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JennasConsent Page 28

by Jennifer Kacey

“Of course.” She put her camera in her bag and swiveled toward her so that their knees brushed together once as she settled.

  “Do the things the subs say to you while in the prep area go back to the Dom? Or are you more like a priest or a bartender? Secrets stay with you and all that?”

  Jenna rubbed her lips back and forth, trying to verbalize something so important. “What we do is dangerous. All of it, no matter how calm it may look on the outside, since more often than not the most fragile thing a Dominant fucks with is our heads. With that in mind, it’s not like I’m holding secrets like Suzie-Q wants to hold their hand, or walk their dog.

  “Whether or not I share something a sub tells me depends on who my loyalty lies with. Is the matter important enough to risk someone’s anger? And most importantly, do I deem the revelation important enough to go to a Dominant with it?

  “I take this very seriously. The responsibility of the things I’m told weigh heavily on me sometimes, especially if someone is hurting. Since I’m on the outside looking in, I can see an answer that they just can’t because they’re too close to it.

  “Some days it’s harder than others to decide whether to keep a secret and let them work it out in their own time.” She looked at Cyn, who was watching her from the front seat. “Since I messed up with you, I take it even more seriously.”

  “You didn’t mess up with me. My own stubbornness did that.”

  “But I should have told the guys what you were dealing with. If I had—”

  “Those ‘what if’ statements get both of us nowhere. Onward and upward, right?”

  Jenna took the hand outstretched to her. She felt guilty because Cyn got hurt on her watch but she’d promised to let it go, helping Cyn through it in the same way. “Right.”

  “To The Library, girls? Or are we stopping for ice cream first?”

  A chorus of “ice cream” was Skye’s answer.

  “You know it drives the guys crazy.” Cyn waggled her eyebrows and faced forward.

  “And now who’s being bratty?” Haleigh wanted to know.

  “Scott’s not the only one good with a whip.” Cyn’s eyes twinkled and Jenna grabbed the tie on her chest harness to take off the rope.

  Her mind wandered to Nick…and Ian…as they drove closer and closer to sugar sustenance.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Each of them had a cup of ice cream as they stepped into the main bar area of The Library less than a half an hour later.

  Cyn’s mouth broke into a smile as soon as she saw Chris and Jared sitting in a booth by themselves. “Be back in a few minutes. I have two men to snog with.”

  “You did not just say snog.” Skye made a face along with the gagging motion.

  “Sure did. Be back.”

  “And Jackson’s at the bar so I’m going to go tackle…err…hug him.”

  Jenna was happy her friends had found what they were looking for.

  Haleigh nodded toward a table. “Kyle and Duke are arguing again. Bet Duke made some chauvinistic comment about Jillian…again.”

  They walked over to the table where the two men were sitting at and caught the tail-end of Kyle threatening Duke with bodily harm.

  Kyle narrowed his eyes at him. “Taming her? Are you joking? That’s my sister. Touch her and your nuts will no longer be attached to your body.”

  Someone cracked a whip in one of the public rooms across the bar area but it was around a corner so Jenna couldn’t tell whom.

  Duke smiled. “Kyle, you’re really taking to being a Dom. I’m kinda digging it.”

  Kyle wasn’t distracted. “Besides, her door doesn’t lean toward your kind of kink anyways so I don’t think I have to worry about it.”

  “Why because she’s a slit licker?”

  Haleigh smacked Duke on the back of the head. “Manners.”

  “What? He said her door don’t swing that way. What else was I supposed to think?”

  Kyle kissed Haleigh. “Thanks, love.”


  He kissed her on the mouth and it looked as if they were going to be a while so Jenna decided to answer Duke.

  “He meant she’s not submissive.”

  Duke seriously looked momentarily dumbfounded. “You’re shitting me?”

  Scott walked up and kissed Haleigh, then Kyle. “Duke, why’s your mouth open?”

  “We were just telling him Jillian’s a top.”

