Tommy swung his BMW into the pub car park. Bowling into the boozer, he ordered a large scotch on the rocks. Pleased he had chosen a pub where no one knew him, he ignored the admiring glances from the barmaid, and stared at the football on telly. The game was one–all and near the end, but he had no interest in it, he just didn’t want to go home.
Unlike his brother and best pal, he wasn’t all that happy with his lot. He was still with Lucy, but he wasn’t with her by choice. She’d trapped him, it was as simple as that.
At the time, she’d sworn blind she was on the pill, but had mysteriously fallen pregnant within months of them getting together. He’d been furious with her: he was only twenty-five, and he demanded she got rid of it. She’d refused, and then, like most dads, he’d taken one look at his son, and had wanted to be with him. Lucy wanted to name the boy after him, but he was adamantly against it. He didn’t want the kid to have the same name as his piss-head grandfather.
With his father’s alcoholism and his own murder rap, the name Tommy Hutton was a fucking curse. Desperate for his son to have a good start in life, he called him Alfie.
Alfie was nine now, a cheeky little fucker he was, and the apple of Tommy’s eye. He now had another one on the way as well, but fuck knows how he’d managed that. He rarely shagged Lucy any more and, amazingly, she’d managed to conceive while taking contraception once again.
He didn’t hate her. She was a good mum, a loyal partner and their house in Chingford was spotless. She was also a fantastic cook and worshipped the ground he walked on. The problem was, he didn’t love her. He’d tried, but he couldn’t. He envied his brother and Freddie because they had both found the one thing that eluded him. He’d give his right arm to be in their shoes, he really would, but that was never going to happen, not with Lucy. That’s why he fucked about, shagged anything and everything. It didn’t make him feel better about himself, but he did it out of frustration.
Picking up his mobile, he dialled his landline. ‘All right, Luce? I’m on me way home. Do yer want me to pick up a Chinese?’
‘I’ve done you a nice roast, Tommy, but I don’t mind if you’d rather have a takeaway.’
Tommy sighed as he ended the call. She was so keen to please him that she agreed to anything. No man could respect a desperate woman, including himself. He liked spirited birds with a bit of fire in their belly. Picturing Maria, he finished his drink and picked up his keys. It was time to go home.
‘So, what’s my surprise, then?’ Maria asked, excitedly.
As James chucked her the brochure, Maria’s eyes lit up. She’d always longed to go to the Caribbean and James had promised to take her there some day.
‘Have you booked it? When for? Next year?’
James smiled at her. ‘I’ve cancelled Majorca. Only the best for my bride – we’re going there on honeymoon.’
Maria squealed and threw her arms around him. ‘James Hutton, I love you so, so much.’
James kissed her passionately. Feeling himself getting hard, he rubbed himself against her. ‘Any chance of you showing me your gratitude?’
Maria giggled. Grabbing his hand, she led him towards the bedroom.
Over in Chingford, Tommy walked dejectedly through the door.
He scooped his son into his arms. ‘I bought us a Chinese. You hungry, boy?’
Alfie nodded. He was always hungry.
Lucy jumped up from the sofa. Men were no good at dishing dinner up, they just threw stuff onto a plate. ‘You sit down, I’ll do that.’
Taking two trays into the living room, she handed it to her two favourite boys.
‘I’m gonna have a quick bath while you’re eating. I won’t be long.’
As the water ran fiercely through the tap, Lucy sat on the toilet seat and cried. From an outsider’s point of view, her life seemed idyllic. All the girls up the school were in envy of her. In their eyes she had the nice house, the handsome husband, the perfect family life. She hid the truth well; it was the only way that she could cope.
Behind closed doors, her life was a complete shambles. Tommy had never loved her, she knew that. He’d stayed with her because of Alfie, and the only way to keep him there was to have another. Trapping him had been the only answer, because he would never have agreed to have kids with her. He would have met someone else, left her and moved on. The thought of him having kids with another bird would have finished her off. She loved him so much that she felt that her heart would break at times. If only she could make him love her like she loved him. Over the years she’d tried her best, but she knew it was never going to happen. She knew he had other women – she could often smell them on him – but as long as he met no one special and came home to her, she would always turn a blind eye.
