Viking Warrior

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Viking Warrior Page 11

by Griff Hosker

  “When I have seen my wife I will go and see Olaf and Prince Butar. Olaf knows more about ships than anyone. I would like his advice on how to make ‘Wolf’ better.”

  Most of the chests had been taken ashore already and there only remained the chest with my byrnie and trade goods. Snorri and Eric carried it for me. “You did well, both of you.” I looked at Snorri and saw that he was now up to my shoulder. “Snorri, would you like to begin your training as a warrior?” His smile and nod were only matched by the disappointment and the slumping of Eric’s shoulders. “And Eric, with Snorri not on the boat you would become assistant steersman and you would have to train another boy. How does that sound?”

  “I am honoured, my lord. Which boy?”

  “The one we brought back last time, Aiden.” I did not like the look on Eric’s face. Images of Tadgh and the others bullying me came to mind. “You will treat him well, Eric, or you will not work on ‘Wolf’. Is that clear?”

  His face showed the fear he felt at being threatened with such a sanction. “I swear I will treat him fairly, Dragon Heart.”

  “Good. This is the first time that you have given your word. You know what that means?”

  “I do.”


  We had reached my hall and Erica and Arturus were there to greet me. It had only been a matter of ten days or so since I had last seen him but I could see changes already. He looked to be taking more notice and recognising not just me but the others too. Of course he still gurgled and made noises which made no sense to me but I knew that would change.

  Erica threw her arms around me and noticed, for the first time, that I wore no mail. “What happened to your war shirt?”

  “I had to drag the ship from the beach and I did not relish the prospect of drowning ‘neath that mail. We stored it in the ship with the trade goods.”

  Her eyes were bright with expectation. “Did your trades go well?”

  I smiled, “They did but no-one had any lace to sell. It seems the priests of the White Christ like it more than any others and they are rich enough to be able to buy it.”

  I felt guilty when I saw her face fall. I went to the chest and opened it. “However because I did Sigismund a favour I have some for you.” As I handed it to her I wondered if she would be disappointed. When she looked at me with her eyes wide and aglow I knew that she was not.

  “Thank you!” She kissed and embraced me. “I will be the envy of all the other wives. Our daughter, when she is born, will be the only one with a lace collar on her dress.”

  She was happy and I knew I had much to do. “I needs must visit with Olaf.”

  “But you will be back to sup here this night?”

  “Of course. I will not be long. I will take a pony.”

  Scanlan had been training some hill ponies. They were tough little beasts and they would easily carry me across the hills and back before dark. Aiden was with Scanlan when I found my slave. “Come, Scanlan, we must visit Duboglassio.”

  He nodded and then saw that Aiden looked disappointed. Scanlan was kind and he had children of his own. “Could the boy not come with us? We have three ponies.”

  I looked at him dubiously, “Can he ride?”

  Suddenly he said, “Yes master.”

  I laughed with surprise. “He has learned our language then?”

  Scanlan nodded, “Some words he has. He is a quick learner.”

  “Then he can come with us and impress me with his words.”

  I enjoyed the journey over the hill. Aiden was desperate to please and did not shut up all the way across. He talked of throwing stones across the water, apparently he had become quite competent. He told me of the words Arturus tried to say. He told me of all that he had done with Scanlan. In short I knew every event which had happened to Aiden since I had left.

  As we neared the larger town I said to Scanlan. “Is my wife coping well with the new child?”

  “She seems to be. You know women, my lord. All three of them are nest building and that makes them happy.” He hesitated, “My lord you once said that I would be able to bear arms. When will that be?”

  I remembered that conversation. I could see no reason not to give him the chance save that no-one else had armed a slave. Then I thought, ‘He is mine. It is my decision.”

  “As soon as we get back. Then you can help me to train Snorri.”

  “But I am not a warrior.”

  “No, but you will be able to train him to become stronger, and the two of you will both become better warriors as a result. Being a warrior means having strength to bear arms. It is not just about waving a sword and wearing armour.”

