Viking Warrior

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Viking Warrior Page 15

by Griff Hosker

  Everyone laughed at the two warriors who took the banter in good part. The food and the ale flowed but I was mindful of Erica’s warning and I was careful. After the pies and the roasts there was the usual lull while we all drank and made room for the next course. Strangely a silence descended almost as though it had been arranged that way.

  Cnut stood, “Dragon Heart, we were abandoned to die in the land of the Saxons by a jarl without honour. We are your oathsworn and we have decided to teach the jarl and his cowards a lesson. We will not allow this to continue.”

  Everyone applauded and Cnut sat down looking very pleased with himself. I stood and smiled back at them. “This will be a fine trick if you can manage it.”

  Poor Cnut looked confused, “What do you mean?”

  “Have you learned to walk on water?”

  “Well no.”

  “Then how do you propose to get to Wales which is where Jarl Harald is at present raiding?” The whole room deflated. I had seen this before where warriors whip themselves up into blood frenzy. Had Jarl Harald not been in Wales they would have stormed over to his settlement and a blood bath would have ensued. “Thank you Cnut and the rest of you but I can still make my own decisions. I will hear what Jarl Harald has to say. He is a jarl and deserves the opportunity to speak and explain his actions. I would do no less for any of you.”

  I heard Haaken shout, “He has no answer!”

  “Mind reading now old friend, eh?” He subsided. “Prince Butar will convene a meeting of the jarls and we will ask for an explanation. Then and only then will I make my decision but I am more than capable of fighting my own battles.”

  They all sank into their seats and looked as sad as could be. “However I can tell you that as soon as this matter is resolved then I intend to raid a monastery in Northumbria. It promises great treasure. I would prefer to take all of you so don’t take it into your heads to do something you will regret.”

  That brightened them up and when the next course was brought they all became their old selves. Cnut and Haaken were intrigued. “Is this a different monastery?”

  “It is and I have discovered that there is more treasure where the crown came from.” I told them of my mother’s connection and what I had found from the priests.

  “This is the work of the sisters again. They are spinning their threads.”

  I nodded. “And now I see that the finding of the crown was as important as lightning striking my sword. There are higher forces at work.”

  I spent the next few days working with Scanlan and Snorri. They had both improved in the past weeks and were well on the way to becoming warriors. Poor Aiden watched wistfully from the side. He had enjoyed working with Scanlan in the forge and now he was excluded.

  A messenger came from Prince Butar; Jarl Harald had returned and I was summoned to Duboglassio. Cnut and Haaken insisted upon coming with me. In fact all of the Ulfheonar wished to attend but I forbade all but Cnut and Haaken. “I do not want to be responsible for destroying this island. I promise I will do all that I need to do.”

  They were satisfied that I was taking two comrades but I saw them all sharpening weapons at the forge. There was much anger.

  We took ponies to make the journey quicker. I was pleased to see that there were many more families farming along the road to Duboglassio. I did not know them all but occasionally I would recognise the face of someone who had once lived in one of the villages. This was truly a perfect place for us and I thanked all the gods again for directing us here. I was quiet and did not speak much with my friends because I was thinking of Rheged. My mother had been taken not far from where we rode. It was close enough to be there in a morning by boat. Her journey had been a circle and I knew that it was not an accident. It had happened for a reason and that reason was to bring me here. The question was, what was I to do now that I had returned? Was I to complete the circle and return to the land south of the Dee? Or was the circle to take me back to the land of Rheged in the north? I realised that I had never set foot in that land although I had seen it many times as I sailed up and down the coast.

  As soon as we reached the town we were whisked to Prince Butar’s Hall. He and Olaf greeted me with huge smiles. “It is good to see you again.”

  “I thought we would have been staying in the warrior hall.”

  Prince Butar and Olaf exchanged a guilty look. “No, that will be too crowded and besides you are family.”

  I shook my head, “Cnut and Haaken are not family. You want me here because you do not trust me.”

