was moved around to the side in front of her. She froze, panting, when the bed dipped as some fucking stranger climbed on.

  “No, Casanova. No! This isn’t what I signed up for. This wasn’t part of the deal.”

  Her head kept shaking back and forth. She wanted to take credit for it but it seemed an involuntary action as she tried to scoot off the bed.

  Nick lifted her at the waist, maneuvering her where he wanted her. She was no match for his strength, making her fight harder.

  “No has less than zero meaning in this room and you know it.” He twisted her chin around so he spoke directly in her ear. “There’s only one word that will stop this and I see inside you well enough already to know it won’t pass your lips.”

  She expected someone to try to kiss her so she sucked in her lips, trapping them between her teeth, eliminating their ability to take her mouth.

  Instead rough hands widened her knees on the mattress and spiky hair tickled her inner thighs as the stranger moved closer, insinuating his head between her legs. She arched against Nick as he held her tight. A whimper broke free from her chest when the mystery man blew across her clit, then sucked it along with her slick pussy lips into his mouth, licking her roughly.

  She tried to convince herself it was Jackson between her legs but she didn’t believe it.

  How could she? He would never do anything without Skye and they didn’t share anymore.

  Ian used to do that, just like that. Blow on her clit, tasting her, seducing her mind from between her legs. Whomever the stranger really was morphed into Ian inside her mind’s eye. Love and hate welled to the point of bursting.

  I can’t do this.

  He would never approve.

  She realized in that moment how much he still had a hold of her. Four years later he still lived inside her head, guiding her actions, her thoughts, her fears.

  Her safe word flitted across her tongue as the stranger licked her pussy. He nibbled and sucked on her clit as if it were his favorite treat and he had a two-for-one coupon.

  Energy flooded her body, drowning her in a type of fear she couldn’t process on her own.

  Nick had planned some kind of ménage. Realization and yearning zapped across her brain cells, scrambling her head.

  Several rational thoughts floated through her mind somehow unscathed amongst the chaos.

  One, to just grimace and bear it because she wanted Nick to be happy. Another, to yell Ian’s name so she could escape, never tasting the forbidden fruit surrounding her.

  What did she do instead?

  She reared back, trying to headbutt Nick’s face. Her skull brushed against his jaw as his lightning-quick reflexes kicked in.


  Stopping there wasn’t in the cards for her temper tantrum.

  She tried again, connecting with something, making him “oomph”. As soon as he stepped back she kicked at him, bring her leg up to kick the asshole between her legs.

  Nick grabbed her around the waist with an arm that felt like a giant crowbar. Then he latched on to her ankle, swinging it around to the side, wrapping it around his thigh, making her balance all her weight against him and up on one knee.

  She squirmed, riding the man’s face below her. “Please…”

  That word made no sense with what her brain told her. The plea didn’t compute with the no, no, no bouncing around inside her.

  Her words failed her when she needed them the most so she did the only thing she could think of. She screamed.

  It was high-pitched, startling both of the guys.

  She sucked in another breath but Nick released her waist to physically close her mouth. He clasped his palm tightly over her nose and lips.

  Breath play.

  Damn she liked breath play from him. His hands were big and strong and wide and he wasn’t shy about using his strength against her. For her. With her.

  Slowly he lowered her elevated leg back to the mattress and he manhandled her back where he wanted her.

  The fear slowly receded, melting away as she leaned back into him. She was so close to coming she tried to get away again, closing her thighs around the stranger’s head.

  He held her thighs open, not even acting like he needed to fight her. Nick aided her predicament, keeping her knees apart by widening his stance.

  She pumped her fists, fighting her natural reaction to orgasm because she hadn’t asked permission. Her eyes closed behind the blindfold as her body relaxed into Nick’s keeping.

  As if that were what he’d been searching for, he relaxed his hand.

  “Can I come, Sirs?” flew out of her mouth as soon as she had enough breath.

  “No,” reached her from behind and beneath.

  She clenched her thighs again but it was no use. They held her trapped between them, forcing her to take something she could never give in to if left to her own choices.

  She couldn’t get away.

  Her eyes flew open and she tried to see something, to search for anything tangible to ground her when she finally gave into the face she didn’t want to get away.

  Nick tugged her corset cups farther down, filling his hands to overflowing with her breasts. He rubbed his cheek against one shoulder, licking her collarbone, leaving bite marks, making her ride the fake Ian’s tongue.

  So good. Perfect.

  “Come,” Nick ordered next to her ear as he tweaked her nipple, twisting it.

  Instant climax flashed outward as if a star exploded inside her. Millions of flashes of light and a supersonic boom echoed beneath her flesh. Muscle contractions jerked her hips and she couldn’t control anything.

  Couldn’t focus or retain any kind of composure.

  Pure sensation drove her movements.

  “What do you say?”

k you, Sirs. Thank you.”

  Nick still stood behind her and grabbed her ass cheek. He tucked his condom-covered dick against the crack of her ass, rubbing against it and down to her wet slit. He pushed into her pussy, adding a “Good girl”, surely just to make sure every wall she’d ever even thought about putting up crumbled at his feet. Thrusts so deep filled her while she still contracted inside. As if her pussy wanted to kiss him in thanksgiving, bowing and licking his shaft on the way in.

  The stranger bit down on her clit then rolled it beneath a couple fingers. Nick pounded inside, tweaking her nipple. Adding delicious pain on top of so much pleasure. It all rolled into one giant ball of need, rolling downhill toward her from the highest peak she’d ever seen.

  Gaining speed.

  Gaining momentum and size as it moved closer and closer.

  “Please let me come again, Sir. Please let me come for you. I need it, I need it so bad.”

  “I love it when you beg.” He grabbed her hips, stretched her pussy so wide it was all she could do not to bite her inner cheek to keep from exploding.

  “Whose cock are you going to come on?”

  “Yours, Sir. Every inch of yours. Please.”

  The walls of her core fluttered and her clit felt as if it was connected to two leads of electricity. Power hummed inside her and she just needed one word to flip the switch and—

  “Come. Come on my cock because I told you to.” He said it through gritted teeth and she felt his cock jerk inside her.

  Her orgasm ignited and she moaned on each deep thrust as he came with her. Fucking her hard enough to leave bruises, clutching her to him, holding her, freeing her when she gave up her control to them.


  Nick cupped one of her breasts, resting his forehead against the back of the bandana, causing it to slip down her nose.

  Dim light reached her eyes as she blinked down at the stranger. Her vision had fuzzed out after being in the dark for so long, not to mention two fan-fucking-tastic orgasms.

  Boots hung a good ways off the bed. They were attached to long muscular legs and well-muscled man on his back. Her mental treasure hunt stalled out at his open slacks, as they revealed a thick shaft sliding inside his tight fist. His other hand still held her thigh, gripping her flesh tightly.


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