  We were warmly greeted by the guards at the gate and ushered into Prince Butar’s Hall. Scanlan and Aiden went to find Olaf while I drank with my stepfather and told him of our journey.

  “So the Rinaz is not as safe as it was?”

  “No, and the Saxons are becoming more aggressive too. We barely escaped with our lives.”

  He laughed, “And yet you still made a profit from the church?”

  I nodded sad with the memory of my dead men, “It cost me two Ulfheonar.”

  “I would not worry about that. They died with their swords in their hands and will be in Valhalla awaiting you. More and more warriors are seeking employment here. The word of our success is spreading and the fact that we appear to welcome warriors also helps. I will find some suitable volunteers.”

  I shook my head, “A Ulfheonar is chosen. They do not volunteer. Send those warriors to me who are young enough not to have attachments and we will let them serve in the town for a while. It will give us the chance to see if they have what it takes.”

  He gave me a curious look; it was a mixture of appraisal and question. “Are you happy to become a jarl yet?”

  “I am not ready, father. I will tell you when I feel I have earned the right. Besides we are still a small community. How are Eric and Harald doing?”

  “They are both planning a raid on the Hibernians in the summer. Jarl Harald was emboldened by his raid to destroy Tadgh’s ship and your comments about their poor quality of warriors means he can take warriors who have yet to be blooded and know they have a good chance of returning safely with booty.”

  “It will be hardly worth the effort.”

  “Jarl Harald has many young men and he must train them to be warriors. He needs to earn the respect of the others. You have garnered all the glory up until now. Do not begrudge Jarl Harald the same opportunity. This will suffice and Jarl Eric still smarts over the kidnap of his sister. He wishes to punish them.”

  “And you, Prince Butar, do you have plans to raid?”

  He gave me a smile which made him look years younger. “I think we will pay the Saxons another visit. Their land is rich and I have heard that they all worship the White Christ now. It makes them weaker warriors. This time we will raid the land a little further north. Will you come?”

  “If my ship is repaired and if there are enough men left to protect my family then you shall have my sword.”

  There was a noise at the door and Olaf stood there, “What’s this I hear about you trying to rip out the keel of your ship? Did I teach you nothing about sailing?” He came over and gave me a bear hug. “I am pleased that you are safe.”

  “’Wolf’ did well. There were three Saxon ships trying to take us and we flew like the wind. The waters around the southern coast are treacherous.”

  Both older warriors nodded. “Aye they are. I will come in the morning and look at your boat. She will be out of the water by then?”

  “She should be out by the time I get home tonight.”

  Both men looked disappointed. “You do not stay then?”

  “I can see that neither of you have a wife who is with child and without husband! I dare not tarry.”

  Olaf laughed, “I am glad that I have chosen the life of a bachelor. I answer only to Prince Butar and myself. That is how I like it.”

  My stepfather loo
ked sad. “I would trade all this for my wife returned to me.”

  I suddenly felt guilty, “I am sorry Prince Butar I …”

  He held up his hand, “Do not walk around me as though I am an invalid. Your words were true. Return to your wife and I will visit and bring Eurwen with me too. She would like to see her brother again.”

  The next day was a joyous one. I suddenly felt important. Olaf and Prince Butar did not come alone. They brought eight young warriors who wished to serve on board ‘Wolf’. Two of them were older than me but they still wished to learn to be warriors like me. None had mail but all had a good helmet, a shield and a sword. Their eyes danced enviously between my wolf cloak and my sword. I wondered if, some day, my fame would be my undoing. It seems the whole world had heard of the sword touched by the gods. We left Eurwen with Erica while we went to inspect the damaged drekar. A boat out of the water can be an ugly thing but not ’Wolf’. I still thought that the drekar looked ready to leap into the air and fly.

