Marriage of Convenience: The Raven Brothers - Book 1

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Marriage of Convenience: The Raven Brothers - Book 1 Page 12

by Kaylee, Katy

  I dressed in my Mrs. Raven clothes, a pretty seafoam green dress that fitted over my curves but wasn’t risqué. I wore cute strappy sandals and opal earrings. I considered putting my hair up, but my goal was to look like I fit with the Raven family, not like I was a stuffy old woman.

  I called James and asked him to pick me up and take me to the Rookery Building. I sat back in the car, reflecting on how much had changed in two weeks. When arrived in New York City, I was alone and barely had two nickels to rub together. Now I had a husband and twenty-five thousand dollars a month. Perhaps I even had a baby growing inside me. It seemed to me something would be wrong if I didn’t, considering the amount of sex I’d had with Chase.

  James pulled up to the curb outside the Rookery and then got out and opened my door. “Do you want me to wait for you, Mrs. Raven?”

  I always inwardly snickered when he called me that. He wasn’t much older than me, and it was strange having a peer call me Mrs. Raven. I might have told him to call me Sara, except I worried that would break some sort of rich-people’s rule.

  “No, thank you James. I’ll call or have Mr. Raven make arrangements for me.”

  “Very well.” He got back in the car and pulled away from the curb.

  I stood on the sidewalk, looking up at the building. Someday all this would be my child’s. Oh, how I hoped it would make him or her happy. Chase seemed to love his work, but what if our child wanted to do something else?

  I was about to enter the building, when all the hairs on my neck stood on end. I wasn’t sure if it was an energy or maybe a scent, but all of a sudden, those old feelings of wariness and fear filled my body.

  I looked up the walk one way. Nothing there. I turned to look the other way.

  “Glenn.” My heart leapt to my throat. I stepped back, wanting to avoid him but his fingers wrapped around my arm and gripped hard.

  “Where have you been, Sara?” Menace laced his tone.

  “How did you find me?” I swallowed, trying not to show fear. He wouldn’t do anything crazy on a busy street would he?

  “I’ve been calling you. I finally found a professor who said you were here doing an internship. You didn’t ask me if you could do that.”

  I worked to pull my arm from his grip. “We’re done, Glenn. We’ve been done for a while. I told you that.”

  His eyes turned hard and dark. “You don’t get to break up with me.” He readjusted and tightened his grip. “You’re mine. I’m taking you home.” He started to pull me as he headed back up the street.

  “Let go, Glenn, I’m not going with you.” I pulled my arm back, but his grip was too tight.

  “You don’t have a say, Sara. I thought you understood all that.” He stopped, but kept his hand squeezing my arm. “You’re mine, remember? We’re going to get married. Have babies. We have plans. You don’t get to change them. Not without my permission.”

  Fear and anger mixed. Why hadn’t I listened to my inner warning when I met him that something wasn’t right. Glenn was possessive and controlling. I was in New York to get away from all that. For a moment last weekend, I’d wondered if I signed up for it again when Chase started telling me what I could and couldn’t wear. I remembered closing down emotionally as I wept on the inside that I made the same mistake I’d made with Glenn.

  But Chase wasn’t like Glenn. He wasn’t controlling. He allowed me to express myself without fear of being demeaned or hurt. Sure, he had expectations, but so far, they weren’t unreasonable. He was right, I should look like I fit with him in how I dressed.

  “I’m not yours Glenn.” I tried again to get away.

  He leaned forward, his face red with anger. He gripped my other arm and with both hands shook me until my teeth rattled. “You fucking stop saying that. You’re mine and I’m taking you home. We’ll get married this weekend and then I’m going to fuck your virginity away until you can’t walk.”

  I could only stare at him. He’d been hurtful with his words before, but I’d never heard such vulgarity spewing from him.

  “Now come on.” He yanked my arm and started dragging me up the street.

  “Let her go.” A deep voice said coming up from behind us.

  “Stay out of it, buddy,” Glenn said continuing to pull me up the street. That is until a man who looked a lot like Chase, came around us, shoving his palm into Glenn’s chest.

