Power of Love (The Armstrongs Book 1)

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Power of Love (The Armstrongs Book 1) Page 11

by Jessica Gray

  Ryan shook his head when Trevor pulled out his wallet. “No, man. Put that away. That’s my engagement present to you.”

  Trevor was stunned for a moment but then the truth was right there in front of him. Yes, I do want to ask her to marry me! And it would seem that Ryan approves. Trevor grabbed his brother in a hug. “Thanks, bro.”

  “No problem. Let me get it boxed up and you can get out of here and go find your girl.”

  Chapter 21

  Nicole closed her eyes for a moment to savor her success. Cynthia was ecstatic over the response the show was receiving, and everyone was already planning the next installment. They’d decided to head over to a local bar for a drink, and Nicole had been looking forward to celebrating her new life.

  At the bar everyone was having fun, but something was missing. Someone. Trevor.

  A gnawing doubt filled her mind. She’d seen Cynthia flirting with Trevor and plastering herself all over him. She’d even walked him out of the station, her hand possessively placed on his shoulder. And she’d watched as the two disappeared together. Neither of them had returned.

  What was worse, Trevor hadn’t bothered to come find her or say goodbye. Nicole glanced at her cell phone. No. No lost calls, no texts. Why hadn’t he even called her? Had he changed his mind, because she wasn’t able to commit to him?

  Images of her boss and Trevor crossed her mind. The mere thought of the other woman touching her man made her want to puke!

  Shuddering in disgust, Nicole had a breakthrough. I don’t want to be without him anymore. Not a single day! I don’t care about the risks. I don’t care about the past. I’m head over heels in love with him!

  She was almost giddy with the need to tell him her revelation. No more hiding! Nicole excused herself and rushed over to Trevor’s office. Please, let him be there!

  When she arrived at his office, his secretary was just packing up her things to leave for the evening. “Miss Kendrick? What can I do for you?”

  “I wanted to speak with Trevor for a few minutes, if I could.”

  Erin shook her head, “He’s not here. He hasn’t come back after doing the radio talk show. I waited around thinking he might come back here, but it seems he took the evening off.”

  Nicole thanked her and waited for the elevator with slumped shoulders, her face turned toward the floor. Where could he be? Did her being scared cause him to decide she wasn’t worth fighting for? Or did he get upset because the show had been such a success and there’d been talk of future shows?

  Had he left her because he didn’t want her to be successful? All the doubts and irritation she’d learned at the hands of her ex came rushing back, erasing the breakthrough she’d had less than an hour before.

  He hadn’t even said goodbye. And he left with Cynthia. Her boss. As she exited his building and hailed a cab, she tried to remain calm. But her jealous mind worked overtime. By the time the taxi pulled up in front of her home, she couldn’t even raise her head up.

  Trevor hadn’t called. He hadn’t texted her. His secretary wouldn’t tell her where he was. There was only one explanation for his behavior: he’d dumped her for her boss!

  With tears in her eyes, she trudged along the small path that led to her house, sad and lonely, and trying to maintain some sort of hope in her heart. There has to be an explanation, I’m just not seeing it. Trevor wouldn’t just disappear from my life! He wouldn’t! I trust him. I do! But evidence spoke for itself: he’d run off. With Cynthia.

  Now outright bawling, she stepped up onto the porch and then froze in her tracks. Was he having hallucinations? Dozens of bouquets of roses, in every color of the rainbow, were scattered along the porch and steps. Gorgeous, each and every one of them. She’d have been delirious with joy with one of them, but dozens? This man sure knew how to sweep her off her feet.

  She bent down to pick up one bouquet of dark-red, long-stemmed roses, inhaling the exhilarating, exotic scent. So good. She closed her eyes for a moment and opened them again, afraid it was just a dream. But no, the roses were still there. And more!

  Her eyes came to rest on the sight of a statue. No way! The statue from his brother Ryan. The tears she’d been holding back filled her eyes again. Tears of joy and emotion this time. Trevor hadn’t abandoned her!

