Forbidden Feast

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Forbidden Feast Page 5

by Kira Blakely

  She does as told, her thighs fanning apart and opening up a tantalizing little tent of shadow between her legs. I stroke myself and lower, skimming my head around her cunt, then sinking inside. My eyes roll back in my head and I plant my fists on either side of her wide hips for balance. With each drive into her, her booty bounces, and I throb at the sight and go harder, faster, loving to watch it bob, loving her shrills of pleasure and surprise. She sounds like her mouth is full of mattress.

  “Fuck, yeah,” I breathe, biting her shoulders. She whimpers and tilts her hips up, seeming to be in pain but enjoying it. I pound harder into her, shifting my weight onto my knees and scooping my hands around her hips. I hoist her into the air and drive deeper, faster, a maniac. My cock tingles and prepares to gush.

  How the hell am I supposed to be in the same office with her after this?

  “I never want you to wear those stupid Spanx in my office ever again,” I rasp, still going like a jackhammer into her. “I want to see all your curves, Ella. I want you... bending over in front of me while I’m trying to work. I want you... sucking me off under the desk. That’s your new job, Ella. Take my dick. Soak up all my fucking cum.”

  “Oh, god,” Ella cries out. “Yes, yes, yes. Fill me up, Mr. Howell. Fill me up...”

  I reach between her lips and find her swollen clit, playing it back and forth in two fingers. She shrieks and pushes her pussy even harder down onto me, and I hit a depth I didn’t know existed. Her twat starts milking me. It’s fucking humming for me. All my thoughts run clear and I lose track of time, just playing and pounding, playing and pounding my little sex slave.

  It’s the severe clenching of her walls around my prick that brings me back into my conscious mind, because it’s too sweet. Her pussy wraps around me like a muscular flower and seems to suck the orgasm right out of my rod. I buck into her like crazy and everything goes white. A shower of prickly heat rains over my body and my cock pops. Hot seed spills into her waiting pussy. I thrust and thrust, and she drinks it all up, pressed haggard on the mattress.

  I collapse on top of her, Ella and I both boneless in the afterglow.

  “I can never be without you, Ella,” I pant against her neck. “I can’t spend all day inside you and then leave work and come back to an empty mansion.”

  “Maybe you can bring your work home with you,” Ella purrs drowsily. “Spread it out on the dinner table. On the bed. Yeah.” She grinds her sopping pussy against me, still buried deep inside her. “Bring your work to bed, Rainier. Do it overnight.”

  Chapter 10


  We take an early afternoon nap and awaken naked, tangled in each other’s legs, while my wrists are still tied to the damn headboard. My hands are totally numb and lay like dead fish as Rainier works to untie them upon waking.

  “I’m sorry about that. It was irresponsible of me, as the person who tied you up,” Rainier says. “I was just so drained. Do you know how many times I’ve come inside you since last night? Is it only two or three? I feel like it was nine or ten...”

  “And it’s only Friday,” I joke softly, and Rainier chuckles. I don’t really mean it, though. The time is flying and we leave tomorrow. “Will I really be your new sex assistant?” I wonder, nipping at my lower lip. It was hot dirty talk but is it really realistic?

  “I don’t know,” Rainier says, propping his chin on his elbow and lying beside me in the bed. We’re both still nude but the mood becomes serious when the word “really” gets used. The mood becomes serious when I ask questions. “It would be complicated, of course.” One of Rainier’s fingers traces over my collarbone and down between the valley of my breasts. “Rex is going to be an issue. And we can’t have associates walking into graphic scenes with the secretary.”

  My heart deflates. The secretary.

  “Right,” I say.

  “I don’t want to fire you, though,” he adds quickly, voice firm. “I don’t want to transfer you. I don’t want you to go anywhere.”

  “But things are going to change,” I remind him with certainty. “You know what’s going to happen if I walk into your office on Sunday like nothing ever happened.”

  His cock stirs at my words and I have to smile. “You are the devil,” I purr.

  “Why not a god?” he wonders, drawing me closer against his bare erection, and I guffaw.