  “Hey, this is a private matter,” Glenn said.

  “Molesting a Raven Industries intern is not a private matter. Let her go and I won’t break your arm.”

  I recognized the man as Hunter, Chase’s brother who initially Chase had wanted to keep me away from. Right now, I was deliriously happy that he was there.

  “She’s nothing to you. You can get another intern.”

  Hunter gripped Glenn’s wrist and twisted until Glenn released my arm. “Get the hell out of the city and don’t come back.”

  Glenn sneered at him. “You think you’re such a big guy because of your money.”

  Hunter leaned forward, nearly nose to nose with Glenn. I saw fear flash in Glenn’s eyes.

  “No, I think I’m such a big guy because I’m a former Marine. I can wipe the floor with fuckheads like you with one hand. Now get the fuck out the city before I toss you out.”

  “This isn’t over, Sara,” Glenn said as he backed away from Hunter.

  “It is unless you want to be dead,” Hunter said.

  Glenn walked away, but when he looked back, I could see in his eyes that he wasn’t going to let Hunter scare him off. Not in the long run, at least. He might have lost the battle, but I worried he’d be back.

  I rubbed my arm as I watched Glenn retreat, hoping against hope he’d heed Hunter’s warning, while wondering if and when he’d show up again.

  “Thank you,” I said to Hunter.

  “Who the fuck is that?”

  I shrugged. “It’s not important.”

  “The hell it isn’t.” He glared down on me. “You can’t let people treat you like that.”

  “Sometimes you can’t stop them.”

  “He shows up again, you call me. I’ll stop him.”

  I had no doubt of that.

  Hunter frowned. “Chase have you back here on a new project?”

  Huh? “Ah, yeah.” I guess that answered the question about what Chase had told his family about my absence. I supposed it wasn’t a lie. I was working on a new project. Project give Chase a wife and baby so he can inherit the company.

  “Come on,” Hunter said, putting a hand on my back to lead me into the Rookery Building. For a marine with giant hands, he was remarkably gentle as he walked with me to the elevator.

  “You don’t have to escort me up,” I said, feeling a little embarrassed to have my dirty laundry aired for him to see.

  “I need to talk to Chase.”

  I looked up at him. “Not about me, I hope.”

  He looked down at me with dark eyes. “Not only. But he needs to know. You’re our responsibility.”

  “I’m not a child.” Although the tone of my words did make me sound like a child.

  “No, you’re an intern that we’re responsible for. We’re responsible for our employees too.” He shifted. “Or at least I am.”


  “Security is my job.” There was an annoyance in his eyes that had me thinking he was feeling like he’d failed in his job when Glenn accosted me.

  “You’re good at it,” I said.

  He smirked.

  “Would you really kill Glenn?”

  He eyed me. “Do you want me to?”

  I shook my head vehemently. “No. I’m not asking you to, I just want to know if he kept bothering me if you would kill him, like you threatened.”

  He looked ahead with his hands clasped in front of him. “Maybe. You should tell me who he is so I can make sure I don’t have to kill him.”

  “You scared him off. He won’t bother me again.” Of course, I wasn’t sure of that. In fact, knowing Glenn an
d his inability to let someone outdo him, chances were, he’d be back. But I didn’t want my history laid out for all the Raven brothers to see. Chase would feel like he made the wrong choice in picking me, and he’d be right. My history would probably hurt the Raven name worse than a pair of short-shorts.



  I sat at my desk, studying the project plans for the new resort in Florida. My stomach growled letting me know it was about time for lunch. A couple of times this week, I considered calling Sara to see if wanted to meet me or suggest I go home and combine business with pleasure.

  I shook my head. That woman was spoiling me sexually.

  I heard voices outside my door, recognizing my wife’s. That though jerked me to attention. My wife. I’d certainly called her that, but I couldn’t remember thinking of her in those terms. Of course, she was my wife, but this was a business deal.

  There was a knock and then Hunter walked in with Sara in tow. What the fuck was he doing with Sara? I stood, not liking the angry scowl on Hunter’s face. Granted, the guy never smiled, but he clearly wasn’t happy. I stood and came around my desk.

