More Bark Than Bite

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More Bark Than Bite Page 8

by Melissa Hosack

  Morgan felt herself getting close to orgasm and didn't hold back. She could tell by the swift, vigorous thrusts Graham was putting so much force behind that he was just as close as she was. She hissed in delight at the sensation of his teeth grazing along her skin.

  Those teeth held such a promise of danger, but he was using them now to bring her pleasure. The sense of fear and rapture that was always mingled to sum up who Graham was drove her harder toward completion.

  She loved the feeling of excitement that raced through her every time his teeth tightened on her flesh. He bit hard enough to send a thrill racing through her, but never hard enough to hurt. Biting her that first night had created an animalistic bond between them that she couldn't even explain. Their connection was so primal. It wasn't just about being in love with him. She could feel deep inside of her a presence she'd never felt before this morning, and she suddenly realized that it was her inner wolf.

  The wolf inside of her was roaring in victory at the feel of Graham's body inside of hers. It reveled over the fact that she'd found her mate. It was filled with such intense pleasure at the moment that it frightened her. She knew if anyone tried to come between them, her wolf would rip that person to shreds without a second thought.

  She suddenly knew exactly how Graham had felt the night they first slept together. This feeling was overwhelming and unstoppable. She couldn't hold back even if she tried. Her body wanted him, wanted to claim him, and her mind wouldn't be able to talk her body out of it even if she wanted to.

  The intensity of what they were and what they would do to keep each other safe was a bigger turn on than she would ever admit out loud. She arched up underneath him with a whimper of bliss. Unable to help herself, Morgan lowered her mouth over the flesh of his throat. Pain ripped through her for a moment as her teeth elongated into those of her wolf. Realizing that she was marking him as he'd done to her that first night, Morgan let her sharpened canines sink into his skin.

  Graham gave a rugged moan. “Oh God, Morgan,” he growled. Overcome with need, his hips began thrusting quicker, rougher as she staked her claim on his body.

  Somehow knowing that she'd done enough to mark him, Morgan pulled back and licked the small incision she'd left behind. Her teeth returned to their normal size as she gently pressed a kiss to his tender skin, hoping she hadn't hurt him too terribly.

  "Morgan, don't worry about my neck,” he grunted. “Just finish ... shit, finish soon,” he growled, his voice strained.

  "Okay,” she moaned a moment before his mouth forcefully claimed hers. Morgan trusted that Graham knew his limits, and if he said he was fine, she would believe him. He hit a spot so deep inside of her that he had her clawing at the sheets. “I am close,” she whimpered. “So close."

  They climaxed together in a burst of ecstasy, sensations rushing simultaneously through their bodies.

  As Graham rolled off of her to lie on the bed, Morgan reached her hand out to gently run her fingers over the small scar at his collarbone. “I think my wolf likes you too,” she informed him.

  Graham gave a grunt of agreement, his eyes closing as he let adrenaline ease out of his body and relaxation take its place.

  Rolling onto her stomach, Morgan half draped her body over his, letting her head rest on his shoulder. She was content to simply listen to his ragged, sharp intakes of air.

  "I think I better get in better shape if I'm going to continue to hang out with you,” he said breathlessly.

  Morgan laughed. Graham was in excellent condition and she liked him just how he was. “You're perfect,” she assured him. “Don't you dare change a thing."

  Morgan meant every word she said. She wanted Graham just the way he was. He was the one good, sure thing she had going on right now. There was so much other stuff in their lives that was still uncertain, like whether she was pregnant or not. There was also the uncertainty of whether Graham would have to start all over with his search for Samuel. Morgan would bet that the killer wouldn't be returning to his home. He would move on and find somewhere else, making Graham's job harder. None of this seemed too overwhelming because she knew that no matter what they had to face in the near future, they'd be doing it together.

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  Chapter 10

  Morgan awoke the next night with her heart in her throat. Something had woken her from a deep sleep and instinctively she felt whatever it was, it was a threat to her and Graham. She was lying on her side facing the wall. She had her back to the room, but she caught the slightest movement of a shadow in the moonlight. Unsure if it was just her paranoia playing tricks on her, she listened intently for the slightest noise.

  A normal person would never have been able to hear it, but with her newly advanced audible range, Morgan heard the soft scuffle of a boot along the carpet. The person was quiet, inhumanly so. Samuel, Morgan thought, knowing instantly she was right. Who else would break into Graham's home? Assuming Graham's list of enemies was pretty short, Morgan tried not to panic as she realized there was probably a homicidal werewolf in the room with them.

  The last time she'd been near Samuel, he'd ripped her throat out and left her bleeding to death in the middle of the road. If he was back, it wasn't to check on her recovery.

