Mirror Friend, Mirror Foe

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by Asprin, Robert

  Mirror Friend, Mirror Foe

  Mirror Friend, Mirror Foe

  Mirror Friend, Mirror Foe

  He would have to fight the boyAll the argument thus far had proved was that the youth had no logical ob-​jections, but was making them up as he went along to support his own stubborn streakThe only way to end the discussion would be to teach the kid a lesson. physically.

  Having reached this conclusion, Hosato began to reassess the situation, specifically viewing the room as a battlefield, as he continued the discussion.

  “Be reasonable, JamesI've been hired to do a job, like anyone else in this complexThat job is to teach you how to fenceIt wasn't my idea, it was your fa-​ther's, so instead of arguing, let's get on with the job at hand.”

  “But I don't want to learn to fence!” the boy in-​sisted, his gray eyes glowering from beneath a sandy tousle of hair“Why not?”

  The boy was tall, in his mid-​teens, and broad for his ageHe'd have the advantage of reach, since Hosato barely came up to his shoulders in height, but whatever edge his youth gave him in speed should be offset by his awkwardness.

  “It's silly,” the boy grumbled“Why should I waste my time learning something I'll never useSwords are obsolete. so are guns, for that matter, but at least a gun would train me for using a blaster.”

  “Are you carrying a gun or a blaster at the mo-​ment?” Hosato inquired politely.

  “No,” James admitted“You aren't allowed to carry an energy weapon inside the complex un-​less you're a security guard.”

  “But you are wearing a sword.”

  From what Hosato could see, the boy's sword had a slender blade roughly one meter longThe overly ornate hilt indicated it was more a decoration than a functional weaponProbably no cutting edges, which would restrict his opponent to attacking with the point.

  “Of course I'm wearing a swordAnyone of any station worth mentioning does.”

  “But you can't see any reason for learning to use it?”

  The boy's beige cotton-​and-​nylon jumpsuit would give him freedom of movement, though not as much as Hosato's black fencing uniformThe soft-​soled boots would give him traction, but the cloak was too longWith any luck, he'd trip over that cloak, or at least find it tangling his arm if he turned too suddenly.

  “No, I don't,” the youth retorted“Nobody actually fights with swordsThey're a fashionable status sym-​bolTwo years ago it was spangle gloves, today it's swordsBig deal.”

  Hosato abandoned his preparatory observations to make one last effort to convince the boy logically.

  “Look, JamesYour father is one of the most im-​portant men in this complex-​a complex, I might add, that is constantly feuding with another complex on Grunbecker's planetThat makes you a prime target for kidnapping or assassinationRealizing that, can't you see the value of learning to use the one weapon the laws let you carry?”

  “Let Security handle them.” The boy shrugged“That's what we pay them for.”

  The tile floor of the rec room would give them de-​cent footing, though not idealThe far end of the room was still in darkness, but the X aisle here be-​tween the four pool tables would be well lighted enough to work inHaving completed his survey, Hosato moved to set up the confrontation.

  “Security will handle them.” He sneered, mimick-​ing the boy's voice“And what if they don'tWhat will you do thenFile a complaintOr would you be forced to do your own fighting for a change?”

  The main vulnerability of youth is not inexperience, it's prideThe boy's head came up with a snap as he reacted to the slight.

  “I can take care of myself if I have to.”

  “Is that a fact?” Hosato stung the boy with a pa-​tronizing smile“Tell you what, JamesIf I can prove to you that you can't handle yourself in a fight, will you agree to study what I have to teach you?”

  “That wouldn't be fair,” the youth protested“I didn't say I could cross swords with a fencing master and winBut there aren't that many fencing masters aroundI can hold my own against the kind of oppo-​nent I'd be likely to have to fight, though.”

  Hosato smiled“It seems there are a few miscon-​ceptions here we should clear upFirst of all, I'm not a fencing masterI'm a professional duelistI'm sup-​posed to teach you to fight, not score points in a tour-​namentSecond.”-he showed a few more teeth- “I didn't say I'd cross swords with youI'm betting you're sloppy enough with that weapon I could de-​fend myself without using a sword.”

