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JennasConsent Page 39

by Jennifer Kacey

  The next song—Titanium—came on, continuing the fast pace of the first one.

  She wrapped the rope two times around the top of it by the biner and then secured it with three half-hitches before she bundled all the extra rope, placing it between the suspension lines to keep it out of her way as she finished the first suspension.

  She kept a hand on his side as she grabbed another bundle, tying onto his hip harness. With no pause in the tying this time she added another biner on the ring and lifted until his upper body was slightly lower than his hips. She completed the tie the same way and then added rope to the ankle opposite the hip she’d tied onto, giving his upper leg something to rest on.

  She secured that line and then sat beneath his body. He only needed the slightest push to get him moving. He spun slowly above her.

  Each time his head came close to her, she heard him.

  “Huhh…huhh…huhh.” As he processed the tie and the weight distribution, gravity pulled on him and breathing became difficult.

  She stopped him, moving her hands along his body until she cupped his face and knelt so he could tuck his head against her throat.

  “Fuuuuuuck,” he breathed out along her skin and she smiled. This was a bit harder than she’d been on him. The rope was a tiny bit tighter and that made a huge difference.

  She rubbed the side of her mask against his cheek. “I love putting you in my rope.”

  “Love. Your. Rope.”


  She grabbed more rope and stood behind him.

  Oscar was a big guy. If she put a futomomo on him with no other support, his weight alone could cause injury, numbness and nerve damage. She didn’t like damaging her toys.

  She giggled to herself as she released the suspension line on his hip, removing the line completely.

  Any other time, Oscar probably wouldn’t appreciate being referred to as a toy. In this case and in this rope, she didn’t think he’d mind too much.

  She undid part of the hip harness, still keeping the integrity of the tie. Then she added another rope onto it.

  The futomomo wrapped tightly around his folded leg and she ran her fingers along the munter knots on both sides.

  The dips and ridges of the rope spoke to her, sang to her, whispered to her of everything she’d overcome.

  She attached a new main line to the futo and the hip harness, giving him added support and tied it onto another biner. She tucked his knee up high and close to the ring, shifting some of his weight off his chest. Adjusting the slack in his ankle rope took no time at all, though it wouldn’t take any of his weight. It was for distribution of the tie more than anything else.

  Oscar panted beside her and she knew he was gritting his teeth. The soft hiss escaping his mouth told her how hard the tie was on him.

  He trembled against her naked chest and she bit her lip with the sensation of finally being skin-to-skin with someone. It was her choice.

  Her rebirth.

  She already felt as if she were flying.

  Her fingers found the lines attaching his side suspension to the first biner. She released the knots and wraps at the top, allowing him to slowly sink into the new transition.

  “Thank. Fuck,” he groaned as he settled.

  She removed the rope she didn’t need completely, tossing it behind her far enough that she wouldn’t get tangled in it for any reason.

  The music changed again.

  System of a Down.


  The beat pulsed through her as she walked around Oscar, running her fingers on him. His skin. Her rope. Just soaking in the time with him.

  Soon the room around them grew still and she released his ankle. He kept his leg straight for several seconds and then exhaustion pulled it into his body. He tucked it close, tugging it toward his chest.

  She moved around to his back again and placed her fingers in his hands. He squeezed both, letting her know his arms were holding up well in the tie.

  He let her go and she knelt beside him, grabbing one last coil of jute. She palmed the back of his head, tugging the thick strands of his hair. “You ready to come down, pretty man?”

  “Mmm… Yes. No.” He breathed out heavily and she pulled on his hair again. “I shouldn’t like that as much as I do.”

  “And why is that?” She played with his hair as they spoke in hushed whispers.

  “Can’t have sex with you after this. You don’t have the right equipment.”

  She laughed, tilting her head back. “Did you forget we’re at The Library this time?” She felt along his chest, over her rope and his tight abs and the waistband of his cotton briefs. His thick cock strained the fabric.

  He jerked at the contact and huffed out a short breath.

  Her hand squeezed him through the fabric, making him twitch. “I’m pretty sure I could find the right equipment.”

  “Don’t fuck with me, Jenna.”

  It didn’t come out nearly as harsh as he probably meant it. She’d never been into strap-ons before but if her wet panties had anything to tell her, she wondered if that wouldn’t be in her future somewhere.

  “Would I do that, Oscar?” She clasped him tightly one more time then pressed her hand along his length.

  She threw out the end of her rope and attached it to the front of his chest harness. “Let’s get you down before we both do something we’d need therapy for.”

  He grunted some kind of endorphin-induced response and the music changed one last time. Back to the first song.

  She attached one last biner on the ring and ran the main line from his chest harness to it.

  “Damn,” he grunted as his arms and shoulders took more of his weight. “Damn,” again as she tied off quickly.

  She loosened the line suspending his futo, along with the line attached to his harness, lowering both lines simultaneously.

  “Tuck your head,” she reminded him, since he normally didn’t remember that part.

  She liked that he was normally so out of it that basic functions took a backseat to the pleasure she could give him. Part of his arm pressed against the tops of her feet as he relaxed against the ground.

