The Highlander's Fiery Bride: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel

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The Highlander's Fiery Bride: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel Page 32

by Lydia Kendall

  “In fact, I think that’s why ye been so angry. Am I wrong?”

  “Daenae be daft, man,” Gregor scoffed. He picked up his quill and began pulling at the strands of silken feather distractedly.

  “I only met her once. And besides we’ve been over this too many times. Isabel was and is the only woman I’ll ever marry.”

  In the back of his mind though, he wondered if that were actually true.

  A swift pain hit him in his chest as he said it, twisting his insides cruelly as sorrow filled him. Gregor looked up at his uncle, and saw that the smile was gone. Instead it had been replaced with a look of pity.

  “Isabel was a lovely woman, Gregor,” Jamie replied truthfully. “She was a good wife to ye and loved by all. But me balach, she be gone now. And visiting her grave every day and not letting any of the servants clean up yer rooms isn’t going to bring her back.”

  Gregor looked at his uncle coldly, but kept his mouth shut.

  “Yer only thirty,” Jamie pressed on. “The war is over finally. Our village is getting back to a state of peace, and ye’ve got ye entire life ahead of ye. Daenae waste it on the dead, balach, spend it with the living.”

  “It’s not just about that though, is it?” Gregor asked, feeling defensive. “I ken what ye really worried about.”

  Jamie’s brow furrowed, and his mood turned defensive.

  “Careful, balach,” he warned. “Ye ken ye have responsibilities as the Laird of Henwen. Yer faither had to fulfill certain duties and so did yer grandfaither, and so do ye. The village needs a Laird after yer gone. It’s yer duty to make sure there is one.”

  “Yer son Finnegan can inherit the title when I’m gone,” Gregor countered quickly, wanting the conversation to be over. “He’ll be a strapping young lad by the time I keel over and will dae a fine job.”

  Jamie gave his nephew a dirty look.

  “Es nae just about the heir, balach,” he countered, sitting his mug upside down. “Es aboot ye and ye ken it. I ken yer heart is hurtin’, but if ye continue to stay alone it’ll stay that way. Ye cannae change what happened to Isabel and Ian. But ye can move on from the tragedy.”

  Gregor sniffed at the air and avoided his uncle’s piercing gaze. He hated that he was starting to make so much sense.

  “I’m fine,” he replied tensely.

  This time it was Jamie’s turn to guffaw. “Right, and the King of England is me best friend. Get off yer shite, will ye? Remember who ye be talking to.”

  Gregor rolled his eyes, but didn’t argue. Perhaps his uncle was on to something. Perhaps, it was possible for Gregor to be happy again. But his guard had been up for so long, he wasn’t sure at all how to start taking it down again.

  Jamie asked about what Morgana was like. It was obvious to Gregor that he wanted to know more about this healer. Not just her, but the effect she had on him.

  “She seems wonderful for our village,” Gregor agreed, replying honestly. “And Tily likes her enough to let her stay out there on her property, which is a feat in itself. But I don’t ken much more about her than that she doesnae like to talk about her past.”

  “Well, maybe ye need to fix that,” Jamie suggested, rising to take his leave. “But I can tell I’ve bothered ye enough about it today. I just wanted to tell ye that ye’ve been like a bear with a thorn up his arse lately. And now that I’ve done that I think I’ll go join Alice for some tea.”

  Jamie reached over the desk and waited for Gregor to do the same. Though he paused at first, he eventually smirked; the two took grasped each other’s forearm and pulled one another in for a hug.

  “Just dae me a favor, aye?” he asked walking toward the door.

  Gregor sighed. “Aye, what’s that?”

  “Stop chasing the servants away from yer quarters. There’s a stench coming’ from there and it’s time ye let it get tidied up.”

  Even though he didn’t want to, Gregor let out a huff of a laugh. He knew his uncle was making a joke, but he was also right. It was high time he let his chambers get a good scrub and maybe even let some light in.

  He had felt guilty for the way he had chased the poor maid away for only doing her duties during one of his fouler moods. As Laird and Master of the castle, it was below him to behave in such a childish way. He knew he needed to be better.

  “Aye,” he replied, agreeing with his uncle for the first time that evening. “Before the night is over, I’ll find the lass and apologize and ask her to finish the job.”

  Jamie nodded, seemingly satisfied with at least that part of the conversation and turned to leave, but just as he was at the door, he looked back at Gregor a final time.

  “A final thing,” he said, unable to stop the smile on his face.

  Gregor sighed, obviously wanting the conversation to be over. “God’s blood, man, now what?”

  “I was just wondering, what will ye’ll be bringing the lass as a welcome gift?”

  He slipped out of the room then, and Jamie, remembering the old Henwen tradition, groaned.

  Want to know how the story ends? Tap on the link below to read the rest of the story.

  Thank you very much!

  Also by Lydia Kendall

  Thank you for reading The Highlander’s Fiery Bride!

  I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, may I ask you to please write a review HERE? It would mean the world to me. Reviews are very important and allow me to keep writing the books that you love to read!

  Some other best sellers of mine:

  Lusting for the Highlander

  Highlander’s Wicked Seduction

  Highlander's Cursed Bride

  The Highlander’s Iron Lady

  Daring the Highlander

  Disciplined by the Highlander


  Also, if you liked this book, you can also check out my full Amazon Book Catalogue HERE.

  Thank you for helping me doing what I love!

  Lydia Kendall

  About the Author

  Lydia Kendall has always been passionate about medieval romance. Having traveled to the Scottish Highlands several times as a young girl, she has always been drawn to their unparalleled beauty and history. A history that inspired stories of love and passion, mixed with tradition in the most appealing way for every hopeless romantic - much like herself.

  Born in Denver, Colorado, Lydia Kendall has a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing, and over the last decade she has been writing non-stop for several clients - that is until she decided to start publishing her own work. When she isn’t writing, Lydia loves spending her time on the beautiful outdoors with her loving husband and baby daughter.

  Follow Lydia on this sensational journey of hot highlanders, bonny lassies and fierce passion...and find sheer pleasure in the magnificent world of the Scottish countryside - one that will sweep you off your feet and keep you begging for more!




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