  The boy started to reply angrily, but caught him-​self.

  “No deal,” he said suspiciously“You'll probably use karate or something.”

  “As a matter of fact, I don't know karate,” Hosato lied easily.

  “Why not?” asked the boy“I mean, you're Orien-​tal.”

  “That's rightI can't use chopsticks, either.” Hosato caught himself before his annoyance grewThe boy had inadvertently touched a nerve, but it wouldn't do to go into this fight mad.

  “We're getting off the subjectI'm proposing a lit-​tle contestYou use a sword, and I don'tIf you can draw blood on me in five minutes, I'll go to your fa-​ther and tell him you don't need lessonsIs it a deal?”

  The boy hesitated“What if I kill you?” he asked.

  “Then I'll be dead and you won't have to take les-​sons.”

  “I mean, what would I tell my fatherWith you dead, there'd be no one to say it was an exerciseI'd look like a murderer.”

  Hosato smiled to himselfThe boy was bright enoughMaybe he'd make a fencer after all.

  '“Don't worry about it, James,” he said confidentlyHosato pulled a small flat box from where it was clipped inside his tunicHe thumbed a dial and lifted the unit to his lips.

  “Suzi!” he said.

  From the depths of the darkened end of the rec room came the whir of small high-​speed motors, and a strange shape emerged into the light.

  It was obviously a robot, but a very specialized ro-​botIt stood six feet high, floating on a cushion of air, and was shaped like a rectangular metal box stood on endOne side was a rough manikin form, and had a jointed mechanical arm dangling from it.

  “Meet Suzi,” Hosato said“My combination equip-​ment closet and fencing assistant.”

  “So what?” said the youth, unimpressed.

  Hosato spoke into the control box again“SuziDis-​play replay camera three two minutes back.”

  In response, the machine pivoted about to reveal a view screen mounted on the end opposite the armA picture sprang into focus, of Hosato and James in conversation.

  “draw blood on me in five minutes, I'll go to your father-”

  “Stop, Suzi!” Hosato turned to the boy“There's your witness.”

  The youth was craning his neck to peer around the room.

  “Have you got cameras in here?” he asked.

  “YesI tape all my lessons,” Hosato replied“They're spaced around the room to make sure the action is captured from all angles.”

  He pointed to a small black box no bigger than a matchbox, perched on the pool table by the boy's el-​bow.

  “How many cameras are there, Hayama?” a new voice inquired, using Hosato's aliasIt came to them from the other end of the room as a new figure stepped into view.

  SashaHosato frowned to himself as he recognized the svelte figure of the security chiefHe was going to have trouble with this ladyShe was too efficient and moved a bit too quietly for his comfort.

  “Half a dozen,” he answered, forcing a smile“I didn't see you come in.”

  “You weren't supposed to,” she replied without smiling“Go ahead, Master JamesI'll be your wit-​ness that you attacked your teacher at his own re-​quest.” She draped herself casually over a folding chair
next to the robot.

  James looked uncomfortable for a moment, then grudgingly drew his swordHosato felt a quick wave of sympathy for the boyHe had run out of excuses and was now forced into doing combat with a fencing coach in front of an attractive womanTo say the least, it was an unenviable position.

  Reluctantly the boy raised his sword into an awk-​ward initiation of an en garde position.

  Instead of responding in kind, Hosato simply stood facing him squarely, arms folded across his chestThey watched each other intently for a few moments; then Hosato cocked an expectant eyebrow.

  The youth, suddenly realizing Hosato wasn't going to do anything more in preparation, began to edge cautiously forwardHosato remained motionlessFinally the boy screwed up his courage and poked his sword forward in a quick jab.

  Without moving his hands, Hosato stepped leisurely backward, and the attack fell short.

  He continued sauntering backward, and raised the control box to his lips once more“Suzi!” he said loudly“Give us a buzzer in five minutes, starting now!”

  Tucking the box back inside his tunic, he reversed his field and approached the boy once more.

  “Okay, James,” he said in a barely audible mur-​mur“Try it again, and this time act as if you mean itWe've got an audience!”

