Halstead, Beverly
Hanke, G. F.
Hardin Shale
Harding Formation
Hardy, Ollie
Harley, John
Harris, Anita
Harris, Leonard
Hartin, Ralph
Hass, Wilbert; death of; internal supports; microscopy; stratigraphy; taxonomy; Treatise
Hearty, John
Hede,J. E.
Helmerson, Gregor von
Helms, Joachim
Heuvel, Jacob Adrien van
Hibbard, Raymond
Hinde, George Jennings; American study; assemblage; Germany; hagfish; Scotland; worm
Hitchings, Victor
Hofker, Jan
Holmes, Grace
Horner, Jack
House, Michael
Hubrecht, Ambrosius
Huckriede, Reinhold
Huddle, John
Humboldt, Alexander von
Hussakof, Louis
Husserl, Edmond
Huxely, Thomas
Illinois, University of
Illinois State Geological Survey
Indiana Geological Survey
Indiana University
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
International Geological Correlation Programme
International Paleontological Association
Iowa, University of
Ireviken Event
Jaczewski, Tadeusz
Janvier, Philippe
Jarvik, Erik
jaws; chaetognath; Cooper's; Cullison's; fish; lack of; problem of; worm
Jefferies, Richard
Jeppsson, Lennart; apparatus; ecology; events; methods; ocean model; teeth
Johnson, David
Jones, Daniel
Journal of Paleontology
Jurassic conodonts
Kansas Geological Survey
Kear, Amanda
Kellwasser Event
Kemp, Anne
Keyserling, Alexander von
Kindle, Edward
Kirk, Stuart Raeburn
Klapper, Gil
Kluessendorf, Joanne
Kockel, Carl Walter
Kohut, Joe
Konishi, Kenji
Kovács-Endrödy, Eva
Krejsa, Richard
Kurtén, Björn
Lalicker, Cecil
lamprey. See also cyclostome, fish
Landing, Ed
Lane, Richard
Lange, Frederico Waldemar
Lange, Friedrich-George
Leicester, University of
Lesley, Joseph Peter
Lexington Limestone
Lindström, Maurits; acids; animal; anti-utilitarian; asteroids; Cambrian conodonts; career; Cretaceous conodonts; conodont elements; Conodonts; ecology; provinces; Rosetta Stone paper; SEM; stratigraphy; symmetry transitions; taxonomy; utilitarianism; white matter
Little Big Horn, Battle of
Loomis, Frederic
Lower, Jean
Lowry, D. C.
Ludlow Bone Bed
Macfarlane, John Muirhead
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Mann, Thomas
Männik, Peep
Marburg, Philipps University of: conodont school; SEM; taxonomy meeting
Marsh, Othniel C.
Martinsson, Anders
Mashkova, Tamara
McConnell, Duncan
McLaren, Digby
McPhee, John
Mehl, Maurice. See also Branson, Edwin Bayer
Melton, William; animal discoveries; Scottish premonition; revised
Melville, Richard
Merrill, Glen
Meyendorff, Casimir de
Meyer, Ron
Michel, Helen
Michigan, University of
Michigan State University
micropaleontology Mikulic, Don
Miller, A. K.
Miller, Hugh
Miller, James
Minnesota, University of Missouri, University of
Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy
mollusk Montana, University of
Montana Geological Survey
Moore, Charles
Moore, Raymond C.
Morgan, Thomas Hunt
Morrow, Jared
Morse, Edward
Mosher, Cameron
Müller, Klaus; acids; assemblages; Cambrian; career; Cretaceous; Devonian; ecology; microscopy; relations with Walliser; taxonomy; Treatise.
Murchison, Roderick Impey
Natural History Society of Glasgow
Nease, Felton
nemertean (ribbon worm)
New Albany
Newberry, John Strong
Newell, Norman
Nicholson, Henry
Nicoll, Robert S., apparatus interpreted; collagen; fused clusters
Nogami, Yasuo
Norby, Rod
North American Paleontological Convention
Nottingham, University of
Nowlan, Godfrey
Ochietti, Serge
Odontogriphus. See also animal: Conway Morris's animal
Ohio Geological Survey
Ohio Shale
Ohio State University
Oklahoma, University of
Oklahoma Geological Survey
Orlov, Yuri
ostracoderm. See also fish
Owen, Richard
Palaeontographical Society
Paläontologische Gesellschaft
Paleontological Society
Palmer, Allison R. “Pete,”
Palmer, Doug
Pander, Christian; chemistry; Comparative Osteology; Conodonta; Contributions to Geology; discovery of conodonts; embryology; evolution; fish; Fossil Fishes of the Silurian; microscopy; Murchison; Silurian; taxonomy; teeth; Transition Formation; Trutnev; vertebrate challenge; white matter; worm expertise
Pander Society; Iowa (1968); Michigan (1970); newsletter; Ohio (1969); Vienna (1980); Waterloo (1975)
Pander's Grandchildren
Parker, Angus
Parker, Ian
Peabody, George
Peabody Museum of Natural History
Pedro, August
Pengelly, William
Pilsbry, Henry
Pincus, Howard
plant; affinity; confused with
plate tectonics
Playford, Phillip
Plummer, Helen
Poe, Edgar Allan
Pollock, Charles
Polygnathus; P. dubius
Portage Formation
Pratt Ferry
Priddle, Julian
Purnell, Mark
Ramsay, A. T. S.