Patting her rounded stomach, she stopped crying and forced a smile. ‘You’ll help me to keep daddy at home where he belongs, won’t you, darling?’ she whispered.
Back in Bethnal Green, the bed was rocking. ‘Aah, I love you, oh Maria!’ James shouted as he came. He then used his fingers to make sure that she shouted his name. Pleased that she was satisfied, he rolled onto his back and smiled.
‘I don’t suppose you’ve cooked us any dinner, Maria, have you?’
Maria giggled. Her culinary skills were a standing joke between the two of them. She hated cooking and he ribbed her rotten over her culinary attempts.
‘Whaddya fancy?’ he asked her.
‘I wouldn’t mind a curry,’ she replied.
James leaped out of the bed and slung on his clothes. Sex always made him hungry and tonight was no exception. The local Indian was only four doors away, and it was easier to walk there than order it over the phone.
‘Don’t tell me: chicken tikka masala, pilau rice and naan bread.’
Maria laughed. She had the same thing every time they got a takeaway.
As he shut the door, she flopped back onto the bed and sighed. She was about to become Mrs Maria Hutton and she couldn’t bloody wait.
Their relationship over the years had gone from strength to strength. At first, she’d been wary, as she truly believed that Tommy would open his big mouth and spoil their happiness, but as the years passed, she’d stopped worrying so much. Tommy had his own family now and he was hardly likely to blurt out the details of their one-night stand when he had so much to lose himself.
Maria hated him and had as little to do with him as possible. Lucy was nice, Maria liked her, but apart from the odd unavoidable family get-together, James and Maria had very little to do with them socially. Maria knew James worked with his brother – that couldn’t be helped – but she’d stopped their drunken nights out.
‘I’m not having you rolling home pissed at all hours,’ she told James firmly. ‘If you want to get married to me and have children, then you have to start acting like an adult, James.’
Thankfully, he had taken her advice. She wouldn’t have cared if he was out with anybody else; she just didn’t trust Tommy. There was always a chance he could put his foot in it, or get James drunk and encourage him to stray.
Although Tommy was settled in his family life, she knew deep down he was jealous of her and James. She could see the deep-rooted envy in his vicious eyes. If James wanted to work with Tommy, fine, but otherwise, she’d ordered him to keep well away.
‘Why don’t you like Tommy?’ James often asked her.
‘I can’t put my finger on it, but I don’t trust him. Just do what you have to do and come straight home,’ she insisted.
As the door opened, Maria started to chuckle. Every time he went to the Indian, he came back mimicking their voices.
‘Your chicken tikka has arrived, madam. Would you like me to dish it up for you, my lazy one?’ he said in his best Indian accent.
Throwing on her dressing gown, she smiled. He was one in a million, her James, and she loved him more than life itself.
The stag and hen parties were arranged for the following
Friday, a week before the wedding. Maria had insisted on this. Getting James legless and leaving him in the middle of nowhere was the type of vicious plan that Tommy would hatch, given the opportunity, and Maria wasn’t taking any chances on him spoiling their big day.
There’d been nothing major arranged in either camp. The boys were meeting locally, probably going on a pub crawl and ending up God knows where. The girls were more civilised; they’d booked a Greek restaurant and were looking forward to a meal, some plate-smashing and a disco.
‘Cor, you look fuckin’ gorgeous. Keep away from them waiters, or I’ll have to come down there and knock ’em all out,’ James joked, as Maria made her grand entrance into the lounge.
She’d chosen a long red dress for her special night and looked a million dollars. Seeing James looking handsome in his black suit, Maria punched his arm.
‘Don’t worry about me, you worry about yourself. If I find out you’ve even set foot in a strip club, I’ll have your guts for garters.’
James grabbed her and swung her around. ‘There’s only one bird I wanna look at naked and I can’t wait to marry her.’
Maria laughed. ‘Put me down, you’ll crease me dress.’
