Marked (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Marked (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 1

by Missy Lyons


  Joshua Morrison stumbles across an entry into a secret world on a website review for an exclusively gay bar. One review promises a good time if he orders a Sex on the Beach, a drink which is really code for "I want to be your sex slave for the night." Joshua is in way over his head when he unknowingly promises a night of sex and submission to an incubus.

  Tyler Draehomon isn’t happy to have this last just one night.

  Destiny brought him a human, and he recognizes the man as his mate. He won’t be happy until he has claimed him fully and Joshua is bedded, branded, and mated so many times there is no doubt in the human’s mind that he belongs to a sex demon.

  But with a vengeful would-be lover on the rampage and a stubborn human for a mate, nothing is as simple as it should be.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Fantasy

  Length: 30,137 words


  Missy Lyons



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove


  Copyright © 2014 by Missy Lyons

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-414-6

  First E-book Publication: April 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  For Jason.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter 1

  Just looking at the Texas bartender was sexual.

  The hunky man moved with the restrained power of a predator, and liquid sex seemed to ooze from his skin. How else could Joshua explain the immediate and overpowering sexual attraction to the seven-foot-tall man? Sexy as sin, the bartender seemed to take up more space in the room than anyone else with his broad shoulders and his unusual height. His body was filled in on all the right spots, and he was all muscle.

  The bartender had a bad boy look that Joshua wasn’t usually attracted to, but he couldn’t help but want a piece of him after seeing those bright emerald green eyes wash over him. Joshua shivered. The bartender’s chestnut hair looked to be shoulder length, but he couldn’t tell because it was pulled back neatly in a ponytail. His right arm was encased in a sleeve of tattoos, making Joshua wonder what else was hidden under that tight T-shirt and beneath his Levi jeans. Joshua slid into the seat in front of the sun-kissed man, trying not to make goo-goo eyes at the guy. He had a face that could have belonged to a model, but he didn’t dress like one. Joshua removed his baseball hat and set it on the counter, waiting politely to catch the other man’s attention.

  Joshua had just moved to Texas because he was following his lifelong dreams and had been accepted to the police academy. He didn’t know anyone yet, but he still missed being with a man once in a while. On the hot nights he was really lonely, he went downtown for a quick anonymous hookup, but tonight he came to the Castaway Bar and Grill because it sounded welcoming to gays under the website reviews—and one comment in particular got his attention.

  If you want to have a really good time, come and order yourself a Sex on the Beach.

  Joshua knew about good times, and he was looking for something special. Those nights of anonymous sex were beginning to feel all the same. After some beer, and a hot sweaty night, he and his new lover would go their separate ways. However, tonight he didn’t have a date waiting to meet him. He wanted to find something different—something more satisfying. Instead of an arranged meeting online, he was looking around the smoke-filled room to see who else was in the gay bar. He needed excitement in his life, and his heart screamed that this was just the opportunity he had been waiting for.

  Deep in his gut he felt like something was about to change for him. Tonight was different than normal. The air held a palpable energy, and he felt edgy. Restless.

  Even for a Tuesday night, it was not particularly busy. There were less than twenty guys in the bar, and most of them sat in small groups already. Joshua had arrived a little too late to hook up with anyone in particular, but he could be happy just looking at the eye candy in front of him. The bartender was the best-looking guy in the bar, with dark-brown hair and intense green eyes laced with thick lashes.

  Joshua’s mouth went dry.

  “What will you have, greenhorn?” The bartender set down the whiskey glass he was drying and placed his hands on the wooden counter. Joshua drew his breath in quickly as he saw those pectoral muscles flex against his gray shirt. The guy had to work out every hour he wasn’t working to be that built. Seriously. He was hot. He had a wide angular jaw that met a thick neck and expansive shoulders and deep sea-green eyes Joshua could get lost in.
/>   I’d drink you if you came in a bottle…

  Joshua couldn’t stop staring, but if he didn’t respond soon, flies were going to land in his open mouth and Mr. Sex-on-a-Stick would be totally turned off. He jerked himself back to reality. He was smarter than this. A cute guy shouldn’t be able to turn him on his ass. It wasn’t like he was some inexperienced virgin. He loved men, and he was known to be a bit of a playboy around town.