  Nicole sat down besides the statue, unable to stand any longer. That was when she saw an envelope with her name boldly scrawled on it, sitting on the little bowl. With trembling fingers she set the roses down and picked up the envelope, tearing it open in a hurry. The note was handwritten in blue ink –

  For the strongest and most independent woman in the world. I love you. Trevor.

  Any chance of her stopping the tears from falling down her cheeks disappeared. She didn’t know how long she’d been sitting there before she was able to pull out her cell and text him, “Thank you for the roses and the sculpture.” There was so much more she wanted to say, but she so wanted to say the words in person!

  He instantly called back, as if he’d been sitting with his phone in his hand, waiting for her to contact him. “I can be back there in a minute. If you want me to, that is.”

  Nicole couldn’t believe he had to ask. “Of course I want.” She was crying, and laughing, all at the same time.

  “Nicole, are you crying?” Trevor’s voice sounded worried.

  “Just because I’m so happy. Please hurry?”

  “I’m on my way, Precious. I’m on my way.”

  Trevor arrived inside of three minutes, sweeping her into his arms as he placed kiss after kiss upon her face, her cheeks, her lips, her neck…He couldn’t seem to stop showing her how much he cared for her.

  “I’m sorry I left the station without saying goodbye, but your boss was openly hitting on me and I couldn’t think of anything to stall her politely except leaving.”

  “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be. She didn’t know we were together, or I’m sure she wouldn’t have acted like that.”

  Nicole wasn’t so sure, but discussing Cynthia was not something she wanted to do. “Thank you for the statue.”

  “I wanted you to have it. So did Ryan.” Trevor didn’t say anything else, but when he pulled her into his arms and carried her inside, she didn’t need any more answers.

  All of her insecurities and doubts faded away as Trevor made sweet love to her, showing her in the best way possible how much she meant to him.

  He stayed the night, making her feel loved and cared for, and she drifted off to sleep secure in the knowledge that Trevor was worth the risk. I love him, and he won’t ever hurt me.

  Chapter 22

  Nicole paced from her living room to her kitchen once again, stopping to check her reflection in the hallway mirror for the hundredth time. Three days had passed since she’d arrived home to find the roses and statue waiting on her front doorstep.

  Things between her and Trevor had moved fast from the beginning, but today was another giant leap in their relationship, and she was extremely nervous. She was going with him to visit his family. His entire family.

  So far she’d only met Ryan, and while he’d been nice, she now had to face being introduced to a bunch of people she’d only heard Trevor tell stories about.

  And this wasn’t just any family get-together. It was the engagement party of Dean and Melissa. Everyone had flown in to be here for the momentous occasion. Samantha had flown in from New York. Even Patrick had managed to take a few days off between reporting in Afghanistan and a new gig in Somalia.

  Nicole’s nerves were about to get the best of her. What if they don’t like me? They can’t all be as nice as Ryan. Or can they?

  Trevor arrived to pick her up and immediately could see that she was worrying herself sick.

  “Relax. I promise they won’t bite.” He reached over and took her hand in his own, placing it on his own thigh and holding it there as he attempted to calm her down. It was a forty-minute drive to his parents’ place, and he kept up a string of small
talk, discussing the people she was going to meet in an effort to help put her more at ease.

  Nicole appreciated Trevor’s efforts, and mentally told herself on the ride to be calm and just to be herself. She was with Trevor, and therefore had no reason to be nervous. None at all.

  When they pulled up in his parents’ driveway, she didn’t have much time to let her nerves rule. Trevor’s parents came out of the house to greet them. His mom Joyce immediately wrapped her in a warm hug of welcome, and instantly her nervousness faded away. “Nicole, I’ve been so curious to get to know you. Welcome to our family.”

  His father Kenneth was more reserved, when he stretched out his hand to greet her. She felt like a little girl under his scrutiny, but didn’t shy away from his glance. After a few moments, he tipped up his mouth for a broad grin – a grin very similar to the one Trevor and Ryan owned. “Welcome!” And looking at Trevor he added, “Son, you’ve made a good choice. I like her.”

