Whatever It Takes

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Whatever It Takes Page 10

by Olivia Harp

  "I have something in mind, but it's a surprise."

  "Come on, tell me!"

  "Sorry princess, it's a surprise… I mean it's not like the most amazing thing in the world, it's just, different I guess."

  "All right, I'll wait."

  She sent a kiss emoji.

  She'd seen this kind of behavior in Nina and always thought it was so dumb. They weren't teenagers, after all.

  But now she understood. She couldn't control herself, she felt free and happy, with a bright future ahead.

  Sudden fear made her shiver.

  This wasn't a normal relationship. She didn't know what the future held for two people like them.

  Their families were bitter enemies, but something good had to come from this, right?

  I mean, little by little, everyone will have to understand.

  Her door burst open, the noise making her jump on her seat.

  Veronica tried to hold the man back, but he pushed her aside until she hit her desk, almost falling.

  "What the hell is wrong with you, Trey?" Julie screamed.

  He pointed at Julie, fury overcoming him.

  "You fucking ditched me! Do you know how that makes me look?"

  "You shouldn't have acted like an asshole in front of my parents then."

  "Hey, your parents invited me because they see something in us—"

  "I think you're very wrong about that—"

  "Well, that's the problem, everybody can see it but you. You have to stop being such a stuck-up bitch."

  She couldn't believe it. She couldn't even understand how acting like this was supposed to make her care about him.

  "Trey," she said, her voice calm, tired, even, "I don't like you. Nothing will ever happen between us. Get over it."

  He took a second to understand what she just told him.

  "I love you," he said, "I won't let this go."

  "Listen to yourself. We'll never be together. Please understand that. You used to be a friend, kind of, but now you’re crossing the line—"

  "Shut up!" He said, walking to her, his face turning red, thick veins protruding in his forehead. "You humiliated me. You've been playing with me for a long time."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "You're always teasing me, dressing how you dress, looking at me from afar."

  This was insane. This man was seeing things that weren't there. For the first time in her life, she feared, truly feared him.

  She thought he was just an asshole, but now he sounded completely psychotic.

  "Trey," she said, trying to defuse the situation, "I'm telling you this because I've known you for a long time. What you're saying is not true. You're sick. You need therapy."

  He turned white, he even stopped breathing, unable to say anything.

  "No one says no to me," he said, "but now I realize. You're a tease. That's what it is—"

  "I'll call the cops—" Veronica said.

  "Shut the fuck up or I'll make sure you're sorry."

  She looked at Julie, her face full of fear.

  "It's okay, Veronica. Trey was just leaving."

  Their eyes locked, Trey's lips quivered, but he couldn't open them, they were almost white with how hard he was pressing them.

  "Stop acting like this," she said, "and I won't tell my father about it."

  His eyes went wide open, he grunted like a bull but didn't reply.

  "I don't want you. Never have. Please, leave me alone."

  His face changed from hard fury to a mocking grin.

  "Of course you don't. I realize now. You're a fucking dyke."

  It surprised her. Nothing he could say could make her feel bad. But this was news.

  "Everyone knows it," he continued, "no boyfriends, Nina is a whore—"

  "Stop it," she said.

  He could say anything to her, it didn't matter, but listening talk shit about people who weren't there to defend themselves was pushing it too far.

  "Isn't she? How many boyfriends has she had?"

  "What do you care? You're the same."

  "It's not the same and you know it."

  "Fuck you."

  "Oh, I get it. She's had sex with you, too."

  She was speechless. She couldn't think rationally now. No one had driven her this mad in her whole life. He not only insulted her, but her friend too? Who else thought this way?

  "You're out of your mind," she whispered, almost crying with anger, "get out now."

  "That's what I needed to know. Now everyone will know why you haven't been mine."

  "Fuck you!" She yelled, "get out or I'm calling the cops."

  He laughed, "I'm so scared."

  "I'm getting a restraining order."

  "Do whatever you like you fucking bitch, I don't care."

  "Veronica, call the cops."

  Her assistant picked up the phone and dialed.

  Trey walked out of the gallery at a snail's pace.

  "I can rest easy now that I know your secret," he said.

  "You can’t talk to me like that. You work for my father—"

  "And what's he gonna do? My father saved his life. He owes me. You really want to put this little squabble on his shoulders?"

  She wanted to kill him. To destroy him. To obliterate his memory from the world. She felt dirty even talking to him.

  He walked out of the gallery, she held the door behind him, so he wouldn't break the glass slamming it.

  He turned and looked down on her, his greasy hair behind his ears, an arrogant smile on his lips.

  She knew how to do it.

  How to shatter his confidence.

  "Cops are coming," Veronica said behind her.

  "You should've told me sooner," he said, "I wouldn't have bothered to even look at you."

  "I'm out of your league you idiot."

  He faked a laugh, but she interrupted him.

  "And for your information, I'm taken. By a man much, much better than you."

  That was it. His arrogant expression vanished and turned into confusion.