  Scott turned a chair around until it was next to Kyle and pulled Haleigh onto his lap. “Duh, have you had your eyes glued shut the past few months?”

  “No, he’s had them glued to her ass in those leather pants and heels,” Haleigh answered for him.

  Haleigh licked her ice cream and Jenna watched her tongue dig into the cold, creamy concoction. Kyle and Scott watched her too, giving Jenna a phenomenal idea.

  Scott blinked, shaking his head for a second. “She’s about to give a sport cracking demo on the main stage if you want to see for yourself how not submissive she is. She’s using bullwhips and the crackers are made from—”

  Duke immediately got up, stalking toward the main demo room with a determined look on his face.

  Haleigh snickered. “You realize you’re going to have him as a brother-in-law one of these days, right?”

  Kyle whacked his forehead on the table several times.

  Jenna laughed and turned to go talk to Oscar at the bar.

  She jumped, nearly losing her ice cream.

  Ian stood there.

  In her personal bubble.

  Staring down at her.

  She backed up half a step, barely able to process the emotions rolling through her body.

  It was that fast. With Ian, it was always that fast.

  She looked down at her ice cream and his hand was wrapped around hers, keeping it steady.

  He slowly released it, dragging his fingertips across the back of her knuckles.

  “I have new cards for everyone. Get your old ones out and I’ll exchange them.”

  “Something wrong?” Scott asked as he immediately took out his wallet. He took Kyle’s and Haleigh’s cards as well and handed them over.

  Ian looked at the cards, pocketed all of them, shuffled through the stack he had and handed back three.

  “We’re increasing security and double-checking to make sure we have everything in place to protect the members. I’ve received intel that a reporter’s being sent here to try to gain access. Write some expose on all of the wicked debauchery going on behind our walls.”

  Jenna looked around the bar where people were doing nothing but chatting. “Doesn’t look like anything kinky to me tonight.” She handed over her card and shivered when Ian’s fingers brushed her skin.

  “No, no, nothing kinky,” Kyle added with a bit too much enthusiasm.

  “Nope.” Scott nibbled on Haleigh’s neck.

  “They both have their hands under your skirt, don’t they?” Jenna inquired but Haleigh’s slight flush said it all.


  “Her ice cream’s going to drip if you don’t let her be.”

  Kyle captured her wrist and licked the cream ready to leak onto her hand. A tiny droplet hit her skin and he sucked it off her flesh for her.


  She whipped back around at the sound of Ian’s voice so close. She took the card from his outstretched hand and slipped it back into the pocket of her pants.

  “We also need additional security at the entrance gate. Swipe your Library card with your pin to gain access. Everything is logged. Who comes in and out, along with license plates.” He held up the stack of cards. “And now photographs.”

  Jenna was impressed despite still being pissed off at him.

  What he put in place? It was a good idea.

  Jenna stared at him, “Would it be so bad if people knew about us?”

  Ian looked at her and really took his time.

  She was taken aback by his scrutiny.

  “For some of us, no, it
wouldn’t be a huge disturbance in our lives. But for others?” He glanced over at Skye who was talking and smiling at Jackson. “It would be catastrophic. It is for those I take every whisper about the club seriously.”

  He walked away without another word, stopping to talk to each member and to exchange cards.

  He was professional, matter-of-fact and thorough. The cut on his chin and slightly swollen eye were the only signs of his fight with Nick earlier. She’d heard Nick used to be an excellent fighter so she was impressed with Ian too.

  Pissed off at them for acting like three-year-olds, of course, but she had to admit they’d looked hot as hell in that ring in nothing but gym shorts.

  She cursed her girlie bits for overriding what her brain knew was a bad idea.

  Falling for him? It had disaster written all over it in big red letters decorated with skulls and crossbones.

  And this was supposed to be a sleepover night anyway. No boys allowed. Well. Mostly.

  “Come on, ladies. Let’s go.” She walked around and collected Skye and Cyn, who was absolutely living up to her make-out session with her men. They pulled Haleigh to stand as well.