  “That is not true. You have given your word but I wish to avoid bloodshed before we meet and there is enough bad feeling as it is.” His face pleaded with me. “Please, do this for my sake and the memory of your mother.”

  “Very well.” We took our weapons into the large room used by the guards for the hall. We knew the others well and had fought alongside them. All of them were vitriolic in their condemnation of Jarl Harald. I still could not fathom his motives but, if what my stepfather had said was true, then he was building up his war band and there had to be a reason for that. You needed to be either wealthy or successful to have a large retinue and Jarl Harald was neither. Then I thought back to the other raids we had been on; he had always stayed on the island to protect it. It was only latterly that he had tried to emulate Eric and me. A glimmer of an idea crept into my mind. Perhaps I did know what motivated the jarl.

  The meeting was held in the area Prince Butar used for eating. Each jarl was allowed two men to advise him. I sat between Cnut and Haaken. Eric and his two warriors were on the left of me and Prince Butar to the right. Olaf was next to him so that there was a space for Jarl Harald. He was late. The rest of us chatted. We were all old comrades and I had fought alongside all of the men in the room. We were comfortable in each other’s company. I had been friendly with Jarl Harald but now I remembered things which jarred. He always seemed to be a little distant with me. I thought about him in battle. I had not seen him draw his sword at the monastery. This was a puzzle but slowly the pieces were dropping into place.

  When they finally did arrive he had with him two warriors I did not recognise. They had not been on the monastery raid. Both scowled at the assembled jarls and oathsworn. Jarl Harald assiduously avoided looking in my direction. I watched him carefully.

  Prince Butar stood. “We are gathered here today so that certain issues can be resolved.” Every eye was on Harald who seemed distracted. Prince Butar was becoming annoyed; I could see it in his stance and hear it in his voice. “Jarl Harald you said that when you left after the last raid that Dragon Heart and his two companions were lost.”

  “Why is he here? He is not a jarl. And why does he have the ridiculous title of Dragon Heart. He is Garth the son of a slave.”

  If he had wanted to light a fire in the room he could not have chosen a better means. Everyone else was on his feet clamouring and shouting. I saw a sly look exchanged between Jarl Harald and his two companions. My fears were now confirmed; I knew exactly what he was doing and I remained silent.

  Eventually my step father restored order. “Dragon Heart is here because he is a jarl in all but name. I offered him the title but he said he was not ready. Answer the question.”

  He shrugged, “I waited.”

  I felt Cnut move forward and I restrained him. I stood and looked him directly in the eye. “You lie.”

  I could see from the triumphant look in his eyes that he thought he had won. He had not. I knew he wanted to appear to be the one transgressed against. “There is only one way to settle this. Combat to the death.”

  My stepfather and the others smiled. They did not know what I did; the jarl would not be fighting. I had never seen him fight. I had never seen him lead. One of the two mercenaries next to him would be the one to fight me and when I was dead the jarl would claim Hrams-a. He would own half of the settlements and, with a larger army, would take over Man. I did not know how long he had been planning it. I suspected not long for
it was only after the failed Hibernian raid that he changed. A horrible thought entered my head. I hid it in the dark recesses. I needed all of my concentration now.

  “And of course, Jarl Harald, because I am not a jarl then you cannot fight me. You will nominate a champion.” The smile was wiped from his face and a scowl appeared. I had spoiled his surprise. “And of course it will be one of these two animals you have brought with you.” That really angered them and I saw their faces fill with hate.

  Prince Butar looked at me as though I was a witch. Then he looked back at Jarl Harald. “Is this true?”

  “That I will not fight with him because he was a slave who should never have been made a warrior? The answer is yes. And I have the right to do so. Of course he can forfeit, leave the island and I will have the settlement you so generously gave him.”

  The room erupted again. I took the opportunity of speaking to Cnut and Haaken. “Keep your eyes on those two. I do not trust them.”