  She leaned forward a bit, as if telling him a secret.

  "And for what I've heard, much bigger."

  She took a glimpse at his waist, just to make sure he understood.

  He froze, anger rising in him. She closed the door and locked it. He tried to reopen it but it was too late.

  People around looked at him, he was making a scene. And thank heavens Veronica called the cops, she could hear the sirens from here.

  Trey heard them too. And for all his smugness and trash talking, he left. Not before spitting on her glass door.

  She'd had enough of his shit, and he would hate her forever, but probably wouldn't bother her again.

  Pissing her off was one thing, but pissing her father off? That was a dangerous thing to do.

  Chapter 22


  The sun was going down the horizon, the last threads of light painted the sky in purple and pink.

  Remy waited for Julie outside her home. She told him she wouldn't take long.

  He'd been there fifteen minutes.

  When she finally opened the door, he knew the wait was worth it.

  She wore a white top and black leggings, with a thin, multicolored scarf and sneakers.

  It was a super casual outfit, and she totally rocked it. He couldn't believe how he got to have her as his girl. Damn lucky.

  "Sorry for taking so long!" She said as she hopped in his black Porsche and kissed him hello. Pretty damn lucky.

  "Don't worry about it."

  "I was on the phone with my mom, she wouldn't let me go."

  "Everything okay?"

  It took her a moment to answer

  "Yeah, sure," she said with a smile, "where are we going?"

  "You'll have to wait and see."

  "Come on! I can't wait any longer."

  She almost got him to say it. He couldn't resist her at all. He turned to her and she must have seen his suffering because she smiled an
d put a finger on his lips.

  "Okay Mystery Man, I'll wait."

  He pressed on the accelerator before he ruined the surprise.


  Night came before they reached their destination. She promised to close her eyes five blocks back so she wouldn't see what he had in store for her.

  He got out of his car and opened her door, then took her hand and guided her slowly, so she wouldn't fall.

  "It's chilly in here… and I can hear— wait. Are we at the Lake?"

  She opened her eyes.

  Dozens of boats were docked in the harbor. There was almost no one else around. He didn't like crowded places, so he made sure his boat wasn't near a bar or restaurant. It was a weeknight, after all, so it was especially deserted.

  "What are we doing here?"

  "We're going on a boat ride."

  "Are you sure they are still open?"

  Not at this hour, no.

  She opened her mouth, "Remy, I don't want to steal—"

  He laughed out loud, walking beside her.

  "Don't worry, honey, we're using our boat."

  She smiled wide, "you have one?"

  "Yeah, it's not too big, but I like it."

  He turned left and pointed at it. The Ragged Edge

  "Are you kidding me? You own a yacht?"

  "I got it for cheap."

  "You got this for cheap?"

  He shrugged then hopped into the deck and lowered the bridge, raising his hand to her so she wouldn't fall.

  The Ragged Edge wasn't huge, but it was cool and big enough for him and Mark to host one or two parties away from the city.

  He'd thought of selling it —he didn't use it as often as he would have liked— but going out to the water on nights like this. And the smell… just like freedom.

  In the end, he knew he wouldn't sell it, ever.

  He guided her to the bridge, started the engine and sailed away into the darkness. He was used to this. Other boats floated in the distance, probably partying college kids but they were too far, they were alone.

  "It's so beautiful," she said, and he knew what she was referring at.

  The city. The Chicago skyline was a beautiful sight, glowing in the distance like a fire amidst the dark. Its orange gleam, coupled with the starry sky staring at them from above and the soft sound of the waves felt like something straight out of an old movie.

  He enjoyed coming here by himself, but work had been tough lately and he hadn't had the chance.

  "Do you want to steer it?"

  He stepped aside.

  "That's the throttle, and here's the wheel, captain."

  "Where should I go?"

  "Anywhere you like."

  So she did. He thought she'd take a bit more time to learn the controls but after five minutes, she was going full throttle, softly swaying the boat away from the docks. The city glow was much dimmer here. They were surrounded by darkness and the sound of water.

  They stopped in the middle of the lake, far away from the harbor. Julie took a deep breath and stood up.

  "I love the air out here," she said, "it smells like freedom."

  He froze. It was like she could read his mind.—

  "Want to see the stars?" She asked.

  "Sure," he said, grabbing a blanket from a small closet behind them.

  She held his arm and they walked to the bow, where they laid down and stared up, to the night sky, in silence.

  They held each other for a long time, there was no need for words. The open sky welcomed them, a billion stars shone brightly just for them.

  It was a long time since he felt like this, it was incredible, how much just being with someone you truly care about can change the way you look at things.

  The touch of her skin didn't just warm him, it made him feel alive, truly alive, for the first time in his life. This was all new. He now knew how different he was after he met her. How the world felt suddenly different, brighter, happier. How the good, in the end, outweighed the bad. No question about it.

  Her happiness meant everything to him. He was ready to accept everything about her, good and bad, and try to be the best person he could be for this to work.