  The boy flushed and sprang forward, not waiting for Hosato to stop movingThe blade darted toward his tormentor's chest, but encountered only thin airThe target disappeared as Hosato pulled his left shoul-​der back, twisting his torso parallel to the advancing bladeThe point passed harmlessly by, scant inches from his chest.

  “Much better!” he said, retreating easily up one of the aisles“A few more like that and I'll have to start treating you seriously.”

  The boy pressed forward, on the attack again, only to find Hosato had changed his trackHe was stand-​ing sideways now, his right hand extended leisurely, as if holding an invisible sword.

  Puzzled, the boy jabbed at the hand and missed again as the hand drifted back to its original positionAnnoyed now, the boy stepped forward and tried to thrust past the hand at Hosato's bodyThe blade was batted disdainfully aside by the hand that now seemed to be blocking the path of attack.

  Hosato drifted sideways, putting the pool table be-​tween himself and the stalking youthThe boy paral-​leled his motion, sword extended over the width of the table, watching Hosato's movements as a lynx watches a rabbitAgain he jabbed with the sword, only to find he had again misjudged the distance.

  Hosato moved neither foot nor hand in defense, laughing at the boy's frustration as the pool table brought his attack up short.

  Suddenly the control box inside Hosato's tunic started to tingle against his bodyHe risked a glance over his shoulderSasha was standing with her back to them, closely examining the robot.

  There was a flash of movement in the corner of his eye, and Hosato snapped his attention back to the fightToo lateDuring his moment of distraction, the boy had slipped around the end of the pool table and was sprinting at his tormentor with his sword at full extension.

  Hosato was caught flatfootedThe sword point was scant inches from his body and there was no way he could defend himself-​legitimately.

  Reflex action took overHosato dropped to the floor under the speeding sword pointAs he did, his foot lashed out in a vicious kickIn that flashing moment, his conscious mind regained partial control but not in timeHe checked the main force of the kick and moved the point of impact from the diaphragm to the stomach, but that was all he could do.

  The kick landed, and the boy doubled over and collapsed on the floorThe sword slipped from his fingers and clattered noisily away as he gasped for breath.

  Hosato rippled to his feet and was at the boy's side in an eye blink“Are you all right, James?” he asked, lifting the youth by his armpits to aid his breathing.

  All the while, he was cursing reflexes-​his reflexes and his inattentivenessTo give himself away this early in the game.

  “What happened?” demanded Sasha, standing be-​side them.

  “He. he kicked me!” the boy gasped.

  “Nonsense!” Hosato snapped indignantly“The boy got overenthusiastic and ran into the corner of the ta-​ble thereKnocked the wind out of him.”

  “You said you wouldn't use karate!” the boy whined accusingly, ignoring Hosato's protest.

  “I told you I don't know any karate!”

  “This can be settled easily enough,” Sasha inter-​rupted“Let's see the replay on your cameras, Hayama.”

  Her voice was casual, but her eyes were studying Hosato with soft suspicion.

  “An excellent suggestion,” Hosato said, fishing the control box out of his tunic“SuziCamera fiveDis-​play replayOne minute back.”

  The view screen winked obediently to life, and two figures swam into focusHosato waited, poised, as James circled wide around one end of the pool table the boy darted forward Hosato floated lightly behind the table again James tried to change his course, slammed into the corner of the table, doubled over, and rolled off onto the floor..

  “Interrupt, Suzi!” Hosato ordered.

  The screen went dark again.

  “You seeThe boy just-”

  A raucous buzzer went off in the robot.

  “What was that?” Sasha demanded.

  “The signal that five minutes is upI forgot to can-​cel the timing order.”

  Sasha ignored his answer and turned to the boy again“Well, JamesWas that what happened?”

  The boy was still sitting on the floor staring thought-​fully at the dark view screen.

  “HuhOhYeah, SashaI forgot about the camerasI was just trying to get out of taking fencing lessons.”

  Now it was the boy's turn to suffer the security chief's piercing study.

  “In that case, I think you owe Hayama here an apology.”