  “Some dumb fuck was man-handling your intern outside the building,” he growled.

  My gaze jerked to Sara. “Are you hurt?” I scanned her perfect body, stopping when I saw bruises developing on her arm. “Who did that to you?” My voice was calm although on the inside, rage was boiling.

  “It’s nothing. Hunter chased him off.” Her voice sounded calm, but I could see in her eyes that the incident unsettled her.

  “Those bruises aren’t nothing.” I wanted to pummel the fucker that dared lay his hands on my wife. “I have a right to know.”

  I noted Hunter’s brows pulling together and I wondered if he thought I’m overstepping the bounds for an intern. If only he knew the truth.

  Sara sighed. “He’s an ex-boyfriend who tracked me down to talk to me.”

  Hunter’s head swiveled to her, wearing the same expression. “He was yanking you up the street.” He turned his attention back to me. “He doesn’t seem to know or accept she’s not into him.”

  Sara’s behavior last weekend was starting to make sense. “Did he hurt you? I mean before.”

  She swallowed. I saw her eyes fill with tears, but she kept them from falling. “Not really. He’s mostly all talk.”

  I had the urge to grab her and hold her tight, protecting her from all the evil in the world. At the same time, I needed to hunt the mother fucker down and make him regret ever touching or scaring her.

  Hunter studied me and perhaps saw the murderous rage building in me. He’d certainly be able to recognize it.

  “Sara, why don’t you get some water and freshen up,” Hunter suggested. “Take a minute to settle.”

  She looked at him and then me. I nodded because I couldn’t trust the words that might come from my mouth. They wouldn’t be angry at her, but they still might not be appropriate.

  When she left my office, I ran my fingers through my hair. “Fuck.” Deciding I needed a drink, I went to the bar. I poured a double shot of the first bottle I grabbed, not caring what it was as long as it was at least eighty-proof.

  “What’s going on, Chase?” Hunter asked. He stood with his hands on his hips, his dark eyes piercing mine. I felt like he could see into my soul.

  “Want a drink?”

  “No, I want to know what’s going on with you and the intern.” Hunter was always direct, often to the point of abrupt. Usually I appreciated that in him. Right now, I needed a moment to get my shit together.

  “Did you hurt him?” I asked.

  “A little. I threatened to kill him.”

  My lips twitched up at that, although I’d rather be the one doing the killing.

  “I’m not happy that someone at Raven Industries was accosted on my watch, but I’m even more concerned at your reaction. What’s going on, Chase? No bullshit. You know I don’t like it.”

  I downed my drink and then, like a man, I turned to face my brother. “Sara isn’t an intern anymore.”

  Hunter’s expression remained unchanged, except for one brow that lifted as he waited for me to elaborate.

  “She’s my wife.”

  His other brow joined the first, and his jaw dropped. “What?”

  I nodded, rolling my shoulders to help work out the tension. “Since last weekend.”

  “You’ve got to be shittin’ me.”

  I shook my head. I leaned back against my desk, curious as to what he’d do.

  “This has to do with Dad’s crazy new plan?” he asked.


  “And she agreed?”

  “Yes. Of course. I didn’t force her.” I wasn’t an asshole.

  Hunter looked away, his brows knitted as he appeared to process what I’d said. Then he pulled his phone out.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Texting Ash and Kade, or do they already know?”

  I sighed, realizing I couldn’t put off telling them all any longer. “No, they don’t know. At least not about Sara.” I remembered that Ash thought I was seeing someone.

  “Kade is going to shit himself.” Hunter grinned, a rare sight on him. “The little shit deserves it.”

  “I’m glad you’re finding humor in my marriage. But someone just tried to grab my wife and I don’t like it, Hunter.”

  His jovial expression vanished. “I’ll find out who he is.” He cocked his head. “You’re pretty worked up about this. Is this a match made in heaven and not just a business deal?”

  “No,” I said quickly. “But that doesn’t mean I’m okay with some asshole going after my wife.”