  They held hands, the cold night air was held back by the warmth of her bodies, so close together beneath the blanket.

  A shooting star flashed brightly in the sky. It was just for a second or two but it was enough for her to squeeze his hand tight.

  "Did you see that?" She asked.

  "Yeah, it was awesome."

  "Make a wish."

  "You first."

  She closed her eyes, and after a few seconds she opened them again.


  "What did you wish for?"

  She giggled, "If I tell you it won't come true."

  "Come on, tell me."

  "You know I can't, that's the rules. Now you go."

  He couldn't think of anything else he wanted in life. He'd wish for them to stay together forever but then he thought of something else.

  He wished for her to be happy. All her life. He wanted her free of troubles, a life she could look back on and be grateful, happy.


  "What did you wish for?"

  He laughed and stared at her, surprised.

  "Come on, tell me!" She said with a laugh, and he just kissed her.

  Right then, he knew being by her side was more than enough for him to be happy.

  He hoped he could be the one who was there for her forever, to hold her when she was drunk, help her wash the dishes after dinner, or just watch a movie on a cold winter evening.

  He didn't need anything else.

  His life was complete.

  Chapter 23


  She felt safe with him. It was as if she was living in a fairy tale. She had been out on the lake before. No one in her family was a fan of sailing, but she'd come here to party with her friends when she was younger.

  This was different. Everything changed when you could share the experience with someone you truly cared about.

  The orange-white glow of the city in the distance was just so romantically perfect.

  She could lose herself in his kiss. It was deep and intense and hot.

  The mere thought of doing it out in the open like this made her horny. She giggled. There was no other way to say it.

  She was way more adventurous than she thought. It's Remy's fault.

  "What?" He asked, feeling her smile in the middle of their kiss.

  "You're so kinky," she said, a grin in her lips.

  "Trying to keep up with you, hon."

  He kissed her neck, sending ripples of delight throughout her body.

  They'd been out here for more than an hour. Time seemed to pass twice as fast when they were together.

  He took her scarf off and put it by her side, going down to her chest. She could not wait to have him inside.

  But he was patient. She'd learned that about him. He liked having her completely surrendered to him. To kiss her body, to bring her to the edge until she could no longer hold it anymore. Until she begged him to let her finish.

  And his face. His green eyes. The intensity in his look. His hot skin, pressed against hers, his rock hard muscles. He looked like a superhero. She didn't even think guys like him were… you know, really real.

  As in, yeah they were real, of course, but they were all actors, or models, or gay.

  But here she was, her hand going from his forearm to his biceps, then feeling the ridges on his chest, his abs, his lower back.

  He softly bit her earlobe and neck again. She wrapped her legs around him.

  "Can you feel me," he asked, his voice full of intensity.

  His cock. His giant freaking cock pressed on her sex, she could already feel her juices soaking up her underwear.

  "Yes," she moaned, her body answering him before she could.

  Slowly, he buried his face between her breasts, holding them with his hands, pressing them against
his cheeks.

  "You're mine," he said, and he meant it.

  She blushed. She didn't know why, such words, spoken by anyone, anyone else would have bothered her. Offended her, even. But she couldn't lie to him.

  "Say it," he commanded.

  "I'm yours. Only yours."

  Her juices flowed even harder now. He kissed her again, his tongue wrestling hers, the soft wetness of it bringing her closer and closer to madness.

  She held him even tighter now, every wave of pleasure rippling through her body with more intensity.

  He pressed his shaft against her, softly at first, but as soon as he did, a moan escaped her lips. He growled, ardently wanting her, and pressed it harder on her center.

  She could feel her underwear getting soaked. My God, no one has ever made me feel like this.

  Her whole body, caressed, kissed, stimulated. He grabbed her white, loose tank top and ripped it in half. She couldn't help but tremble.

  "Yes," she uttered, without realizing.

  He held her against the deck, his cock still grinding her core, sending waves of delight, each of them exploding in her body.

  He was her master.

  She opened her mouth, inviting him for another kiss, her shirt flapped in the night air. This bra she wore, he could undo it from the front. He did and suddenly her breasts were free.

  The sound of the waves crashing against the yacht accompanied her moans.

  He caressed her legs, making goose bumps break out all over her skin, the hair in the back of her neck bristling.

  She moaned again, louder this time. She couldn't control herself.

  His finger on her slit, over the thin fabric of her leggings. It was too much. He grazed her button and moved away, to the inner side of her thighs. He was making her suffer.

  "You belong to me."


  She wanted to say it.

  Then she said it again and again.

  "You can do anything you want to me," she confessed, "use me."

  He gritted his teeth, unable to resist the urge to just take her right there.

  She was at his mercy, there was no turning back and they knew it.

  He was as addicted to her as she was to him.

  He pulled her leggings down. Baring her bottom. She wanted him to see her, she wanted him to get fucking hard just by looking at the black lace underwear she wore for him.

  His eyes said it all. He was holding back as hard as he could. He caressed her waist and ass and thighs.


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