  The lines fell on him as she pulled them both from the biners and she moved to the ground next to him, a leg thrown protectively over his.

  “A badass.” His praise warmed her heart and hugged him close before shifting to remove her rope from his tired body.

  She untied the small knot behind his head and unwrapped his eyes. “Keep your eyes closed.”

  “Not. A problem.”

  The rope tying his leg and hip came next, then his ankle. She grabbed the front of his chest harness and hefted him up onto his knees. She knelt behind him as the music faded away and she released his arms with a groan.

  Whether it was him or her, she didn’t know. She rotated his arms in front of him, going slow, moving them and rubbing his muscles all the way down to his hands.

  She bent him forward, lying on top of his back, breathing him.

  The moment.

  Then she heard it.


  A single person clapping and then another and another until it sounded as if thunder filled the space all around them.

  “See. They now know you’re a badass, too.”

  She smiled, hugging him close before she sat up.

  Adrenaline still swam in her veins as she pushed off the blindfold. She kept her eyes closed as she unbuckled the mask and felt Oscar’s fingers brush her knee as he laid on his side.

  Her hand fell to his as she pulled the mask away and she blinked. “Open your eyes.”

  The lights weren’t as bright as she expected. Jackson must have dimmed them for their benefit.

  “You tied me blindfolded? Badass squared.”

  She glanced up at Oscar’s happy face as she squeezed his hand. And then looked at the crowd for the first time.

  So many smiling faces.

  Nawa stood by the door, caught her eye, bowed deeply an
d then slipped out. He had to leave and she knew it. She’d expected to be completely heartbroken when he left, but…

  She scanned the room for Nick and for Ian, not finding them anywhere.


  Her head turned to the right and there they were, standing off to the side of the stage next to the controls with Chris and Jared and her girls with their men.

  Ian stared at her. So did Nick. The looks of arousal on both their faces floored her. She’d wondered how they’d take to her topping a guy.

  Warmth flooded her chest with how pleased they looked. Delight filled every nerve in her body and her core contracted, knowing how long it had been since she’d been with them. Since she’d been taken.

  They looked as if they wanted to scale the stage and take her right there. Prove to her she was theirs, restake their claim on her body for all to see. But they didn’t.

  They gave her the space she needed to finish the scene her way.

  Her pussy grew even wetter.

  She pulled her bag closed, grabbed a blanket from inside and covered Oscar. He moved a tiny bit but his hand still lay limp by her leg. She knew how cold she normally was after being tied, especially in such a large space. She grabbed a tank-top from the bag and tugged it over her head.

  But it wasn’t to hide.

  Acceptance made the top of her head tingle and she put her mask and new cloth in the bag so she’d have it for later.

  She gathered her rope one length at a time, re-coiling it so she could pack it up.

  “I should be helping you.” Oscar’s eyes slowly opened and his blue irises nearly glowed with his rope high.

  Jenna bent forward and kissed his lips. A show of gratitude and friendly affection. “You’re fine. Just lie there while I finish up, then I’ll snuggle you.”

  His eyes closed again before she’d even finished. “You do give good cuddles, for a girl.”

  Jenna laughed and finished rewrapping her jute.

  She unclipped her carabineers from the ring and put everything away. Jute fiber dusted the stage and she stood there and stared. It had been a long time coming.

  Glancing at Nick and Ian no more than fifteen feet away, she finally knew the answer to Nawa’s question.

  “Self-discovery comes at a price, if it is worth it. Was it worth it, mago?”

  It was worth it. It was most definitely worth it.

  She knelt by Oscar. “I’ll be back in just a second. You doing okay?”

  He nodded but didn’t say anything else, content to be where he was, knowing she’d take care of him. His trust in her made her feel honored.

  She moved across the stage, grabbing her bag on the way. She deposited it on the side of the stage and then moved down the steps directly into the arms of her men.

  “We need you. Fuck, we need you.”

  Arousal sped through her system, making her shiver. She looked between them as Nick palmed her ass beneath her skirt.

  “I can’t leave Oscar, yet. This is the hardest scene he’s been through and I don’t want to leave him alone. I need to move him to a—”

  “I’ll take care of him.”

  Jenna looked beside them.


  He glanced at Oscar still on the stage, his gaze full of nothing short of possession.

  She liked that he didn’t need much encouragement to step up to the plate. Oscar’s happy-ever-after was going to happen, even if she had to work a little magic of her own.

  “How can I trust you with him when you’ve ignored him for this long? He’s under my care.”

  Ryder looked back at her. His intense eyes spoke the truth even before his lips moved. “You have my solemn vow in front of witnesses that no harm shall come to him. At least not until we negotiate. I’ve had my eye on him and I’m ready to claim what is mine.”

  She nodded. “Come up with me and I’ll check with Oscar. Make sure he’s okay with it. He’s pretty blissed-out and needs to be moved to a bed so he can come down off the high.”

  “I’ll take care of it. You don’t need to worry about him. Not anymore.”