Raup, David
Reif, Wolf-Ernst
research community; analysis of; geography; language; politics. See also Pander Society
Rexroad, Carl; animal; clusters; ecology; evolution; provinces
Rhodes, Frank; acids; affinity; career; cluster; natural assemblages; taxonomy; Scott's animal; statistical assemblages; Treatise; wear
Richardson, Eugene
Rickard, Larry
Rickards, Barrie
Riedl, Rupert
Rietschel, Siegfried
Ritchie, Alexander
Rohon, Josef Victor
Rolle, Friedrich
Romer, Alfred S.
Roundy, Paul
Russell, Bertrand
Sabrosky, Curtis
Sandberg, Charles
Sannemann, Dietrich
Sansom, Ivan
scanning electron microscope
Schindewolf, Otto; Handbuch; Kellwasser; supernova
Schmidt, Hermann; natural assemblages; stratigraphy; taxonomy
Schopf, Thomas: recurrent groups; models
Schultze, Hans-Peter
Schütz, Alfred
Scott, Alan J.
Scott, Harold; affinity; animal; background; earthquakes; natural assemblages; oil discovery; taxonomy; utilitarianism
shark. See also fish
sea cucumber
Seddon, George
Sedgwick, Adam
Shaw, Alan
Shelley, Mary
Simpson, George G.
Sinclair, Winston
Sloss, Laurence
Smith, John
Smith, Moya
Smith, Paul: apparatus; Granton animals; vertebrate tissue; Waukesha animal
Smith, William
Sociéte Géologique de France
Society of Economic and Paleontologists and Mineralogists
Soom Shale
Stadt müller, Franz
Stauffer, Clinton; affinity; anatomy; stratigraphy
Stensiö, Erik
Stimpson, William
Stoppel, Dieter
Stosch, Hans-Adolf von
stratigraphy; black shale problem; Cambrian; Carboniferous; Devonian; Index Genera; Mississippian; Ordovician; Pennsylvanian; significance of conodonts; Silurian; Transition Formation; Triassic; utilitarianism. See also contamination, ecology, global events, provincialism
Stronthmann, Freddie
Sweet, Walter C.; career; Conodonta; ecology; natural taxonomy; Ordovician stratigraphy; parataxa; provinces; SEM
Sylvester-Bradley, Peter
Szaniawski, Hubert
Tait, David
Tatge, Ursula
taxonomy; biologic; crinoids; dual system; form names; military system; name proliferation; natural classification; parataxa; pragmatic; sponge precedent; utilitarian; worm precedent; zoological. See also evolution
teeth; chemistry; evolution; form; function; models; similarities to; structure. See also growth, wear
Theron, Hannes
Thorslund, Per Axel
Tillier, Simon
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology; Conodonta; Miscellanea
trilobite; affinity
Trotter, J.
Turco, Caroline
Turner, Susan
Ulrich, Edward Oscar; black shale problem; classification; death; feud with Kindle; fish; not seeing conodonts; Paleozoic revision; Uncle Happy; unorthodoxy; utilitarianism; worm
United States Geological Survey. See U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Geological Survey; Appalachians, in; black shales feud; ecology; expertise; global events; micropaleontology
Valentine, James
Verneuil, Edouard de
vertebrate: affinity; assumed; earliest; indicative structures. See also animal, bone, chordate, dentine, enamel, fish
Viira, Viive
Voges, Adolf
Volborth, Alexander von
Walcott, Charles
Walliser, Otto; sets; Silurian stratigraphy; global events
Ward, David
Warner, Earl
Warthin, Scott
Waterloo, University of
Watson, D. M. S.
Webers, Gerald
Weddige, Karsten
Wells, H. G.
Wetherby, Albert Gallatin
White, David
white matter
Whittington, Harold
Wilde, Pat
Wilkie, Lorna
Williams, Henry
Williams, Jimmy Steele
Williston, Samuel Wendell
Wittekindt, Hans
Wolayer Resolution
worm; affinity; confusion with; separation from; similarity to. See also chaetognath, nemertean
Yalden, Derek
Young, G. C.
Youngquist, Walter
Zaidan, Abe
Zeigler, Willi; career; challenges; Devonian stratigraphy; ecological model; Kellwasser Event; SEM
Zittel, Karl von
SIMON J. KNELL, Professor of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester, is renowned for his innovative studies of fossils as scientific and cultural objects. Previously a museum geologist, Knell's publications include The Making of the Geological Society of London; The Culture of English Geology, 1815–1851; and The Age of the Earth: From 4004 BC to 2002 AD.
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