James kissed her gently. ‘We ready to make tracks?’
Maria nodded. It may have been their so-called last night of freedom, but they were still sharing a cab.
The girls were meeting in The Duchess, the boys in the Horn of Plenty. The pubs were virtually in spitting distance of each other, so it made sense to travel together.
James ordered the driver to drop Maria off first.
‘Have a wonderful night, darling. I won’t be too late, I’ll see yer later.’
‘Behave yourself and try and steer clear of anywhere Tommy and Freddie wanna drag you off to,’ Maria told him.
James waved her goodbye and got the driver to spin around and drop him over the road.
‘Here he is, the condemned man,’ Tommy shouted, thrusting a glass of champagne towards him.
James greeted his friends and family. About a dozen of his old school pals had turned up, and even Harold and his uncle Kenny were there.
‘What’s the plan? Where we going after here? We going on a pub crawl?’ he asked his brother.
Tommy handed him a pint glass. ‘It’s a surprise, Jimmy boy, now get this down your neck.’
James gagged as he drank the foul-tasting drink. Christ knows what was in it, but he felt it go straight to his head. Tommy laughed. His plan was to get his brother well and truly plastered, and by the look of him, it was going to be easy.
Maria sat giggling at the top end of the table. There were about fifteen of them altogether. Most of them were friends, but she was overjoyed that her mum, Maureen and Ethel had agreed to come, too.
‘Ain’t you got any last-minute doubts or nerves?’ asked her cousin Coleen.
Maria had never liked Coleen. She was a jealous bitch. Maria shook her head, ‘None whatsoever. James is the love of my life, and I can’t wait to marry him.’
‘Get me a bucket, will yer?’ Coleen said nastily.
The sarcastic banter continued as dinner was served. As Ethel’s plate was put in front of her, she looked at it in horror. Poking about with her fork, she opted for her loudest tone. ‘What’s this shit? It looks more like dog than fuckin’ lamb!’
The look of disbelief on the waiters’ faces made the table rock with laughter.
James sat at a table having a quiet chat with his uncle Kenny and Harold. He felt a bit drunk and had got away from Tommy and Freddie. The concoctions they’d plied him with had made him feel well ropey.
‘Hi, Jimmy boy, I have a big surprise for you.’
James looked at the big bird standing in front of him. He was sure he didn’t know her, she was tarty-looking and old. Wondering if it was one of his mum’s friends, he smiled at her.
‘Do I know you from somewhere?’
‘You don’t, but you’re never gonna forget me, lovey.’
Releasing her gigantic breasts from under her jacket, Juicy Julie whacked them straight in his face. As the pub erupted in laughter, James could barely breathe. Embarrassed beyond belief, he had no choice other than to join in with her antics. He’d have his brother for this – he’d fucking kill him.
‘Oi vei! Look at her tuchis, James!’ Harold exclaimed as Juicy Julie bent over.
Tommy and Freddie egged her on.
‘Get his clothes off, grab his cock, make him suck your tits,’ they yelled.
By this time, apart from a silver necklace, Juicy Julie was totally naked. James glanced down as she rubbed his hand around her nether regions. Her noony felt horrible, like a pig with its throat cut.
The fun came to an end when she pulled down his trousers and got his cock out. Seeing the look of horror on his nephew’s face, uncle Kenny stepped in and rescued him.
‘Enough’s enough, come on. Thanks, love,’ he said to Juicy Julie, as he led James away.
‘What’s a matter with yer? Yer boring cunt,’ Tommy yelled.
Kenny shot him a look. He could see that Tommy was well pissed and probably beyond reasoning with. Ignoring him, he helped James get dressed.
‘Are you OK?’
James smiled. ‘I am now and thanks for that.’
Annoyed with Kenny’s interference, Tommy decided it was time to move on. Ordering some cabs, he grabbed James to one side.
‘We’re going to a nightclub now. Surely you ain’t got the hump? It was only a joke.’
James hugged him. ‘Of course I ain’t got the hump. I dunno if I fancy clubbing though, I may just stay here for a bit. You go, Tom, and I’ll stay with Kenny and Harold.’