  Cnut said, “I have seen them before.” He paused, “They were with Tadgh in Hibernia.”

  I looked over and saw that he was right. I did recognise them and the thought I had had before reappeared; Tadgh was at the back of this. He must have met with the jarl when he raided Hibernia. Now I could see the change in Harald. Tadgh had always been able to get others to do his work for him.

  The prince regained silence. He stood and glowered at the warriors around the table. When it was calm again he said, “And if I do not agree to this…”

  “Then perhaps it is time for a new leader.”

  I could see men going for their swords. I stood and shouted, “Enough! I will fight with whichever of these animals the jarl wishes me to but when I kill him jarl, what then?”

  I could see that the thought had not crossed his mind. He had been persuaded that Tadgh’s man would kill me. “Why I…”

  “Let me explain it a little better than the snake Tadgh did. He told you that if I lost you would have Hrams-a. So if you lose…”

  “I won’t.”

  “If you lose?”

  “Then I will leave Man for it will either be my island or I will have nothing to do with it.” Jarl Harald was not the cleverest of men and Tadgh’s arguments had supposed that we would have begun fighting already. I knew that the next hours would be the most dangerous for me and my people.

  I was happy and I smiled. It was out in the open now. I knew what I would have to do. If I won then Jarl Harald would leave and we would be safe from internal treachery. I would have to win or my family and everyone that I loved would lose their homes and possibly their lives. I was fighting for Man.

  Chapter 14

  Prince Butar came to me while the area for the combat was being cleared. Cnut and Haaken were with him. “Let me make you a jarl now, my son. Harald is no fighter.”

  “I know which is why I must defeat his champion. Harald will lose face with his men and we will achieve the same object. Harald is working for Tadgh.”

  I had surprised my step father. “How do you know?”

  “We recognised the two warriors he has with him. They were in Hibernia.” I turned to Haaken. “Get back to Hrams-a and bring ‘Wolf’ and a crew.” I saw the question rising in his throat. “I think that Harald or Tadgh, or both will try a surprise attack here. They have the leaders of the island all together without their warbands and if we were killed…” I let him finish the sentence in his head.

  “I will return quickly and I will send our people to the hill.”

  I thanked the gods for sending me Dargh. He and his warriors would protect my family. Jarl Eric joined us and I could see that he was fuming too. “What a treacherous snake and to think I sailed with him.”

  Prince Butar told him our news and that annoyed him even more. “I will send for my ship and men too.”

  “I would leave them where they are for the other trick may be to attack our homes while we are here. If they come they will come by sea and my ship can trap them. Besides we have the best warriors here already.” I pointed to Olaf who was storming around with his two oathsworn. Olaf was old fashioned and this treachery was beyond his comprehension. Jarl Harald had broken his oath and there was no punishment strong enough for that.

  He came over to us. “When you have killed his man, make sure you kill him too. He has no honour and does not deserve to live.” I nodded and he put his gnarled old arm around me. “Ragnar will watch over you. The gods will not allow you to die.” I hoped he was right but I knew how precocious and unpredictable they could be.

  Cnut and I went to my room to don my armour and weapons. He smiled as the byrnie slipped over my shoulders. “It is lucky you had this cleaned and repaired. And you had Ragnar’s Spirit sharpened. Tell me you did not know of this?”

  “I knew, or perhaps felt, that something was wrong but I did not know what it was.”

  Cnut rummaged around in my war gear and brought out a sheepskin we used to protect my sword. He ripped it in two and then stuffed each piece under my mail shirt and over my shoulders. “What is this for?”

  “He is bigger than you and he has a skeggox with a spike. It will take the force of a blow and yet will not weigh you down. Do not underestimate this animal. He has a cunning look about him. I did as you asked and watched the two of them. They are planning something.”

  “You mean a trick like they pulled when I fought Tadgh?”

  “It could be but they know we will be watching for that. Watch his eyes and remember he has two hands.”