  “Because you call me a good girl when I’m doing bad things.” My eyes trail up and down his immaculate body, still unable to believe it’s stretched out, naked, beside me. Naked and hard. “And because your cock is the eighth deadly sin.”

  “You don’t blame your pussy at all for this?” Rainier’s finger lifts to gently circle my nipple. The skin puckers responsively and I draw in a ragged breath. I know what all these little touches mean. Even though my pussy has been pounded into dust, he’s circling around for thirds and fourths. His finger slides down my breast and stomach, across my mons, and between my labia. “You think I had a choice?” he whispers against my ear, and my eyelashes flutter. I let my legs fall open for him.

  Rainier grunts and rubs my nub, his eyes fixated on my pussy. “Look at this thing. It’s like a poppy. Such a pretty flower but so addictive.”

  I tremble and rock my hips back and forth against his touch.

  He leans close and whispers against my ear, “Sometimes in my office I could smell your pussy.”

  I tremble harder. I know I’m wet now. His fingers play expertly with my button.

  “I would be trying to focus on my job and you’d walk by, so innocent, just getting some little thing,” he rasps so softly. “And Jesus Christ, I’d know you were soaking wet. I’d know you were ovulating. There’s no other reason a pussy would smell so strong and so good.”

  “Oh, Rainier.” I open my legs wider still, giving him all my throbbing womanhood, and he obediently picks up his pace, scraping over me with a rough precision that brings my thighs to a quiver.

  Rainier swallows thickly. “I started jacking myself off under the desk,” he confesses. His free hand wraps around his own cock and slowly pumps. “I never do stuff like that. To lose control of yourself is unacceptable. But I was constantly hard. I needed the release.”

  He works me harder and faster, getting desperate for my cum, and my eyes roll back in my head. Oh, it’s coming. “Did you think about me?” I ask him.

  “Every time,” Rainier grunts. He jerks his finger erratically across my clit and the unpredictable pattern brings me instantly to the edge. “Oh, god, this pussy.” He grinds on it rhythmically again and the orgasm drags forward and crashes down on me. I gush clear, syrupy juices all over his hand. I buck and push my hips. My pussy shudders and grabs for anything it can squeeze...

  Like an answer to a prayer, Rainier’s hot cock slides into me again. “This pussy,” he repeats, “is mine now. No more coming under the desk.” He whispers against my ear. “Now I only come in you... Miss Petit.” He rolls and pulls me on top of him, never sliding out. I start humping him, feeling too soft to effectively fuck anyone from the top, but I’ve underestimated Rainier’s dominance. Even when he’s on the bottom, he’s still on the top, and he plunges into me with his abdominals crunching hard. I don’t even have to do anything but literally ride him like he’s a bucking bronco. He plunges his thick length into me again and again, punching my sweet spot so hard I get dizzy. I hold onto his chest and just take the pleasure... There’s nothing else I can do.

  Orgasm pours out of me quickly, but Rainier doesn’t stop until his cock balloons and bursts inside me. His cum is so hot that I feel it rush into my pussy and my eyeballs roll in my head. I love his cum. I love his dick. I want to have a million Howell babies.

  He lays flat with me wrapped around his torso, both of us panting, even though he exerted himself far more than I did. He’s slick with sweat.

  “I took a class on human sexuality in college,” Rainier whispers to me. I feel his finger—impossibly—seek out my tiny soaked button again. There’s no way I can com
e more. My pussy is going to fracture from the strain. “They said that the cervix actually dips down and sucks up semen when a woman has an orgasm with her clit. So, if your man just came inside you, he needs to make sure you come, too. He needs to make sure your body takes his seed as deep as it can go.”

  Blush thunders up into my cheeks and I subconsciously rock against his touch, enticing him to keep fingering me. “I’m on the pill, anyway,” I remind him softly. He flicks at my sopping pussy and I clench up like I might actually come again.

  “Maybe you should get off of it,” Rainier growls. “I want you taking every load I’ve got, Good Girl. I know you’ll work hard to deserve it. I want you full of me. Hot as an oven. Ready. God, yeah. Ready to get my cum so deep... I’m going to make you so... fucking... pregnant...”