  She was afraid to wake Graham. If he woke up asking why she was kicking him, Samuel would attack before Graham had an opportunity to collect himself.

  Suddenly very glad she was in love with a man that found it smart to sleep with a loaded gun in the drawer of each of his nightstands, Morgan slid her hand down to curl her fingers around the handle of the stand next to the bed. Sliding the drawer open, her fingers closed around the handle of a pistol and relief flooded through her. She took comfort in Graham's earlier revelation that normal bullets could stop a werewolf. They were hard to kill, but fill them with enough bullets and even they couldn't heal that.

  A shadow slid across the wall in front of Morgan, signaling that Samuel was getting closer. She bit her lip to keep from screaming at the unmistakable sight of a shotgun held in the intruder's hands.

  Sliding her hand out of the drawer, Morgan slipped the gun into bed with her. Once she had the gun safely gripped in her hands, she froze, praying that Samuel hadn't noticed her moving around. Holding her breath, she waited for a moment that felt agonizingly long to see if he would react, but he appeared to be too fixated on Graham to pay attention to her.

  Morgan's fingers slid over the gun until she blindly located the safety. With trembling fingers, she managed to get it off. The safety made a soft clicking noise, but in the silence it sounded almost deafening.

  Samuel gasped, realization dawning on him. “What the—"

  Morgan rolled over as quickly as she possibly could, which was a lot faster than any human was capable of moving. Her hand was a blur even to her own eyes as she lifted it and squeezed the trigger with three rapid jerks of her finger.

  Two of the three bullets hit Samuel in the gut. The third lodged into his chest. It all happened so fast that it made her dizzy. She barely remembered pulling the trigger once, let alone three times.

  Samuel's gun slipped from his hands and clattered to the floor. It fired, blowing a chunk out of the nightstand next to Graham. Samuel stumbled backwards, his eyes wide with surprise as he clutched his bleeding chest.

  At the sound of gunshots, Graham shot up in bed, his eyes searching the room for the source of danger.

  Before Graham could even figure out what was going on, Morgan sprang up next to him. She resumed firing the gun, her breath coming in ragged, frightened pants as three more rounds were discharged. Terror had consumed her and she couldn't even think around it. All she could do was frantically pull at the trigger of the gun. She was shooting blindly, her fear keeping her from even thinking about aiming. She just continued to squeeze the trigger, her mind not even registering the clicking sound that signified she was out of ammunition.

  A moment later, Graham grabbed the gun from her trembling hand.
r />   Frantic to know if she'd done enough damage to distract Samuel from picking his gun back up, Morgan peeked over the edge of the bed. She found herself staring into Samuel's wide, unseeing eyes. “Oh shit,” she cried in dismay. “Oh shit. Oh shit. I killed him. I killed him.” As she stared at the bullet hole that disappeared into Samuel's left temple, horror overwhelmed her. “I killed a man.” She scrambled to the far end of the bed, away from the sight of Samuel's bullet ridden body. “I killed him and I don't even feel all that bad about it. Shit. What kind of person am I if I can do that?"

  "He was a serial killer. He deserved it. Besides, he tried to kill you first,” Graham said matter-of-factly, his voice gruff. Climbing out of the bed, he pressed his fingers to the side of Samuel's neck to feel for a pulse. “He nearly tore your throat out,” he growled. “He showed up at our home with a gun."

  "Our home?” Morgan asked in surprise.

  Stepping back from Samuel, Graham managed to give her an affectionate smile. “Of course it's our home. We can't raise a pup in the tiny yard you've got. They need space ... and trees."

  Morgan sat back, stunned that he'd thought that much about their situation and still a little shell-shocked over shooting someone.

  Graham must have seen the look of uncertainty because he walked over and cupped her chin in his hands. “Sweetheart, you did nothing wrong. He threatened our family. What you did was self-defense.” He pressed his lips to hers. “You have nothing to feel guilty about.” Taking a step back, he gave her hand a comforting squeeze. “I need to call this in. Why don't you get some clothes on and take a seat in the living room? I'll be out after I contact the chief."

  Bobbing her head in concurrence, Morgan moved to his closet and pulled out a baggy t-shirt and a pair of sweats. Though she was normally one to need total control over her life, Morgan was perfectly content to let Graham take care of her right now. He knew more about handling a situation like this than she ever could.

  As she shuffled off to the living room, clothes clutched tightly against her chest, Graham gave her one last encouraging smile. “I love you, baby."

  Morgan nodded in acknowledgement. “I love you too."