  Scott’s and Kyle’s hands fell from beneath her skirt and she wasn’t totally steady on her feet.

  “Ice cream,” Jenna prompted her and that was all it took.

  Haleigh brought the cup to her mouth and licked the side of the ice cream, all the way to the top of her icy treat. She licked it as if it were her favorite treat.

  Her men got the message quite plain and simple, if the fact they both had to readjust themselves was any indication.

  “We’re going to go find some interesting things to lick our ice cream off. You guys have a great night.”

  Jenna made a pretty girl train and led the caravan out of the main room and toward the hall to the elevator.

  She felt the eyes of the men on her ass and could only imagine what the rest of the women felt behind her.

  She wouldn’t admit to looking for Nick before and she wasn’t looking now either.





  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The other three sort of floated behind her, up the elevator and down the hall to the prep room.

  Jenna used her new card, swiping it along with her thumb print to gain entry into the space.

  She ushered the girls in, closing the door behind her.

  “Hey, Jenna?”

  She glanced over and Cyn was watching her as she continued to lick her ice cream.


  “I don’t think I’ve told you what an amazing idea you’ve had with the kinky businesses. It’s going to be amazing.”

  “Aww,” Jenna got a little misty. “I think so too. You are all truly sensational and I know the businesses are going to be incredible.”

  “What made you think of it?”

  “What do you mean? I’ve always made clothes and jewelry.” She gestured toward the full wall behind the girls, completely covered with little outfits, costumes and props.

  Cyn touched one of the leather skirts, moving it between her fingertips. “Your talent is incredible but you’re already crazy busy here. And it’s not just all this.” She waved her arm to encompass the entire room. “It’s everything downstairs and setting up scenes and all of your rope stuff, too, that we didn’t even know about until recently. You’re really busy. Why take on so much more when all you really need is a small shop, maybe one employee? Taking all of us on as well? That’s ginormous.”

  “You guys are incredible, truly. I don’t want to do this alone. I want to do it with women that I love and like, and enjoy your company on a day-to-day basis.”


  Jenna looked at Haleigh, who’d prompted her to continue. “But… I need something to fall back on.”

  There it was. She’d finally said it.

  “I don’t get it.” Cyn scrunched up her nose.

  “If Ian stays, I don’t see how I can.”

  “What? Stay?” Skye’s voice crept higher, squeaking at the end.

  Jenna nodded.

  “Why would you even consider leaving?”

  Cyn sounded angry and Jenna smiled at her outrage. “If you and Chris or Jared blew apart and you were thrown back together, into a highly tense situation and you had to watch him take someone else… Claim someone else, collar someone else. Or several someone elses, could you willingly stay? Even if just to prove a point?”

  “Fuck.” Skye’s answer pretty much said it all.

  “Just the thought makes me physically ill.” She laid a hand over her stomach and took a deep breath, willing her body and mind to settle. “He didn’t just leave me before. He broke me. It’s taken me a very long time and a lot of rope therapy to get where I am today. I’m happy.”

  “Ish,” Cyn added.

  “I’m content.”

  “Ish,” Skye piped up.

  “I love being me.”

  “None of us doubt that,” Haleigh explained. “But you’re not complete. You keep hitting some kind of ceiling. Of your own doing or something else, I don’t know. But we love you. We don’t want you to hurt anymore.”

  She walked over and squeezed Jenna, who gladly accepted the affection.

  Cyn walked closer and took all the ice-cream cups, setting them on the bathroom counter.

  Jenna looked down at Haleigh, fingering the loose collar of her blouse. “How fond of your blouse are you?”

  She smiled that sweet smile that never failed to turn Jenna’s heart to mush.

  “I thought I might get dirty with the photos earlier since I’d never been on a guerilla shoot before. It’s not very important and I wouldn’t be heartbroken if I needed to donate it to the greater good.”

  Jenna leaned in, kissing Haleigh square on the mouth. “I didn’t know you called me that. I’m flattered.”