  I could see that the rocks had not punctured the hull they had struck it so hard that the nails had popped out. Olaf nodded when he saw it. “You were unlucky that is all. I can repair it.” He stroked his beard. “When I was raiding down close to Africa I spoke with a warrior who told me of a wood they have down there that can soak up water and yet float. It is a soft wood called cork. I think if we got some and packed it close to the hull it would mean you could still sail even if you had a hole.”

  I liked that idea and I also wish to travel further south and investigate the warmer regions. I had heard that the land around Africa had gold tumbling from its rivers as well as valuable spices. A drekar like ‘Wolf’ could make a fortune carrying the spices which weighed little but cost the earth.

  I left Olaf and Harold to repair the ship. Snorri and Scanlan were waiting patiently for me. I had searched through my chests earlier to find the wooden sword which Ragnar had made me make. I threw it to the ground. “Here is your first piece of training. I want you to make a sword like this which you feel you can handle.”

  Seara was standing nearby. Snorri looked confused “You will find an axe and a knife over there. Use them. I will see you tomorrow when you have made a weapon such as this.”

  Scanlan looked at me. “Lord, who made this?”

  I smiled, “I did when I was just a little older than Aiden.”

  The rest of the day I spent with my family and Eurwen who loved playing with Arturus and being fussed by Erica. I knew that Erica was not seeing my little sister, but her unborn child. It was good to watch Prince Butar as a doting father. Since my mother had been taken from us he had had slaves to look after his daughter. Maewe and Seara were more than slaves; they were like family. Seara had fitted seamlessly into our lives. She was older than Erica and had become the big sister my wife had never had. Having spoken to Seara I knew that she gained more than they did for she could not have children and suddenly she had this extended family. I would trust Seara with not only my life but that of my children. She had had her future ripped from her and she would defend my family with her life.

  By the time my stepfather and Olaf left, many days after they arrived, I felt I had recovered from the trauma of our journey and the closeness of death. ‘Wolf’ was healed and would sail again. Scanlan and Aiden had not found the process of making a sword easy but I knew they had learned from it. I saw the discarded early versions. The ones they practised with were well balanced and finely finished. They were learning that a sword was more than a piece of metal. You put part of yourself into it; even a wooden one. I wondered if I should ask them to make a shield but decided that that task would be one for a later time.

  The next month was a pleasant time of my life. My wife became larger as did the number of my warriors. I found more men wishing to serve with me. Scanlan and Snorri came on in leaps and bounds. Snorri grew almost daily and soon he and Scanlan were having bouts which tested them both as well as leaving them both black and blue.

  Haaken and Cnut took it upon themselves to train the new men and they had high standards. One of them, Dargh, came to me after three weeks. “Lord, I wish to serve you but I cannot be the warrior that Cnut wishes me to be.” I knew that Cnut could be short with the men and would not allow any deviation from his standards. He looked distraught.

  “They mean well but they are looking for warriors who can be Ulfheonar.”

  “I can be a warrior my lord but not an Ulfheonar.” He looked unhappy. “I have not the skills.”

  I nodded. Scanlan and Snorri were nearby. “You two, bring me your swords.” They handed over their weapons and I gave one to Dargh. “Have a go at me.”

  He looked hesitant and I swung the wooden sword hard at his knee. It cracked and made Scanlan wince. It stiffened Dargh and he swung his sword at my head. It was not a clumsy blow but I saw it coming and I countered it easily. I made a move to his head and he smacked the wooden sword away. We sparred for some time and I saw him sweating. He would never be an Ulfheonar but he would make a warrior who could defend my settlement.

  “You will never be Ulfheonar.” His shoulders sagged, “But you could be the warrior who protects the hill and my town.”

  He suddenly brightened. “You are not just being kind my lord?”

  “No. You have skills. I need warriors who can stay here while my men and I are raiding and watch our families. It is a great responsibility. Will you accept it?”

  He knelt, “I will my lord.”

  “There is a warrior hall in the castle on the hill. At the moment you will be the only occupant. Until we get others you will guard that alone but I will send more men to aid you as they are sent to me. When there are enough you will organise them so that they can watch the port and the hill.”