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  Four Months Later

  As she wrapped up her interview about a fire that had nearly killed a family and the officer that ran into the flaming building to save them, Morgan gave the familiar face across the microphone from her a brilliant smile. “Thank you so much, Officer Audrick. You truly are a hero. If you would have waited for the fire department to arrive, that family probably wouldn't be alive today."

  Graham leaned forward and shook her hand, a sheepish look on his face. “I was just doing my job."

  "Well, the city appreciates having you watching over us.” With another smile to the camera, Morgan said, “Office Audrick's station is collecting donations to go to the family until they can get their life rebuilt. Anyone willing to contribute a donation only needs to call the number on the bottom of the screen."

  Both of them gave the camera big smiles until the light flashed off.

  As soon as they were off the air, Jamison came rushing over. “That was brilliant!” He shook his head in disbelief. “And an exclusive!” he cried in delight.

  Morgan nodded in agreement. “It was great, really great.” She let the euphoria course through her for a moment, enjoying the glow that success brought. She let it slowly ebb away, letting herself come back down to earth. Turning to her boss, she shoved her microphone into his chest. “I quit.” A feeling of elation rushed through her at that simple statement. She suddenly felt so free and her spirit felt worlds lighter. It felt almost better than the interview had.

  Jamison blinked at her in astonishment. “Excuse me?” he asked in surprise.

  "I quit,” Morgan repeated, her voice firm and full of conviction. “I don't want to have a job where it's celebrated that my husband was nearly murdered.” Her hand ran gently over her rounded belly. “I have more important things in my life to worry about."

  Jamison stood in stunned silence, his mouth gaping open.

  Without a backwards glance, Morgan turned and walked away. She'd barely gotten a few feet before Alston scooped her up into a big hug. “Congratulations!"

  Morgan laughed as he spun her around then sat her back on her feet. “What are you congratulating me for? I just quit my job. I would expect condolences before a congratulations."

  Alston put a brotherly hand on her shoulder. “I'm congratulating you because you've finally figured out what's important in life.” He leaned in and gave her a big, cheesy kiss on the cheek. “You're going to make a great mom.” He put a hand on her stomach and rubbed it energetically. “And seeing as Janine is pregnant again, we'll be having children around the same time. Your kid will have a diaper pal.” Puffing his chest out proudly, he said, “My son will be rescuing that daughter of yours from bullies every time we turn around."

  With a laugh, Morgan slapped his hand away. “We'll see about that.” Seeing as her daughter was more than likely going to be a werewolf, it would probably be the other way around. Her daughter would be keeping Alston's son out of scraps.

  "Just you wait,” Alston stated confidently. His eyes moved just beyond her shoulder and he gave someone behind her a little nod of acknowledgement. “Looks like prince charming wants your attention. I'll let you celebrate with him.” Leaning in to give her another kiss on the cheek in parting, he said, “I'll call you about getting together for dinner next week."

  "I'll be waiting.” With a warm smile in parting to her friend, Morgan spun to face Graham. Before she could even speak, he swept her up into his arms and gave her a firm kiss. “So, how did it feel to quit?"

  "Amazing,” Morgan admitted against his lips, breathing a sigh of contentment.

  Pulling back, Graham set her with a worried look. “And you don't mind being a secret reporter to the supernatural world?” His brows furrowed in concern. “They don't get the same recognition that human reporters do..."

  "Honey,” Morgan said patiently. “I can't wait.” Graham had gotten her a job with a supernaturally run company that surreptitiously informed others from the supernatural world about paranormal happenings. It felt so much more important to be keeping people informed of information they couldn't get anywhere else, information vital to their safety and security. There wasn't anything else she would rather be doing with her time.

  "And you're sure you don't mind moving in with me and having my child?"

  With a laugh, Morgan wrapped her arms around Graham's waist, hugging him tightly as she gave him a soft kiss. “Graham, I am absolutely thrilled. There's nothing in the world I want more than to have this baby."

  "Good ... good. We're going to have a great life. I swear it.” Graham's face hardened with a determined look. “And if anyone dares to mess with our happiness, I will make them pay!"

  "Please,” Morgan cried with a playful mocking tone. “You're more bark than bite.” The last time she'd accused him of such a thing, she'd never in a million years have thought that he was a werewolf. The statement seemed that much funnier now. She could only imagine how that comment had irked him.

  Graham's arms circled her waist and he pulled her in for another kiss. “More bark than bite,” he grumbled. “Just wait until I get you home. I'll show you some bite."

  At the implications of what that could mean, Morgan smiled against his lips. “I can hardly wait."

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  About the Author

  Melissa currently writes a monthly short story column titled Frequent Flyer for a government newspaper, The Patriot. She lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her husband Jeremy and their four pets: Duke, Edge, Eddie, and Leia.

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