  The way he was feeling around the bartender was throwing his game off, and while he didn’t like feeling out of control, he did like the way the butterflies in his stomach took flight every time the bartender made eye contact.

  “I can’t think clearly right now, but it’s on the tip of my tongue.” What the hell was I supposed to order again?

  The bartender arched an eyebrow. “Tongue’s in a twist, eh?”

  Yeah, but I know what I’d like to have it twisted around.

  Too bad he couldn’t tell Mr. Too Cute for Words his deep, dark fantasies. “What is that fruity sex drink everyone orders?”

  “Fuzzy Navel?” the bartender offered to finish for him.

  “No. I’ve never had one of those.” Josh shook his head. Why can’t I remember what that online comment says?

  Mr. Hotness’s eyes lit up with giddy laughter, but his voice remained cool, calm, and collected. “Well good, because not everyone likes their men furry. I would have to worry if you might be a little on the hairy side.”

  “My navel isn’t fuzzy—oh wait!” Joshua was a little slow on the uptake of that last joke, but he let it slide. He liked what it did to him when the man in front of him smiled. “Now I remember. I want…Sex on the Beach.” He said the last words slowly so the other man would get his hidden meaning. He didn’t know if it was some kind of code or what, but he hoped the bartender would tell him. Either in words or by his expression.

  “What did you say?” The bartender’s face was made of stone. Nothing gave him away if there was a deeper meaning to the drink.

  “Sex on the Beach,” Joshua repeated.

  He spoke slowly and deliberately stared Joshua down. “Sure, if that’s what you want.”

  “Yeah, it’s what I need,” Joshua’s hoarse voice confirmed.

  But the bartender didn’t move to get the drink. Instead, Mister Too Sexy for Words winked at him. “I get off at ten. At the end of my shift, you can meet me on the beach, and we’ll talk more about what you need and not just what you want.”

  Joshua stiffened. In all the right places. However unexpected the proposition was, it was definitely welcome. His body was ready to jump at the first opportunity. “Really?”

  “Sure. If you’re up to it.” The bartender’s eyebrow shot up as if he wasn’t sure Joshua understood what he was asking for.

  His heart raced in his chest. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear the bartender could read minds. Sex was just about the only thing he could think of since he first laid eyes on the seven-foot-tall muscle-bound man.

  “Okay.” It took more effort than it should have to get the one little word out there. Yes, sex was taking over his brain and parts of his lower anatomy.

  “Okay, then. Ten o’clock. On the beach. Be there.” His words spoke power. Dripped with liquid sex. Joshua wanted to rip his shirt off right then and there, and it was everything he could do to restrain himself. Instead of satisfying himself, he nodded and turned for the door.

  “Wait a minute!” Suddenly he remembered what he came in the bar for in the first place, and it wasn’t sex. “What about my drink?”

  “Did you really come here for a drink?” the bartender asked, slightly surprised.

  Joshua was thirsty, but he didn’t fully understand the question, or if the bartender would take back his offer if he insisted on a drink. He also didn’t want him to think he did not know what he was talking about when he ordered the Sex on the Beach, whether it was true or not.

  “A beer’s fine.” After seeing the selection on the handwritten menu, Joshua added the brand name. “Budweiser.”

  The Bartender pulled out an ice-cold glass and placed it under the tap. The amber liquid filled it up quickly, and he watched the man pour off the frothy foam before placing the frosted mug in front of Joshua.

  Then he watched as the bartender poured a glass for himself as well. Strange custom for him to drink on the job, but it must not be a strict work environment here. Unlike at the police academy where everything he did or said was under a magnifying glass. Joshua thought it best not to comment.

  “Bottoms up.” The bartender raised his glass in a toast.

  Joshua hit the glass with his and repeated the toast, “Yeah, bottoms up.”

  The bartender smiled, revealing two very definite canine fangs.


  It was then Joshua realized he was in way over his head. A shiver ran down his spine. Then just as quick those fangs disappeared behind a thin-lipped smile. Joshua had to have imagined those sharp canines, but still he felt something was different about the man in front of him.