  Hunter’s head did a double take. “That’s weird.”

  “What?” I could hear exasperation building in my tone.

  “Saying ‘my wife.’”

  Yeah, well, it should have been weird to say it and it was starting to unsettle me that it wasn’t.

  “What’s going on?” Ash poked his head in the door.

  “Come in. Is Kade with you?” I asked working to psyche myself up for this talk.

  “Yep.” Ash and Kade strode in with curious expressions.

  “Did someone die?” Kade asked. “I hope it isn’t Dad. I haven’t found my wife and had a kid yet.”

  Hunter bit his lip to hide amusement. Since the guy had come back from the war, I could count the number of times I’d seen him smile or looked amused. Half of them had just happened in my office in the last few minutes.

  “You’re behind,” he said.

  I shot him a look.

  “Which of your harem have you decided to marry?” Kade asked Hunter.

  “I don’t need this job as much as you guys do. I’m happy to forfeit my inheritance and live happily ever after with my harem. Chase on the other hand…”

  “Chase what?” Ash asked.

  I took a deep breath. “I got married.”

  Kade’s mouth dropped. Ash’s brows pulled together. Hunter continued to watch it all with amusement. Fucker.

  “Who’s the lucky gal?” Hunter prompted me.

  I shot him a look.

  “Yeah, what poor soul was willing to put up with you?” Kade asked.


  Kade’s eyes narrowed. “Who?”

  “Intern,” Hunter said.

  Ash let out a loud bark of a laugh. “She’s the one you were fucking all weekend?”

  I hated that he used the word fucking. It was vulgar even if it was what we were doing.

  “Honeymoon,” I said.

  “Holy shit.” Kade laughed. “So, you could be on the way to fulfilling the second half of Dad’s crazy scheme too.”

  I nodded.

  Kade shook his head. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”

  “To make a baby?” I asked. Just because I wasn’t a horndog didn’t mean I didn’t know how to fuck.

  “So, you sold your soul to the devil. Poor kid. I bet she has no idea what she’s got
ten herself into. Christ, she’s what… nineteen, twenty? Was she a virgin?” Kade said.

  “Kade, stop being an asshole,” Hunter said.

  “She’ll be back here in a minute. I’d appreciate it if you could get your heads out of your asses and treat her with respect.” I said with special attention to Kade.

  “Yeah, she’s his wife,” Hunter said, with another smirk at me.

  “Yes, one who was assaulted on the street today,” I said back to him. “Security is getting lax around here.” I hated being an asshole to him, but I wasn’t going to take anymore of his snark.

  My words effectively knocked the smirk off his face.

  “What do you mean she was assaulted?” Ash asked. At least I could count on him to focus on what was important.

  “An old boyfriend tried to grab her,” Hunter said. “Good thing I was there, so I could stop him.” He glared at me.

  “Is she alright?” Ash asked.

  “Yes, but I think we need to consider that anyone associated with us could become a target.”

  “It was her ex,” Hunter said.

  “Yes, but any opportunists would see that if they kidnapped any member of our family, there’d be money it.”

  “If I get married for this dumb plan, a kidnapping would solve my problem,” Kade helped himself to a drink at my bar.

  “You really are an asshole,” Ash said.

  “You’re okay with someone taking what’s yours?” I asked.

  “You’re telling me this marriage is for real? Love ever after? Tell it to us straight, Chase. How long is this marriage supposed to last before she rides off into the sunset with whatever millions of dollars you offered her? Don’t give me that ‘what’s yours’ bullshit.” Kade downed his drink.

  “There is no end date,” I said.

  All three of my brothers looked at me. I felt the scrutiny but held strong. “She won’t abandon the child. So, we’ll live together like a family.”

  “That’s fucked,” Ash said, his voice disappointed.

  “Like mom and dad,” Kade said, his voice low. I was pretty sure Kade had been the child my mother had to try to get my dad back and involved in the family, but the opposite happened. I think he had less time with Dad than the rest of us growing up. Maybe that’s why he was such an asshole so often.


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