  I nodded and stuffed a seax down each of my leggings. My shield had been repaired and strengthened but this would be the first combat I had used it since it had been damaged. This would be a sterner test than I might have planned for it. Finally Cnut placed my helmet and mail cowl over my head. I touched the wolf token at my neck. Now that I knew of its history it was an even more powerful symbol of protection. I came from a line of wolf warriors. The Saxons had a word for this, wyrd.

  We left the hall and walked out into the sunlight. The warriors and jarls were in a circle. I had learned the name of the warrior I was to fight, it was Tucsem and he was waiting with eager anticipation. He had, like me, a well made shield and, as well as his sword he had a skeggox which had a wicked spike where the beard should be. It looked as though he had had the weapon specially made. He would know how to use it. I had never even seen a weapon like that let alone fought someone wielding one. There would be skill needed to use such a weapon and, perhaps, he had tricks which only he knew. I would learn much this day, if I survived.

  As I passed Prince Butar he slapped me on the back. “You will beat him and remember your mother and my father watch over you. Be true to your heart.” I moved towards my foe. Everyone was well out of range.

  I adjusted the shield on my left arm and I turned my sword in my hand; the balance was perfect and it felt right. Cnut had been correct, this man was a hand span taller than I was and a little broader. He could strike from further away. His skeggox was also longer. I would have to find a way to get inside his swing. It was then that I saw his gloves. Not only were they mailed, they had spikes on the knuckles. His hands would be deadly weapons too. As I approached, I looked to where the second warrior was. He was directly behind his friend but, more importantly closer to the gate. He would have to wait until the combat was over and either I would be dead or able to do something about it. His position was not an accident. Jarl Harald stood close to him.

  Tucsem grunted and then grinned at me. He had many teeth missing and his mouth looked like a mountain cavern. “I will enjoy killing you, little man. Jarl Harald has promised me your pretty little wife. She will soon find what it is to have a real man between her legs.”

  I knew that he was trying to provoke me. Even if he did kill me he would never have my wife. The Ulfheonar would avenge me. “Why? It is well known that those who follow Tadgh prefer the company of a little boy’s arse.”

  My barb proved more effective than his. I also had confirmed that Ta
dgh had sent him. He moved deceptively quickly for a big man. He swung overhand with his spiked axe and, had I not spun away, my helmet and head would have been in two parts. As I turned around I saw that his swing had been so powerful that the blade was in the hard ground. As he pulled at it I slashed at the back of his leg and saw my sword come away red.

  He screamed in pain and turned to face me. “You will find out what kind of man I am when this spike meets your body.”

  He had turned the weapon around and he swung it in a flat horizontal arc. The spike almost tore my shield from arm. If I had not held it as tightly as I did I would have lost my shield. He did not give me the chance to recover and he tried to punch me with his own shield. Instead of standing up to him I allowed myself to be turned around and I let him close with me. His face appeared just above my left shoulder. I pulled my head back and butted him in the face. The force was so great that his nasal bent as his nose erupted in a mess of blood and cartilage. He was forced to step back.

  I went on the offensive. I feinted with my sword and when he put his shield up I punched with the boss of my shield. I stamped down on the foot of his injured leg and he had to step back again. All the time he was moving backwards he could not swing his deadly weapon. I punched with the hilt of my sword and heard him wince. He showed his cunning by twisting and leaving his foot before him. I tumbled over it. I was going to fall anyway and so I rolled. It was as well that I did. Had I just fallen then his spike would have impaled my leg. He swung it as I dropped. As it was I was helpless on the ground and he roared towards me. I swung my sword along the floor and he was forced to jump. I took the opportunity of getting to my feet. That is harder to do in mail armour than one might imagine and he closed the gap and smashed his axe down on to my shield. It was such a mighty blow that my arm was numbed. I was not even sure if it wasn’t broken. I stepped back to get my breath and to work out my next move.


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