  If different meant dangerous.

  He was second-guessing his decisions and his need for sex with an attractive stranger at that moment.

  What the fuck did I just agree to?

  Chapter 2

  “So what’s your name, handsome?” the human that asked him for a Sex on the Beach in the bar earlier asked Tyler. He looked young, but tough, perhaps in his early twenties.

  “We normally don’t give names out with this kind of thing.” So I was right in my first guess. The guy has no clue what he asked me for when he ordered up a Sex on the Beach. Anger flared Tyler’s nostrils wide. The right thing to do would be to escort this naïve human out of the area and somewhere safe and sound, but he didn’t want to be nice.

  Tyler wanted to fuck.

  Sex on the Beach was code for “spank me, fuck me, do whatever the hell you please, just do it to me now,” and being a sex demon, Tyler couldn’t refuse the offer or allow it to go to another, less deserving beast. Any number of men would have said yes at the Castaway Bar. He knew of a very hungry vampire that killed his last few volunteers.

  In an afterthought, what was one more broken rule among so many? He could always kill him if this didn’t work out. “My name is Tyler, but my friends call me Tye.” It was simpler than to explain his full demon name, Thai Luer Draehomon. The full name classified him by rank and the demon house he was born into. It classified him by the type of demon he was, sort of like a prisoner who got a number in the cell block.

  The Draehomons were some of the oldest and more dangerous incubi in this dimension. Not to say there weren’t more deadly demons, but those had been cast out thousands of years ago. A Luer preferred to eat sexual energy over any other food, luring his prey into the bedroom.

  “Thanks, Tyler. My name’s Joshua.” When Joshua smiled, his lips trembled. It was a sexy glimpse of his inner feelings that Tyler relished.

  “Are you nervous?” Tyler took the other man’s much smaller hands in his warm hand and held it. He had a small glimmer of an illusion out, but Tyler didn’t want to overwhelm his prey with a full glamour. Tyler wanted his human to feel the real sexual attraction between them, not what Tyler forced on him to feel with his demon magic.

  “Not now.” Joshua spoke the truth.

  It was one of Tyler’s gifts from his mother’s side to tell by touch whether someone was lying to him. He could feel the ebb and flow of Joshua’s soul. The energy moved to him easily.

  Joshua was most definitely human and so far out of his league it wasn’t funny.

  What was worse was this little encounter was dangerous to him.

  It would be kinder to talk him out of the encounter and take him away from this place, but Tyler was not kind, nor gentle.

  If anyone ever found out a human was here among the demon circle, it could mean the end for Joshua, but there was something about him that left Tyler wanting to wait to kill him. He couldn’t do it just yet. Maybe there was a reas
on he was here, but he couldn’t figure out why without spending more time with him.

  The beach sand was still warm from the summer sun. It was a long walk to get where they were going, and it felt nice between his toes. The moon hovered low on the horizon, and a few feathery clouds drifted over it. It had been years since he had seen many stars being so close to the city lights of Corpus Christi, but he could spot one or two tonight.

  “Where are we going?” Joshua asked.

  It didn’t matter where they went, but he wanted to see the expression on his face when he realized just what he asked for. He was taking him to the hidden bay to be with the others in the spanking games, but Tyler didn’t want to give to many details out just yet. “We’re looking for some privacy from the tourists.”

  “Okay, sounds good to me.” Tyler felt Joshua’s tension leave him as he tightened his hold on his hand.

  “Just be patient. It’s worth the wait.” Tyler grinned.

  Joshua seemed a tad nervous, but it would pass.

  The human’s presence incited his lust. If he didn’t know better, he would swear the other man was his mate. He felt a fierce attraction that was undeniable to answer. Normally he had this kind of effect on his chosen partners, but while he was promiscuous, he didn’t feel this kind of pull to any one person. Tyler was an incubus, and he loved fucking. It felt good, and he fed off the energy, but this…indescribable feeling left him wanting more than his usual fare.

  Sex was always nice, but he didn’t always feel desire licking his loins.


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