  I thought that he would burst into tears. He gave a bow and then raced up the hill. He was the first of my town guards. I told Haaken and Cnut to send me all the men who were not good enough to be Ulfheonar. Soon Dargh had ten men under his command and he made sure that they were the best trained men in Hrams-a. He took his new post and responsibility very seriously. For myself I now had the satisfaction of knowing that my family would be safe when I sailed across the seas.

  As the days grew longer so did the desire of my warriors to go raiding. I had given my word to Prince Butar that I would go with him but I was tempted to take my little ship and try somewhere alone. Fortunately a message came to prepare to sail to Duboglassio in two day’s time. Erica was a little unhappy as she was in that stage of pregnancy when tears are frequent. Seara and Maewe came into their own and they chivvied and joked Erica into becoming happy about it. We had so many Ulfheonar that I was able to leave six men to help Dargh and his eight men. Hrams-a would be safe. Scanlan and Snorri persuaded me to take them. They both accepted that they would be useless but both wished to learn how to serve with warriors. I made sure they both had a helmet and they both had their first shield. I hoped that they would both return but I was not sure.

  This was the first time we had sailed ‘Wolf’ since her repair and I was pleased with the way she handled. The short crossing helped me to trim her rowers and make her fly. Aiden and Eric appeared to get on well. I saw Snorri casting a critical eye over their performance but he could not find fault with either of them.

  This would be Prince Butar’s cruise and we followed. I was happy to do so. Whatever we found would help my people at home and I would find out the mettle of my new warriors. The new Ulfheonar, who had no wolf cloaks, were excited to be travelling to the mainland where they might be able to kill their own wolf. I did not think they would be returning with such cloaks but they could dream.

  We headed north east towards the land we had travelled to years earlier. Prince Butar knew that the Saxon hold on this land was tenuous at best and it was a rich land. We were not seeking glory, we were seeking riches. Saxons were known to love gold and to be richer than almost any other people. Now that they had become followers of the White Christ their churches, too were fi
lled with gold and precious metals. We could make our people richer at little cost to ourselves.

  It had been some time since we had sailed together and we had many new men on board. The rowing helped to bond them into a well trained and drilled band. Cnut and Haaken sang and soon they were all in the rhythm. Every bench was filled and we had four spare warriors, as well as Snorri and Scanlan so that we could relieve benches if we needed. It was not a long crossing making it unlikely that we would need to do so. Soon we were rowing up a wide estuary which promised much. It also meant that we could sail out boats up the river and find targets who felt themselves safe from raiders. We had seen the mountains to the north and knew that was where we had found wolves all those years ago.

  Prince Butar was looking for slaves and animals. The slaves we could either use or sell on. There was always a ready market for slaves. This land did not produce grain but the sheep and cattle were renowned for their meat. We would take back a bull and a cow while slaughtering the rest. The sheep we would capture. We were all confident. No-one had raided this land before and it promised to be fruit ripe for the plucking. The Saxons who lived there were protected by the mountains in the middle of the country and ranges to the north and the south. The king of this land lived far to the east and the north. There would be no warriors to come hunting us.

  I left Scanlan and Snorri with Aiden and Eric to guard the boat. They were not happy about the task but none of them were warriors. They had to learn the discipline of obeying orders. The estuary meant that they could fish and they did not have to worry overmuch about tides. Prince Butar left eight men with his ship. This was my stepfather’s raid and we followed him and his men inland.

  This was verdant country. It was green, rolling and full of growth. We sought a settlement. Prince Butar halted the column of men and waved me forward.

  “I think it is time to find some Saxons to rob.” I grinned. This was where the Ulfheonar came into their own. My men eagerly followed me in a double file. We ranged ahead of the main warrior band. We knew how to find where people lived. People need a hill for security and water. They sought a site with both for obvious reasons. We just followed the water courses. One line of warriors followed the water and the second line was a mile or so uphill of them. We had found this to be an effective way of discovering villages and farms. Half a day inland and we found our first one.


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