  Her men let her go and she moved with Ryder up on the stage. He stayed on the side as she knelt beside Oscar again.

  She brushed her hand over his cheek and his brow. “How would you feel if Ryder took care of you for a bit?”

  His eyes slowly opened. He focused on her and then glanced at Ryder with lust-filled eyes. When he looked back at her, she could see the need to submit to the man he’d wanted for as long as Jenna could remember.

  “How did you manage that? He’s ignored me for months.”

  “Magic. Rope magic.”

  He snickered and closed his eyes again. “You and Casanova definitely belong together.”

  She smirked at his joke and kissed his cheek. “I know.”

  Jenna walked up to Ryder. “He’s all yours.” She turned to leave but he caught her elbow.

  “Can you teach me?”

  Her eyebrows made a V. “Teach you what?”


  Chris and Jared moved to the bottom of the steps. They must have heard the last bit because Jared answered for her. “She’s going to be offering classes. Once a month to start and then we’ll see how much time she really needs.”

  “Really?” Her hopeful question sprung from her lips, even though she knew she’d heard them right.

  Chris pegged her with an intense stare. “That was seriously impressive. If you hadn’t done it blindfolded, I still would have been captivated. Your knowledge of rope, working lines, lifts and physics, not to mention your stamina and grace when you tie… But you did it without seeing any of it. Oscar, placement of rope on the ground, the ring, anything. Fuck. It was hot, Jenna.”

  “Yes it was.”

  “Chris, I think that’s the most you’ve spoken to me at one time. Like. Ever.”

  He looked over his shoulder in Cyn’s direction, where she stood talking to Haleigh and Skye and their guys.

  “Yes, it is.”

  Jenna moved down the steps and hugged them both. What she’d been working toward for years was coming full circle and she was finally ready to own it.

  Enthusiasm nearly bowled her over. She hugged Jared and Chris and turned back to Ryder. “I’d be honored to teach you rope.”

  Ryder nodded and then glanced at Oscar. “Thank you. For everything.”

  He moved across the stage and knelt beside him. Oscar leaned toward him automatically.

  Jenna smiled as she grabbed her bag off the side of the stage. Nick took it from her, shouldering it before she could tell him she could handle it on her own.

  They knew she could and that was all that mattered.

  She cast one more peek at Oscar and knew he was exactly where he was supposed to be.

  Ian took her hand and led her from the room. She reached back and held her hand out to Nick.

  He took it with his free hand and the other still held her corset. He saw where she was looking and grinned. Her heart nearly burst from her chest.

  Her side tingled.

  She couldn’t wait to talk to them.

  Well. Talk and…

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  She expected Ian to take her into the room they were in before. The thought of going in there again honestly hadn’t been that appealing.

  But it was them.

  And maybe it would be different this time. A flash of insecurity washed through her.

  What if they fought again?

  What if they ended up hating her for this?

  What if…?

  Instead, he walked past it and turned the opposite direction into a playroom that was normally empty.


  As soon as they crossed the threshold, Nick dropped the bag and locked the door. He turned to her, ripped her tank over her head, cupped her cheeks and kissed her lips. “New room for a new beginning.”

  “Huuu,” whooshed out of her lungs. She wanted to beg them to fuck her
, to plead for physical satisfaction because her entire body hummed in need.

  But this was too important.

  They could never go back and start over again.

  The foundation of their future began here. In this moment.

  This moment.

  “What changed?” she prompted.

  Nick stared at her, inside her, past every wall she’d ever erected around her heart. She glanced at Ian, taking a deep breath and lowered every barrier she’d built between them.

  “I did.”

  Her eyebrows pulled low and she didn’t know how to take that.

  Nick kissed her mouth and took her to the center of the room.


  Without thinking, she clasped her hands behind her back and knelt before him, legs closed. Ian walked around her then stood side by side with Nick.

  Side by side. Like family. A united front. Tears filled her eyes.

  Ian took a deep breath and she wondered what he had to tell her that was so bad he had to prepare himself.

  “Growing up my younger brother was awesome, at least that’s what they told me. Every chance they got. He was the favorite. The baby. Me, on the other hand? Expendable.”

  “But why?” she whispered.

  “I thought it was because of the kink. I started young. They found out, etcetera. Right before I left you so many years ago, that night when I couldn’t keep my shit together and bailed… I’d just learned that I wasn’t my father’s kid at all. My mother had gotten pregnant with me when she was having an affair.” He palmed his head. “The blond hair. I should have known. Everyone else in the family has dark hair.”

  “That’s…awful. But why wouldn’t you tell me all of this then? Why would you just walk away instead of talking to me about it?”

  “The look of pity I got from members of my family for all my life, I couldn’t see that from you. Just couldn’t do it. So I walked away.”

  “It’s more than just that. Ménage? That’s what set you off that night. I know it. What about it scared you so badly?”

  “My parents picked my brother for everything and anything. My mom picked her husband and legitimate kid over me. Every time. In some ways I was glad to learn I wasn’t really my father’s because it made that rejection easier to take but from my mom? Not getting me? Loving another person more. Leaving me behind…”


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