  They like me! And so far, I like them!

  Before they could get settled in the living room of the house, Trevor introduced her to Evan and Patrick. It struck her that both of them, while unmistakably from the Armstrong family, looked very different from Trevor and Ryan.

  Patrick had light brown hair and finer features, a lot like his mother. He was muscular with a broad back, like the others, but all in all he was more wiry. And his gray eyes had that knowing look of a person who’d seen more than their share of suffering in the world.

  Evan, in contrast, exuded hazard. Adrenaline junkie. An exact description of him. It was not only his lean and muscular body that shouted “Where’s the next thrill?” but also his attitude. A mischievous smile never once left his eyes.

  Both of them pulled her into big hugs, while Trevor only half-jokingly told them to get their own girl. Nicole immediately felt included in the family. And she loved it. A few minutes later Douglas arrived with Samantha, whom he’d picked up at the airport.

  Samantha brought with her a whirlwind of chaos and chatter. That woman was so different from anything Nicole had ever heard about top models. She was nice, friendly, and had all of her brothers wrapped around her little finger.

  Everyone was talking, catching up with their siblings, and making sure to include Nicole at the same time. The entire family seemed to like and approve of her. She finally relaxed, and was happy to see that Trevor’s family was enjoyable to be around. His parents were wonderful, and his brothers and sister loved to tease one another. Almost like her own family. She felt a sudden yearning for her sisters and decided she’d call them to reconcile. I want to have my sisters in my life again!

  Nicole took the opportunity to thank Ryan for the little sculpture, and was telling him about her radio show when finally the newly engaged couple arrived, Dean and Melissa.

  Dean’s fiancée, Melissa, was a bit shy, just like herself, having just come into the family a short while before. A lovable and sweet girl – Nicole immediately found a kindred spirit. They started talking, and soon were laughing and sharing stories with one another as if they had known each other for years.

  When their talk turned to Trevor’s house, Melissa told her that she had actually designed his rose garden.

  “Really? That was the first thing that caught my eye when I saw his house. It’s amazing!” Nicole was impressed.

  Melissa blushed and then added, “Well, I wanted to do something for his birthday, so that was my gift to him.”

  “What a lovely one it was too.”

  “I haven’t seen it this trip yet. I wish I was living in Chicago so that I could help to care for the roses, but I’m still in Topeka, Kansas.”

  Nicole nodded her head. “Trevor said you were moving soon.”

  Melissa smiled. “We are. Dean took a professorship at Princeton University. As soon as his sabbatical is over, we’re heading to New Jersey.”

  Neither Nicole nor Melissa had noticed that Samantha was standing besides them. “And I’ll finally have some female support in the family. I’m sooo glad you two are here.” She made a pout. “I’ve had enough dealing with those six on my own! You don’t have any idea how hard that is!”

  They all shared a heartfelt laugh. Samantha didn’t seem like she needed any help dealing with her brothers.

  Nicole’s response was lost as Melissa’s three-year old daughter climbed up onto the couch between them. “Mommy.”

  “Hey, baby girl. Can you say hello to Nicole?”

  Nicole looked at the sweet little girl. “You must be Happy. I’ve heard all about you from your Uncle Trevor.”

  She had been observing the little girl as she went from one person to the next, doing her best to charm one and all. Happy had kept everyone busy catering to her needs, and Nicole was impressed at how well-received the little girl had been by this bunch of bachelor men!

  Melissa and Nicole helped bring the food out, as did the rest of the family, and soon everyone was sitting around with plates of food as the conversations continued.

  Kenneth raised his glass and said a toast to Melissa and Dean. This was the sign for Trevor and Ryan to get up and haul in their engagement gift: a wonderful sculpture that not only represented the two loving adults, but the little girl who’d ultimately had a hand in bringing them together.