Tommy shook his head, ‘Don’t be a boring cunt, Jimmy boy. I know Maria’s got you under the thumb but, fuck me, you’re entitled to go out and enjoy yourself on your stag night.’
Feeling belittled, James tried to argue his way out of it.
‘It’s nothing to do with Maria. I just feel a bit pissed that’s all.’
Tommy spoke with contempt. ‘What are you? A man or a fucking mouse? It’s your stag night, you’re meant to be pissed.’
Desperate not to look a wimp, James smiled. ‘All right, I’ll come.’
Tommy smirked. His little brother always danced to his tune, had done ever since he was a baby.
Back in the Greek restaurant, Ethel’s arthritis had miraculously vanished. She’d never drunk ouzo before and it had a wonderful effect on her aches and pains. Grabbing hold of Nick, the handsome young waiter, she swung him around.
‘Whoaa!’ she screamed as she grabbed his arse.
Maureen, Maria and the rest of the table were in hysterics at her antics. When she lifted her skirt up, showed her bloomers and tried to teach him the can-can, they nearly wet themselves.
Maureen nudged Maria, ‘She’ll regret this tomorrow. I bet she’s that stiff, she won’t be able to move for a week.’
Maria giggled. The hen night had been a fantastic success and she’d enjoyed every minute of it. She adored James’s mum and gran and, coming from a small family herself, it was wonderful to be a part of something bigger. Seeing her mum yawn, she glanced at her watch. Talk about time flies when you’re enjoying yourself, it was half past bloody one! Debating whether to order some cabs, she thought about James. With a bit of luck, he’d be home when she got there.
As the waiter walked towards her with six bottles of champagne, Maria thought there was some mistake.
‘We haven’t ordered those – we’re going in a minute,’ she said.
The waiter shook his head. ‘You must stay. A man telephone us, he buy these for you, he say a gift for Maria from Tommy Hutton.’
Maureen smiled. He might be a bastard at times, her eldest, but he had a heart of gold. ‘Ain’t that thoughtful of him, Maria?’ she said.
Maria felt sick. The bastard was miles away, yet he’d still managed to spoil her evening. The worst thing was, she knew he’d done it on purpose.
bsp; Listening to James and Freddie ramble on about their wonderful fucking girlfriends, Tommy moved away. The nightclub was buzzing and he didn’t need to be suffocated by other people’s happiness.
He thought of his phone call to the restaurant and smiled. He’d done it to piss Maria off, and it was worth the money the champagne had cost to imagine the sickly smile wiped off her face.
Noticing a little blonde bird eyeing him up, he smiled at her. She looked up for it, and if there was nothing better about, it might be her lucky night. Deciding to make his way towards her, he was stopped in his tracks by a foreign-looking bloke who looked vaguely familiar.
‘Tommy Hutton. Long time no see.’
Racking his brains, Tommy was sure he knew him, but couldn’t place him.
‘Mustapha Osman. We were in the Ville together.’
As the penny dropped, Tommy hugged him. Mustapha had been a weedy little kid on the inside, but now he looked a million dollars.
‘Fucking hell, you ain’t half changed. I would never have recognised yer.’
Mustapha grabbed his arm. ‘I’m part-owner of this club. I’ll get us some champagne and we’ll go in the VIP lounge.’
Tommy was well impressed. Mustapha couldn’t have been thirty and he part-owned this fucking joint. He looked the part as well. His suit, shirt, watch, his aftershave; he had pure wealth stamped all over him.
Sitting alone in a cubicle, they caught up on old times.
‘So what you up to now?’ Mustapha asked him.
Knowing his friend was one of his own, Tommy was coy but truthful. He excluded details, but explained he imported cannabis and was doing all right out of it.
Seeing people falling over themselves to say hello to Mustapha and shake his hand, Tommy couldn’t believe this was the same little squirt he’d been inside with. Impressed wasn’t the word, and he was desperate to know what had happened to him.
The Betrayer Page 23