  I wail as an orgasm culminates and shoots through my body. They seem to come faster each time. Eventually, he’s just going to touch me and I’ll come. I gush all over his fingers, thinking about my cervix dipping down, sucking up his cum and pulling it even deeper into me.

  Panting for breath, I echo limply, “Pregnant?”

  “Don’t pay attention to me,” Rainier murmurs, waving a hand drowsily. “I was just dirty talking. Of course I’m not going to pump you full of babies.” His eyes close and he smiles softly anyway, as if warmed by the thought. “Of course not,” he repeats.

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  I watch him lying there with his eyes closed, looking like he’s the one doing yoga now. He looks more relaxed and happy than I’ve ever seen him. Hell, we could be the same age right now.

  My hand slithers across the mattress and weaves itself in with his, even though his fingers are sticky.

  “I don’t care if I lose my job,” I blurt, sweaty and smelling of sex and tired all over again, even though it’s early afternoon and all I’ve done today is yoga and Rainier. I could grow old with him, you know. I could die happy. “I want to be your sex assistant.”

  Rainier’s palm smoothens lovingly over my expansive hip curve and he sighs. “You will be,” he whispers. “You have to be mine now.”

  Chapter 11


  I finally have to pry myself away from Ella and do something other than... find my life’s purpose, apparently. I take a shower at her villa, just because I’m in desperate need, and then I slip on the mask I had in my pocket so I can head back to my own villa.

  “You can stay,” Ella offers, threading her fingers through her long brown hair and blinking up at me expectantly. “If you want to.”

  I smile down at her and answer, “I know. Can I see you again tonight? On the beach in front of the main house?”

  Ella purses her lips and nods. I know she’s nervous. Without knowing how I know, I know that she’s nervous about how things are going to be now. It was easier when we were just banging away on every surface. There was no future, no introspection. But now, when we separate, she’ll have the chance to clear her head. And so will I.

  “What time?” Ella wonders obediently, and I tell her sunset. She says that she’ll be there. “I’ll just...” She giggles nervously. “Just lock all the doors and wait.”

  “Don’t,” I say. “What happened with Rex was a fluke. That kind of thing isn’t supposed to happen here, and it won’t happen ever again. I promise.”

  She bites her lower lip and nods, not asking me how I can be sure. My heart swells up. She just trusts me.

  Outside of her villa, a valet passes, and I pull him to the side. “Excuse me, sir,” I say. “I invited a friend of mine to the Island, and he’s not... handling it very well.”

  The valet grins. “Perhaps we can send someone to his villa? Or five someones?”

  But I shake my head. “I witnessed him become forceful with a guest,” I explain. “He doesn’t understand that the women, even though they might be naked and wearing masks, can still say no.”

  “That behavior is strictly prohibited, even and especially here,” the valet snaps, quoting one of the rules of the island. “We’ll have to remove him from the Island immediately and ban him for life, sir.”

  “That sounds about right. I caught him assaulting an associate of ours, and I can only imagine what he might be capable of doing if he doesn’t know the woman at all. You know what I mean.”

  These women are traipsing around naked because they trust our self-control. They trust that the island won’t devolve into some free-for-all rape fest and knowing how blindly determined Rex can be... it’s possible that other women on the island are also in danger.

  “What is his name?” the valet asks.

  “Rex McKenzie,” I answer. “I’ll come with you. I don’t want him to give you any trouble.” The valet, although physically fit, looks barely older than a teenager himself.

  We walk together to Rex’s villa and his voice leaks out from the windows, clearly shouting. “Just put them on!” he demands, and the valet scrambles to use his skeleton key to unlock the door.

  We throw it open to find him yelling down at a naked, masked brunette who is in the middle of sobbing, “But I don’t need glasses. This will make me sick.”

  They both twist to look at us spilling through the foyer, the valet’s face panicked and mine stern.

  “Are you all right?” the valet shrills at the brunette, who scrambles to her feet and runs over to us.