  Haleigh inhaled against her lips, making them chill. “Called you what?”

  “The Greater Good.”

  She giggled and Jenna kissed her again.

  “That is totally my cue to go.” Skye walked into the bathroom, tossing her paper cup and plastic spoon.

  “I don’t mean to run you off.” Jenna frowned, hating that Skye didn’t feel as if she were welcome to stay.

  “You three need some time to chillax and Jackson has something planned for me downstairs.” She walked to Jenna’s wall of naughty-wear. “He asked for a naughty nurse outfit. I’m assuming you have one for me.”

  “That’s so dirty,” Cyn added as she joined Skye, flipping through outfits on the middle row.

  “Bottom left, almost in the corner. White and red.”

  Cyn found it and held it up. “Damn, that’s cute. Might have to find one like that for the next time my doctors schedule me for a checkup.” She waggled her eyebrows, handing over the outfit to Skye.

  “I remember when you used to be the shy one. What happened to that?” Skye set the outfit on the massage table next to the bathroom door and began pulling off her clothes.

  “That ship totally done sailed, sista.”

  “Pretty sure it sank to the bottom of the ocean,” Jenna added at the end as all three of them watched Skye become a smutty health care worker.

  The skirt was so short she needed stockings to highlight her gorgeously long legs.

  Jenna kissed Haleigh one more time and squeezed her close before letting her go. “Skye, you need a few finishing touches.” She had cleavage for days in the beautiful white fabric that tied below her bra-line, highlighting a fire engine red bra. It showed off her red hair as well.

  “Your figure is amazing,” Haleigh told her as she rummaged through jewelry, looking at Skye a few times as she held up different earrings.

  Impatience bled off Skye as she stared at her reflection in the corner of the makeup counter. She mushed her tits together, creating an enormous amount of temporary cleavage.

  “Mount Rushmore there.”

  “Ha. Ha. It makes me want to shove something else in my bra, like those fake silicon things that look like the bottom curve of your bra.”

  “Not the best thing to wear when you’re hoping to get naked.”

  It was Haleigh and the last one Jenna expected to have something to contribute.

  “You’ll forgot about them at the most inopportune time and they drop out, hit the table as if you dropped a water balloon and the dude you’re with won’t be able to get out of wherever you are fast enough. False advertising or some such bull honky.”

  Jenna found red fishnet stockings and handed them over, then went in search of some white stilettos to finish off the outfit.

  “Sexy,” Cyn exclaimed.

  Haleigh took a set of red hoop earrings to her.

  “Amazing,” Jenna exclaimed when she helped Skye into the five-inch heels.

  She glanced in the mirror, turning this way and that, and then grinned at the women staring at her. She reached beneath her way-short skirt, tugging her panties off as she moved her hips back and forth.

  “Dirty, dirty, dirty,” Cyn congratulated her.

  Jenna smiled, thinking her Fairy Godslut job was unbelievably satisfying. She grabbed a pair of wrist cuffs out of one of the leather-lined drawers and wrapped them around Skye’s wrists. They were white leather and she’d been waiting for the perfect outfit to pair them with.

  Talk about the perfect outfit.

  “I sure hope your patient is on his death bed already because if not, he’s going to be when he sees you like this.”

  “I’m feeling pretty wicked.” She gathered her hair up into a ponytail in the back, smoothing as she went.

  “Need some Bobby pins?” Jenna questioned.

  “That’d be great.” She twisted her hair around, making a bun out of it. Several tendrils hung down, loose around her face in a wash of her beautiful red locks.

  Jenna threw a few pins in it to make sure it held, but not so many that Jackson—the horny guy downstairs waiting for her—wouldn’t be able to extract them at warp speed. Hair accessories in this lifestyle were meant to be user friendly, especially when they stood in the way of some super-sexy hair pulling.

  Because she couldn’t help herself, Jenna put a bit of powder on Skye, along with a tiny sweep of blush and some shiny lip gloss. “Decadent.”


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