  James lurched shakily to his feet and extended his hand.

  “I'm sorry, HayamaAll things considered, I've changed my mindI'd like to take those lessons, if you'll have me as a student.”

  The boy had given up too easilyThere was a new depth in his gaze that hadn't been there when they first met.

  “Certainly I'll have you, James,” Hosato said, ac-​cepting the handshake“If anything, I should apolo-​gize to you for putting you through such a rough first lesson.”

  The boy picked up his sword and resheathed it.

  “If it's all right,” he said, “I think I'll go lie down for a whileI'm still a little queasy from that acci-​dent.”

  “Go ahead.” Hosato smiled“Same time tomor-​row?”


  “Wait outside a minute, James,” interjected Sasha“I'll walk along with you.”

  The boy hesitated, then nodded and left.

  “We'll have to have dinner together, HayamaSometime soon?”

  Sasha's smile didn't reach her eyesHosato ignored the warning bells going off in the back of his mind.

  “Sure, Sasha,” he said, forcing a smile“Any par-​ticular reason?”

  “Nothing specialYou're the newest person on the staff, and I know the least about youI thought it might give us a chance to get to know each other bet-​ter.”

  “I thought those application forms I filled out were pretty complete.”

  Sasha smiled as if at some secret joke“Forms seldom tell the whole story.”

  “Well, how about tonight, then?”

  “There's no hurryNo one leaves the complex with-​out my approval.”

  She turned and followed James before Hosato could reply, which was fortunate, because he couldn't think of oneHe stared about the twosome for a few mo-​ments, then thoughtfully began to collect his remote cameras.

  “Suspicious bitch!” said Suzi.

  Involuntarily Hosato shot a darting glance around the room“Someone might be listening, you know,” he said.

  “Sensors detect no human or electronic surveil-​lance,” the robot retorted.

  Hosato grimacedHe should know
by now the fu-​tility of arguing with his partner.

  “Come on, SuziGive me a hand with these cam-​eras.”

  The robot floated over to him, but would not be dis-​tracted from her observations.

  “They're both suspicious, you knowThe security chief and the boy.”

  “I know, Suzi.”

  “Don't underestimate the security chief just because she's a female.”

  “If anything, I'm tracking her doubly close because she's a female, Suzi.”

  “I thought so!” The robot sniffed haughtily.

  Hosato secured the last camera in the storage com-​partment and began unfastening his tunicAs he did, the door of the compartment slid shut, then reopened, exposing an entirely different storage area.

  “I wish you'd use the normal doors when we're on assignment,” Hosato commented“It's supposed to be a secret that you can rearrange your internals.”

  “It is a secret,” the robot retorted“I told you, no one's watching.”

  Hosato ignored the rebuffHis attention was de-​voted instead to the two swords displayed in this com-​partmentThe dueling epeesNo matter how often he saw them, whether as a student or after the maestro had presented them to him, they always gave him a vague chill.

  The swords had been used over the centuries for sixty-​three bloodings and thirty-​one killsA total of ninety-​four duels-​no, make that ninety-​fiveHe had forgotten to include the latest duel, the one that im-​mediately preceded this contract..

  It had all started on Mitchum's planet There were four of them waiting by the designated rockEven though they were still in sight of the spaceport, no crowd gathered to watchApparently duels such as this were not uncommon.

  Hosato studied the group as he approached themSuzi floated silently at his side, her disapproval dis-​played by the absence of her traditional comments and observations.

  Three of the men were obviously the Scale brothersTheir flashy, stylish clothes disguised neither the fam-​ily resemblance nor the arrogant slouch of habitual bar toughsThey were long-​limbed and broad-​shouldered; their build and manner set them apart from the fourth man, even more than their obvious difference in color.

  The fourth man stood slightly apart from the othersHe was bald and Negroid, his ramrod-​stiff posture marking him as militaryHis face was impassive, but his well-​muscled, compact body and poised readiness were enough to cause anyone to give him wide berthIt was obvious to the most casual observer that the worn holster of his blaster had not been purchased used, but had aged the hard way.


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