  “I just wanted to fool around in the Jacuzzi,” she says, pointing angrily at Rex. “But he’s trying to force me into some weird roleplaying shit I am not into. I’m not your little sex secretary! I’m not into that stuff!”

  I glower at Rex. “They’re going to kick you off the Island, man,” I warn him. “You know you can’t go around like this here.”

  “It’s just a crazy sex club anyway,” Rex sneers. “None of it makes any sense. Women are strutting around naked but you can’t just fuck any of them however you want. I’d rather get a hooker. At least then I know I’ll be satisfied!” He shouts this at the brunette, who shrinks behind me next, not feeling sufficiently protected by the valet. “But back in the real fucking world, Rainier, you’re the one who’s going to be kicked off.”

  I scoff. “Kicked off the real world?”

  “That’s right! You breached your own contract, smartass. You’re going to drown in legal fees and I’m going to take control of the company.”

  “Who’s going to sue me? Ella?”

  “I am. I’m going to sue you for turning our company into your own personal brothel. Get Ella on the stand and tell me she won’t come clean about all this.”

  Actually, I think she would lie for me but I don’t say this out loud. “I don’t think you’re thinking clearly,” I tell him. “For now, let’s just get you packed and home. We can discuss how we feel about the developments when I return the day after you do.”

  Rex glowers. “You’re loving this.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “I’m going to take Ms. A back to her villa,” the valet says, taking the shaken brunette and leading her away. Now it is just Rex and I, but I’m positive the valet will send back-up to ensure that Rex is removed. They take assault more seriously here than they do in the freaking States.

  Rex and I stare back and forth, and then he commands, “I want you to fire Ella.”

  “Never,” I reply easily.

  “I can’t work with her,” Rex says.

  “You don’t have to. In fact, I think that I might offer her a job in the private sector.”

  Rex’s jaw clenches. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I thought you didn’t want to work with her, Rex.”

  “So, you’re going to just transfer her to your bedroom?”

  Rex lets out a roar and charges at me. To me, it seems to happen in slow motion, because I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since the element of Ella was introduced. It’s the only way a love triangle can ever end—with violence. He telegraphs his offensive maneuvers readily with his glaring eyes and his roaring face, po

  I take all of his forward momentum and step to the side, throwing him against the villa wall like he’s a ball. All the pictures frames along the wall come trembling down, and a nearby vase tumbles and shatters.

  “Act right, Rex,” I snap. “This is a resort. We can’t trash this place.” Meanwhile, Rex is balled up on the floor, groaning like a bitch. His watery eyes squint at me through his fingers as he slowly sits upright. “This is exactly why you’re going home the second time you’ve ever been here, and now you’re banned,” I say. “Because you have no respect for other people and their things.”

  “I have been working on Ella for months!” Rex cries, face twisted and beet red. He staggers back up onto his feet. I’ve never seen him get like this over a woman. We would both roll out and score over the years... It was meaningless. “You treat her like shit and she crawls to you!”

  “What the fuck has gotten into you?” I ask him. “I never treated Ella like shit.”

  “You did!” he snarls. “I’m sick of it. I’m so sick of it. Always getting everything you want. Always getting first pick of the women. I’m sick of it. Just because you’ve got that goddamn jawline. That’s all it is.”

  “That’s not all it is,” I promise him. “I treat women with respect, Rex. That’s why they come to me. I’m not trying to get them into bed. They like that. I never came on to Ella... even though I really fucking wanted to. I treated her with respect because of the environment. And she responded to that. Women like a little space, a little freedom. Give them space and they’ll come crawling to you, too.”

  “I want a sexy assistant,” Rex pouts. “She’s perfect. She’s, like, Maxim-level perfect.”

  “Ella isn’t my sexy assistant,” I half-lie. “And she isn’t perfect,” I fully lie, just for Rex’s peace of mind. There’s no reason to lord over him the objective fact of how perfect Isabella Petit is. “She’s just a girl who likes to play that role... and you can find one, too. Ella is a person. And she’s special, anyway. She’s different.”


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