  The male figure held the little girl in his arms – one of her arms wrapped around his neck. His free hand was wrapped around the waist of the female figure, while she held the hand of the little girl in her other. The sculpture showed a circle of love, and the little touches of an ice cream cone and balloons added the perfect details as they reminded Dean and Melissa of their first meeting on the promenade of Lake Perry.

  Melissa was so moved by the gift, she started crying, only to have her daughter inquiring where she was hurt.

  “Tell me, Mommy, and I’ll kiss it all better. Just like you do for me.”

  Happy was so sincere that everyone in the room started laughing. The little girl wouldn’t be deterred, insisting that something was hurt on her mommy and causing her to cry. Finally, Melissa pointed to a place on her forearm where she said she had bumped herself, and Happy smiled before making a big production out of kissing her boo-boo away!

  That only served to increase the laughter around the room, but the little girl dropped the subject of her mommy’s tears, informing everyone that it was okay to cry and they shouldn’t laugh at her mommy for getting hurt. “I gets hurt all the time and no one laughs at me. It’s not very nice!”

  Nicole could see the situation deteriorating rapidly and intervened. “Happy, now that you’ve made Mommy feel better, how about we go see if we can find those brownies?”

  Happy eagerly complied, and Nicole swept the little girl towards the kitchen, not missing the look of thanks from both Melissa and Dean. It feels good to be part of something. It feels good to be needed. And no one here had tried to control her ideas, or even tried to pass judgment on her! No wonder Trevor had turned out to be such a wonderful man. He came by it naturally!

  Chapter 23

  After a wonderful party, Trevor insisted on bringing Nicole back to his house. In truth, she didn’t mind. She’d left her house this morning at the same time Trevor had, and since he’d rescued her from Norman, she’d yet to spend a night alone. I could get used to having him around.

  She sighed as he pulled his Tesla into the garage and shut the door. That caught Trevor’s attention, and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Funny how even though we’ve only known each other a short while, I can already interpret his looks!

  “Did you have fun?” he asked as he handed her from the vehicle.

  “I did. And before you ask, I was worried for nothing. Your family is wonderful, and I felt completely at home after the first few minutes.”

  Trevor wrapped an arm around her shoulders and led her towards the door leading into the house. “I told you so.”

  She chuckled, the sound dying in her throat as he pushed the door open and she looked inside. The
re were hundreds of roses again. Everywhere. Some in vases, some in tissue-wrapped bundles. As she slowly walked into the kitchen and looked through to the dining and living areas, she couldn’t believe how many flowers there were.

  “What? When? I mean....” She broke off, completely overwhelmed by his romantic gesture. Again. How did he do this? When did he find time to do this?

  Trevor was so organized and detail-oriented. She had no doubt in her mind that he had enlisted the help of someone. His secretary? Deciding the how wasn’t as important as the why; she turned into his arms and gave him a sweet kiss. “Thank you. They’re lovely.”

  He returned her kiss and then picked her up in his arms, carrying her through the dining room with the floor-to-ceiling windows and out onto the lovely deck.

  The sun was about to set over the lake, and the sky was already a work of art, draped in pinks, oranges, and reds. It was stunning and a perfect complement to the variety of colors sitting inside his house!

  Trevor sat her down in one of the two chairs on the porch, with a small table between them. A white cloth covered the table, and another vase of roses sat on the table along with a silver bucket of ice containing a bottle of champagne. Two crystal wine glasses waited nearby as well as a plate of strawberries and chocolates.

  She glanced at the table, and then up to Trevor with a question in her eyes. She was completely unprepared for what happened next!

  He grinned at her, apparently pleased with her surprise, and opened the champagne to pour them both a glass of the bubbly liquid. Handing her a glass, he then picked up his own, pulling her to her feet to stand in front of him.

  Nicole took the glass he handed her, allowing herself to be pulled up as she asked, “Are we celebrating something? I thought the party was at your parent’s house?”

  “Yes, we are celebrating tonight. The most precious woman I’ve ever met in my whole life.”


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